“ J acks, you need to calm down.”
Every single item on my desk goes flying, things smash against the wall, chairs break, windows shatter, and I don’t fucking care. I can’t think straight, I can’t breathe, because I just got my woman’s toe delivered to me in a fucking box. That cunt will kill her, and there isn’t a single thing I can do right now to stop him hurting her.
“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down,” I bellow in Spike’s direction, launching a lamp past his head. “I should have never let her go. That fucker is goin’ to kill her, and I can’t stop him.”
“We can and will stop him, you just gotta calm it for a fuckin’ second so we can figure this out.”
“He cut off her fuckin’ toe!”
“And we’ll fuckin’ cut off his damn head if we have to, but brother, you gotta chill or we are goin’ to run out of time.”
The door opens and Cade, Muff, and Fynn step in. Their faces are sombre, and their bodies stiff. None of us like the situation we’re in, but Spike is right, I have to calm down or Serenity won’t come out of this.
“I promised her she wouldn’t get hurt,” I grind out, my body heaving as I try to steady myself.
“We’ll get her, boss,” Cade assures me. “We got a plan.”
“Tell me,” I order, fists clenched so hard I can feel the skin breaking on my palm as I dig them into my own flesh.
“We’ve got the sister,” Muff explains. “In the shed.”
I stare at him, lost. “What?”
“Gerard’s sister, we’ve got her. Then, we’re goin’ to get him. We’re goin’ to force him to confess and have him arrested, then, we’re goin’ to find Hound and we’re goin’ to make it look like Serenity killed him to escape. He’ll be gone, she’ll be clear, and we’ll be done with this shit,” Muff explains.
It’s not a bad plan. Two birds, one stone.
That’s if we can find Serenity.
“How the fuck are we goin’ to do all of this before Hound kills her?” I grind out.
“Hound wants somethin’ off you, let him think he might be able to get it,” Spike growls. “It’ll give us time. We’re tryin’ to track the phone she had in the truck with her. We’ll find him.”
“Show me where this woman is,” I order.
We leave the room and move down to the shed. When I open the door, Gerard’s sister is tied to a chair, her eyes wide with fear as she looks around. I don’t hurt women as a rule, but fucked if I will let this bitch go when Serenity’s life is on the line. Gerard is going to own up to his shit, or I’ll find him and kill him myself.
I don’t even know this woman’s name, and, frankly, I don’t fucking care.
“What do you want from me?” she wails, her eyes darting between all the bikers. “I told you my brother is innocent.”
“Your brother is fucking killer, and he’s goin’ to admit it,” Spike barks. “You’re goin’ to call him and get him down here, or I’ll blow your brains out.”
He holds out his gun, pointing it to her.
She stares at him, eyes wide. “You ... you monster.”
“Call your brother. Now.”
He snatches her phone from her pocket and forces her to unlock it, bringing up Gerard’s number. She does as he asks, and when he puts it on video, we can see Gerard’s face come onto the screen. The dirty little fucker has the nerve to be smiling, that is until he notices the situation his sister is in.
“Well, good to see you again, sir,” Spike grins from behind the woman, staring down at the phone.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Gerard gasps, his eyes wide as he tries to look around.
“Oh, this?” Spike chuckles and shoves his gun against her temple. “This is us not fucking around. You’re smart, but you’re not that smart. I’ll tell you how this is going to go, you’re going to come to the club, confess, and we won’t kill your sister. If you don’t, I’ll kill her. Then, motherfucker, I’ll come lookin’ for you, and, trust me, I will find you.”
Gerard’s eyes flash, and he frantically looks around.
“If you even consider callin’ the cops, I’ll shoot her the second I hear the sirens. Trust me, you don’t want that.”
“You wouldn’t kill an innocent woman,” Gerard sputters, his eyes wide. “You wouldn’t.”
Spike grins, and it’s colder than I’ve ever seen. “Oh, but I will. You have one hour to get to the club. If you’re not here, her brains will decorate my floor.”
With that, he hangs up.
“Do you think he’ll come?” Muff asks, glaring at the woman tied to the chair.
“Oh, he’ll come. If she means anything to him,” I grunt.
