Chapter 41
T wo days later, I wake up feeling lonelier than ever. I’m twenty-seven today. I wasn’t supposed to be here alone. Jinx and I would have woken up excited. There would have been a cake and flowers because we always gave each other flowers for our birthdays. The weirdest bouquet I could find for Jinx. Sunflowers for me. Then we would have gotten drunk and had the time of our lives in town. Instead, I’m on Circle Bee alone. The guys have mostly avoided me the last two days, and if I’m being honest, I haven’t searched them out either. I’m still angry, but it’s muted now.
Gunnar was right. It’s not really any of my business. I’m not dating any of them and I’m leaving in less than a week.
I look around the cabin. I have stuff strewn across the room, outfits hanging on every available hook. I’ve run out of room. Over by the sewing table, a pile of outfits and items I’ve been working on sit there, including some leather armor for Jethro with a matching hand tooled collar. I want him to have something from me when I leave.
The dog in question lays over on the other bed, his eyes watching me as I study the room. I’ve started letting him inside. Otherwise, he sits on my porch. Colt said he refuses to sleep back in the kennels while I’m here, and I can’t stand the thought of him being outside alone, so here he is.
“Some birthday this is,” I tell him sadly.
“ Start the day with a drink. End it with a cock ,” Jinx announces from the corner. Her plan for every birthday since we were nineteen. “ That’s the only way to do it .”
When I look over at her, she’s not quite there, and then she fades completely, leaving me to stare at the urn sitting on the mantel.
“I miss you,” I tell the urn. “I miss you so fucking much, Jinxie.”
She doesn’t answer, and that only serves to remind me of just how lonely I actually am. This will be the first birthday I’ll spend alone since I was a kid. Jinx was always there, was always with me. Now, she’s not. She’ll never be with me again.
I drag myself over to my outfits, studying them, but none of them speak to me today. I could be a cosmic cowgirl again, a wild west sharpshooter, a variety of different western outfits, but ultimately I decide to go simple. I pull on a pair of jeans, my boots, a t-shirt, and my regular cowgirl hat. I add a large belt buckle and look in the mirror. Simple, but still me, still in theme. Nodding in satisfaction, I hesitate before I go out the door.
What will breakfast be like? I hadn’t told anyone when my birthday was, so no one will know. I don’t know if I prefer it that way or not, but I’m about to find out how I feel about it.
I tap my thigh for Jethro, and he comes running off the bed with a happy bark. The moment I open the door, he shoots out of it to chase the little black birds sitting in the yard to catch the early morning bugs. I smile at the sight before going over to the big house, walking slowly, my chest aching with every step.
I’m twenty-seven and no better off for it.
Sighing, I stop at the screen door, my hand on the handle, before I take a deep breath and pull it open. The house is quiet when I enter, and I frown. It’s never quiet.
“Hello?” I call. No one answers. I step into the dining room and?—
“Happy birthday!” everyone screams, surprising me so bad I stumble and nearly trip over my own feet.
I stare with wide eyes at the entirety of Circle Bee Ranch cramped into one room. Rhett claps and whistles. Gunnar stands beside him with Callie, both grinning. Colt watches me carefully, a smile on his face, and even Trent stands with his arms crossed against the wall. Everyone I’ve spent the last three weeks with is in this room, their eyes bright, their smiles wide.
“There’ll be a cake for later,” Mel announces. “But for now, enjoy this stack of birthday pancakes.” He brings over a plate of sprinkle pancakes, birthday candles shoved into the top of them. “We couldn’t let you think we forgot your birthday,” he adds fondly when I stare at the lit candles.
The surprise wears off and I stand there, tears starting to well in my eyes. They knew. They all knew the whole time.
Rhett seems to be the first one to realize my reaction isn’t tears of happiness. His eyes widen in panic as the first tears fall, but he doesn’t reach for me. He’s been avoiding me since we slept together. Instead, he elbows Gunnar who immediately leaps forward to wrap me in his arms.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Gunnar rasps, holding me tight as the tears turn into full on sobs.
