How to Hide Your Angel Kid (Closet Baby Chronicles #7) 8. Words As Foreplay 38%
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8. Words As Foreplay



Pinks stopped breathing, his attention fixed on Galent’s warm finger against his skin.

Galent didn’t pull open his pants. Instead, he slid his finger out, and pushed it back in.

“What’re you doing?” Pinks choked.

Galent’s smile was all sharp teeth. “Putting my finger in... to your clothes, of course.”

He pulled his finger out, and tucked it back into Pinks’ pants. Pulled it back out, and put it in again.

“I’m not touching anything bad, am I?” Galent purred.

He wasn’t. That was the thing—Galent was just touching Pinks’ hip, of all places.

“Tell me to stop,” Galent murmured.

Pinks couldn’t. His brain had frozen, entranced by Galent’s bold touch, the way it felt good.

Galent slipped his finger out. And he pressed the back of it against Pinks’ abdomen, gathering the milk going to waste. Right before he reached Pinks’ nipple, Galent pulled his hand away, bringing it to his mouth. His thick, inhuman tongue wrapped around his finger and dragged off every last drop. “Mmm. Sweet.”

“You can’t be serious,” Pinks spluttered, trying to figure out when finger-licking had become this erotic. With Zarrie, it was just milk. But with Galent... It felt different. Like Galent was tasting an intimate part of Pinks.

“I would like to drink it from the source.”

“It’s for Zarrie!” Pinks covered his exposed nipple with his hand.

“I wouldn’t drink all of it,” Galent said lazily. “Besides, you’re feeding her solid food. There’ll be some extra for me.”

Pinks flushed, unwilling to admit that he was right.

Galent sat down next to Pinks. “I’ve put away the food we bought.”

“Did you come here just to tell me that?”

“Of course not.” Galent licked his lips. “Seeing you provide for Zarrie makes me want to put a baby inside you.”

Pinks’ brain broke. He gaped at Galent like a goldfish, except the giant smiled. “Holy hell.”

Gently, Galent wrapped his fingers around Pinks’ wrist, pulling his milk-covered hand away from his leaking nipple. The giant leaned in and gave him a great sniff. Then he brought Pinks’ hand to his mouth and began to lick it clean. His thick, tapered tongue thrust between Pinks’ fingers, wrapping around each one and tasting it from base to tip. Then he licked Pinks’ palm and mouthed his way down to his wrist, his breath hot against Pinks’ pulse point. Every caress broke Pinks’ mind a little more, until he was a mess of arousal and he couldn’t think.

Galent smiled. And he released Pinks’ hand, walking out of the bedroom.

Just like that.

“Fuck you,” Pinks muttered, achingly hard and unable to do anything about it.

“I believe it’s the other way around,” Galent replied smugly from elsewhere in the safehouse.

By the time Zarrie was done nursing, familiar sounds came from the kitchen. Pinks put on his shirt and wandered out of his bedroom with Zarrie, only to find Galent chopping some tomatoes with gloved hands. He was wearing a Kiss The Cook apron.

“I’m making you my special tomato soup,” Galent said.

Pinks eyed him warily. “Special in what way?”

“I’m not dipping my cock in it.” The giant grinned. “Why don’t you sit down and watch?”

Pinks held Zarrie in his lap, grabbing a length of raw green onion to let her play with it. Zarrie stuffed the leafy green into her mouth and chewed, before making a face.

Galent snorted fondly. “So, white feathers.”

Damn it. Pinks bit his lip. He didn’t really want to have this conversation. But Galent had put Pinks and Zarrie’s safety over his own. He’d carried them all the way home, and he’d spent a lot of money on the groceries for them.

“I’ll let you guess,” Pinks said.

“White fluffy feathers,” Galent mused. “Nothing like my wings. But I can teach her to fly, if I ever get rid of this curse.”

Pinks froze. That was a worry of his. He had a fear of heights, and ever since she’d been born, he’d worried that he wouldn’t be good enough as a dad because he couldn’t follow her into the sky. But if Galent was willing to accompany her off the ground... “Are you trying to steal my baby?”

