Jackson (MC Sinners #7) 16 – Serenity 57%
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16 – Serenity

“ W e found Gerard’s sister,” Jackson tells me, walking into the room at the warehouse we’re staying in. “She lives a town over and isn’t married. As far as we can tell, he is all she has. She fully believes he is innocent, and when we found her social media, she advocates hugely for him.”

“He really does have everyone fooled,” I mutter. “But at least we have someone we can use against him. Are we able to find out anything about her that is useful?”

“Only that she’s fuckin’ rich, and nobody can figure out why. Maybe she’s just as evil as he is. Either way, he just needs to think we’re after her, and Hound needs to use him, then we move in.”

“Any ideas how we are going to get Gerard thinking we are after him?”

Jackson nods. “Yeah, we’re goin’ to show up at her house. She’ll tell him for certain. Then, we’re goin’ to be seen in a public place, not too public, but enough that if Hound is watchin’ us, he will be able to overhear. We have to make it look believable. He was watchin’ that entire rally, he knew where you were, and he was two steps ahead of us. We need him to do that again.”

“Maybe we could do another rally, or something similar. I could go in a disguise but stay close so he can’t get hold of me. Then, I can make sure he overhears me frantically tell you all that Gerard isn’t there, and that if we don’t find him, this is all over. He just needs to think we’re desperate.”

Jackson nods. “We’ll come up with somethin’ that works. For now, we need to sit tight until we can get somethin’ solid.”

“I’m not going to lie,” I exhale. “I hate it here. I’m so bored I want to gouge my own eyes out. Can we get the other members over and have a cookout or something? I think we all deserve it.”

Jackson ponders that, then walks over, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulls me close. “Not a bad idea, darlin’. I’ll get onto it. Then, I can finish what we started before I got shot.”

My cheeks grow pink as I look up at him. “If you can catch me.”

He grins, devilish. “Oh, I’ll catch you. Don’t ever doubt that.”

“I don’t know, I’ve heard those groans in the morning when you try and get out of bed.”

He steps closer, curling his fingers around my throat and leaning down close. “Are you challenging me, baby, because I love a good challenge.”

“I’m just saying, I’m not so sure you’re as good as you say.”

I’m teasing, because we both know he’s as good as he says. The man makes me moan a whole lot more than he ever makes me cry. He is the perfect specimen, kind and loving, a little rough, a little edgy, and fucking great in bed. He knows it, too. I love playing with him, I love it when he gets wicked with me.

“I’ll make sure you see just how good I am later. Right now, I have to go and get some things, so my woman doesn’t gouge her own eyes out from boredom.”

I grin. “Okay, well that was dramatic, but you know what I mean...”

He leans in, pressing a kiss to my forehead, holding his lips there for a long moment. I close my eyes, exhaling a sigh as I enjoy the moment. I love him more than words could ever express. This man is my entire world and more.

“Gotta go, baby,” he pulls back. “Be good, yeah. I won’t be long. Think long and hard about what it is we’ll do later when we’re alone. I’ve got a lot of making up to do.”

I lean up, pressing my lips to his. “I look forward to it.”

Pulling away, I turn and walk out, pausing at the door. I look back over my shoulder at him. “Oh, and Jackson?”

“Yeah, baby?”

“Get some rope. I enjoy being restrained.”

I leave the room to his feral hiss.

Just because we’re locked away doesn’t mean we can’t make the most of it.

Tonight, Jackson is mine.

All mine.

THROWING MY HEAD BACK , alcohol spurts from my mouth as I laugh hysterically at Addison’s face as she stares down at the raunchiest romance book we could find. She looks up at me, and then scrunches her face as she stares around the group. “I am not reading this.”

“Read it out loud, or drink,” I tease.

“If you’ve done it, you don’t have to drink, but you have to pass the book,” Ciara giggles. “Go on, Addi, spill.”

“It’s filthy, I cannot ... What even is this book?”

“Read it,” Cade murmurs, his voice low and husky, a beer resting on his leg. “I’m curious.”

“You all got easy passages about foreplay. This is ... this ... yuck.”

“Now I’m super curious, too.” I grin. “Come on.”

“My father is here,” Addison protests. “I simply cannot say these words in front of him.”

