If This Was a Movie (Evergreen Park #2) Chapter 34 – Jules 85%
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Chapter 34 – Jules



The kiss morphs quickly into something all-consuming, my hand moving behind Nate’s neck to pull him in as close as possible to meld his body with mine. My final layer of restraint is gone, torn off, and thrown aside.

His hands grab my ass, and he lifts me, my legs wrapping around his hips. Slamming the truck door closed, he moves toward the front door of the house, never breaking our kiss as my fingers bury into his hair.

I can’t get enough of him—the way his lips feel on mine, the way he tastes, the way his groan vibrates through me—despite the multiple layers between us. His feet move up the steps before opening the front door and moving inside.

My tongue slides against his, and his teeth nip my lips as he closes the front door behind us, then pins me to it, my arms around his neck as he unzips my sweatshirt and struggles to get it off my arms before throwing it to the ground, never breaking the kiss.

I laugh into our kiss when he tries to take off his jacket without dropping me. He gets it eventually as I kick off my boots, his hands going back to my ass as he grinds against me. I moan at the feeling, knowing this time it’s going to end in pleasure for both of us.

“God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he groans as he slides a hand up my side, under my shirt, and up to my breast. He cups it, a thumb sliding over my hard nipple.

The shirt needs to come off right now , I decide. I need less between us as soon as possible. My arms cross, tugging up my sweatshirt and thin sports bra at the same time before throwing it to the ground.

The groan he lets out tells me I made the right choice as he pins my back to the door and shifts his body in order to watch his hand pinch my nipple. The rush of pleasure shoots directly to my clit, need blooming there.

“Nate,” I moan out in a whisper.

“I know,” he says, then moves his hands, one up my back, fingers burying in my hair, the other holding my ass before stepping toward his bedroom. His lips trail over my neck, the hand in my hair forcing me to give him the room he wants while my hands gather his sweatshirt to try and take it off even though he doesn’t move to help me at all.

This moment encompasses all of the built-up tension and panic and hope finally coming out in chaos and need and impatience, and it’s absolutely perfect.

Finally, we make it to his room, and he sets me down, moving to a knee before me to tug my leggings and panties down my legs. He leans his head in as he does to pull a nipple into his mouth, like he can’t resist himself. I moan, my knees going weak until I’m forced to use his shoulders to steady myself.

When he stands, his hands go to my jaw, pulling me up to him and pressing a hard kiss to my lips before they move to my waist, lifting me and tossing me to the bed, where I bounce with a giggle.

I expect him to crawl up the bed after me or to at least start undressing himself, but instead, he stands there, arms crossed on his broad chest, watching me as I lay on his bed, propped up on my elbows, completely naked.

“Nate,” I murmur, a small, nervous smile playing on my lips, suddenly a bit self-conscious.

He shakes his head at me, knowing what I’m feeling in the way only Nate is able to do.

“No, no, baby. Don’t. I’ve been waiting a long fucking time to see this again. Just let me soak it in. You, naked on my bed, your hair everywhere, smiling at me. Fucking beautiful, Jules.”

“Can you at least even the playing field?” I ask with a laugh. “It’s a little…unfair.”

He looks at me, then himself, still dressed in his boots, jeans, and sweatshirt, and smiles.

“Fine. Lay there and look pretty while I do, though,” he says, walking up to the bed. He slides a hand up my thigh slowly, eyes locked on me, and I revel in the feel of his rough, work-worn fingers on my soft skin.

Even more when his thumb grazes gently from my center to my clit, stopping there and pressing, rolling my clit in a lazy circle, pulling a moan from me. Then he steps back, moving to the storage chest against the wall facing the bed, sitting there and beginning to undo the laces of his boots.

His eyes are locked on me the entire time, my chest moving up and down with each bated breath. My body hums, dying for more. He’s a tease of the worst variety, and when he smirks at me, I know he knows exactly what he did and what he’s doing .

Deciding two can play this game; I move to just one hand on the bed, the other brushing my hair back over my shoulder, exposing my breast, my nipples tight with arousal. Trying to be as seductive as possible and, admittedly, feeling a bit silly, I slide a hand down my middle, spreading my legs wider. “I guess I could give you a show if you’re not going to take care of me yourself.”

