Infala: The Bonding Games (Mark of the Infala #7) Chapter 5 15%
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Chapter 5


Ziana and Maria were both quite sore after their rune tattoos had been inked onto their bodies. Apparently, while the Skrizzit was quite skilled, the quality of the pigments he’d been given to work with was mediocre at best, which meant their flesh would take a bit longer to mend. Only the small bits of the expensive stuff felt okay, but that had been used to ensure they were well and deep in debt, before the games even started, and those special pigments were not meant for their whole bodies. But that little bit was worth a small fortune.

They’d be slaves for life.

Adding insult to that injury, it seemed the pain-relieving creams normally on-hand were not available. All they were given was a healing salve to speed the process enough for them to be ready when the games began.

The Skrizzit apologized to the women as they were being led away to their quarters by a lone female guard, the ebony-skinned man bowing his head in what looked an awful lot like shame, even though none of that seemed to have been his intention in the slightest. He was a slave, essentially, and doing what his boss-slash-owner wanted of him, and neither could fault him for that.

“So. Damn. Sore,” Ziana grumbled as they were led through the tunnels back the other direction to their respective quarters.

Maria definitely related. “Tell me about it. This sucks.”

“Everything itches.”

“Like, seriously. Everything . And that one he put on my chest? The whatchamacallit? Infallia?”


“Right. That one. Damn that one hurt the most.”

“No joke. It feels horrible,” Ziana agreed.

“I know. But I guess this is how we survive. I mean, the alternative sounded like pretty certain death, so all things considered, I suppose this isn’t too bad. We just have to play in some sort of game. Really, how bad could it be?”

The guard chuckled softly. Maria turned to look at their until-now-silent escort.


“Oh, nothing.”

“You’ve clearly got something to say.”

“Just that you both seem to be under the very mistaken assumption that the Husken Games are easy.”

“So, they’re challenging? Fine. We’ll manage as best we can then.”

The guard shook her head, still amused. “And you also assume you will survive them.”

That got both the women’s attention.

“Hang on,” Ziana blurted, her heart racing a bit faster. “What do you mean, survive ? They’re games, right?”

“Yes. And many of the events are anything but safe. Fatalities occur during the games, though some years more than others. As you both seem to be utterly unfamiliar with both the games themselves as well as the rules, tactics, and historically successful strategies, well, let’s just say these games will be anything but easy.”

Ziana and Maria shared a very concerned look as they processed this new information.

“You’ll be staying in the competitors’ suites up ahead,” the guard informed them after they passed the T-intersection in the tunnel they’d previously taken.

This route was different. This time they were headed upwards, following the other branch. They walked a short while, the overall illumination growing brighter and not from artificial lights but rather natural sources as they approached what appeared to be a large pavilion of sorts. As it turned out, that initial assessment wasn’t so far off.

The tunnel ended in daylight, and they stepped out into an enclosed courtyard area surrounded by a few dozen individual bungalow-looking structures along the perimeter, fanned out like spokes on a massive wheel. All of them were freestanding and shared no common walls. There was a high topiary hedge acting as a barrier between them to help keep the inner space completely sequestered from the outside world.

Ziana squinted and noted what appeared to be a solid wall hidden behind the decorative foliage. No one would be busting in through the shrubbery, nor breaking out.

“You. Your quarters are that one,” the guard said, giving Maria a gentle nudge. “Your teammate is called Borkus. And you. You are partnered with Dorrin. Those quarters over there. You may both take a few minutes to get your bearings and settle in. Use the restroom if you need, bathe, then get changed and meet me back here. I’ll take you to meet your teammates.”

Ziana and Maria didn’t argue. After all they’d been through, the thought of a shower and clean clothes alone was enough to make them more than happy to comply. And a modicum of privacy for the first time in longer than they cared to admit? It would be pure heaven.

Maria gave a little nod and headed off to her lodging. Ziana followed suit, stepping into what would, apparently, be home for as long as she was in the games. The air inside was actually a delight, clean and fresh, ever so slightly scented with a pleasant woodsy aroma. There were skylights galore providing ample ambient light, and the whole place had a very clean and Scandinavian look to it. Functional, minimal, but comfortable.

“Not bad,” Ziana commented to the air. “Not bad at all. Now, let’s find that shower.”

She located the bathing area easily enough. It was quite spacious with multiple nozzles coming from both above as well as all around. She stripped, dumping her dirty clothes in what looked like a hamper, then stepped into the jets. The water was perfect, the temperature and flow soothing her aching muscles and tender skin, which, surprisingly, didn’t seem to mind the impact of the water. In fact, if anything, it seemed to be helping the irritation subside.

Little did she know that there were traces of healing elements fed into the water supply for the entire competitor’s compound. Not that she’d have cared. All that mattered right now was that this felt good .

Finally, she stepped out, finding an invisible force energy gently blowing across her body and removing the excess water but without drying her skin to the point of discomfort. There were also towels on a little rack that emerged from the wall when the water stopped for her to use if she wanted, but she opted to let the fascinating device do its work.

“Wow. That’s a neat trick. About time there was some actual cool alien tech.”