More arms come around us, and then more, until everyone in the room except for Trent and Rhett are wrapping me in a great big ole hug. That only makes me cry harder.
“Alright, alright,” Rhett says, grinning. “I’ll solve this.”
He throws his arms around the large group and a laugh slips through my sobs. I’ve never felt so. . . It’s never been so. . .
This feels like home.
Ironic considering I have to leave. I never expected to feel so cared for out here on a ranch in Wyoming.
“I’m sorry,” I croak.
“Nonsense,” Mel tells me. “We understand.”
By now, everyone knows my story. Everyone talks out here, the guys would have made sure to mention any pertinent information to the others. I’d even explained it to Mel at some point when he’d handed me a stack of bread recipes a few days ago.
“I just. . . I thought no one would know,” I admit. “I’d planned on today being spent alone.”
Gunnar’s guilty expression flickers for a moment before he whips it away. “If you don’t mind, we’d like to spend the entire day with you, Florida Girl.”
“I know everyone is busy?—”
“Nonsense!” Mel explains. “Today is about you. Rhett has given everyone the day off, but I’m sticking around for a little while until I finish your dinner. We just all wanted to be here for breakfast.”
Tears fill my eyes again. “This means the world to me. I hope y’all know that.” I shake my head. “But how did you know? I didn’t tell anyone.”
Everyone turns to Rhett where he stands with his hands in his pockets. He glances around before meeting my eyes. “It was on the intake form. Jinx requested a special cake for today.”
She flickers against the wall, her image standing beside Trent. A smile pulls at her lips as she looks at everyone in the room.
“ Happy birthday, Everhart. You deserve all this and more ,” she says. She’s gone so fast, I almost miss her, but I don’t miss her words. Trent follows my gaze, glancing to his side, and frowns when he sees nothing there.
“Thank you,” I croak, trying not to lose my cool again and blubber into their arms. And then I sit down at the table, a plate of birthday pancakes in front of me. I blow out the candles when they sing to me, and we all dig into a really good breakfast, laughing and chatting and just enjoying ourselves.
The loneliness in my heart eases. How can anyone be lonely when they’re surrounded by such good company?
Gunnar goes out of his way to wait on me hand and foot, trying to make up for our argument out in the field the other day. Colt watches my every move obsessively. Rhett goes right back to not making eye contact. Trent glances at me every now and then, as if to convince himself I’m still here.
After everyone finishes breakfast, Gunnar stands up and grins. “So, for my present, I thought I’d get something that you’ll actually use.” He wraps his arm around Callie. “We both figured the best thing would be a trip to the craft store with no budget.”
My eyes widen. “You don’t have to do that.”
“We want to,” he argues. “Besides, I’m already letting Callie skip school today so she can come with us. We’re gonna go right after we’re done with breakfast.”
An hour later, I’m in Steele, Gunnar and Callie in tow, as we head to the craft store. I’m conscious of how much I’m spending and try to just pick and choose a few things. Callie has other ideas, however.
“You can’t just pick two things,” she insists. “You need all of these fabrics.”
“Y’all really don’t have to spend that much on me,” I try, fighting the compulsion to pick out all the accessories.
“Don’t worry about us,” Gunnar says as he leans against the counter. “I brought Callie for a reason. She’ll make sure you get plenty of stuff, and then after this, we’ll go to Ugly Mugz and get some coffee. Well, a vanilla bean for Callie. Coffees for us.”
Before it comes time to pay, Gunnar shoos me outside so I can’t hear the price and freak out. I know it’s not cheap, but when he and Callie come out with great big bags full of stuff, I grimace.
“Thank you,” I rasp. “This was literally the sweetest thing ever.”
“We thought about getting you a new sewing machine,” Gunnar admits. “But Callie said the one you have means a lot to you, so we didn’t want to replace it.”