Galent raised an eyebrow. “Would it be stealing if I put a baby inside you and stick around?”

Pinks choked on his spit. “Are you actually serious about that?”


“ Why? ”

“Which dragon doesn’t want his very own brood of dragonets?” Galent shrugged and grinned. “You’re a good dad.”

Pinks’ throat tightened. No one had told him that before. His friends were all too busy with their own babies, and they didn’t praise each other for being a decent human being. Coming from Galent... It was different. “You really think so?”

Galent paused in the middle of dicing tomatoes, eyeing him. “You’re always ready to defend your baby with everything you have. You feed her well and care for her. Why wouldn’t I want you to raise my children?”

“This is like putting the cart in front of the horse,” Pinks said incredulously. “What happened to romance and courtship? Before you talk about babies?”

“You already have a baby.” Galent nodded at Zarrie, who was straining to reach him with her outstretched arms. He smiled and set a large wedge of tomato on the table next to her. “Here. For you to gnaw on.” When Zarrie didn’t even glance at the tomato, Galent frowned, picking it up and waving it at her. She tried to grab his other hand instead. Galent sighed and ate the tomato. “What happened to your previous courtship? Where Zarrie came from.”

Pinks flushed. “She came from a one night stand.”

Galent waved his hands—and knife—to prove his point. “No courtship there, either.”

“But I didn’t go into a one night stand expecting a baby! Asking me to commit is different from a few minutes of sex!”

“A few minutes?” Galent made a face. “Really?”

Pinks glowered. “It’s not like people go up to each other before a hookup and say, ‘Hey, I want you to fuck me for about twenty minutes and I want to come at least three times.’”

“Of course you can do that,” Galent said like it was obvious. “In fact, you just did.”

Pinks spluttered. “I didn’t—That wasn’t—What the hell!”

Galent smirked and gestured at his hips. “I would like to stretch your mouth open and fill you all the way to the back of your throat. And also stretch your hole with my tongue, until you’re writhing and sobbing under me.”

Pinks’ thoughts hazed over for a moment, desire surging through his body like a flash flood. He shook his head to dispel it, scowling. “I only just made it go down!”

Galent’s gaze dropped to Pinks’ hips, and he smirked. “Well, now you know, and I know, what we both want out of a one night stand. That’s going to lead to a better time for everyone.”

The thing was, he was right. Pinks scowled. The giant went back to dicing his tomatoes because he knew he’d won.

It was annoyingly attractive.

“Anyway.” Galent put all his diced tomatoes into a pot and added generous handfuls of fresh herbs. “If I put a baby inside you and you don’t want it, I’ll take the baby. You don’t have to stick around.”

“The baby will be mine, ” Pinks growled.

“Mine too.” Galent grinned, wriggling his fingers at Zarrie. She tried futilely to grab his hands. “Is she some kind of bird shifter? Eagle?”

Pinks shook his head.

“What about... a griffin?”

“Those exist?” Pinks asked, surprised.

“They live in the mountains,” Galent said. “I don’t think they have a human form, though. Unless... someone slept with one.”

“That wasn’t me,” Pinks spluttered, flushing.

“Oh?” Galent leaned closer, watching him. “Are you secretly a monster fucker?”

Pinks covered Zarrie’s ears too late. “It’s not like I ever tried it! How should I know?!”

“You don’t have to do it to know,” Galent said smugly. “My dragon cock is bigger than my human cock. It has bumps on the top side, a curve on the underside, and a knot. I can bring the knot into my human form.”

Just because Pinks wanted to see it didn’t mean he wanted to ride it!


“No one fucks a dragon,” Pinks said. “They’re too huge!”

Galent nodded sagely. “You’ll have to practice if you want to fit my dragon cock. There are toys for stretching, you know.” Then his gaze landed on Zarrie. “Actually. My dragon cock is smaller than a baby. You’ll have no problem taking it.”