She moved to the hamper to see about washing her clothes, but all she found were traces of ash.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Really ?” Ziana looked around. The towels had returned to their hidden nook in the wall, and she didn’t know how to open it, leaving her nothing with which to wrap herself.

“Well, shit. I guess I need to find the closet sooner than later.”

She hurried through the climate-controlled bungalow, marveling at the layout and feel of the space as she explored utterly nude. It was almost thrilling, passing in front of the windows at the rear of the structure like that, on display should anyone be outside. But there were no prying eyes. At least, not that she could see. Apparently, they were situated in a wooded area that appeared to be off-limits to all but the authorized participants and representatives of the games. There was one window, however, that had bars on it. That one was currently shuttered to the outside, but the bars made her wonder who might eventually wind up on the other side of them.

There was no sense worrying about that now. Now she needed to get dressed, and as she rounded a corner she saw neatly folded clothing sitting on the edge of a bed.

“There it is. About ti?—”

She froze, taking in the details of the bedroom.

“No. No, no, no. This can’t be right. What the hell?”

She quickly picked up the clothing and spread it out, figuring out how exactly to put it on. This wasn’t normal attire but something different. Something odd. Rather than a typical mode of construction, the top and bottoms appeared to be clamshell in design, sealing up along the arms, legs, and sides of the torso rather than the usual way one might dress. It was really, really odd. But that wasn’t what had caused the most distress.

The second bed just an arm’s reach away from hers was what had disturbed her so. It had been slept in, though it had also been tidied up and made. But it was clear to see, a large person had been sleeping in that bed. And it was right next to hers.

“Why would they make us sleep next to each other? This isn’t some kind of sleepover camp. We’re grown-ass adults.”

Ziana was not amused with the situation, and she was damn well going to make her displeasure known. Once she figured out how to get dressed, that is.

Turns out it wasn’t as hard as she initially thought. The alien tech seemed to sense a body in the clothing and seal and open quite easily with a simple tug or press to fasten or release the novel system. More than just that, it also adjusted to fit the user’s body, ensuring it was not too snug, but also not so loose as to be a baggy hindrance, which would certainly be a problem in whatever sort of games they had in mind.

She came out of her quarters after Maria, finding her friend already in a heated discussion with the guard about the very same concerns she had.

“No, I told you. I am not sharing my room with some random man,” she snapped. By the tone, it sounded like this was a statement she’d been repeating for some time, but with no success.

“And I told you , this is how it is done. There are no exceptions for you just because you don’t like it.”

“This is bullshit.” She turned to Ziana. “Do you have the same bedroom setup? Some dude’s bed right next to yours?”

“I do. And I am not thrilled.”

“That’s two of us. And this one won’t tell me why it’s set up like this.”

The guard shrugged. “Well, as I have been telling you, you will find out soon enough. And now that both of you are here, why don’t we go meet your partners?”

It wasn’t a question.

The guard started walking. The two humans looked at one another a moment, then followed. They exited via a thick gate with guards on both sides. Aside from the tunnel, this was the only way in or out. The walk was a long one, and they passed all sorts of unusual training facilities along the way. Obstacle courses, workout areas, swimming areas, though they were more like natural pools, and even a climbing station with varying degrees of difficulty and environments to challenge oneself. She noted there were also a few viewing platforms from which spectators could watch them train if they so desired, though they were mostly empty at the moment.

There were also rest areas. A few cooling pools, what looked like hot tubs, as well as seats and tables. There were several board games set up, the design looking somewhat like chess, but with alien pieces and a few more rows of squares than on Earth. Then there was a refreshment station with food and drink.

All in all, it didn’t look too terrible, surprisingly, and the men and women exercising were all in top physical form.

The guard waved to one of her counterparts. “Bring me Dorrin and Borkus. Their new partners have arrived for bonding.”

Ziana’s hackles rose at that. “ Bonding ? Hang on. What do you mean, bonding ?”

“Oh, I do not mean Infala bonding. This is just for the games.”

“What’s Infala bonding?”

The guard’s head cocked with surprise. “You really do not know?”

“All I know is the Skrizzit guy said the one on my chest is called that. He didn’t say much else about it.”

The guard seemed a bit shocked at that, but that surprise faded quickly enough. She shrugged. “You’ll learn. Your partner can explain it to you. You’ll have a lot of time to discuss all manner of things. If you don’t annoy him too much, of course. Dorrin can be a bit, shall we say, difficult .”

“And I’m stuck with him?”

“More like I’m stuck with you ,” a deep voice growled from behind her.

Ziana turned, catching a whiff of the imposing man’s fresh sweat, his skin gleaming and his clothes wet from hard exercise. Interestingly, he didn’t smell bad. It was the smell of healthy eating and exercise. A body not contaminated by fast food.

At least I won’t be sharing lodging with some stinky neck beard , she mused, trying her best to look at the bright side.

He was bigger up close, and despite the gray-blue coloring to his skin, he was anything but cold. She could feel the heat radiating off him, his muscles pumped from exercise and his veins thick and long running down his arms to his considerable hands. Equally sizable was the distracting bulge pressing against his left trouser leg.

