The day of forced downtime had turned out to be something of a blessing in disguise for the lovers. While they watched as they fell farther behind in the rankings, losing their top spot to Flagro and Galla, of all people, they didn’t plummet off the board. As fate would have it, they were unwillingly, but luckily, missing out on an extremely difficult day. And as a result, the leader board didn’t shift nearly as dramatically as they’d feared. On top of that, a few highest-ranking competitors had been eliminated, further reducing the competition for the top spot.
They were behind, no doubt, but not out of reach.
Another benefit of the day was the relaxed energy as they played Bolaxis with one another, enjoying a casual lovers’ banter in the lead-up to what promised to be a very spicy evening indeed. And, to Ziana’s delight and Dorrin’s surprise, she utterly destroyed him in the game, not even coming close to losing even once.
He remarked that she had managed to surprise him yet again, and that, per their agreement, his body was hers to do with as she pleased. And what pleased her, did so for him as well, and for many hours at that.
By the time morning rolled around the two were not only well-fed but also rested in both body and mind, their powerful pigment additions boosting their natural abilities both in and out of the bedroom to their great delight. There was also something strange happening. Interesting. Dorrin said it wasn’t true Infala bonding, but as their Infalas had been enhanced by the same pigment only moments apart while the two then remained in such close proximity, it seemed the “family” of microorganisms making up the new colonies within each of them had sensed one another, drawing the two closer without their realizing it.
The pigment wanted to be as one, and as a result the two lovers couldn’t get enough of one another, pulled viscerally closer by the Infala pigment’s inexorable draw.
“Shall we break our fast and see what the final event is to be?” Dorrin asked his love.
“Might as well get it over with. I just hope it’s nothing too brutal.”
He chuckled, leaning in and kissing her forehead tenderly. “My dearest, from what I can gather, that was yesterday’s event. I would expect today to be difficult, no doubt, but as the final event it will also need to have an element of risk to keep the gambling community happy.”
“Yes. The opportunity for an upset always goes over well with them.”
“Well, then. Let’s go see what they’ve got in store for us.”
They made their way to the dining area, piling up their plates high, fueling their bodies for whatever madness the day might bring. But when the final event was displayed on the floating scoreboard for all to see, everyone, even the elites, were shocked.
“No,” Dorrin gasped, utterly at a loss. “This is impossible.”
Ziana wasn’t nearly as surprised as he was, but she was still not expecting this. “Didn’t you say it hadn’t been used as an event in a super long time? Like, longer than anyone could remember?”
“I did.”
“But the board says Bolaxis .”
“I can see that. And it is certainly no mistake.” He shook his head looking at the faces of the other competitors, gauging each and every one of them. None had expected this. Not in a million years. “It looks like Bolaxis is it, and there is nothing to do about it.”
“How? I mean, won’t this upset the gamblers?”
“Perhaps not so much as we’d think. I see now that they will be holding multiple rounds per pairing with the winners advancing.”
“So, like a championship tournament, basically. Win and advance a slot until the finals.”
“Yes. You speak like you are familiar with this sort of thing.”
“An ex was really into sports. I’ve watched way more playoff games than most people, I’d wager.”
“We cannot wager as players.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Ah, another figure of speech.”
“Now you’re getting it,” she chuckled, refraining from giving him a kiss in public, but the look in her eyes making her intent clear enough.
He actually blushed a little, just a hint of color darkening his cheeks, but she saw it. He was smitten, just as she was. And they both had the same idea now that the die had been cast in regard to the day’s game. They would sit back and observe the others, watch for normal behaviors so they could later note any irregular ones. It wasn’t going to be a poker game, but bluffing was very much a part of Bolaxis strategy.
Everyone ate in relative silence, the shock of the revelation setting them all on-edge. By the time they made their way to the arena where Bolaxis boards had been set up on a series of raised platforms, the final one looming above the others, Dorrin had made a decision. One that could change his life forever.
The first-round pairings were listed, and the teams fanned out to their respective platforms. There were five seats on each. One for each male player and one for his female attendant and their pitcher of Lectrolis cooler.
The fifth seat was for the officiant who would oversee the gameplay and enforce the rules. Of course, with this being the finals, as well as a game that was easy to observe and pretty much impossible to cheat at under such scrutiny, it was essentially an honorary position.
Nevertheless, officiating was an honor, and the officiants were gathered together in a huddle with the main overseer while the teams took their positions.
“I will join you in a moment,” he said as Ziana headed to their designated spot.
“What are you doing?”
“I just need to speak with the officials a moment. I’ll be right behind you.”
Ziana shrugged and kept walking, free of the cable that had bound them together for so long. Flagro and Galla had already taken their position, both watching her with undisguised disdain.
“Oh, look. The little human is finally free to roam, and her partner already abandons her,” Galla said with a chuckle.
Ziana ignored him and kept walking.
