Chapter 30
S aturday comes so fast, it almost sneaks up on me. Gunnar had asked me on this date a week ago and now it’s finally here. He’s had time to finish all his work and now I’m standing in my room, trying to frantically think of something to wear and also working myself into a panic attack about the situation I’m in.
“They have to be fucking with me,” I say out loud. “They have to be.”
“ Just accept you’re a bad ass bitch ,” Jinx declares. “ Of course three sexy cowboys want you .”
“But why?” I growl, answering her despite knowing she’s not real. Jinx has become sort of my conscious through all of this. “It has to be some sort of sick game to them?”
“ So what if it is? ” Jinx asks, lounging back on the bed. “ Fuck ‘em. Leave with good stories. ”
“I shouldn’t,” I groan.
She sits up on the bed. “ This trip is about you ,” she says. “ It always was. If you don’t fuck at least two cowboys, I’ll consider it a bad trip .”
A knock on the door interrupts the conversation I’m clearly having with myself. When I look at the door and then look back at the bed, Jinx is gone, leaving me to realize I’ve been standing here talking to a ghost. I sigh and move over to the door. When I open it, I’m surprised to find Callie standing on the other side.
“I brought you a banana nut muffin,” she says, holding it up. “Mel said it’s good bribery.”
I laugh and open the door wider. “Come on in, Callie. I’ve been waiting for you to come check things out.”
She steps inside, her eyes wide at the piles of fabrics and my little sewing corner I’ve carved out in the room. “Is that a sheriff outfit?” she asks. “And what is that one?”
“It is,” I nod. I’ve been working on one that’ll fuck with Colt because I apparently like to flirt with danger. “And that one is gonna be a space cowgirl.”
“I love it!” Callie exclaims.
“It’s good you came,” I tell her, digging around in my pile. “I finished the jacket for you, too.”
She squeals and drops the muffin on the table in favor of taking the chrome jacket from my hands. She immediately tugs it on and strikes a pose with a grin. “How do I look?”
“Amazing,” I tell her. “Like you were meant to wear it.”
She giggles. “Betty’s gonna be so jealous.” At my look, she smiles bright. “A girl at school. She’s always trying to outdress me.”
“A bully?” I ask.
She shrugs. “She tried to tell me I’ll never be a fashion designer, but I don’t let that bother me. She’s just mad her daddy ain’t ever home.”
“Oh,” I answer. Because what do you really say to that?
“So. . .” Callie says, turning in a circle. “What are you gonna wear on your date?”
I wince. “He told you about that, huh?”
“Of course he told me. He wanted to make sure I’m okay with it,” she beams. “I like you, Fable. I think you’re cooler than a cucumber.”
Laughter trickles out. “I’m glad you think so,” I answer, but honestly, it means much more to me than she realizes. I do really like Gunnar, even though I still need to have a talk with him. Callie is a sweetheart, and just from her, I can tell her dad is a good man.
Her expression gets serious when she turns to me. “Dad hasn’t been on a date in a really long time,” she begins, her eyes on mine like she’s giving a lecture. I give her my full attention. “He may be awkward, but it’s just because he’s nervous. He really likes you and he doesn’t want to stick his foot in his mouth.”
I smile and take a seat on the bed. “I’ll go easy on him. Promise.”
She nods. “Now, what are you wearing? Because I expect you to look every inch the cowgirl tonight. Trust me, you’re gonna need to.”
We spend the next hour going through clothing options I’ve been making and those I purchased in town. In the end, we settle on a pretty, floor-length western dress I’d made and a large western belt around my waist. Callie helped me add a few cute things to my regular cowgirl hat I bought. In the end, I look every inch a cowgirl she wanted me to be when I pull on my boots.
She steps back and nods her head. “Perfect. He’ll be in love with you before the night is done.”
I blink and hesitate, but before I can say anything, she prances over to the door with a “see you tonight” tossed over her shoulder before she’s gone.
I’m leaving this place soon. Is it really wise to go on this date with Gunnar? Am I making a mistake? It probably isn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done to fall in love with a cowboy. Besides, it’s also against the rules, I think, laughing. But I don’t get much time to worry about it.
Ten minutes later, there’s a knock at my door, and when I open it, Gunnar is standing there with a bouquet of handpicked flowers, a cheesy smile on his face.
Weirdly, there’s another orange sitting on my banister.