“Is that what people think when they see someone with a baby?” Pinks’ voice went high. “‘They stretched enough for a baby, so of course they can fit my monster cock!’”

Galent grinned. “Yes. The next baby won’t be a problem for you. Especially if I’m filling you frequently as a dragon.”

Pinks thunked his head against the table and groaned. Partly because Galent was insane, and partly because he couldn’t believe he wanted to know what it would feel like to fuck a dragon. Theoretically. “Maybe if you show me what a—what a dragon looks like. Naked.”

Galent’s smile lit up his face. “We’ll get there. I’ll have to make sure you can take my human-sized cock first.”

“You’re making a lot of promises,” Pinks muttered.

“My bed’s empty tonight.”

Pinks squirmed. “Maybe.”

That seemed to be enough of an answer for Galent. The giant poured some chicken broth into the pot of tomatoes and brought it to a boil, then sliced up some chicken breast and put the strips in to poach. While that was going, he popped some frozen garlic toast into the oven.

“It’s starting to smell really good,” Pinks moaned.

“I would like to fill your belly, too.” Galent grinned.

“Is everything you say an innuendo?!”

Galent shrugged. “I get rock-hard every so often. You tell me.”

Pinks sighed. But he couldn’t help the twitch of his mouth.

When the food was ready, Galent ladled the soup into bowls and sat across the table from Pinks. “Try it.”

The tomato ‘soup’ was really a bunch of tomato chunks, squishy and stew-like. But the herbs gave the soup depth, and the chicken was juicy and perfect. “It’s not what I expected,” Pinks said.

Galent snorted. “My cook tells me I cook terribly. Have some toast if the soup isn’t to your liking.”

The giant ducked his head, but he peeked at Pinks, watching as he ate. When Pinks finished his bowl, Galent looked supremely satisfied.

“It wasn’t that great,” Pinks said.

Galent grinned. “Your heart skipped. That was a lie.”

Pinks huffed and pushed his bowl over. “I want seconds.”

Galent rushed to the stove and ladled more soup for Pinks. Pinks blew on the tomatoes, then let Zarrie have a small chunk. She kicked her little feet and smiled.

“You like that, huh?” Pinks dropped a kiss on her head and gave her another piece of tomato. Zarrie squished it in her hands.

“She’s adorable,” Galent said, awed. “I want a baby.”

“What about childcare?” Pinks asked, eyes narrowed. “Or do you just want a baby because they’re cute?”

“I will care for our baby,” Galent said solemnly. “I’ll wake up for feedings and diaper changes and everything.”

Pinks almost asked Galent to prove himself, except it would involve him touching Zarrie. And they still didn’t know how Galent’s curse would affect her.

“I’ll keep all our babies safe,” Galent said.

“All? More than two, now?” Pinks squawked.

Galent grinned. “Three?”

“Oh, gods.”

Pinks couldn’t look him in the eye as he finished his soup and toast. Zarrie began to grow sleepy; Pinks brought her to their bedroom and rocked her gently.

When she was asleep, he carefully set her in her crib, and turned to find Galent watching him from the doorway.

Galent’s smile was slow and toe-curling. “Want to continue that massage?”

Warmth swooped between Pinks’ legs.

The giant watched as Pinks drew closer, dark eyes raking over Pinks’ body. He didn’t budge from the doorway. Instead, Pinks had to squeeze through the tiny gap Galent left for him, their bodies pressing together in a rush of fabric and heat.

“Mmm.” A large hand caught Pinks’ hip, dragging him flush against Galent’s front. A thick, telling hardness pressed against his back. “I want to get my cum on you,” Galent whispered, barely audible even to Pinks’ wolf hearing. It sent a bolt of heat through his insides. “Cover you in it, push it into your pretty hole.”

Pinks shuddered.

“But first, I will massage you ‘til you’re soft and pliant, completely ready to take whatever I give you.” Hot fingers slipped under Pinks’ shirt, stroking his bare hip. Galent slid his hand up higher, covering Pinks’ abdomen. Then he moved it up to Pinks’ stomach, and up higher, lifting Pinks’ shirt as he went.

