Honey Bee Hearts (Green River Hearts #2) 37. Fable 58%
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37. Fable

Chapter 37


T he guys are just as busy the next day, and if I’m honest, I don’t go looking for them this time. I need time to breathe, to process what Gunnar had told me. I know Colt had said the same thing, but I’m surprised they all seem to agree. He said it isn’t normal, so why are they okay with me?

“ What’s not to understand? ” Jinx asks, strolling along beside me. “ Four sexy cowboys want to butter your biscuits. Seems like a great plan .”

I glance at her, but she’s already gone, flickering away as fast as she came. It’s the first time she’s appeared today, and I’m thinking it’s because of how distracted I am with the new information. I don’t know what I should be doing. Do I just. . . act cavalier with them? Do I pretend it never happened? Rhett made it clear it wasn’t happening again and he’s purposely avoided me since yesterday. He didn’t even come to dinner or breakfast, either coming before or after me. Part of me was stung by that, but also another part was relieved I didn’t have to face his smug expression in front of Gunnar.

I’m out in the yard with Jethro when Dolly finds us. The large bloodhound is a friendly girl, but it’s unusual to find her without Colt. I wonder if he had to go into town or something. Still, I immediately stop and show her some love, and then show Jethro love when he demands equal attention.

“What are you doing out here?” I ask Dolly. “Your daddy busy?” I pat her on her head. “He’s been too busy for me, too.”

Dolly whoofs happily and leans against me, nearly knocking me down. Laughing, I shower her with love, rubbing her long ears and her nose when he shoves it into my hand. She hangs out with Jethro and me for a few minutes, demanding belly rubs and attention, before she stands up and starts to walk away. I assume we’re dismissed, but she stops after a few steps and looks back at me.

“What?” I ask, tilting my head. “What’s wrong?”

She boofs and takes a few more steps before looking back again.

I frown. If that isn’t a “follow me” then I don’t know what is.

“You want me to follow you, Dolly?” I ask, as if she understands me. When she boofs again, I take it as a yes. Who am I to question a bloodhound demanding action?

“Alright, alright,” I tell her, moving to follow. “Where are we going?”

Dolly immediately sniffs at the air and leads the way. She’d found us out in the pasture, but as she drags us back in, I realize quickly she’s not taking us to the big house where Mel is probably cooking like I expect. Instead, she’s leading us toward the barn.

I frown. “What is it, girl? Where are we going?”

She doesn’t answer of course. She’s a dog. But she does boof again and continue to lead us around the barn and to the back door. She reaches it before me, turns and looks at me, and sits down with another boof.

“What are you trying to tell me?” I ask, reaching for the door handle. Locked, just as it’s always been. The first rule of Circle Bee is to respect locked doors, but here is Dolly, sitting here, telling me to go inside. “I don’t understand,” I tell her. “It’s locked, Dolly.”

She boofs again and claws at the door.

“I can’t open it. It’s locked,” I repeat. For her benefit, I try to knob again, tugging on it as if that’ll help it open. “See?”

My frown deepens when she scratches again, and I study the door closer. I don’t know what’s behind the door. The only time I’ve seen it open is when. . . when the black cars are here. I slowly turn and look at Dolly, studying her.

“You tryin’ to tell me something, Dolly?” I ask, looking her over. Colt had said she’s a retired police dog. What kind did he say she was? Rescue? No, I would have remembered that. “What do you want me?—”

“There you are, Dolly,” Colt interrupts, appearing out of nowhere. “I’ve been looking for you.”

I tense immediately, because I’m standing beside a locked door, and I don’t want anyone to think I was trying to break the rules, but Colt’s expression is anything but angry.

“I assumed you went somewhere and that’s why she came and found me,” I explain. I’m suddenly nervous, but why? There’s no reason for me to be.

Colt looks up at me, his eyes flicking between me and the door. “What are you doin’ over here, Annie Oakley?”

“Oh, Um, Dolly was asking to be let inside the door, but I told her it’s locked,” I supply, hoping that’s enough for now.

Colt’s eyes level with mine. “That door is always locked,” he points out.

“I know.”

“So why try it now?” he asks.

Suspicion starts to fester, and I narrow my eyes. “Why wouldn’t I try it?” I ask. “Dolly asked to be let in. I assumed you could be inside.”

He hums under his breath, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Of course.”

I glance at Dolly where she sits, alert, and start to try to put the puzzle pieces together. “What kind of dog did you say Dolly was in the police force again?”

“The kind bad at her job,” he answers before grabbing my shoulder and directing me away. “She was never very good.”

Dolly’s ears perk as if she’s listening. “That’s rude to say in front of her,” I grunt.

“She doesn’t know what I’m saying,” he argues. “Now, go on before I start asking you to tell me about your time out with the bees.”

I flush and stumble forward a step. “But what about Dolly?”

“Don’t worry about her,” he says. “I’ve got her.”

I stare at him over my shoulder, my brows furrowed. He stands in front of the door, as if he could hide it from my view. What the fuck is he hiding?

What the fuck is going on?

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