Hung By the Fire (Evergreen Lake: Under the Mistletoe) Chapter 16 59%
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Chapter 16



I know he said he’d be right back, but did that mean he wanted me to stay in his bed? Or just that we could go back to normal?

Or maybe something else?

Besides, I wasn’t really sneaking away. I wasn’t leaving, or at least I wasn’t leaving the house. That would have been awkward.

And we did agree to something, though my brain was currently an orgasm-induced mush, so I forgot what it actually was. I think I may have even forgotten my name at this point. I certainly forgot about common sense and my heart, which would likely be trampled at the end of this, but for once in my life I didn’t care.

Grabbing a folded T-shirt from the top of Cole’s dresser, I slid it over my head. I was tall, but luckily Cole was larger, the cotton easily covering anything I should be covering. Turning toward the doorway, I started to make my escape and promptly froze.

“Where exactly do you think you’re going?”

Glancing over my shoulder, I struggled to compose myself. Not because I was running away, but because there he stood. In ridiculous naked splendor.

Muscles upon muscles showing off his power and strength I wanted to get lost in.

Ink scrolling up his arms and onto his chest. Images I wanted to study, to learn about what made him tick, what he thought important enough to permanently display.

His cock, thick and ready to go again. My mouth watered a little at the sight as did my pussy. It wasn’t like he hadn’t practically wrung the life out of me minutes ago.

And? I don’t really see a problem with going for it again.

My inner voice was turning into quite the sex addict since Cole had come into the picture.

“I’ll ask again. Where do you think you’re going?” I turned fully toward him and basked in the way his eyes traveled over me. “I know my shirt’s never looked that good before.” He nodded toward my chest, and I knew he could see my nipples straining against the material. “See something you like,” he purred, licking his lips.

I tried not to blush, because really, that was stupid at this point. The man had his head buried between my legs for what had seemed like hours before, so nothing should be embarrassing. Still, staring at his hard cock, watching it twitch under my gaze—that could make any woman blush, and I was no exception. I didn’t let that stop me from playing along.

“As a matter of fact, I do.” I learned to give as well take from him over our time together.

“Then why aren’t you still naked and lying in my bed?”

He stalked toward me. That was the only word for it. Like a predatory cat homing in on its prey. I was way too afraid that this prey would go down all too easily.

Speaking of going down, um, haven’t done that yet.

“Some dirty thought cross your mind, whiskey girl? That pretty pink color I like so much is taking over and that’s a sure sign I’m going to love what you’re thinking.”

I swear I tried not to drop my eyes. I meant to look him in the face. I really did.

I failed.

On a knowing chuckle, he gripped his cock and I drooled. Drooled! Where’s a napkin when I needed one?

In seconds, he had me pinned against the bedroom wall, like the other morning out in the hall. Except, this time, there was significantly less material, and less walls, between us.

“Bethany, the cat seems to have gotten your tongue.”

He was right, so I did what I always did when I didn’t know exactly what to say.

I said it all.

“I didn’t know if you meant you’d be back in general or if I was supposed to wait for you. Then I thought you couldn’t possibly mean to wait in bed, because wouldn’t that mean something more and wasn’t this only for fun? So I thought I’d get up and maybe see about getting something to eat.”

Darkness flickered in his hazel eyes, making them seem almost brown and not the golden hues I was accustomed to. Did he not like me saying it was only fun? Seems that way girl. I pushed my inner voice to the background before it gave me hope.

I sucked in a sharp breath and continued before Cole got a chance to jump in. “I didn’t really want to get dressed because I sort of hoped that we’d go back to bed at some point, but I didn’t want to presume, so I grabbed one of your shirts. It wasn’t like I was leaving, really. More like relocating to another room, but I couldn’t do that naked, right? And then you came out and you’re all naked and hard, and no, I sort of want to taste you like you tasted me, but I couldn’t blurt that out to you.”

Except I just did.


Cole bit his lip before throwing his head back, his laughter filling the whole room. I, on the flip side, lowered my head, resting it against his chest in abject mortification.

After a few seconds, his laughter stopped, but I could still feel the rapid rise and fall of his breathing. Threading his hands through my hair, he lifted my head until we were eye to eye with no place for me to hide.

