Hostile Witness (Sanctuary, Inc. #1) Chapter 19 44%
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Chapter 19


V ince shoved his swollen, aching hand into an ice bucket and cursed. What were the odds? What were the odds of him stopping, of all the people in this sleepy county, that one redheaded lady cop on a country road? And what were the odds that she’d have Plante’s dog in tow?

He should’ve killed that thing the same day he’d taken care of the lieutenant. That damn animal had spooked him ever since his first cadet interview. It had been hard enough sitting there in the big office with Plante at the huge desk and him in the little chair while the dog lay right by the window watching his every move.

When Plante asked about his father’s name being Jim Beam, that freakin’ dog sat up and growled. Plante gave the animal some kind of hand signal, and he lay down again, but the K9 watched everything like a beast eyeing a raw steak on a countertop. That creature gave him the willies. He hated Margie Plante and her pity, but he hated that dog more. His world would be a safer place once he got rid of it.

The red-haired lady cop must’ve been driving her personal car, and it didn’t have a dashcam. He’d checked. It was a good thing, too, because he would’ve had to kill her right then. Killing on the fly was not smart. Too many things could go wrong when acting on impulse. He’d planned Plante’s death for weeks. But that dog? Next time he saw it, it was going down whether he had a plan or not.

He tossed the redhead’s license on the little table. It was hard to believe she was a cop. She sure didn’t act like one. He’d waited for her to pull a service weapon on him during the traffic stop, but she never had. She’d been just as shook up as he’d been. It had never occurred to him before now, but maybe she wasn’t a cop? He flicked a blade of grass off his shirt. It didn’t matter. She had Plante’s dog, so she worked with the cops one way or another.

Once he finished moving, he’d take care of the dog. It’d be easier now that he knew where the animal lived. He’d watch for a while, get a sense of the redhead’s routines. That way, he could take the both of them when they were unaware.

Mike stood and rubbed his chin after examining Flynn in the lobby of Bayside Animal Hospital. “You probably don’t want to hear this, but I should anesthetize him. I already know he won’t let me trim his claws. Plus, I need to get inside his mouth and see how many teeth were damaged.”

Tia got down on one knee and stroked Flynn’s fur. “Okay. Do whatever you need to so he feels better.”

“Look, you two. Flynn’s injuries are consistent with animal abuse. What happened?”

Ethan widened his stance. “Flynn was working when he sustained these injuries.”

“Working as in rendering assistance as a K9?”

“Exactly. He had a run-in with a suspect.”

Mike nodded. “Okay. I believe you, but just in case, will your boss back you up?”

“Of course. I’ll leave a business card.”

“Please understand, Detective, I’m required to fill out reports. Sometimes I get questioned; other times I don’t.”

Tia handed Flynn’s leash to Mike. “I’d like to stay with him.”

“Honestly, there’s no need for that. Go enjoy the rest of your evening. He’s comfortable with me, and though he is injured, it’s nothing life-threatening. I’ll take him right back and get started. As long as the X-rays don’t show any extensive damage, I’ll put him under and fix him right up. Casey’s on her way back to help out. I’ll call you later. Plan on picking him up tomorrow, say midafternoon.”

Concern creased Tia’s brow. “Okay. We appreciate your help.” She stroked Flynn’s fur a couple of times and turned to leave. “Hey, Mike, one question... there’s a laundry chute in my house, and Flynn hates the thing. He’s afraid of it, doesn’t want me near it. Do you have any idea why?”

Mike thought a moment. “The only explanation I can offer you is that he was shot in a dark sewer tunnel, and Margie took a beatdown in the same tunnel while chasing drug suspects. It’s the bullet that gave him the limp he has today. Other than that, I wouldn’t know.”

Ethan held the door for her. “You know, T, maybe consider staying at your mom’s or Carson’s for the next few days.”

“It breaks my heart to leave him here again.” Tia swiped at her cheek. “Why should I stay with my mother?”

“Because the guy who stopped you has your address, and Flynn’s laid up and can’t protect you, and I need to go back to work.” Damn if Mac hadn’t been lighting up the Sanctuary burner phone in his pocket every minute or two, which could only mean one thing. They were going ahead with the mission tonight.

