The flight was short as the estate was close to the city. There was a small, crystal-clear lake lapping the shores where a small dock bobbed lazily on the water. The grounds were sprawling, but unlike so many manicured properties on Earth, this one had been allowed to grow wild. Or, at least it looked that way at first glance. Upon closer observation as the ship approached to land in the spacious upper courtyard landing space, it became apparent that while nature had been free to do its thing, careful guidance from the resident caretakers had steered the plants into creating pathways and intermingled orchard areas.
The main building looked almost like a fairy-tale castle, only one that had been transported into a distant realm and modified with the highest of technology features. While the walls were stone, the windows appeared to be empty spaces. In fact, they were sealed by a force field that could be adjusted to allow free-flowing air or none at all, and all the variations in between.
A series of quaint outer buildings were staff quarters, and they were inhabited by the small army that maintained the estate.
“Do not worry about their pay,” their guide informed them as they exited the craft. “Nearly all who work here do so for free food and lodging.”
“What about the crops?” Ziana asked, noting there seemed to be quite a lot of agriculture interwoven across the property.
“What is not used by the owners is sold at market, the proceeds increasing your fortune.”
Ziana wrinkled her nose. “I’m not so sure how I feel about that. Dorrin?”
“It is a curious arrangement, I must agree.”
“Yeah, it is. I wonder, do we actually need that money to keep this place running, or is that just on top of it all?”
The guide nodded. “Ah, I understand the question. An astute inquiry from the new owners. To answer, it is additional revenue. The property is self-sustaining otherwise and owned free and clear.”
“Then I’ve got an idea. Let’s look into sharing that money with the people who live here. I mean, free room and board is one thing, but I speak from experience that it can be incredibly stressful not having a nest egg of your own. What do you two think?”
“Dorrin is the man of the house, and I defer to him,” his father said, patting his son on the back.
“Oh, Father. You know I value your wisdom. Please, what are your impressions of this idea?”
The older man grinned. “I think it is a wonderful idea. And further, I am now certain that you have selected the best possible mate with whom to spend your days. This act says a lot for you, Ziana.”
“Thank you.”
A white-clad woman with muscular arms stepped out of one of the nearby doors, gave a little nod, then stood still, waiting.
“Ah, that would be my masseuse. You two go enjoy your new home. I’m going to bathe, get a massage, eat, and get a good night’s sleep.”
“Are you sure you do not wish to join us this evening, Father?” Dorrin asked.
The man chuckled. “Oh, my boy. You are to be Infala bonded. You don’t want me around for that sort of thing. You’ll have plenty to do without me there.” He flashed a wink then turned for the waiting masseuse. “See you both in the morning! Or afternoon. We know how Infala bonding can be.”
With that he left them to their own devices, the Nimenni general already arrived and setting up his Skrizzit equipment inside.
“Well, shall we?” Dorrin asked, extending his crooked arm.
“With pleasure,” Ziana replied, happily taking it and following him inside.
They found a staffer waiting for them just inside the entryway. A jolly woman named Oomballa. She informed them that the bathing area in the master suite was already prepared for them, showing the way, pointing out all the features of the estate as they walked. By the time they arrived, the new owners had a fair understanding of their property, as well as a deep feeling of affection for this woman. If the other staffers were half as good as her, they’d be living a marvelous life indeed.
The bathing area was resplendent, featuring every possible feature imaginable for one’s bathing and relaxation needs. No expense had been spared, but then, the former owners never thought they’d be giving this place up.
It was a delight the couple was more than glad to take full advantage of, their bodies still sticky with sweat and dirt from their strenuous final challenge. They’d been floating on air since they won, but now that they had a moment to stop and take it all in, the aches and pains made themselves apparent.
“Don’t worry,” Dorrin reassured her as they stripped and stepped into the cascading warm water. “Our Infalas were unharmed during the games, so we won’t need to wait for that area to heal before he does his work.”
“We’re really doing this, aren’t we?” she marveled, sliding up to him, holding his naked body close, his length twitching hungrily against her warm flesh.
