Honey Bee Hearts (Green River Hearts #2) 62. Fable 97%
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62. Fable

Chapter 62


T oday’s the day. My bags are all packed. I’ve made sure to get everything together and now I’m standing in the driveway, watching for a car with the guys. My flight is in five hours, a flight back to Florida.

“You should stay,” Colt growls. “There’s no reason for you to leave now.”

“I have things to figure out,” I tell him. “You know that.”

Trent stands silently, his eyes on me. “You should still go. Just because we got out of the drug deal doesn’t mean we’re not safe. The Eight Balls might regroup.”

“See?” I say. “Trent says I should still leave.”

“Traitor,” Colt snarls. “She’s far safer now than she would have ever been.”

A car starts pulling down the driveway in the distance and they all tense. We watch it silently as it pulls closer and rolls to a stop. A man climbs out.

“Fable Everhart?” he asks.

“That’s me,” I say with a smile. No one moves to help me with my bags, and I glance over at them. I walk over to the driver. . .

. . . and press a hundred dollars in his hand. “I’m sorry to make you come all the way out here. But I won’t be needing that ride after all.”

“What?” Rhett asks stupidly.

“But your bags are packed,” Gunnar chokes out.

“So I can move into the big house,” I laugh. “Mel already prepped a room for me. I’m not staying in the cabin if I’m staying.”

“Why?” Colt asks, his eyes wide.

“Jethro would never forgive me,” I say, smiling. “Now, are you gonna come give me a hug and tell me I made the right decision or you just gonna keep staring at me like I’ve grown a second head?”

He laughs and lunges for me, wrapping me in his arms and swinging me around. Rhett hugs the both of us, Gunnar joining in, until only Trent stands apart. They let me go and I face him with a soft smile.

“I know you think you’re bad,” I tell him. “I know you think you’d be saving me by sending me away, but what good is being safe if I won’t be happy without y’all?”

He swallows. “You don’t. . . You don’t have to love us. You don’t have to love me.”

“Well, it’s a bit late for that,” I say, opening my arms. “I already do, Trent Coldiron.”

He hesitates before slowly walking up to me. I wait patiently as he looks me over before slowly wrapping his arms around me, enveloping me in the biggest of bear hugs. He always makes me feel tiny in comparison.

“I’m glad you’re staying,” he whispers. “Even if I worry.”

I rub his back. “I know, but don’t worry.” I rub his chest where he’d tattooed the sword only this morning. “I have a sword, remember?”

He laughs and it lights up his entire face. He lifts me into his arms and carries me to the big house.

“You’re gonna pay for that cruel joke,” Gunnar warns as he grabs some of my bags.

“I thought you liked pranks?” I tease him.

He narrows his eyes and rushes to keep up even as Rhett and Colt grab the rest of my bags. I laugh all the way to the house and up the stairs.

I laugh until the laughs turn into moans.

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