“Are you planning on stripping me here?” Pinks gasped.

Galent licked his lips—soft, wet sounds that reminded Pinks of his thick tongue, the way it had slid between his fingers. “Your heart just sped up,” Galent murmured, nudging Pinks closer to his bedroom. “Do you like my hands on you?” He covered Pinks’ chest and squeezed his nipple. “Or maybe...” He licked his lips wetly, and Pinks almost moaned. “You like my tongue.”

Pinks whimpered.

“Mmm. I can think of so many things to do with my tongue,” Galent growled, walking Pinks to the guestroom and closing the door. “Licking your throat, your nipples. Your pretty little cock, until you whine and beg for me. Or...”

“Or?” Pinks tried to breathe, but Galent found his nipple, lightly stroking it so his calluses caught against Pinks’ skin.

“I could lick your tight little hole, stretch it open with my tongue, stretch you inside too. Until you’re loose and gaping for me, ready for my cock.”

Pinks grew so wet, he could smell the way his slick soaked his underwear.

Galent positioned him in front of the bed. “Bend over.”

Pinks braced himself against the mattress, so hard that he couldn’t think.

“Spread your legs.”

Heat rushed into Pinks’ cock. “H-how is this a massage?”

“I think the better question would be, ‘ Where am I going to massage you?’”

Galent stroked Pinks more quickly this time—over his arms and shoulders, down his back. Then he slipped his hands under Pinks’ shirt and swept them up his chest, going straight for his nipples.

“Quiet,” Galent murmured. He began rolling Pinks’ nipples between his fingers, tugging lightly on them, flicking them, until his milk flowed freely and slick trickled down his thighs, his underwear completely soaked.

“Panting already,” Galent purred, squeezing Pinks’ nipples so his hips jerked. “So sensitive for me.”

“W-what are you going to massage?” Pinks couldn’t help his whine.

“You.” Galent grinned and caught Pinks under his arms, moving him to the center of the bed so Pinks was on his hands and knees. Galent prowled after him, covering Pinks’ body with his own, grasping Pinks’ thighs and pulling them apart. Then he planted his knees between Pinks’ to keep his legs open. “I want you completely bare,” Galent whispered, giving Pinks’ nipples a final squeeze before sliding his hand further up Pinks’ chest, stroking his collarbones.

Pinks thought he might stop there. Except the giant caressed Pinks’ throat, the most vulnerable part of a wolf.

“You have my scent all over you. Everyone will know which parts of you I’ve marked. Especially here.” He stroked his thumb over Pinks’ pulse point. “And here.” He trailed his fingers down to Pinks’ nipples. “And here.” Galent slid his fingers south, down Pinks’ abdomen, cupping Pinks’ cock through his pants. “Mine.”

Pinks wheezed, needing to come so badly that he rutted against Galent’s hand.

“That’s it,” Galent purred, squeezing Pinks. His touch was muffled through the fabric of Pinks’ pants. Even then, it felt so good that Pinks’ thoughts blanked out, and he couldn’t breathe. “I want you to come for me.”

He released Pinks and pushed his hand down the front of Pinks’ pants, straight into his underwear. Pinks made a choked sound. Galent brushed his fingers through Pinks’ pubic hair, nudging the base of his cock.

“Oh? What do we have here?” Galent sounded pleased. He ran his fingers up Pinks’ length, one by one, until Pinks clawed at the sheets and bucked his hips, needing more. “Such a hard little cock. So pretty and sensitive.”

He flattened his fingers against Pinks’ underside, stroking him with the lightest, most frustrating pressure. All Pinks needed was a good squeeze, or something in his ass. Maybe some sharp teeth sinking into his shoulder. “Please,” he croaked, shoving his hips higher, offering himself. “I need—”

“You,” Galent began.

And he stopped.

He went so still that Pinks could’ve cried. When Pinks looked over his shoulder, he found Galent stone-gray, and rock-hard in the worst kind of way.

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