“That’s quite a lot of thinking, whiskey girl. First of all, I must not have done my job correctly if your mind was working that well after sex.” His voice was a whisper as he peppered kisses over my forehead. “Second of all, I most certainly still wanted you naked and in my bed. I want it more than I think I’ve ever wanted anything.” The look in his eyes hit me hard. He’d told me over and over this was short term since we couldn’t fight the attraction, but his eyes said something different. Or maybe that was simply me reading what I hoped into them. “Also, I should probably feed you, since I am certainly not done with you. We need energy. As for naked, I’d be more than happy for you to strut around here in nothing but your skin so I could touch and lick and taste you whenever I wanted.”

He stepped away, leaving me in a puddle on the floor, my legs barely keeping me standing. I’m not sure how he did it, but the man could rev me up faster than even my favorite book or toy back home.

Not true. You know exactly how he does it. With those dirty words, talented tongue, and magic cock. It’s some sort of damn magic.

I watched as he slid a pair of gray sweatpants up his body and thanked the good Lord they were invented. He may look even more sinful with them riding low on his hips, the notches and outline of his cock hinting at what was below.

“Eyes up here, whiskey girl,” he chuckled as he made his way back toward me. “First food, and then you can feast on something else.” He caught my hand as he started past me, entwining our fingers together, leading me to the kitchen.

I feared he could lead me anywhere, including to heartbreak.

A couple of hours and a broken promise later, Cole walked me across the backyard to Aunt Nadine’s house.

“Next time, I promise. You just taste so fucking good, I can’t resist.”

I wasn’t above saying I tried to get my mouth and hands on his cock more than a few times and each time he’d distracted me. I was also not above saying his distractions had worked each and every time.

Climbing the porch steps, I turned to him. “You know…” I dropped my voice to something I hoped approached sultry. “There are ways we can both get a taste.” I’d never tried it before, but I was more than game.

Adorably, Cole stumbled on the last step at my words and gave me a look that sent my temperature soaring even in the quickly dropping evening air.

“Damn, you’re playing dirty, whiskey girl,” he growled as he took a step and pressed himself into my back. “Your offer to sit on my face is accepted. I can’t wait to feel you come against my tongue as you take me in that sweet mouth of yours.”

Sweet baby Jesus on a bike.

The words were barely out of his mouth when my aunt threw open the door. I can only imagine what she saw. Cole way too close to me for someone who was only supposed to be the man I was babysitting for. My face a deep shade of red if the heat rising within me was any indication. I tried to put my hair back to rights before we walked over, but with the number of times Cole had run his hands through it today, I doubt that was even possible.

I felt like the teenager I had never been, though getting caught by my mom and stepdad, or in this case, my aunt, was not something I ever aspired to.

Case in point, I seriously considered trying to hide under the deck.

“Did you guys have fun today?”

Cole’s deep chuckle slid through me. “That’s one word for it.”

I coughed, loudly, trying to cover his words. “We did. Cole found the perfect tree,” I said as Aunt Nadine pushed open the door and I slid past her, brushing a kiss on her cheek.

“Actually,” Cole added as he entered the kitchen and shut the door behind him, “Bethany found it, but she’s right. It is perfect.” The look he shot me said something else, but I tried not to read into it.

“Excellent,” Aunt Nadine responded with a clap of her hands, before leading us into the living room. With a nod toward a portable crib in the corner, she put her forefinger to her lips. “The cupcake is asleep, and as you can see, I made a little purchase. Delivery Dan picked it up for me. You know, just in case it comes in handy in the future.” The look she shot my way said it all. Aunt Nadine had visions of frequent babysitting assignments in her future, as well as visions of hearts in her eyes.

“Um, okay,” Cole murmured, “you didn’t have to though.” He obviously wasn’t seeing what I saw. “I’ll pay you back for it.”

“No need.” She smiled his way before looking back at Joy. “I guess you want to take her back with you. You could leave her for the night.”

“I don’t want to impose more.”

Cole obviously was not picking up on the fact that it would be anything but an imposition to my aunt. She absolutely adored Joy.

“It’s not an imposition, but I understand.” She and I gathered Joy’s stuff together, repacking the diaper bag, while Cole bundled her in blankets and a hat.

