Potential Perks
35 Days Until New Year’s Eve
I rubbed my eyes and then tried to refocus on the same line of code that I had been staring at for the last ten minutes. Instead of getting through my work, my mind wandered to a curvy cupcake shop owner. Something about her instantly made me want to learn everything about her. There wasn’t any detail too small.
The intercom on my phone on my desk beeped before Grant’s voice came through the speaker. “Ben, do you have a minute to come to my office?”
“Yep, I’ll be right there,” I replied, relieved for the break from pretending to work. I left my office and went to the office next to mine. Linc was already there.
“I think we need to discuss Nova and make sure we’re all on the same page before we sign the contract,” Grant said as I closed the door. “Have either of you had time to think it over?”
“I haven’t been able to think of anything else,” I admitted as I sat.
“You, too?” Linc asked, grinning at me from his perch on the window sill. Together, we looked at Grant.
“Me three,” he sighed.
“So what exactly does that mean for us? We should talk about it, lay down some ground rules or something. This could get tricky if we’re all attracted to her,” I said.
“Why not just share her?” Linc suggested.
“You mean... intimately?” Grant clarified. Images of Nova writhing between us on a bed flashed through my mind, and I shifted in my chair as my dick twitched. That interested me far more than I expected it to.
“Yeah,” Linc said, excitedly pacing the room. “Think about it. We already share every other aspect of our lives. We’re already sharing her as a date for the party. If she’s willing, why not share her in other ways?”
“While I’m not opposed to the idea,” Grant replied, “you two do remember that this is only until New Year’s, right? This is temporary. It’s back to business as usual once New Year’s Eve is over.” We both agreed, though Linc looked like he was up to something as he signed the contract and then handed me the pen to sign.
“Great,” Grant said as he signed it and slid it into a yellow envelope. “I’ll tell Joel to have a messenger pick this up and deliver it to her this afternoon.”
I returned to my office and tried to focus on my work. We had a new fitness tracker with an updated app scheduled to be released at the beginning of January. I was supposed to review the new coding to ensure everything worked seamlessly, but my mind was still drifting to Nova. I wasn’t looking for anything long-term. We were always working, and it wouldn’t be fair to subject someone to that, constantly waiting for me to spare the time for them. However, the potential perks of our arrangement with Nova were hard to ignore, especially if she was interested in a more casually intimate relationship with us.
I took out my phone and pulled her up on social media again, not expecting to find anything different from the last time I had looked. Her accounts were frozen in time, and there was no activity since her father had passed. I flipped through her photos again, searching for a clue to the puzzle that was Nova. It had been evident in our interactions with her yesterday that she was self-conscious about her weight. She was considerably thinner in these pictures, but I preferred how she looked now. While she could lose a few pounds, who couldn’t? She was still drop-dead gorgeous.
I stopped at a picture of Nova with a man who wasn’t her father. This had to be a boyfriend, but where was he now? Deciding I needed answers, I left my office and went to see Joel. I looked around to make sure that Grant and Lincoln weren’t lurking nearby and then dropped my voice so that I wouldn’t be overheard. “Do you have that envelope that is going to Nova Lane?” I asked him.
“Yeah, I do,” Joel said, holding it up. “The courier is coming to pick it up in a couple of hours. Why?”
I snatched the envelope from him, raising his eyebrows. “I have to run into town, so I may as well drop it off. It will save us a few bucks,” I explained.
“Right,” Joel said with an edge of sarcasm. He didn’t believe my explanation but wouldn’t press me for details.
I left the office quickly and hopped into my car to drive to Icing. I parked in front and noticed the additional decorations she had added after we had left yesterday. The decorations were tastefully charming and inviting. I entered the shop and noted that more people were there today than yesterday. The same girl from yesterday was behind the counter as I approached, and she was grinning ear to ear.
“Hello, Mr. Ashford. Are you here to see Nova?” she asked.
“I am. I wanted to drop some papers off with her,” I replied, holding the envelope. “Is she around?”
“She’s in the back decorating cupcakes.”
“Oh, well, I don’t want to disturb her,” I said with disappointment.
“You aren’t. You can go back if you want,” the girl said, gesturing to the door behind her.
“Are you sure that’s allowed?” I asked.
“I won’t tell if you don’t,” she winked.
Cheeky kid. I returned her wink and stepped around the counter. Nova didn’t notice me as I entered the kitchen. She had earbuds in her ears and was dancing along to whatever music she was listening to as she decorated cupcakes. A streak of flour was on her cheek, and she wore a pink apron over her clothes. I snuck over to the table behind her and sat on it as I watched her work. The strings of her apron framed her legging-clad ass, drawing my attention.
I watched her for several minutes, my erection steadily growing as her body moved along to the music. It took all the restraint I had not to press myself against her backside so that I could feel the globes of her ass around my cock. I’ve had my fair share of women through the years, but I’ve never had one who drove me so insane with lust like Nova did.
Nova turned and shrieked when she saw me, reflexively squeezing the piping bag in her hand, causing pink frosting to squirt all over my shirt. We both froze in shock before bursting out in laughter.
“What are you doing here, Ben?” she asked as she removed the earbuds from her ears. I caught movement by the door and looked over in time to see the cashier ducking out of view from where she had probably been watching through the porthole window in the door.
I held up the envelope, swiped frosting off my shirt with my finger, and popped it in my mouth. I moaned as the sugary concoction melted in my mouth. I didn’t let myself splurge on sugary things too often, so this was quite the treat. Nova tracked my movements as I dipped my finger into the frosting again, bringing it to my lips. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips as I licked the frosting off. I couldn’t resist doing it again, appreciating how her face flushed as her eyes became hungry. Hopefully, hungry for something other than frosting.
“Keep looking at me like that, sweetheart, and we’re going to be making an even bigger mess,” I promised as images of painting her body in frosting and licking it off her played through my mind. I’d happily consume more sugar if I could use her as my plate. Knowing that we could have an audience in the form of her nosey employee at any moment was the only thing that kept me from following up on that promise as Nova continued to stare.
Even so, I couldn’t resist hopping off the table and stepping into her space so that her breasts brushed against me lightly. “Unless, of course, you’d like to get messy.” If her answer was yes, I’d find somewhere that wasn’t visible from the door.