I nod. “Jinx got it for me when we graduated high school. It was our way of celebrating our freedom.” I smile. “My mom kicked me out two days later, so Jinx and I got an apartment together. I sewed our first curtains and our first armor on that thing.”
Gunnar smiles. “I’m glad we didn’t replace it then.”
When we get to Ugly Mugz, Georgia refuses to let me pay for my own coffee and she makes it extra special for me, chocolate sprinkles and all. Already, my day has been amazing. I can’t imagine it getting any better.
But it does.
When we get back to the ranch, it’s to find everyone has already gone home, but there’s a small stack of presents on the table that makes me cry. In fact, I cry through every present, opening them to find such thoughtful gifts as a little crochet bee from Barb, a large loaf of banana bread from Marge, and a new set of sewing needles from Jessie. Mel and George made me a large white chocolate raspberry cake and Mel got me my very own bolo tie with a little bee on it.
“So,” Rhett starts where he stands leaning against the staircase. “Do you like games?”
I blink up at him. “What kind of games?”
“I was thinking strip poker,” he teases, but there’s something different in the way he says it. It’s lacking the usual teasing tone I’ve come to expect from him. “But I’ll settle for UNO.”
I grin. “UNO sounds amazing actually.”
And that’s how we all end up sitting around a coffee table, a stack of UNO cards in the middle between us. Rhett, Trent, Colt, and Gunnar all sit in front of me at different sides of the table, each of us with a stack of cards in our hands. Plates with cake are stacked up on the side table where we’d each demolished too many pieces. Beer bottles line up around them, full bottles in front of us. The only one not drinking beer is Colt who drinks whiskey instead.
I look over my cards at them, my brows furrowed. Rhett is to my left, which means whatever card I put down affects him most. I glance over at him.
“Don’t you do it,” he growls, his expression accusatory. “Don’t you dare!”
My lips split into a grin. “I should apologize but. . .” I slap down a ‘draw four’ and Rhett groans.
“This is payback, isn’t it?” he grunts as he draws four new cards.
“Maybe you deserve some payback,” Colt laughs before laying down a card.
Trent says nothing while he lays down another card. He’s the one to watch. The silent ones always are. Gunnar laughs as he lays down a card and sends it back to me.
I grin at Rhett again.
“Oh, come on!” he growls as I lay down another ‘Draw Two plus Skip Turn’. “I think you’re just fucking with me now.”
“Maybe I am,” I tease.
I’ve had a few beers and I’m buzzing just enough to forgive them everything that’s happened. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s silly to be mad at them when it’s not my business. They could be serial killers and as long as they’re not chopping me up, I suppose I’m fine. That sounds bad. Fuck, maybe I should slow down on the alcohol.
Colt slaps down another ‘draw four’ and Trent narrows his eyes on him as he grumpily grabs more cards. He’d had only two cards in his hand before he had to draw more.
“I see what you’re doing, big guy,” Colt tells him with a grin.
Gunnar laughs and lays down a card, sending it back to me.
“I swear to god if you make me draw more cards. . .” Rhett grumbles. He sniffs when I lay down a wild card and switch the color to blue. “Of course you’d pick blue,” he grumbles before reaching to draw a card. “Thank god.” He lays down the card he drew, a blue seven.
We continue to go around in a circle, playing UNO and drinking beer and having the best time I’ve had in a long time. Jinx would have liked this. She would have liked them, but this would have been her jam right here.
“UNO!” I cry when I get down to one card.
“Cheater!” Rhett accuses. “How the hell are you down to only one card?”
“Skills,” I laugh.
“More like cheating skills,” he grumbles. Of course he’s a sore loser. His hand is full of cards. He probably has at least twenty of them.
When it comes around to me, I lay down my final card, the wild card, and they all throw up their hands.
“We let you win,” Colt says, grinning and laying his cards down. “Because it’s your birthday and all.”
“Sure you did,” I tease, grinning back.
