Pushing through the front door of my house at six in the morning wasn’t anything new for me. Walking in to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and bacon definitely was. I spied Bethany in the kitchen. I don’t know if she didn’t hear me or was just in her own little world, but I took a second to watch her as I took off and hung up my coat.
Not a bad sight to come home to.
I needed to shove shit like that out of my head; otherwise, I had a feeling it would never leave.
Slipping off my boots, I padded across the living space to the arched entry to the kitchen and propped myself against the wall. I told myself it wasn’t creepy to take the few seconds I could of uninterrupted watching. She wore a cropped T-shirt and plaid PJ pants. That bare strip of skin almost took me to my knees. As I took her in, as I breathed in her presence and her unique citrusy scent, an unfamiliar but not unwelcome sense of peace washed over me. Except what the hell did I know about peace? Then she shook her ass and did a shimmy that sent peace flying out the window and made my cock stand up and take notice.
Yesterday had been hell, and only partially due to the car accident and extraction we got called to. Being away from Joy was doing weird shit to me. Will laughed every time I picked up my phone, until I finally decided to escape to the bunk room or outside to text. I refused to think of it as being a helicopter parent as the guys said. First, I wasn’t Joy’s parent. Second, I simply wanted to make sure Bethany didn’t want to run for the hills.
My whiskey girl is made of stronger stuff than that.
Yup, there was another thought I had to toss in the trash. She wasn’t mine, even though the small little word had creeped in every time I thought of her.
Bethany spun around and skidded to a halt as she caught sight of me. That damnable pink color coursed up her cheeks. It made her look so innocent, but I could remember the color rising when she’d been in some not so innocent positions. Her legs splayed wide open as I ran my tongue over her slit. Her arms thrown back as I pushed my way into her. Her gasp as I licked and then bit down with the slightest pressure on her nipple.
Fuck me.
The images played like a movie through my mind, that I was quickly losing.
“Um, hi,” she sputtered as she popped the earbuds out of her ears. “I was just making breakfast.” Grabbing her phone from the counter, she tapped the screen a few times before setting it back down.
“And dancing,” I teased.
I never teased, definitely not with a woman, but something about her tempted me in more ways than merely physical.
Her soft chuckle washed over me. “Yup, and dancing. I tend to dance when I cook, it’s my thing. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Good to know.” Dumbass, how often are you going to watch her cook? She’s not living here. This voice really needed to go. I didn’t need more words to shove to the back of my mind, but here we were. “And you didn’t have to cook for me.”
“I know, but I like cooking, and it’s not much.” Turning back to the stove, she grabbed a plate to pile the bacon on after turning off the burner. “Sit. I’ve got eggs in the oven keeping warm and just have to push the button on the toaster. I thought I could do something nice for you. Do you want coffee?”
This is all more domesticity than I’ve ever experienced in my life. Growing up, I’d gotten my own breakfast almost from the moment I could walk into the kitchen. Granted, it had sometimes consisted of a cookie because that was all I could get my hands on or knew how to do, but I’d still managed for myself. I’d gotten whatever they served in the army, not that I was picky.
When a person wasn’t used to much, they didn’t expect much. That had become the story of my life.
She busied herself at the stove and counter, looking anywhere but at me. I’d already come to realize her tells. She felt a bit awkward with her actions, probably thinking I didn’t want or appreciate them.
Little did she know.
I stepped closer, until my body was right behind hers. I didn’t touch her, knowing my restraint would shatter in an instant. “Whiskey girl.” I felt the shudder wrack her body at my words. Leaning down, I let her scent consume me. It was far more intoxicating up close. “I was going to say thank you.”
She bobbed her head. “You’re welcome.” The words came out breathy, and I watched the rise and fall of her chest, throwing my thoughts into complete chaos.
There was barely room between us to slide a piece of paper, but still she managed to turn, tilting her head back to stare into my eyes. I could get lost in those green orbs as easily as I could lose myself for hours in the forest. Her tits were a hair’s breadth from touching my chest, and to say I wanted those hard little nubs pressed against me would be an understatement. She was a temptation I had a hard time ignoring.
So I didn’t.