“Absolutely the fuck not,” he says, and I smile wider, my hand sliding down further, stopping right above my clit, which is already thrumming with need.

“You‘re still fully dressed, Nate,” I say with a tip of my head to his hands stopped on his first boot. He quickly undoes the laces and then slides the boot off, tossing it with a loud thump. I let my hand slide down another inch, my finger landing on my clit, and let out a low sigh.

“Jules, I said no.”

I ignore him altogether, eyes locked on him as I circle my clit and moan. I’m wet already, my body dying for us to finally end this wait we’ve been enduring for weeks.

Another boot clunks to the ground, and I smile, my fingers moving down to my entrance.

“Julianne,” he says in warning, and I smile, watching him stand and tug his sweatshirt over his head. When his broad chest is bared to me, I slide one finger in, whimpering at the feel.

It’s not enough, not stretching me the way I know Nate will, not satisfying my need to be filled, but still, I groan all the same. Nate’s hands move to the button of his jeans, and I slide the finger out and move it back to my clit, rubbing the slickness there.

My hips buck, and my eyes close with the feel of it. Pure fucking bliss.

Then the bed dips, a now naked Nate moving quickly to grab my wrist and pin it to the bed above my head before covering me with his body, his lips just an inch from mine.

“That’s mine,” he whispers, and I can’t help but smile at the way he says it.

“You liked it last time,” I say with a smile, reminding him of the first time we fucked when he asked me to show him how I touched himself for research.

“And I’ve been replaying that moment for fucking months, so it’s well burned into my brain. I don’t need you to show me what you like again.”

“What if something changed?” I ask, my head moving up to kiss him. He deepens it, his hard cock bobbing between my spread legs, sliding through my wetness. My hips move to try and get more of him despite my baseless arguments.

“Then you can tell me another time. This time, I’m just fucking you, Jules. It’s all I’ve been able to think about, sliding into your tight, wet pussy.” He groans as my hips move again, as the head of his cock slides over my entrance, a tease.

“Then do it,” I whimper, then moan as his free hand moves between us so he can feel just how wet I am.

He moans as he slides a thick finger into me, filling me better than I did, the pleasure skyrocketing as his thumb hits my clit too. It’s still not enough, though. Not when I have the promise of everything right before me.

“Please, fuck me, Nate.”

His fingers keep working me as he speaks. “Before we do this, I need to know you understand that if we do this, you’re mine.”

I roll my eyes, hips bucking to get his fingers deeper, to get more of whatever he’s willing to give me.

“Didn’t we just cover this?” I whine.

“Yeah, but this cements that, Jules. If we do this, there’s no going back. There’s no letting your fear get in the way, just trusting I’ll keep you safe.” I open my mouth, but he keeps talking. “I’m not saying you can’t be scared, just that you won’t let it stop you. Stop us.” His fingers stop moving as if he wants me to concentrate, and I stare at him for long, long moments.

I don’t want to be scared anymore. I don’t want to live in fear, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I want to trust in this, trust in Nate and this thing between us that has been there since the beginning.

I want to be Nate’s and more, I want him to know I’m his. I don’t want him to keep harboring that concern that I’m going to run scared at any minute. Nothing is promised—not tomorrow, and surely not forever. But I know in my soul that if I trust in it, if I give this a shot, I’ll live happily ever after.

My free hand moves to his cheek, feeling the scruff beneath my hand. He must not have had the chance to shave this morning, not with his panic about my being stuck in a blizzard alone. His face dips closer to mine, pushing into my hand, and our noses brush.

“I’m yours, Nate. I’m yours. I’ve been yours since January, even if I was too stubborn to admit it.” His smile goes wide then, something that, with the closeness of our faces, I feel on my hand more than see.

“You are pretty fucking stubborn,” he says, the hand between us moving to his cock to line himself up with me.

I moan as the head notches, and he slides in just enough to settle in me, but then he holds it there unmoving. My hips try to move, to buck up and get more, to get all of him , but he shakes his head, the hand on himself shifting to hold my hip down in place.