Colt studies me for a moment longer before he takes another sip of his whiskey. When the tension leaps into my throat, he smiles and reaches under the table for a large, wrapped box.
“I got you something, Annie Oakley,” he says before standing and coming over to kneel before me.
I’m still wearing my cowgirl hat, so I have to tip my head back to look up at him. “You got me something?”
“We all did,” he replies. “But I figured I’d give this one to you first.”
I tear open the perfect wrapping paper and pop open the box. “Is this?—”
“Crocodile leather,” he nods. “It took a while to track it down, but I wanted to find the best leather possible for you.” He touches his fingers to the large scales. “I know you can make something absolutely beautiful with it and I can’t wait to see what you make.”
I swallow. Crocodile leather is incredibly expensive and for good reason. It’s usually reserved for luxury brands, so I know Colt had to spend a pretty penny for this hide. I set the box aside and pull him into a hug. His arms wrap around me, offering warmth, and when I would have let go, he holds the hug just a little longer. When he leans back, he plucks the winning wild card from the table and slides it into my hat band.
“What’s that for?” I ask, looking up at him with wide eyes.
He grins. “You’re the wild card here, Annie Oakley, and all good things are wild.”
I touch the hat brim and smile up at him.
“Alright, alright,” Rhett grumbles. “Get out of the way, asshole, so I can give her my gift.”
I blink at Rhett as he hands me a small package. For some reason, I didn’t expect Rhett to get me anything, not when he’s been avoiding me so much. I look down at the gift in my hands.
“Well, go on. Open it,” he encourages eagerly, fidgeting with the cards in front of him as if he’s nervous.
Carefully, I unwrap the badly wrapped package and pop open the box. A bracelet is nestled inside, silver with turquoise stones set in the band. I lift it up with wide eyes. It’s so pretty, and unlike anything I’d expect of Rhett.
“My mom used to say that every cowgirl needs her some turquoise,” Rhett offers as explanation. “I noticed that you didn’t have any in your costumes, so figured I’d get you some of that cowgirl candy.”
My chest squeezes tight. “Thank you,” I rasp, putting the bracelet on right away. “It’s so pretty.”
Rhett nods and goes to move away, but I grab him and pull him into a hug instead. He immediately wraps his arms around me, accepting the hug, but releases me the moment I release him. His smile is a little more awkward than normal, but he wipes it away behind a large grin before shooting a look over at Trent.
“What did you get her, big boss? A tube of grease?”
Trent raises his brow at his brother and shakes his head.
I look over at Trent with wide eyes. “Y’all are spoiling me. This is really too much.”
“Bullshit,” Gunnar declares. “You deserve to be spoiled on your birthday.”
“Just know that when it comes time for y’all’s birthdays, I’m going to go all out,” I warn them.
“As long as that means you’ll fly out to visit us,” Gunnar replies with an answering smile.
It’s a cold reminder that I’m leaving and my smile falls. Right. I won’t be here for their birthdays.
“I did get you something,” Trent says, interrupting my darkening thoughts. “Or. . . I made you something.”
He shifts nervously, his hands twisting together before he stands and slips into another room. When he comes back with a large four-foot-long box haphazardly tapped together, I choke on the sip of beer I’d been drinking.
“What the hell is that?” Colt demands.
“And why is it so large?” Rhett asks. “You overcompensating?”
Trent throws a look over at Rhett that only makes Rhett laugh.
He comes over and takes a knee before me. Trent is so large, that him taking a knee still doesn’t put him at eye level, so I look up at him with wide eyes as he hands me the large package. When I reach out to take it from him, it’s heavy. So heavy, I gasp and quickly set it on the coffee table, sending the rest of the UNO cards scattering away.
I stare at it, wondering what it could be, uncertain how I feel about being so thoroughly spoiled by these men that I’m quickly growing to care for. Men I have to leave in less than a week. Suddenly, the thought of leaving looms over me, causing pain, and I reach up with shaking fingers to touch the wrinkled tape.
