Christmas Shopping
8 Days Until New Year’s Eve
T he sound of car doors had me running to look outside, hoping to see the guys had arrived, but it was just the neighbor’s kid coming to visit. They were late. We were supposed to go Christmas shopping and buy my dress for the New Year’s Eve party. I had confirmed with them last night that we were still on for today, but now they were forty-five minutes late. I sent another text to Lincoln asking where they were as I made myself sit on the couch instead of obsessively watching the street. A few minutes later, my phone rang.
“Hey, Sugar,” Linc said. I could already hear the regret in his voice.
“You aren’t coming,” I stated.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “Something blew up in production, literally, and we’re trying to figure out how far back this will set us.”
“And you just figured out that you wouldn’t make it?” I cringed at the snap in my tone but didn’t apologize for it.
“Well, we got focused on the problem and lost track of time,” he replied lamely. “We’ll make it up to you.”
I sighed. “You always do. But if you just showed up when you said you would, there wouldn’t be anything to make up for.”
“You’re right. I know you are. We’re going to figure this out, Nova,” he assured me.
I had my doubts. I was also painfully aware that I had no right to demand their time. We weren’t even in an official relationship. “Listen, it’s fine,” I finally said when the silence had stretched. “It’s probably for the best. Now I can get your presents without you trying to peek. And now you won’t be able to see the dress until New Year’s. That’s your punishment.”
“Aww, man,” he said with disappointment. “I guess that’s fair. Talk to you when you get back? Maybe we can grab dinner.”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll call you when I’m home,” I replied. “Oh, and Linc? Did you ever consider that the problem won’t be solved any faster with you guys breathing down their necks rather than letting the people you hired do their job? Something to think about.”
I hung up the phone and grabbed my purse. As I steered the car toward the highway, I thought about the guys. This wasn’t the first time they had to cancel our plans, and it wouldn’t be the last. It was frustrating that they completely forgot about the plans altogether. They were attentive, considerate, and present in the moment when they were with me. The problem was all the other times. Was this something I could constantly deal with?
I thought back to what Lincoln said the other day at the bakery. Could he mean he wanted to keep seeing me after New Year’s? What about the other two? Could I be with only one of them? I wasn’t sure. What I was sure of was that walking away from them would be torture. However, I couldn’t silence the little voice that asked if staying was any better.
What would I do if I wasn’t given a choice? Without anything or anyone to stay here for, maybe it was time to move on. I could open a bakery anywhere. That was something to put a pin in for consideration if things didn’t work out with the guys. My thoughts of the future halted as I pulled into the mall. I had a long list of gifts to purchase. I also needed to find a dress for New Year’s Eve.
I shopped for the dress first and was pleased with the one I found. It was more daring than I would usually wear, but I couldn’t wait to see the guys’ faces when they saw me in it. My next stop was gifts for Stef and Jared. They would be getting a cash bonus from me for all their hard work this year, but I also wanted to give each of them a small gift. Shopping for teenagers proved more difficult than expected, but I got Jared a new Xbox controller and a game. I got Stef a new bullet journal and pens. That girl loved her stationery.
I shopped for the guys next. One of the times I had been at their house, I had done a little snooping and found a picture stuffed in a box of them in cap and gown with Mama Clair. I pulled the folder I had placed the picture in from my bag as I walked into the photography store. I explained that I wanted the picture blown up and selected a pretty cherry wood frame to go in. They assured me it would be done in a few hours, leaving me plenty of time to finish the rest of my shopping.
Figuring out what else to get them proved difficult. What do you get men who lack for nothing and can buy whatever they need? I finally picked out engraved cufflinks for each of them that I thought they might like. I guess I could also do something cheesy, like make coupon books for them. Maybe I’ll save that for their birthdays.
The next item on my list was to find matching pajamas. I went to one of the department stores and found super cute green and red plaid bottoms with matching slippers and white long-sleeve shirts with the plaid pattern in a wreath on the front. We were going to look so fucking cute.
Feeling hungry, I headed toward the food court but stopped outside Victoria’s Secret. I chewed my lip indecisively. It had been a while since I bought myself any nice lingerie. My eyes fell on a red number with white feathery trim. Very festive. Feeling brave, I went in and purchased one in my size after trying it on and feeling sexy in it. Sexier than I had felt in a long time. Leaving the store feeling good about myself, I didn’t notice the woman walking in until she called my name.
I turned, and it took me a moment to place her. “Brandy, hi. How are you?”
“I’m doing good. I’m just finishing up my holiday shopping,” Brandy replied.
“Same,” I said, holding up my bags. I’m not sure if it was my boosted confidence or the Christmas Spirit, but I heard myself invite her for a cup of coffee. I knew I had to tell her about Paul in my heart of hearts. She deserved to know the facts; if she still wanted to be with him, that was her choice.
We got our coffee and sat awkwardly while I built the courage to open my mouth. “Listen, Brandy. You seem like a nice person. This isn’t my business, but you should know that Paul and I were together for three years. He moved out shortly before Thanksgiving. When he told me he was traveling for business, he was visiting you.”
She took a sip of her coffee and set it on the table. “Paul told me you would say that,” she replied calmly. “he warned me that you had a hard time letting go, and while he broke it off months before we met, it took all that time for you to accept it.”
Laughter bubbled out of me, surprising her. “Of course he did, the little egotistical lying cockroach. You can believe what you wish. If you’re happy with that little weasel, then congratulations. I truly wish you a lifetime of happiness, but I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I didn’t tell you the truth. I hope he can be a better man for you than he was for me.”
“I appreciate your concern. Whatever the truth is, Paul loves me and treats me like a princess.”
“Good. I’m glad.” We sat in silent contemplation as we sipped our coffee.
“You know,” she said after some time, “your version of events does explain why he is so upset about you dating the owners of Triple Tech. He rants about it often, and I couldn’t figure out why he cared so much if it was over so long ago.”
“Yes. Paul expressed his anger to me at the festival. Hopefully, he can move past it.”
Brandy nodded. “Thank you for telling me and for the coffee. You’ve given me something to think about.”
We stood, and on impulse, I hugged her. “If you ever need to talk or just need a cupcake to improve your day, you know where to find me.”
I watched Brandy walk away and hoped things would work out for her. She did seem like a nice woman. Maybe even someone I could be friends with one day. I finished shopping, grabbed stocking stuffers, and picked up the picture. On the way home, I stopped at the craft store for stockings and supplies to decorate with them. I pretended that I hadn’t purchased ten new rolls of wrapping paper. In my defense, you can never have too much pretty paper.