“You think she’ll be okay without the snowsuit for the walk back? I don’t want her to be cold.”

“You should be fine. Just move quick. You didn’t even lock the door when we came over.”

He stood at the door, bag slung over his shoulder and baby bundled against his chest. Every image of him earlier in the day, the ones that seemed so crazy sexy at the time, vanished in the blink of an eye. Holding a sleeping Joy, his hands so sure and strong under her little body was almost more than I could take.

Mayday. Mayday. Hormone overload alert.

My stupid body was doing its best to go into overdrive, and it didn’t take a hell of a lot in the first place.

“Okay, then. Thanks again, Mrs. M.”

“Any time. Any time at all.”

“Wh—Bethany, thanks for everything today.”

“It was my pleasure.” He knew that to be true in more ways than one, considering my pleasure was courtesy of his body.

“Night, ladies.” With that, he opened the door and practically speed-walked across the yards, pushing through his door within seconds of walking out of this one. With a single glance back, he waved and then was firmly ensconced in the warmth of his house.

“Excellent. Now we can talk. I’ll put on the tea.”

My aunt moved toward the stove without a look in my direction, and I knew I wouldn’t be hiding anything tonight.

“So, you and Cole.”

Teacup firmly in hand, I curled up on a chair in the living room. Only the warm glow of the Christmas tree lights allowed us to see. I’d changed into comfy PJs while Aunt Nadine had finished making the tea, but now, with her seated at the corner of the couch next to me, I couldn’t put off talking any longer.

“There is no me and Cole.” My response was automatic. I didn’t even know what we’d agreed to. A temporary affair? Scratching the itch when we couldn’t deny it any longer? Was I supposed to assume we’d “be together” whenever we could or just when the feeling struck.

“For lack of a better word, bullshit.” She glared at me, not believing my words for a second. “I may be older and single, but I’m not blind or an idiot. There was something between you two when I first introduced you.” She paused, giving me a chance to respond, but I stayed silent. “And if you think I believe there wasn’t some sexy time going on between you two this afternoon, I have a bridge to sell you.”

“Aunt Nadine,” I huffed.

She waved me off. “Talk to me.”

Normally I’d talk to my sisters, but they weren’t here. Even if they were, I’d be in the same predicament with them as I was with my aunt.

Not knowing what to say.

Aunt Nadine slid me a look I couldn’t exactly interpret. “How are you doing being back here?”

Okay, not exactly where I thought she was going to go right now, but I wasn’t all that surprised with her question. I knew she’d been wanting to talk about my return to Evergreen Lake since I pulled in her driveway, but I’d avoided it. Right now, it felt like the safer option.

“I don’t know. It feels weird and good and bad all at the same time.” I wish I knew exactly how to describe my feelings.

“You know, I do understand.” She reached out and patted my hand. “I didn’t think I’d come back here either. So many good memories were wrapped up here. Not only with your father and all of you, but with Doug.” Aunt Nadine had divorced her husband when I was still a little kid, and I didn’t really remember him at all.

“What happened with him?” It was always something I’d wanted to know, but never felt I had the right to ask.

“I found out I couldn’t have kids. I wanted to adopt or try another way, but he didn’t.” She sat back, sadness seeping into her eyes. “For a long time, it bothered me that he wouldn’t try an alternative or love me enough to accept the situation, but then I realized I had to love me enough to move on. So I did just that.”

Her words tugged at the part of my heart my aunt had secured all to herself. My heart broke knowing one of the most special people I’d ever met wasn’t loved enough for herself. Love shouldn’t have conditions. If he had loved her like he should have, they would have worked through it. I hated to think she lost out on what she wanted due to one person.

“You didn’t adopt on your own though.”

She shrugged. “Being a single parent is hard and I never felt up to the task. I thought about it many, many times, but could never see myself doing it. Less so after I moved here on my own. Instead, I threw myself into helping where I could. Between work and volunteering at the children’s library and art center, I gave the love I had in different ways.”

Personally, I thought she was shortchanging herself. She could be a force of nature if she put her mind to it, but I understood. She had to be true to herself.

“Doug and I came here a lot when we were first together, along with our family, and I stayed away right after the split.” She smiled at me and I knew the road we were going to head down. “Your father convinced me to join everyone again. Seeing you girls fall in love with the town brought me peace and happiness again.”