“Go on,” Trent encourages. “Open it.” He winces. “Sorry if I didn’t wrap it so good. I’m trash with wrapping paper.”
“No, this is totally okay,” I say. “I’m just. . . this is more than I ever expected.”
“You haven’t even opened the gift yet,” Gunnar points out. “It could be a snake so don’t get ahead of yourself.”
I glance at Trent. “It’s not a snake, is it?”
He smiles and it makes his entire face light up. “Guess you’ll have to open it and see.”
Carefully, I pull back the tape. When I get it all pulled back, I get up on my knees and lean over the box. The flaps pull back easily, as if this box has been used before for something else and is only now truly worn in. A flash of silver catches my eyes, and I gasp.
“You didn’t!” I cry, jerking the box the rest of the way open. “Trent!”
“What is it?” Colt asked, trying to lean over and see. “What did he get you?”
“You made this?” I ask, staring at it. When he nods, I reach into the box and pull out the full scale, Damascus steel sword. It’s heavy in my hands, but not so heavy that I can’t lift it. The hilt is wrapped with soft leather, but that isn’t the most impressive part of it. There are designs etched into the metal there, intricate designs. Little chickens, a bee, what looks like Jethro, Sly, Dolly, all the animals I’ve come to know and love, carved in a medieval style in the metal before the beautiful, oiled sword comes to a point.
“Fuck,” Colt says, staring at the sword. “You didn’t have to go and put us to shame like that, Trent.”
“Seriously,” Rhett grumbles. “No one can top a fucking sword.”
“You said I could make a sword,” Trent murmurs. “So, I made you one.”
“It’s beautiful,” I rasp, gently setting it back in the paper. I have no idea how I’m going to fly back home with that thing, but I’m taking it with me. It’s the most beautiful sword I’ve ever seen. I turn to Trent, my chest tight with excitement and something else, something I can’t look at too closely. I stand so that I’m at least a little taller than Trent before leaning down and wrapping my arms around him. He tenses at first, but then his large arms come around me and he holds me to him. When he lets me go, because I’ve been drinking, I don’t think it through. I just lean down and press my lips to his.
The room falls silent.
I don’t deepen the kiss though. I’m pulling back before I go too deep. Trent looks up at me, his hands still on my hips where I’d pulled back and he’d steadied me. Something flickers in his eyes.
“You don’t have to do that,” he whispers. “You don’t have to.”
“I know,” I reply, cupping his jaw. “I want to.”
He stares up into my eyes, his gaze flickering over my face, tracing every detail. “It’s just a sword.”
I choke on my laughter. “You and I both know it means much more to me than that.”
The other three watch us carefully, not interrupting. Trent continues to stare at me, and I start to squirm, not sure what to say. Just when I think I should back away and give him space, Trent pulls me closer and drapes me over his shoulder. I squeak as he rises to his full height. The doorways suddenly look far too dangerous from up here.
Colt leaps to his feet as Trent heads for the stairs without a word. “Shit! Can I watch?”
“Yes,” Trent answers without hesitation, and Colt immediately moves to follow, his eyes on my face eagerly as I stare at him in surprise. “If Fable says so.”
Colt looks at me expectantly and I hesitantly nod. His answering slow grin has me clenching my thighs as Trent carries me up the stairs.
“Me, too!” Rhett declares, standing.
“No,” Trent replies.
Rhett’s face falls into a pout. “Why the hell not?”
“Colt won’t touch, only watch. You won’t.”
I lose my breath at his words, unsure of what exactly I’m getting myself into, but just tipsy enough not to question things. I want this. I want Trent so badly, it hurts. Trent takes the stairs slowly, purposely, his hand on my ass to keep me steady where he has me thrown over his shoulder. Colt follows behind and when I meet his eyes, he winks at me.
“Welcome to Circle Bee, Annie Oakley,” he teases.
I think I stop breathing entirely.