“Maybe I can say thank you with more than words, whiskey girl.” My voice came out guttural, but I didn’t care. Raw and exposed was exactly how she made me feel. I lowered my head, my lips brushing ever so slightly over hers. “I bet you’d like it if I used my mouth in other ways.” I let my tongue coast over her lips, watching them part in anticipation. “You seemed to love it the other night, didn’t you? My mouth feasting on your sweet little?—”
A cry blared from the baby monitor causing us both to jerk our heads back. She pushed against my chest while sliding past me, already heading out of the kitchen. I’d stepped over a line, just like I had in the truck.
“I’m sorry,” I spoke the words, but in my head, I couldn’t be sorry for getting that close to her again. For teasing us both with what had been but couldn’t ever be again.
She paused in her retreat, before looking back over her shoulder, a sexy grin tipping up her lips. “I’m sorry Joy interrupted us too,” she threw out before proceeding down the hall.
Leaving me standing there harder than I had been before and wondering what exactly I’d gotten myself into.
After having changed, I strolled back into the kitchen ten minutes later to find two plates full of food set out on the table, Joy in her bouncy seat and Bethany perched on a chair right next to her. Gone was the heat in her eyes, the semi-parted mouth eagerly awaiting my lips, the quick inhales of breath. In its place was a playful woman making funny faces at a grinning baby.
Something in the vicinity of my chest gave a little hitch, but I paid it no mind, not at all ready to investigate.
“I can’t believe how well she’s waking up in the mornings now. I should have known about the teething thing. Joy wouldn’t have suffered so much if I had read more.” Seemed like all Joy had done in her short life was suffer, and with years ahead as me being the adult in her life, it wasn’t likely to turn around anytime soon.
Bethany looked at me and rolled her eyes. “Would you stop? Joy, tell your uncle to get over himself.” Both females looked up at me, faces so very different, but the look was identical. It screamed, don’t be a martyr or a dumbass. “It’s not like the books can give you an exact date. Every baby is different, and luckily Aunt Nadine was always pretty good with babies. I don’t know why you think you’re not doing a good job with her.”
I could write out a laundry list of reasons, but I didn’t want to get into any of that right now. For a few minutes, all I wanted was to enjoy the company I found myself in. Both adult and infant.
Letting Bethany’s comment slide, I changed topics as I dug into breakfast. “I saw you going into your aunt’s shop yesterday.” I refused to say how much I had hoped they would have stopped by.
“I thought it would be nice to get Joy out of the house a little. Not to mention I knew bringing Joy to visit Aunt Nadine, would make her day.”
I’d barely taken Joy anywhere since I’d brought her home. Getting her and groceries in and out of the car were the extent of my abilities. The thought of bringing her elsewhere almost had me breaking out in hives.
Hell, I barely went anywhere before having Joy, so it’s not like people around Evergreen Lake would be surprised I was keeping to myself.
Before I could respond, she continued, “We were going to stop on our way out, but the minute I started to cross the street, the sirens blared and the truck came out of the garage. I didn’t know how long you’d be, so we came home.”
That strange sensation in my chest hit again at her admission. I didn’t think I had any right to ask them to come visit, but when I’d seen my truck parked over near the square, a flare of hope lit inside of me. Knowing Bethany was going to stop by shouldn’t make me feel good, but it did.
“One call led to another and then another. It was a crazy day.”
“And you loved every second of it, didn’t you?” She glanced my way, one brow raised in question. I shrugged in response, to which she laughed. A joyous sound that triggered Joy’s own giggles. “You can’t fool me. I told you my stepbrother’s a firefighter, and that man could be worked to the bone on a shift and come home on a work-induced high. His girlfriend says it’s a blessing and a curse, though I think the blessing comes more from his level of ‘excitement.’” She paused to add the air quotes. “If you get my meaning.”
“Oh, whiskey girl, I get it.” I worried I’d never be able to get the thought out of my head about coming home to her after one of those types of shifts.
She winked my way and stood before turning back to Joy. “Bye, cupcake,” she whispered before leaning down and touching her lips to Joy’s forehead. “I should be getting home now. I have to help Aunt Nadine with last minute touches for our Christmas Festival booth. Will I see you at the tree lighting tonight?”
I had no intention of going. Hadn’t been to one yet, unless I’d been on shift and we were expected to be nearby. I wasn’t exactly the town recluse, but I may have been close.
“I doubt it. It’s late, and it’ll be too cold for Joy.”