“First off, I’m a grown-ass woman and well equipped to take care of myself. Secondly, and this may be a news flash for you, but my mother and Carson live together. Talk about getting tag teamed. There’s no way I’m spending the night there. I love them both, but I’m capable of handling this on my own, even if it does make me a little nervous.” She strode to the passenger side of his truck and climbed inside.

He stood outside the vehicle a moment checking the texts on his burner. He’d been right. His Sanctuary unit was on the move. He texted Mac.

Got a witness needing protection. I’m not available.

Mac replied.

Yup, I heard the whole convo. Feds will sit on her house all night.

One side of Ethan’s mouth quirked up.

That’s some sensitive equipment you’re sporting.

Mac fired back.

Uncle Sam’s a badass. Get moving.

Ethan hopped in the truck. “You sure you’re okay being alone tonight?”

“I’ll be fine. Got a date with a frozen pizza and a big stack of tests to grade. Flynn’ll be pissed he missed pizza night. Last week he loved the crusty bones.”

“Maybe leave the floodlight lit in the driveway.”

“Yeah.” She sighed wistfully. “Poor Flynn. The big dog in the sky needs to cut him a break.”

Ethan smiled. “Let’s be thankful he didn’t cross the rainbow bridge.”

Tia laughed a little and shook her head. “You’re something. I hardly ever meet a person who’s on the same wavelength as me. My friends Mo and Sarah understand me, but they’re about the only ones. You really ought to meet Sarah, Ethan... ”

“Don’t.” He didn’t apologize for sounding harsh this time.

She turned to face him. “Why not? She’s very nice and pretty, too. And you’re a decent guy, a good dog daddy, a respected sworn officer.”

“I’ll find my own woman when I’m ready.” And he was still chewing this over in his head, but if anyone could motivate him to cancel his self-imposed moratorium on serious relationships, it was the woman sitting next to him.

Tia snickered. “Yeah, right. Sometimes you have to try more than once to get a good fit.”

He stopped at a red light and gazed at her speculatively. “Do you hear yourself? Are you ready to try again after whatever the hell you went through?”

She lifted her chin and stared out the window. “I’ve got a lot more to fix than you do. And there are some things I can’t magically erase. I’ve just gotta live with them.”

Twisting the thin leather strap of her purse between two fingers, she murmured, “I guess I’m a little like Flynn... at least I didn’t cross the rainbow bridge trying to get out of the situation I got into.”

Ethan pulled into her driveway and parked.

Tia grabbed her things and jumped out. “Thanks for helping me today. Flynn thanks you, too. You don’t need to come in. I’ve got it.”

He flung open his truck door. “I’m coming in. It’s not up for discussion. You stay in the kitchen while I clear the house. Then I’ll leave.”

She rubbed her forehead with a finger. “Okay, if you insist.”

“While you’re in an agreeable state of mind, and because you won’t stay with your mom and Carson, would you consider sharing phone locations with me?”

She rolled her eyes. “Is that really necessary?”

“You’re on your own tonight without Flynn. And if you need something—anything—we can find each other quickly.”

“For heaven’s sake, I’ll be fine.” She smoothed the hair off her face. “But I do understand your concern, because that creep has my license, so okay, I’ll share my location with you as long as you reciprocate. And it’s temporary, until Lieutenant Plante’s killer is caught.”

“Agreed. Thank you.”

He cleared the house, sent her a share location request, and spied her phone on the hallway credenza. She’d probably get busy and forget to accept it. Grabbing the phone, he swiped at her screen, tapped twice, and approved it on her behalf. There. All done. He locked the door behind him as she placed a frozen pizza in the oven.

What on earth had happened to her? It had to be a matter of public record. He could look her up in the system and find out every sordid detail.

But after getting to know her a bit, he didn’t want to invade her privacy by reading the CliffsNotes. No, he’d wait. Maybe one of these days she’d open up about it on her own.

He drove by the Feds near her house and gave them a two-finger salute. Tia wouldn’t be crossing any rainbow bridges tonight. They’d make sure she stayed safe.

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