Her brother wouldn’t let it go that easily, joining in her mirth and sizing Ziana up with a gross sneer. “At least she can make herself useful to her superiors. A role you will be getting used to very soon,” he added. “Be a good girl and fetch me some Lectrolis cooler.”
Ziana spun, hands on her hips in annoyance but a mischievous gleam in her eye. “Stop trying to make fetch happen. It’s not going to happen.”
“Oh, she has spunk!” Galla snarked. “We’ll break you of that when you are our servant.”
Ziana didn’t take the bait. In fact, she laughed so loud other players turned to see what was so funny. Being made fun of was not something Galla enjoyed, but there was nothing she could do about it.
“Oh, sweetie, I’m so much more than that,” Ziana replied with a saccharine sweet smile. “By the way, how’s the nose feeling?”
Galla lunged to her feet, but her brother grabbed her arm, forcing her to sit. If she’d attacked another player so openly under the watchful eyes of everyone in attendance there would have been no way even an elite could avoid being expelled from the games.
Ziana gave a little wave and carried on her way. “See ya later.”
Galla stared pure hatred at her. “You can count on it.”
Ziana stepped up onto the low platform for their first round and took the attendant’s seat. Their first opponents were elites. Bladzo and Skeetaxa. It seemed whoever had set this up was wasting no time putting the troublesome upstart team in their place.
Dorrin joined them a few minutes later, but rather than take his seat he stood beside Ziana. The officiant arrived right after him, a shocked look on his face no matter how he tried to hide it. Whatever Dorrin had said to them had taken them all by surprise. Ziana looked up at her man.
“What’s going on?”
“A little change of plans. Switch seats with me.”
Despite watching many games at once, all attention quickly shifted to just this one and the murmurs rising from the crowd transitioned to outright uproar in an instant.
Ziana’s face flushed as she realized what he meant. “Wait. Hang on. I’m not allowed to?—”
“You are, actually,” he cut her off.
“No, she cannot!” Bladzo declared, utterly self-assured and secure in his status. “You may not break the rules, commoner. Even one from the lower class knows this.”
Dorrin flashed the most condescending, bless-your-heart grin imaginable. “While custom dictates that Bolaxis is a game played only by males, that is tradition, not law. Isn’t that right, officiant?”
The poor officiant squirmed under the elite’s gaze, well aware he was currently being watched live by damn near every gambler in the city.
“It’s true,” he said with a gulp. “While the games have certain parameters regarding the team member playing the game, those issues have been recognized, discussed, and addressed to the satisfaction of the overseer. As for the game itself, while highly unusual, this request is legal.”
“What sort of issues?” Ziana asked.
Dorrin rested his hand on her shoulder. “Do not concern yourself with that. You have but one thing to focus on. Just play the game.”
“But I?—”
“You are a far better player than I am, and you and I both know it.”
“But I can’t just?—”
“You can . I trust you, Ziana. I trust you with my life.”
He gestured to the player’s chair once more, and this time she responded. Ziana took a deep breath, rose, and moved over, sliding into position, her nerves on edge.
The officiant spun a little disc, this world’s version of tossing a coin, Ziana quickly learned, and with colors decided, the game began.
Bladzo and Skeetaxa were chipper and amused at the prospect of an elite male facing a female, and not just a commoner, but an off-worlder at that.
Their smiles were wiped from their faces quickly and with malice.
“Hey, thanks for the games. That was fun!” Ziana chirped, having dispatched Bladzo with blazing-fast efficiency. “So, now what?”
Dorrin barely contained his laughter. “Now we go have a snack. You made such quick work of him; we have a little respite before learning who your next opponent will be.”
She stood up and stretched, an exaggerated act for the benefit of the crowd, who ate it up with a chorus of cheers. The underdog had just made some of them a lot of money. The other players turned and looked at what was going on despite being in the middle of their own games. Ziana was psyching them out before she even sat across from them, and several of the others made unforced errors in their current games as a result.
Dorrin and Ziana sat in a shady spot, snacking and watching the other players on a small display, enjoying their early respite.
He nudged her with his shoulder. “You see? You are a natural.”
She leaned back into him in reply, enjoying the momentary contact but keeping it at just that. For now, anyway. “Thanks for believing in me. This is actually kind of fun.”
“Enjoy it, but do not take the game lightly. It can turn in an instant.”
“As Bladzo just learned firsthand.”
“Yes, that he did. And deservedly so. Just remember, others will not be so easy.”
“Noted. So what now?”
“Now we wait. And then? Then you crush them all.”
The next several pairings went pretty much the same, though Gorrum proved to be a tougher opponent than most. Even so, Ziana was burning through her opponents with speed and efficiency, even potentially unlocking bonus points in the process. It was an obscure part of the game’s rules, and pretty much no one ever claimed those bonuses as they were not easy to win. But Ziana had put on such an impressive display that she’d actually managed it.
Of course, there were objections to the additional points by both the elites and gamblers betting against her, and it would take a while for the rules to be fully consulted and the bonuses confirmed. Even so, by the time they reached their final round, they were in second place.