“You’re all monsters. My brother has never done anything to you. You’ll all go to prison for this. Do you hear me?” the woman screams.
“Gag her,” I order. “And find me Hound’s location.”
“On it,” Cade says, finding an old piece of material which he ties around the woman’s mouth and head.
It’s going to take everything inside me not to kill Gerard on the spot, but I have to keep it together.
For Serenity, I have to fucking keep it together.
SPIKE DRAGS GERARD into the shed, his eyes are wide with fear as he looks to his gagged sister and her terrified face. I’d feel sorry for her any other time, but unfortunately, this fucker has pushed me a little too far with his antics. I should have dealt with him like this from the word go instead of playing nice. That got me fucking nowhere.
“Let her go,” Gerard orders. “I’m here, you got what you wanted. Now let her go.”
“He called the cops, I’d almost guarantee it,” Muff mutters, his eyes zeroing in on Gerard.
“I didn’t, I swear I didn’t. Now just let her go.”
“Sorry, can’t do that,” Spike murmurs, casually. “Not until you give us everything we want.”
Gerard finally looks shaken, like we have hit a nerve.
It’s about fucking time.
I should have done this from the start.
Maybe Spike was right, maybe we are getting too soft.
“What do you want from me?” Gerard tries to calm himself down, but it’s apparent that is hard for him.
His hands are shaking, and his eyes continually dart around the room. He’s looking for a way out, trying to figure out if he can outsmart us. The fucker has been clever, but now he’s in a situation that he knows he can’t get out of. Frustrated, he glares at Spike.
“I want you to tell us all, including your sister, what a murderous fuck you are,” Spike grins at him.
Gerard shakes his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re harassing me. This is harassment.”
I hold up the gun and step up next to his sister, pressing it to her forehead. She cries out, and Gerard’s eyes widen. If we have guessed right, his sister is the only family he has left, and he cares a lot about her. But is he psycho enough to let us kill her just so he can get away with murder? We’ll see.
“You won’t shoot an innocent woman,” Gerard tries to calm his voice, desperate in his attempt to regain control.
“Oh, when it comes to my woman, I fuckin’ will. You had her locked up, abused, and now she can’t come home because of you. I will absolutely shoot her,” I say calmly.
I don’t want to shoot this woman.
I don’t want it to get to that point.
“I didn’t do anything,” Gerard says. “You attacked me. You did this.”
He’s still trying to cover his tracks.
“I guess he doesn’t give a shit about his sister.” Spike shrugs. “Fine by me, let’s just kill both of them and be done with it. We’ll find another way to clear Serenity’s name.”
Spike knows all the tactics to use.
I pull the safety on the gun, and it makes a clicking sound.
Gerard’s sister cries out, begging him to help her.
“Do you want to watch her die, or should we kill you first?” Spike questions him, pulling out his own gun. “It really doesn’t bother me.”
“You can’t kill me,” Gerard finally breaks, his voice raising. “You can’t ...”
Spike hauls him up close, so his face is right up near Gerard’s. “But I fucking can, and I will. You are nothing to me. Your life has little meaning, you murderous fuck. I know what you are, and I know what you did.”
“It was an accident,” Gerard cries, his eyes widening at his own confession.
Spike presses the gun to his temple.
“It wasn’t an accident, and we both know it. You killed that girl, and she likely wasn’t the first.”
“Want me to count you down?” Cade asks, casually standing next to us, arms crossed.
“I’d love that,” Spike nods.
“Gerard,” the woman cries. “Please. Do something.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose,” Gerard tries desperately.
“Okay,” he screams, his voice filling the shed. “I killed her. I did it. It was me.”
Spike tosses him to the ground.
“You can’t prove it,” he shouts up at Spike. “You can’t ...”
“Gerard, how could you?” His sister gasps. “No.”
He looks to her, his eyes wide. “I just ... It just came over me.”
I reach around to my back pocket and pull out the recording device, holding it up. “Thanks for that,” I murmur. “The cops will love it. Spike, lock him up until we can hand him over to an officer.”
Gerard’s eyes bulge. “No. No, you can’t. No.”
“Get him away from me,” I wave a hand.
Then, I turn and walk out.
I have one problem gone, now I need to get the other.
The last one is a lot more dangerous.