Innocence (Gray Wolf Security #12) CHAPTER TWELVE 35%
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Sterling’s return seemed secure, but he stayed out at Belle Fleur a while longer, wanting to be sure that everyone was truly alright with his continued operation of the park. On the surface, it all appeared okay, but he knew better than anyone the hidden anger, suspicions, and gossip were what got men killed.

When Baptiste, Rafe, Ian, and Angel stepped on the campus of UNO as the four new professors, the chatter was palpable.

“Have you seen the hot new calculus professor? O M G. I mean, he’s old, but he’s like super-hot.”

“Did you see the new French professor? He has a twin who teaches history. They are smokin’ hot,” said another young woman.

“Well, the old guy teaching military history is like a sexy James Bond or something. I’m not into older guys, but I’d do him.”

“Ladies,” said Ian, standing behind them. The young women jumped, turning to face their fantasy. “As much as I appreciate the comparison to James Bond, my wife thinks I’m much more like Jack Reacher. Either way, let’s focus on what your parents are paying good money for.”

“Yes, sir,” they giggled, walking away.

“Damn, this is going to be hard,” said Rafe. “I don’t think I’ve had this many young women look my way in twenty years or more. I mean, I don’t want to be the receiver of their admiration. How do I turn them away?”

“Easy. Go away,” said his brother.

“Look, we just need to focus and see if we find any cliques or groups that seem to be narrowing in on people’s fears. If we know that, we can hopefully stop them before the next victim,” said Angel.

“Focus. Right,” said Baptiste. “Just so you know, you’re the one they’re calling Thor.”

“Thor? I’m the last guy that should be called Thor. Maybe we should have brought Noah,” said Angel, frowning.

“Maybe,” smiled Mary, walking toward them. “Or maybe you should have brought your wife.”

“Babe,” he smiled, kissing her sweetly, “what are you doing here?”

“Faith and I are both taking over some classes as well. Four men coming in to replace regular professors is a bit suspicious, so we thought this would maybe be a good idea.”

“I didn’t think of that,” said Angel.

“Faith is teaching military strategy, and I’m teaching behavioral sciences,” smiled Mary. Angel frowned at his wife, shaking his head.

“Babe, that could make you a target,” he whispered.

“No. It won’t,” she said. “My lecture hall is right next to yours. Try not to make all the young girls swoon.”

The first few days were a whirlwind of activities, lectures, preparing slides, and answering ridiculous questions. Toward the end of the week, they all felt as though there were a few possible suspects in the group they wanted to take a closer look at. In fact, two of the suspects weren’t students at all. They were fellow professors.

“Professor Jordan?” called a man down the hall. Mary turned, almost rolling her eyes at the man. He’d been attempting to speak with her privately for a few days.

“Professor Gordon. How can I help you?” He smiled at her as he continued to walk toward her. He could not have been more different than Angel. He was short, not more than an inch taller than she was. Heavy around the middle, balding with an odor that made it smell like he’d been eating onion sandwiches.

“Professor Jordan, I’ve been asking you repeatedly if you’d like to do a tour of the campus with me, perhaps have a coffee,” he grinned.

“Professor Gordon, all due respect, but I’m a married woman. In fact, I’m married to another professor here at the university.”

“Oh,” he said, looking disappointed. “Well. It’s just friends having coffee.”

“Then you won’t mind if I come along,” said Angel, walking up to them. Gordon stared at the man, then back at Mary.

“He’s your husband?”

“Surprised?” smirked Mary. “I’m not sure if I should be offended by that or not.”

“A math nerd is your husband?”

“He’s much more than a math nerd, professor. He’s so much more,” she said as Angel wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

“Of course,” he nodded, frowning at the woman. “As I said, I was only trying to be friendly.”

“And yet you didn’t bother to invite me or the other new professors,” said Angel. “I find that rather disturbing. Even a math nerd can read between the lines.”

Gordon walked away, and Angel looked down at Mary.

“I almost feel sorry for him,” said Mary. “I think he’s incredibly lonely and possibly even desperate.”

“Desperate enough to kill a young woman?”

“I don’t know. He teaches behavioral psychology which could definitely fit in with what happened and the class where our victim was attending.”

“Was she in his class as well?” asked Angel.

“I don’t know. But I think we need to find out.”

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