“We are,” he replied, kissing her soft and deep. “And even without the pigment, this is what I want.”
“Me too. I just wonder how he’s going to do it. That, and what it’s going to be like once he’s done.”
“We will soon find out.”
“Blood?” Ziana asked, a little confused.
“Yes, blood,” Heydar replied, a razor-sharp knife laid out beside his Skrizzit tools. “I will need to mix your blood with the pigment before I apply it. It is a rare and secret technique known to the Bohdzee Guard of the Nimenni. A means to enhance one’s fighting power and prowess by sharing the strength of a comrade’s runes. It is intended to increase one’s combat abilities, but it should work for the Infala.”
Ziana looked at Dorrin, both of them stark naked for the process, then back to Heydar. “I’m sorry, did you say, should ?”
“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,” Darla chimed in from a comfy seat along the wall. She wasn’t an active participant, but there was no way she was going to miss this show.
Ziana, however, had questions. “Hang on. You’ve done this before, right?”
“The Bohdzee process? Yes, many times.”
“Oh, good. I?—”
“But what you have asked for? No.”
He chuckled, picking up the knife. “Friend, I do not believe anyone in a thousand systems has. Now, shall we?”
Dorrin stepped up, offering his palm. Heydar sliced, collecting the blood in a small vessel. “Your turn,” he said, urging Ziana forward. “The blade is very sharp. It will not hurt much.”
“That’s what they all say,” she shot back nervously, but despite her concerns, she offered up her hand as well.
He made his slice and collected her blood too. And as he’d promised, with such a sharp knife it really didn’t hurt more than an odd sting.
“Now for the fun part,” Heydar said, drawing out a small jar of a faintly glowing cream. He took out a dollop and put it in a small vessel. He then uncapped the incredibly powerful glowing pigment collected from the Chancellor’s collection. It was extraordinary stuff and stronger than any he’d ever worked with before. And for that reason he was hopeful this might actually work, though it was only confidence he showed the couple awaiting their runes.
He poured a few drops in the ointment. “A healing ointment, unique to my people. Hands, please.”
They extended their bleeding palms. Ziana had been about to ask why do the cliché thing and slice a palm when you could just use a syringe to take blood, but now she saw why. There was a reason for this particular wound.
Heydar spread the ointment on both of their hands then bound them together, palm to palm, their blood, pigment, and ointment pressed tightly and secured. He studied his handiwork. Satisfied, had them both lay down next to each other.
“Now we begin.”
He worked slowly, taking his time as he applied an entirely new Infala rune over their existing ones. Each had their own non-matching Infala, so he would have to find a way to incorporate those disparate elements in a manner that would allow the new pigment to dictate that their runes would do. If he did everything just right, the powerful pigment would absorb and change what was already there. And then? Then the two would be bound forever.
At least, that was the intention.
After a few hours spent going back and forth between them he finally stopped, surveying his work with a satisfied nod. “It is complete.”
“What’s that feeling? And why is it doing that?” Ziana asked, looking down at her new rune.
It was glowing, tingling and buzzing in her skin in a way she’d never felt from any of her other runes. This was different. Not necessarily bad, but odd.
“The healing ointment is entering your bloodstreams, for one,” Heydar informed her. “And on top of that, your Infalas are deciding if they will accept the form they have been given or reject it outright. They are very powerful runes, and they always change to match their mate of their own accord. But this is forced, and with very powerful pigment at that. I am hopeful it will work, but we will have to wait and see.”
“How long?” Dorrin inquired.
“You will know by morning,” he replied, cleaning and putting away his tools, pocketing the leftover pigment for a rainy day.
“You two should really go get some food and hit the sack,” Darla suggested. “This is gonna kick your ass for a little bit.”
Ziana nodded and slid on a robe, one arm free as her and her lover’s hands were bound once more, but this time not by restraints, but by the bonds of love.
“And then?” she asked.
Darla shrugged. “And then we’ll see if this worked.”
She and her mate then left the couple, victorious, wealthy, bonded, and very, very tired.