S ilky blonde hair falls in layers around Summer's beautiful face in a way that I want to tip her head back to see the lines of her slender neck. A neck I'm sure my hand wraps around nicely. Fantasies of me choking the life out of her morph into ones of me choking her while slamming my cock deep inside of her.
I can't.
This isn't right.
I've been waiting for this day for six years. My shitbag father married her doormat mother and left me a part of this family where everyone was out for their own damn selves. All she had to do was tell the truth. I never knew why she lied, but I'm damn sure going to find out now.
Summer's shaking in her seat, her tiny hands, one fidgeting with the other as she tries to find the words to answer my question.
"I, um, I don't know. I mean, I didn't know what I was doing," she murmurs, with her eyes turning away from mine.
I get up from the seat, snatching pictures of Trevor and his children off the wall and slamming them into the trash can. The shatter of the frames and glass makes her flinch, gasp, and turn sharply to face me. A glare of contempt flashes across her eyes. She's trying to disguise how afraid she truly is. I can see right through her.
"That's right. You'd better look at me. Lie to me again."
"I'm not lying," Summer states firmly, trying her best not to let the tears building in her eyes fall. She's a lot stronger than I remember. "I was 15. Why are you holding this against me? You made the choice to?—"
"To what? To show up at a house I was called to? All I did was show my face. All I did was come home, and you said I was the driver of a getaway car."
She shakes her head. "I had to do what Paulie said. I didn't know what any of it meant. I had to do what he told me, or he would have taken it out on my mother. You know how he is."
I do, but it's not until now that I understand the same terror Paulie put me through as a kid is worse on someone like Summer.
"You had to tell the truth," I shout at her, slamming my hands against the desk. "All you had to do was tell the fucking truth, but I guess I should thank you."
"For what?" She sniffs back tears that aren't falling.
"Without your testimony, I wouldn't have gotten convicted because who thinks a 15-year-old blonde girl who stinks of innocence is lying? What did Paulie tell you to say?" I ask her, wanting to confirm my suspicions.
Summer's eyes gaze up to the ceiling as if the memory is playing above her. "He said when Mrs. Nielsen asks me about you showing up to the house that night, I had to tell her that you drove there in that black car after dropping your friends off."
"For fuck's sake." I huff out a breath, shaking my head.
"Bodey," she says. My name sounds amazing coming out of her mouth, but my sick and twisted mind wants to see my cum spilling out of it. She speaks softly but with a firmness to her tone as she summons the strength to stand up to me. "I'm sorry that I lied, Bodey. Paulie said that he'd take my mother away and leave me all alone. I had to do what he said."
"Shit. You know, seeing you in front of me, how much you've grown, I can't be too upset at you. I should have known better. People have tried to tell me about Paulie for years. I didn't want to listen."
"Really? You believe me?" she asks with such sincerity, it's almost heartbreaking.
"Yeah. I'll catch up to Paulie eventually. Have you seen him recently?" I ask her.
She shakes her head. "No, but I know he's around. Mom still calls to ask me for money, so he has to be."
"How is Debbie?" I'm doing everything I can to keep this conversation going to keep her in my sights. Long legs travel up to a slim waist in a simple skirt with fuck-me heels that I want her to keep on while I slowly move every inch of myself in and out of that sweet cunt.
Fuck. I need to stop. She's supposed to be my little sister, right?
Does it matter that I didn't hang around much after Paulie married her mother?
Summer shrugs, turning away from me again. "I haven't heard from her in like two weeks. Mom only calls when she needs money for Paulie."
That's good.
"I guess the next time she calls, you should tell me. You'll let her know you only have cash and have to bring it to her."
"What do you plan to do?" Her eyes drip with worry.
"I plan on having Debbie lead me to my fucked up father but don't worry your pretty little head about that. Why don't you give me a tour of the place?"
"Okay." Her reply is hesitant as she pushes herself out of the chair.
