Hostile Witness (Sanctuary, Inc. #1) Chapter 9 21%
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Chapter 9


E than climbed into his cruiser and grinned. He hadn’t enjoyed teasing a woman like that in a very long time. Who’d have thought he’d run into her when she was wearing those ridiculous cartoon pajamas again? It was the most humorous opportunity he’d had in months, and it had simply plopped at his feet. He couldn’t ignore it. Well, that and he absolutely refused to let the woman intimidate him.

There was something about her that was intriguing. What the hell had happened to her? She was mentally tough to be at work today ready to teach. Some people would need to take a week off and down a bottle of Valium after stumbling onto a murder scene the way she had.

He hadn’t meant for anyone but her to hear his words in the office. The things he’d said were a little suggestive, but he was only having fun and trying to get a smile out of her. She beamed like sunlight when she smiled, and he’d just wanted to see it once more. But he hadn’t intended to place her in an awkward situation with her coworkers.

Perhaps he’d do something to try to apologize. But the obvious flowers were out. That would only make the situation worse and really piss her off. Plus, there was no way in hell he wanted to give her the idea that he was even remotely interested, because he was not and never would be. Tia O’Rourke was the prickliest woman he’d ever met.

Yup. Flowers were out. But she did need one thing. He turned left and headed for the nearest hardware store.

Ethan eyeballed the descriptions on the sides of all the coffeepot boxes. Which one to pick for Tia? He’d purchased a Keurig for his house, but not everyone liked the single-brew idea. He sauntered over to the customer service area and patiently waited for help from a clerk named Louann (according to her name tag), a plump and cheerful-looking woman in her fifties.

“Whatcha buying the coffeepot for?” she asked, clacking her blue gum fiercely as they walked together toward the small-appliance section.

“Excuse me?” Weren’t coffeepots for making coffee?

“Well, Officer, is it for your lunchroom or your house?” She blew a huge blue bubble.

“I’m buying the coffeepot for a friend, and I’m not sure which kind she’d like to have. I was hoping you could help me narrow down the choices.”

Louann sighed, popped the bubble with her finger, and stuffed the wad of gum back into her mouth. “You’re buying this coffeepot for a she ?” She cocked a hip. “You mean as in a girl ?”

Ethan gave a nod.

“Oh my goodness, what the hell is wrong with you men these days?” Louann spat the words at him in staccato and shook her head. “Girls don’t want men to give them coffeepots, buddy. Just because you guys like electronic things doesn’t mean women like receiving them from you. God almighty, next thing you know, you’ll be in here buying her an iron or a toaster oven.”

She pulled a stepladder over and climbed the steps. “Ladies like to receive flowers or jewelry. Better yet, a trip to Cancun, but never a coffeepot. I’m just saying. Good-looking guy like you buying a woman a coffeepot? I can’t believe it.” She pointed to a big white box with a red coffee machine pictured on the front. “Here, give her this one. It’s programmable and brews four to twelve cups and has a nice carafe that keeps the coffee hot for up to six hours. Maybe the carafe part will help you get lucky.”

Louann hefted the box off the shelf and dropped it into Ethan’s arms before she climbed down the ladder. “Let’s go up front and make sure nothing’s broken. The only thing worse than receiving a coffeepot as a present is getting a broken coffeepot.”

Ethan pressed his lips together to keep from smiling. Not that he cared, but he wasn’t scoring any points with women today.

“So, Officer”—she squinted to see his name tag—“I mean, Detective Kelley, would you like for me to gift wrap this coffeepot? We started gift wrapping small appliances for five dollars last year.”

“Sure, Louann. That would be nice, if you don’t mind.”

“I suppose if the girl is going to receive a coffeepot, it had damn right better be wrapped.” She proceeded to cloak the gift in a pretty pink-checked paper and added a matching bow. After completing the transaction, Louann handed him the receipt. With a doubtful smile, she gave him a motherly pat on his arm. “I hope this coffeepot thing works out for you, hon.”

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