“Uh-uh. My way,” he whispers, then slides in an inch. The stretch is phenomenal, better than I remembered, and my head tips back, my hand still on his jaw, and I moan.

“Fuck, who’s stubborn now?” I whine before he slides in another inch, and I moan again. “Nate.”

“I lied,” he grunts out, sliding in another inch.


“I lied. There is something better than hearing you moan my name as you come.” I tighten around him, and we both groan this time.


He slides out, then slides back in, going slightly deeper this time but not all the way. It's the worst tease in the entire world because I know just how perfectly he’s going to fill me once he does.

“Nate,” I whine.

“That.” He slides out and in again, the glide seamless with how soaked I am, before he answers finally. “You moaning my name with my cock inside you. That’s the best sound I’ve ever heard.”

Finally, I hook a leg around his leg, my hips widening to give him more room as I do, then attempt to pull him in deeper. The new angle makes his slow, shallow thrust scrape along my G-spot before, finally , he plants himself deep inside of me, his hips flushed to mine.

“Fuck, Jules,” he groans.

Not Julianne, not dollface, not baby.

Jules .

“Nate,” I whisper, his lips against mine, wanting to tell him just how good it feels, how magical it feels, like a part of me I was missing has returned.

“I know,” he says. Because he does. He knows how perfect this is and how perfect we fit. “I know.”

Still, I want to tell him.

“I’m yours, Nate.” His head drops to my neck, another sound coming from him, filled with soul-deep pleasure he can’t control. “I’m yours.”

“Jules,” he groans.

“I know,” I whisper now because I do. I know how wonderful and all-consuming it feels to be connected to him like this again and to know there’s nothing standing in our way anymore. “I need more, though.”

There’s a bit of a plea in my words as my hand glides down his back until I reach his ass, my hips lifting slightly and pushing him toward me to get more, and thankfully, despite the sweet moment we just shared, he gets the hint, sliding out, then back in.

I sigh with relief, and he laughs against my neck before moving until he’s hovering over me. He looks down at me, with broad shoulders and strong arms supporting him.

“My baby wants me to fuck her.” I nod. “Then that’s what she’s going to get.”

And then it starts. The pleasure swirling in my belly with each slam of his cock into me, the way his pelvis grazes my clit. Not enough to take me there, but just enough to grow the powerful orgasm building.

It builds and builds until I know I’m going to shatter soon, detonate, and destroy any part of me that ever even considered we weren’t made to be together.

“God, you feel so fucking good. So fucking mine,” he groans into my neck, slamming in deep. It feels perfect in every way: being Nate’s, him filling me, the fierceness of it.

It’s all-consuming and overwhelming, and so, so right.

“Yes, Nate,” I moan, my hips moving to meet his with each thrust.

He starts grinding each time he fills me, pressing against my clit now to take me closer, warmth tightening all the muscles in my lower back as I feel it coming.

“I want you to come with me,” I groan as he slams in hard before pulling back out and repeating the cycle.

“Fuck,” he moans through gritted teeth, his forehead coated with a thin sheen of sweat.

“I want you to fill me, Nate,” I shout as he fucks me hard, eyes locked on my face like he’s afraid if he blinks, he’ll miss something life-changing before finally, he slams into me, hitting deep and staying there, grinding against me and tipping me over the edge.

I come hard, stars shooting behind my eyelids as they slam shut. The room goes quiet; the only thing I can hear is the pounding of my heart. Pleasure crashes over me, my back arching as he plants himself deep.

His hips dig into mine, grinding against my clit as I come and come and come, his name a prayer on my lips. My hips tip up to try and get him in deeper, and it’s then I hear his own groan of release, his teeth biting into the place where my neck meets my shoulder and causing another mini-orgasm to roll through me as I feel him pulse inside of me, filling me.

We lay like that, coming down from the all-consuming high of now being together, and even when I search for it, I can’t find that fear I’d be holding on to. And when Nate looks down at me, his eyes go soft like he, too, knows it’s gone.

It’s just him and me and the promise of cinematic happily ever after.

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