What a night. I hadn’t been with anyone at all for some time before stepping away from my traveling life, but nobody before that compared with my mate. I wanted to mark him so much, but I couldn’t do that with such a big secret between us.
He treated me like a real person, but would that be the same if he realized who I was? He’d talked a little about his life, and it was so ordinary—in a good way. He didn’t go into any detail though. It would be fun to see him do his thing, but for that I’d have to visit him at his home or work. Would he want me to?
I snuggled him close and brushed my lips over the top of his head. “Hungry, omega?”
“Starving.” He tipped his face up, and I kissed his lips. “Do you think we’re too late for breakfast?”
“I hope not, but if so, maybe we can go out to eat.” I pushed up to sit. “But Franklin seems like the type who would understand his guests don’t want to wake up at dawn.”
“He’s quite the matchmaker,” Jamie said, scooting up to sit next to me. “You know what they say about this place.”
“No. I’d never heard of it before we came. Does it have a good reputation?”
He turned to face me. “Well, yes, but… You don’t know?”
“Know what?” I tried to think if I’d ever heard anything about the place, but no. “I never heard of it before I got the invitation. I thought that was odd, but kind of nice.”
“I’m very glad you came, alpha. Otherwise, it might have been a while before we found each other.” He rested his head on my shoulder. “But Fate always has a way, even when you travel in such different circles as us.”
What? “I live awfully far away.”
“You could always have come my way. We’re a reasonably sized town.” He lifted his gaze to meet mine. “You travel much?”
“Not at the moment.” What made him say that. “But sometimes it’s nice to get out and about.” I lifted him off me and stood up. “Speaking of which, do I smell bacon?”
He sniffed. “And coffee. Do you drink coffee?”
“Sure.” I stepped into my jeans. “Just not with cobbler.”
“Good.” He climbed out of bed as well. “I’m going to hop next door and shower and get some clean clothes. Leaving these lying in the dirt didn’t do them any favors.”
“I have a shower too…”
His smile crept across his face, lighting up his eyes. “Can you show me?”
Half an hour later, we were clean, dressed, and heading for the dining room where Franklin waited, sipping from a mug. “Ah, my guests are here. Hungry?”
“Yes.” I patted my empty belly and pulled out a chair. “Your suggestion for going out last night was a good one, too, by the way.”
“Can we do anything to help?” Jamie asked. I loved that he said “we” but felt bad for not having also offered.
“You can sit down and enjoy yourselves while I serve up your meals. Help yourselves to coffee.” Franklin left the room, and we were alone.
There was a single-serve coffee maker on the sideboard, and I saw Jamie wrinkle his nose at it before preparing a cup of blonde roast. Considering he’d sounded concerned at whether I drank coffee, he wasn’t too enthusiastic.
“Wait.” Franklin bustled back in. “I forgot to leave the carafe of percolated coffee.”
“Isn’t the machine enough?” I wondered.
“Oh, that’s for oddball times of day when someone wants a cup. I grind the beans myself for what I brew.”
The relief on Jamie’s face made me think he had a stronger relationship with java than I did. But, we all had things we liked!
Leaving the carafe, Franklin went back to the kitchen and returned with a platter of bacon, pancakes, and various toppings. It was quickly followed by pastries and hash browns and a bowl of fresh fruit. “Anyone want eggs or anything?”
“No.” I chuckled. “That should be enough. I’m going to double my weight here, if I’m not careful.”
“You seem perfect to me.” Jamie eyed me with intensity then glanced away.
“I’m not getting as much exercise as usual lately.” I usually danced my legs off on stage.
“Then I have the perfect idea for your morning.” Franklin refilled his mug and forked a pancake onto his plate. “Lots of exercise.”