Summer's body is even better standing up. I can't stop staring at her as her hips sway gently with her stride. She moves through the dealership confidently. Everything about her shifts because she takes pride in her accomplishments as she speaks.
"Of course, our newest vehicles are out front to attract customers walking by. My bread and butter is getting the old inventory out. Avery and Edward worked on moving the newer cars off the lot."
"What about everyone else?" I ask her. "What about that Wyatt guy?"
She scoffs. "He's a lazy asshole who pretends to be in charge. I had to tell him to back off earlier after he made me lose my sale. No. I take that back. I didn't lose the sale because of Wyatt. I lost the sale because I walked away from my customer. I gave my customer too much time to think about it."
I nod. "So you can take responsibility for your actions."
Summer rolls her gorgeous blue eyes. "I was 15. When are you going to let that go?"
"It's going to take longer than this fifteen minutes of us breathing the same air. Don't get me wrong, Summer, I'm not going to place the blame squarely on your shoulders, but you had a responsibility to tell the truth."
"You're right. I'm really sorry, Bodey. How can I make it up to you?"
The way my eyes laser focus on her pouty pink lips makes my cock twitch with lust, desire, and an ache for the pleasure of a woman I haven't had in a long, long time. "You don't want me to answer that. It's not how big brothers are supposed to behave."
Summer's eyes travel down my frame, zeroing in on my crotch with a timid smile. "Marriage only made us siblings; it didn't make us related."
I shake my head, desperate to change the subject, before I bend her tight little ass over one of these desks. "Which cars have been here the longest? I can use those to move products for Mr. Scarpella."
"Are you working for him?" she asks.
"No. We have a business arrangement because I kept his nephew safe when we were locked up together. I didn't know he was Louis Scarpella's nephew when I saved him and didn't much care. The kid was petrified, only in there because he got caught up trying to make his bones and dropped the gun while fleeing the scene of his crime."
"Is he still locked up?" She leads me out to the lot where forty cars sit, waiting to be driven away.
"No. He got out with me and took me to his uncle's place in Chicago, explained everything, and we made a business deal. Louis's retiring. I'm taking over to make some quick cash while they find a replacement."
"Did you join the mafia to take over for Mr. Scarpella?"
"No. I'm not in the mob."
"Do you plan to be?"
"No." I take a count of the cars to make sure they match what Trevor showed me when I put down the cash to take this place off his hands. "Why are there thirty-nine cars and not forty on this lot?"
Summer's face shifts to confusion as she turns to the rows of vehicles, counting for herself. "Um. I don't know. Sometimes, Wyatt will take one home and bring it back in the morning. Maybe he parked it or took it when everyone left after you fired them. How is that going to work, by the way? I can't sell all these cars by myself."
"There's a storm coming," I tell her. "The storm's going to damage at least half the fleet. We'll auction the rest off and sell the lot. You won't have to worry about selling these cars once I unload this property after I stripmine it."
"I'll be out of a job." The worry in her voice concerns me, but this was my plan before I realized how badly I wanted to fuck her.
I shrug. "That was sort of the plan."
"You're a piece of shit. I can't believe you're doing this to me." She shakes her head, turning away.
I can't stand it as I grip her by the arm, spinning her around and pushing her against a large SUV behind her. My knife comes out as easily as the wind blows, with my blade pressing up to her throat.
"I haven't done shit to you yet, Summer." My words are heavy with a warning that she has no idea who the fuck I am. Then, to my surprise, she swallows, letting the shallow gulp push the skin of her neck against the blade.
"Cut me if you're going to cut me, Bodey. Just get it over with."
The challenge ignites something inside me I can't ignore. The tension brewing between us mounts as I get closer, pressing my body against hers so she can feel what she's doing to me.
I don't want to cut her. I want to fuck her. I can barely control myself. Instead of backing away, I let my impulses take over and cover her mouth with mine.