“You’ve finished your circuit, I see,” the guard noted. “You were pushing yourself today.”

“Because I know I’m going to be hindered from here on,” he grumbled, his eyes shooting daggers at the human woman he was to compete with. “Well, get it over with,” he said, holding out his left arm.

The guard waved over one of her comrades who had a long cable in his hands. Only when he got closer did Ziana see the two padded metal cuffs attached to either end. He snapped one over Dorrin’s wrist. The unit clicked and buzzed, then fell silent, securely locked in place.

“Gimme your wrist,” he demanded, grabbing Ziana’s right arm.

“Hang on a second. No one told me we were going to be chained together.”

“It’s not a chain, it’s a cable,” the man replied with a chuckle as he locked her cuff in place.

She turned to the woman who’d guided them there. “What’s this all about?”

“Protocol. Everyone is bound for the early rounds. Even the elites. But later? Well, you’ll have to earn the privilege of having the cuffs removed.” She turned to Maria as a bearded man with dark-yellow skin strode over. “Come on, you. You’re next.”

The man was clearly Borkus, and poor Maria was going to be bound to him just as Ziana was to Dorrin. And suddenly it all made sense. It was absolutely nuts, but it made sense. The lodging, the beds, even the clothes. It was all designed for people chained together.

Okay, not chains, but close enough , she mused, her gallows humor the only thing keeping her from freaking the fuck out. A crowd was gathering, other competitors wandering over to ogle the newcomers.

Dorrin was standing close, looming over her, sizing her up with the only part of him that actually was cold. His stare nearly made her shiver, his silver-gray eyes looking at her with such a cool intensity she almost couldn’t stand it. Finally, he looked away, turning his ire to the guard.

“Look at her. She’s a useless piece of meat.”

“Hey! There’s no reason to be a dick!”

He ignored her, his gaze now locked on the guard, pleading his case, though he knew full well there would be no undoing this.

“What the hell am I supposed to do with her? Her runes aren’t even healed yet.”

The guard shrugged. “They’ll heal.”

“And she doesn’t even know the rules.”

“Then teach her. It’s that or go home, Dorrin. And do you really want to wait another three years?”

One of the other competitors, a pale man with golden-blond hair and a jaw so square it was almost comical, came striding close, his clothing of the same basic design, but clearly made of far finer material. Everything about him screamed wealth, even the wrist band binding him to the lithe woman with the same familial skin and hair standing at his side, and his attitude only reinforced the impression. Though she believed in giving people a fair shake upon first meeting, as soon as he opened his mouth, Ziana’s first impression was fixed in place, and she did not like him one bit.

“Yes, Dorrin. Why don’t you give up?” the man said with a haughty laugh.

Yep. I hate him , Ziana confirmed. This guy creeps me out worse than an entitled frat bro.

“Not happening, Flagro, and you know it,” Dorrin replied, his dislike clear in his gaze.

“You actually expect to win? How comical. But you’ll lose, you know. Just like last time. Just like every time. First your father, ever the loser, and now his son following in his footsteps of failure. Expectations and reality are not always what you plan for. Face it. You’ll never ascend, Dorrin. You’ll never become one of us, you know. You’ll never achieve true wealth and status.”

“So you keep saying. But is that worry I hear in your voice, Flagro?”

“Worry? You don’t even have your real partner. And what a tragic injury, that was to your former one.”

“Yes, funny how that happens around the games, and always to your fiercest competitors.”

“Are you making an accusation? You know the penalties for spreading lies.”

“Just an observation,” Dorrin replied, his jaw flexing but his ire held back.

Ziana could almost feel it. How badly he wanted to punch that man in his perfect teeth. But she’d seen this dynamic before. The privileged getting away with whatever they wanted while the commoners were held to a different set of rules. It seemed some things were the same no matter what planet you were on. Whatever dislike Ziana had felt for her unwanted partner, she was, for the moment at least, very much on his side.

“Hey, why don’t you back off, buddy? Don’t you have a beauty nap you should be getting back to?”

The man turned his attention fully to the woman he’d been all but ignoring, the woman at his side also fixing her with a harsh glare. “Oh, your hopeless little female thinks she can talk to me like that. How quaint, wouldn’t you agree, Galla?”

“It really is quite pathetic,” the woman at his side commented. “She’ll learn her place. I’ll make sure of it.”

Ziana felt her temper flare. She’d known this sort of bully all her life. And even after being dragged across the galaxy, roughed up, forcibly tattooed and now shackled to some stranger, she was still having to deal with this sort of asshole? Frankly, she was sick and tired of it.

She stepped forward, a crazed look in her eye and a vicious smile on her lips. “I’m looking forward to it,” she said with an icy chill to her voice.

The woman wasn’t accustomed to people talking back, but she didn’t flinch. Regardless, Ziana could feel her discomfort, and it was Galla who broke contact first. “Come, Flagro. I grow bored of these two.”

“Very well, Sister,” he replied, turning his attention back to Dorrin one last time. “See you on the field, then.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

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