S erenity is sleeping, her hands tucked beneath her cheek, her hair a mess as it cascades over her body. She’s still naked, curled onto her side, and fuck, she’s perfect. She’s perfect in every single way. It takes everything for me not to wake her and fuck her again. After our last session, I could use more.
But she needs to sleep.
And Janine needs a break.
Pulling on my jeans and a shirt, I leave the room, closing the door softly. Everyone is still outside by the fire, still drinking and laughing. This is what I love the most about the club, the family aspect. No matter what we’re all going through, we’re together, and we make it work.
We fuck shit up when we need, but outside of that, we’re just like any other family.
“There he is.” Spike grins, tossing his cigarette pack in my direction. I catch it with one hand. “Sounds like you might need that.”
“Ew, Spike.” Addison covers her ears. “I am never going to be okay with hearing the sounds I just heard coming from that room.”
“Sorry, darlin’,” I murmur, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
“You might be old, but it sounds like you’ve still got it,” Ciara teases.
“Careful, Tom Cat,” I warn. “I’m not too old to chase you down.”
“Now that I’d like to see.” Addison smirks. “I don’t think you’ve got it in you to run, old man.”
I shoot her a look. She blows me a kiss.
“Ava is asleep,” Janine tells me, with a smile. “I’m going to turn in for the night. This baby is taking it out of me.”
“I’m comin’ with,” Muff says, standing and pulling her close.
“Night.” I nod. “Appreciate it.”
Once they’re gone, I kick back and let my eyes settle on the fire, feeling my body relax. Fuck, we all needed this. It has been absolute chaos in the club lately, and we’ve all forgotten what it feels like to just enjoy ourselves.
“Yo, Pres,” Spike asks. “You got any of the good stuff on you?”
I look up at him, inhaling the cigarette. “Always got the good stuff,” I answer.
“Toss me some.”
He’s talking about drugs.
It isn’t often that they take them, but occasionally, we partake in a hit.
“In my truck.”
Spike pushes to his feet. “Who’s in?”
Addison and Cade both nod.
“What about you, baby?” he asks Ciara.
“I’m good. Mercy is being a pain at night, I don’t want to miss her waking up.”
Spike walks over, leaning down. “That’s why I fuckin’ love you.”
Ciara scrunches her nose up. “Because I’m not wiping myself out when I have a baby? I thought that just came with the job.”
“Shh,” Addison says, waving a hand. “You’re making me look bad.”
“Girl—” Ciara waves a hand “—your child sleeps better than anyone I know.”
“True, she does.”
“I’ll be back.” Spike chuckles, leaving.
“I’m glad to see you and Serenity made up, Father,” Addison says to me, a wicked grin on her face. “I was getting tired of your bickering. Don’t you know it’s bad for my development?”
Ciara snorts a laugh.
Cade rolls his eyes.
“Think we’re past that now, bein’ that you have your own kid and all.”
“Well, all the same, you lot bickering is tiring. I’m glad you’ve made up.”
“Makes up for all the times I’ve broken up fights—” I point between her and Cade “—between you two.”
Cade shrugs in Addison’s direction. “Man’s got a point.”
Addison huffs. “Well, that’s the last time I try and fix things with my knowledgeable mind.”
“Right,” Spike returns, holding up a baggie full of pills. “Let’s do this.”
Fuck yeah.
“WE HAVE A PLAN,” I murmur, pressing my face into Serenity’s neck as she sits on my lap.
It’s taking everything for my cock not to get hard beneath her.
I want her.
I always fucking want her.
“Tell me,” she whispers, tipping her head back so I can drag my lips across her neck.
“Muff organized a group of bikers to go to Gerard’s sisters house, askin’ questions. She freaked out, as we knew she would, and we had eyes on her and saw she went straight to Gerard. It would have rattled him, now all we need to do is get Hound thinkin’ he can use Gerard to get what he wants.”
“How are we going to do that?” she asks, pulling back.
“Ciara is goin’ to approach her at a little café she works at in town. You’ll be waiting in the car, because we are goin’ to leave from the club, but we’ll make sure it is known you are in the car. The reason for that is Hound will have eyes on the club, and the moment he knows you’re movin’, he will come after you. He’ll see what Ciara is doin’, figure it out, and we’ll have the two of them workin’ together. Then, we just need to set them up.”
“How?” Serenity frowns, like she isn’t totally convinced of this plan.
“Hound is goin’ to use Gerard to try and draw you out. We’ll let that happen, but you’ll be fully protected and wired. All you have to do is get Gerard to confess, and we’ll have the cops there in seconds to take them both down.”
“While that seems like a legit plan,” Serenity hesitates, “I just don’t see it being that easy. The cops aren’t just going to come when called, especially for a biker club.”
“I’ve got a contact, a cop who owes me. He has agreed that if we can get Gerard to say that he killed Alyssa and he has proof of that, then he’ll take him out. He’ll also arrest Hound for escaping the prison and kidnapping. Which is you need to be there, because it’s the only way it’ll be believable. The rest you need to leave to me.”
She still doesn’t look convinced.
“Trust me, yeah?” I say, taking her chin my hand. “I won’t let anythin’ happen to you, darlin’.”
She nods, pressing her lips together. “I know that, I just know what Hound is like. He’s smart. So fucking smart. I just feel like something is going to go wrong.”
“We’ll get this finished.”
We have to.
This is the last chance we have.
That fucker needs to go down, and he needs to take Gerard with him.
It’s a risk worth taking.
“What if the cops get to me before we can carry it out? If I go back to prison ...”
“Xander made a statement,” I tell her, and her eyes widen.
She knows he lived, but we haven’t told her a great deal about what happened after that.
“What did he say?” she whispers, chewing on her bottom lip.
“He told them that Hound took you, that he stabbed Xander and got away. Him makin’ a statement is exactly what we need. Even if you go back to prison, we’ll get you out. We’ll make sure you don’t spend your life behind bars. But I am doin’ everythin’ I can to make sure that doesn’t happen. We just got to be thorough.”
She exhales. “That does make me feel a little better, I guess.”
“Got friends in high places, baby,” I say to her, tucking a strand of hair away from her face. “I promise you this will be over soon.”
She nods.
She trusts me, she knows by now that there are people the club deals with that she doesn’t know about and she doesn’t need to know about. All she needs to know is that we will always protect her, no matter the cost.
We’re goin’ to take Gerard down, and when we do, we’re takin’ Hound down with him.
Those two fuckers are going to wish they didn’t mess with my club.
But mostly, they’re going to wish they didn’t mess with my woman.