“Until it became sorrow.”

We had been in Evergreen Lake for the holidays only weeks before Dad died.

“Oh, Bethie, it never did for me. It became the place I could be closest to the brother I’d taken care of since the day our parents brought him home from the hospital. I used to think he was another of my dolls that I was responsible for.” Reaching out, she plucked the cup from my hand and set it down on the table before taking my hand in hers. “I’d lost a lot in a short time, but when I decided to come back here it was because it made me happy. It gave me a sense of peace I didn’t have anywhere else. That may sound strange considering the town held memories of two people I lost, but I never thought of it that way.”

With my free hand, I wiped a tear that had started to slide down my cheek. “I think that’s the only way I ever thought about it with Dad. We’d been a family, and then we weren’t.”

“You’ll always be a family. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

My thoughts had been a jumble since coming back here, I barely knew where to begin.

“It’s weird. I thought I’d be sad all the time. It was why I avoided coming to see you here for years.” Embarrassment coursed through me. It was as if I’d abandoned her.

“I know that, sweetie, and I never held it against any of you, so get that thought out of your head. We all handle grief and loss differently.” She gave my hand a final squeeze and let go, settling back onto the couch. “And are you? Sad?”

“No.” I truly wasn’t. Memories of my dad had flooded my brain consistently since being back, but they were all of good times. “I smiled when I would think about how he hoisted me on his shoulders to see the tree lighting and sneak us treats at the festival when Mom wasn’t looking.” My dad was a sucker for a funnel cake, and all my mom had ever seen was the mess that resulted from the powdered sugar. It’d never stopped him though.

“That man loved his festival food.”

We laughed at the shared memory because it was the truth. Put something on a stick and eat it while walking around and he was happy.

“Even walking into The Reindeer Hole brought back memories of us trying to convince our parents to bring us there to see Santa.”

I realized what I said the second after the words escaped my mouth.

“When did you go to The Reindeer Hole? Hmmmm?” Aunt Nadine’s eyebrow rose high on her forehead, letting me know in no uncertain terms she had caught a scent and was on to me. “I don’t think you’ve been taking Joy at night, and you’ve been with me either here or at the festival every other night.”

I didn’t feel right lying straight to her face, so I relented. “I got in the day before I came over. I needed to spend time in town without everyone knowing who I was. I stopped in there that night.”

“You could have told me. Small towns can be a lot, so I get it.” Her understanding look turned to a squint. “Wait a second.” And I did. I waited for the other shoe to drop. “That was the same night I sent Cole out to relax a little. I knew that man was more relaxed than a few drinks could account for when he got home.” The pointed look she gave me had me feeling like a wayward teen.

And then she squealed. Now who was the teen?

“I knew it! I knew something was up between the two of you. I thought it began after you started taking care of Joy, but it didn’t. That’s why you acted so odd that first day. You already knew him.” She winked my way. “And by knew him, I mean ‘knew.’” She waggled her eyebrows. “This couldn’t make me happier. You are exactly what he needs.”

I needed to slow the woman’s roll as nothing was further from the truth.

“I don’t know about that. There’s nothing really between us, except an attraction we couldn’t, and still can’t, seem to resist. He’s told me he doesn’t do relationships or forever and I’ve never considered having anything less in the long run. It will be what it is for the time I’m here, and then it’s over.”

The words almost made me sick because, no matter how many times I told myself it was temporary, my heart wasn’t listening. Hell, neither was my brain, but at least that kept trying. The stupid organ in my chest was slowly twisting itself around Cole and Joy, and I knew it would break in a million pieces one day.

“I don’t know his story, but that man was born to do forever. I can tell.” From what he’d told me today, I didn’t know if I trusted her assessment. “I’ve seen the two of you watching each other when you think no one is looking, and I’ve wondered. Those looks aren’t temporary, even if he doesn’t know it. Just think on it.” She stood, leaning over and planting a kiss on my head. “Life can lead you on a ride sometimes, but it usually brings you to exactly where you were meant to be.”

Sitting alone, the tree bathing me in its glow, I wondered if the last place I expected to find myself again was actually the place I was supposed to be all along.

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