Bethany picked up her overnight bag and tumbler before opening the back door. Once again, she shot me a look that went straight to too many places in my body. “That’s too bad. I’d hoped to see you.” As if catching herself, she added, “Both of you. I think Joy would enjoy all the colors and festivities.” With a finger wave, she shut the door, leaving me and Joy alone.
After all this time in this exact state, it suddenly felt wrong. Even Joy kept moving her head between me and the door, as if wondering what happened, and already missing her presence.
“Me too, baby girl. Me too.”
After a nap and dinner for both Joy and I, I somehow found myself bundling her up in the car and heading into town for the tree lighting.
“You know, if you fall asleep, that’s okay. We can head home at any point.” I glanced in the rear view and watched her in the mirror attached to the backseat. Joy didn’t appear tired, as she alternated between staring out the window and at the teething ring clutched in her hand. “I don’t even know why we’re doing this.”
Except I did know.
Bethany was going to be there.
Bethany thought Joy would like it.
I wanted to make them both smile, and if that wasn’t the most alien fucking thought I ever had, I don’t know what was.
As I neared the festival and the tree, I realized parking was going to be a nightmare, so I reversed course and parked in the firehouse lot. Sometimes, working there had its advantages. It’s not like the guys on shift were going anywhere in their own cars, so did it matter if I blocked someone in.
Nope, not in the least, so that was exactly what I did.
I pulled up, put the car in park, and proceeded to get my shit together. “Under five minutes, baby girl,” I said as I pushed the stroller away from the car. “That’s a lot better than the first time.” I’d fumbled for no less than thirty minutes that first time, though it could have been longer, with Joy screaming her displeasure in the background. “One day your uncle’s going to get it.”
Of course, by then, she’d be a teenager and wouldn’t exactly need this.
I stopped short, the thought of raising her hitting me once again out of the blue. I’d come to terms, sort of, with caring for her as a baby, but every time I thought of being responsible for her for the rest of her life, terror overcame me. I was not the man for that job, and I still didn’t understand why Brian and Tricia thought I could be.
Like always, once thoughts of the future took hold, they consumed me. So much so, that I didn’t even realize I’d made it over to the festival. It was packed, and I could feel eyes on me from every direction.
I leaned down, whispering to Joy, “They’re probably wondering how I got to be so lucky, having the prettiest date in the town with me.” Her smile, like she understood my compliment, warmed something in me that I hadn’t even realized was cold.
A trio of older women approached us, one of them leading the charge. “It’s little Joy again.” She glanced over at me and smiled, a wicked glint in her eye. “And Joy’s not so little guardian.” If I didn’t know better, I’d say her words came out as a purr. What the hell? “So good to see you.”
“Yes, it’s too bad we don’t see more of you.”
I was either hallucinating or she meant something entirely different than seeing me around town.
“Girls. Now come on. We don’t want to scare him away.” The last of the group spoke up, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear what she came up with either, considering the way she was eyeing me.
“Hello, ladies,” I greeted them with a nod of my head, hoping I could get out of this very weird situation.
“Oh, so polite,” the one I’d dubbed Ringleader chimed in. She also leaned in. A lot. “I bet you’re not always polite.”
A cough sputtered from my throat. Did I hear what I thought I heard?
Somehow, I’d walked into the holiday festival and entered the Twilight Zone. I didn’t even know how to begin to respond.
Fortunately, it looked like a savior was on her way. An angel, dressed in dark denim jeans, a zipped-up white coat, and festive Santa hat perched atop her dark hair made her way across the grounds, beelining it straight towards us.
“I mean, we do like ‘em polite, but sometimes it pays to be a little rough around the edges. Makes the motor rev, if you know what I’m saying.”
What the fuck? I didn’t want to know anything about any of what they were saying. Was this normal? Did people get to be a certain age and all fucks just flew right out the window?
“Ladies,” Bethany called out as she neared the little group, “so good to see you again. You know, I think I overheard someone asking about you as I was coming over. Something about needing your advice.”
“Ugh.” Ringleader groaned. “You know no one here can manage on their own without us. Take a few minutes to come and enjoy the sights…” She glanced at me before continuing, “…and everybody falls apart. Bernice, Mildred, let’s go and solve the town’s problem like usual.”
The three started off, before Ringleader turned back, “See you later Firefighter McHotpants.” The three tittered, waving their fingers, as they got swallowed up by the crowd.
“What the fuck just happened?”