“This is it,” she said as they climbed to the high platform, to face her final opponent.
Naturally, it was Flagro.
Gone was his joking, sarcastic ribbing. He may have treated her like shit earlier, but he’d seen her play now and was not taking this lightly. He was a good player, but he was in no way guaranteed victory. This would be a battle, and against a female, no less.
The first game was unusual. Both players were tentative, refraining from several of their earlier tactics as they felt one another out. This was it. The final three games that would decide it all.
Dorrin kept the Lectrolis cooler coming, making his partner hydrate and fuel her brain as she burned through glycogen like a furnace, her opponent doing the same, both pushing their tactical minds to the limits.
“Yes!” she shouted, pumping her fist in the air, finally boxing her opponent into the corner. “That’s game!”
“Unexpected,” Flagro grumbled.
Dorrin smirked at the man, throwing his own words back at him in the most satisfying way. “Expectations and reality are not always what you plan for, are they?”
Flagro’s eyes flared, his jaw flexing, but he controlled his rage. He turned his attention back to Ziana. “You have been victorious in but a single game. There are still two remaining.”
Ziana knew he was right, but landing that first blow felt good. Damn good.
“Okay,” she said. “Shall we get to it?”
They did, and to her dismay Flagro managed to pull out a win, quieting her celebration and extinguishing her joy, a look of smug amusement creasing his lips. There was only one game remaining. One game to decide it all.
“Ready to lose?” Flagro asked, trying his hand at mind games.
Ziana didn’t take the bait. “I think it is you who will be losing. See the scoreboard? It’s a tie. Winner takes all. No pressure.”
Dorrin glanced up, a nervous look in his eyes but remaining silent. She would either win or she would lose. It was as simple as that.
“Well, let’s go, then,” Flagro replied.
They launched into the game, both playing fast and aggressive, not throwing caution to the wind, but each pushing the other to move quickly in hopes their opponent might make a mistake in their haste. They captured pieces, swapped control of the board many times, until Ziana finally cornered Flagro with a daring attack.
“Gotcha!” she exclaimed.
The smile that spread across his face made her stomach sink in a hurry.
“Thank you,” he replied, calmly reaching out and moving a piece. “You stepped right into my trap.”
Ziana realized what had happened before the officiant even announced Flagro’s victory. She’d played an amazing game. One of the best she could have imagined, even. But the elite prick had simply outplayed her. She turned to Dorrin, expecting him to take the loss with a shrug and a quip about coming back for the next games, but his face was one of barely hidden despair.
“What is it?” she asked. “Don’t worry, we can try again in another three years. I’ll do my time, but we can do it again.”
Flagro laughed, evil in his eyes. “Oh, he didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“Only a free individual can enter the games. No servants are allowed to make the application.”
“Right. And he’ll just do it again next time,” she shot back.
Dorrin shook his head. “I’m sorry, Ziana.”
“Sorry? Sorry for what?”
Now it was Galla’s turn to unleash her wrath. “He’s sorry that he’s our property now.”
Ziana spun on the officiant, rage in her eyes. “What does she mean?”
The man stammered a moment. “You were allowed to play, as it is not expressly prohibited by law. But the games have an old rule on the books. Ancient, actually. For a player to swap position in the final event, they place their freedom on the line. To lose is to become indentured.”
Flagro rose, waving to the crowd, victorious. “And now you are both our servants. And that means neither of you can apply to the games. Rest assured, I will keep you very busy in our service.”
Ziana turned to Dorrin, tears in her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He looked absolutely heartbroken, his own gleaming with despair. “You would have worried.”
“You’re damn right I would have worried.”
“And it would have put your game at risk. You had to take chances. To play without restraint.”
“And look where that got us.”
“It got us closer than any commoner has ever come to victory. I will always love you, Ziana. This does not change that.”
Galla laughed, cruel intent in her eyes. “How sweet. You two actually hope for happiness together? That’s not happening. In fact, I think one of you should serve at our family’s estate on the other side of the planet.”
A loud roar erupted in the crowd, drowning out the prior reaction from Flagro’s victory. That was an uproar, but this? They were going absolutely nuts.
“What is that?” Flagro demanded. “What’s going on?”
The officiant touched his ear, information piping to him directly through his tiny earpiece. “Oh. Oh my!”
“What is it? Speak, damn you!”
The officiant looked up at the board as it changed yet again, the entire crowd along with the players in absolute shock at what they saw.
“No. No! This is impossible!” Galla shouted as the score shifted.
“I assure you, it is correct. The bonus ruling has been upheld, and the points awarded. You have won the final game, but those points change the standings. The two top teams are now tied.”
Ziana felt elation, fear, panic, and a whole host of other feelings flood her body. “What does that mean? What do we do now?”
The officiant answered her, his voice suddenly amplified for the whole arena to hear. “Now we hold a tiebreaker.”