Innocence (Gray Wolf Security #12) CHAPTER TWO 6%
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“So, mon frére, how are the bison?” smirked Miller.

“Seriously. That’s how we’re starting the morning. Fine. Fuck all of you,” smirked Gaspar. “Actually, the bison are fine.”

“Bucky is happy in his new surroundings,” said Trak. They all turned, not hearing him enter the room. The man was a walking ghost.

“Bucky? You named him Bucky? What happens if we get a beaver? I mean, shit, the obvious name for a beaver is Bucky,” frowned Gaspar. Trak just stared at him.

“Why is that obvious? You’re profiling the beaver,” he said with a straight face. The entire room erupted in laughter.

“Fine. Bucky is the male bison. And the three females?”

“Betty, Veronica, and Midge.” Gaspar could only stare at him, wondering if he was awake or not.

“Got it. Bucky, Betty, Veronica, and Midge . And does Bucky have a favorite?” he frowned. Sniff just laughed, shaking his head at the men.

“We’re not sure yet. He seems to have feelings for them all, but the women are being picky. Hopefully, we’ll have an entire herd in a few years.”

“Alvin likes them very much. He says they are regal,” said Trak.

“Of course he does. I mean, why wouldn’t an alligator think four bison are regal? Surely, he was raised right,” Gaspar said with heavy sarcasm.

“Can we focus, children?” smiled Nine. “The last case could not have ended any better. We saved those that we could, and Calvin, Vic, Damon, and April are doing extremely well on their own. Matthew gave them a vehicle so they could get around. April is doing beautifully in school and would like to get a degree in teaching eventually.”

“That’s a strange mix, those three seniors with her,” said Jean. “I think for them, it’s like having a daughter they never had with them. The harder thing for all of them is learning technology. We tried to give them phones that are basic and simple, but the men couldn’t understand why they weren’t connected to the walls.”

“I can’t imagine,” said Antoine. “Think about all the technology that’s happened in the last ten years alone. Technology here because of G.R.I.P. is even more advanced. They have to feel overwhelmed.”

“Well, the good news is that Calla and the team are visiting three times a week to talk to them and work through anything they need. She said they’ve been incredibly open and honest. It’s like teaching children,” said Baptiste.

“Angel, Gibbie, Antoine, Bull, and Jazz,” said Ian. “Great job on the security for the art exhibit. I understand we had no big issues other than one protestor who didn’t like an exhibit that was a piece of indigenous art, using skins and fur.”

“All in all, it was pretty quiet,” said Bull. “I have to say, seeing the artwork from our own people was amazing. I mean, I knew what Ela, Cass, and Shay were doing, but I guess I didn’t pay a lot of attention to it. Those pieces were unbelievable.”

“Cass had a painting that sold for two hundred thousand,” smiled Angel. “It was beautiful. Went to some big corporation in New York who wanted it for their offices in Manhattan.”

“Shay had two pieces of jewelry that were over fifty thousand,” said Gibbie. “Super proud of them all.”

“I love hearing that, brothers. We want everyone to do what makes them happy, and if doing what we do allows for that to occur, fucking awesome,” said Ghost. Someone knocked at the door and walked in, and they all turned and smiled.

“Well, well, well, if ain’t the new papa,” smiled Whiskey, standing to take one of the twins from Marcel. “Which one is this cutie?”

“That’s Bowen,” smiled Marcel.

“Oh, then this must be Beckett,” said Miller, taking the other. “Hello, little man.”

“They’re not so little. Even Gray said they were growing at an alarming rate. They weigh sixteen pounds each already.”

“Well, Robicheaux babies have never been small, brother. I don’t see why that should change. How big were you when you were born?” asked Gaspar.

“I have no clue. We didn’t weigh babies back then. You forget how old I actually am. Which is why I’m here. I was wondering if you could help me get an official birth certificate, social security number, all the normal identification that you all have.”

“Of course,” said Ian. “Is there something you need?”

“I’m learning to drive all the vehicles here. The cars, trucks, boats, even the motorcycles, and I find that I’m quite good at it. But I can’t do it off the property. If I have identification, I can get a driver’s license.”

“I’ll get with Kari and the team and see what we can do for you,” said Miller, grinning at his ancestor.

“Thank you,” he said with an exhausted sigh. He reached for the boys, and Miller and Whiskey smiled at him.

“Why don’t you leave them with us for a while? We can change a diaper or two and get them fed,” said Whiskey.

“Truly?” he said with surprise.

“Truly, mon frére,” smirked Miller. He dropped the diaper bag, kissed his sons’ foreheads, and left the room. The men all smiled down at the little ones, grinning.

“Man, they sure look like Robicheauxs, don’t they?” said Gabriel.

“Exactly like Rafe and Baptiste when they were born,” said Jean. “All that wavy hair and those eyes that look like they’re taking everything in.”

“You don’t think they have some sort of special powers, do you?” asked Rafe. They all stared at him with an inquisitive glance. “I mean, think about it. Their father was a ghost brought to life by their mother. There has to be some magic in that, doesn’t there?”

“I have no clue,” said Gaspar. “All I know is those are some damn cute kids.”

“Alvin likes them.” The entire room jumped, grabbing their chests, silently cursing their friend. Everyone except the babies, who giggled, looking toward the mysterious man.

“Keep that damn alligator away from the babies,” said Gaspar.

“He won’t eat them. He likes them. He says they are special.”

“Jesus, he’s communicating with animals,” said Ian, shaking his head.

“I’ve always communicated with animals. The dogs have always obeyed my commands, coyotes and wolves have helped us in the field, camels, donkeys, and horses have helped us to find enemies and get to safety. Did you all think that was by chance?”

The shocked expressions on their faces told Trak that they did believe it had all been by chance. Somehow, that gave him great satisfaction. He stood and stretched his long, lean body.

“If you’ll excuse me, the geese are returning home today. I’d like to be there to greet them.”

“Geese? No. Trak, no!” yelled Gaspar. “Geese can be fucking mean!”

“Not if you’re nice to them.”

Miller looked down at the infant in his arms, the little man giggling as if he knew a secret that no one else did. When he looked at his identical twin in the arms of Whiskey, he was laughing as well.

“I think they know something we don’t know,” said Miller. Whiskey just laughed.

“I think everyone knows something we don’t know.”

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