Jackson chuckles beside me.

“Then pass the book along and do a double shot.” Muff grins, kicking his boot up on the log outside. “Someone else can read it out loud.”

“I’ll do it!” Ciara puts her hand up. “Pass it over.”

Addison flicks the book at Ciara and has two shots that Muff pours her. Her face scrunches as the strong alcohol washes down her throat. Oh, she’s going to feel that tomorrow. I don’t even know how we came up with this game, but I haven’t laughed so hard in months. It’s the best thing we could have done, having this night away from everything.

“Oh, boy.” Ciara giggles. “This really is filthy. Actually, it’s kind of icky.”

“Read it, Tom Cat,” Spike purrs, grinning at his woman. “I’ll decide how filthy it is.”

Ciara laughs. “Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I press my lips together, waiting for her to begin reading.

“ The things I like are beyond what you have ever experienced,” he growls, running his fingers over the curve of my breast. “You might not like it.”

“Tell me,” I whimper, arching my back. “Tell me, Daddy.”

I snort and giggle.

Ciara takes a sip of her drink, wheezing out a laugh.

“Daddy,” Addison hisses. “Now do you see why I didn’t want to read it?”

Ciara gives her a look. “It gets worse.”

“Yes, my sweet little girl. Tell me what you like.”

“I like it when you boss me around, Daddy.”

“Would you love me even if I show you what I want to do?”


“Close your eyes, open your mouth. Do you trust me?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

I close my eyes and open my mouth.

He stands above me, his hard length above my face, then I feel the warm, golden stream ...

Ciara gags and tosses the book. “No. Oh. Noooooo.”

“That’s foul,” Janine says from her spot next to Muff, the only sober one of the group. “Tell me he did not just piss in her mouth.”

“What kind of twisted bullshit do you women read?” Jackson grunts. “Fuck me.”

“I’ve never read anything like that. Where the hell did you find this book?” I scrunch my lips in horror.

“It was in an old box,” Addison shudders. “I need to shower.”

“We’re not done with the game,” I say. “Pick up the book, let’s keep going.”

“Nuh uh.” Addison shakes her head. “Hell no. I’ll get another one. I don’t even want to know where that was going to go ...”

She disappears and comes back a moment later with another book. It is from the same author, but it has a less offensive cover. Hopefully, less offensive content, too. Addison thrusts the book to me. “Your turn. Ciara, you couldn’t finish the passage, so you have to double shot.”

“And we have to know,” I tease. “Have you done it?”

She throws an empty can at me, and Spike growls, shaking his head in horror.

We all laugh.

I take the book and open it, finding a passage. It’s quite raunchy, but not disgusting to the point where I feel physically sick. I start reading out loud, trying my best to keep my composure.

“ Placing my hands on the ground, he puts me in a headstand position, holding my legs up with his hands, then he spreads them, burying his face into my pussy ...”

I pause, blinking. “Wait, what?”

“That ... That seems impossible,” Ciara thinks out loud.

I stand. “There is only one way to be sure. Jackson, stand up.”

“Fuck me,” he growls.

He stands, and I lean down, placing my hands on the ground and try to kick my legs off to do a handstand, but I land flat on my face. “Ow,” I squeal as the others erupt in laughter. “What the hell? When did I get so weak?”

“Let me get your legs,” Jackson orders, reaching down and taking my ankles.

We wobble and I squeal, but, eventually, he takes most of my weight and I am able to hold myself up with my hands. Then, he stands there, my legs around his neck, his mouth facing ... my bottom.

“Were they the other way around?” I giggle, nearly losing my balance.

“Spin her around.” Spike laughs. “Unless you eat ass, boss.”

“Fuck off,” Jackson yells, and he maneuvers me around so my face is now toward his legs and, this way, it is easier for my legs to go around his neck.

“Well, I mean, it could work. I don’t know how comfortable it would be ...” I yell out.

“Judgin’ by the look on Jack’s face, it’s good ...”



Suddenly, I’m being launched up and Jackson turns, carrying me out of the room. Everyone erupts with laughter.

“I guess they’re out.”

“Jackson,” I squeal as he kicks the door open to the bedroom.

“Time to finish what we started,” he hisses.



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