Waking up next to Van was everything I dreamed of, but the feeling only lasted a few minutes before our lack of decisions about our future took hold.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Van said. I laid across his abdomen, one of my legs flung over both of his.
“Morning,” I said and then froze. My stomach revolted and, before I could plan my next move, I scrambled to get to the bathroom and proceeded to vomit.
I heard Van’s footsteps as he rushed into the bathroom and turned on the water. This had been happening for the last week or so. I hated that I was sick while he was here, but I was surviving the best I could.
“Jamie, this is the fifth day in a row you’ve done this.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” I flushed the toilet and stood up.
“Sorry?” He wiped my face with the rag and then threw it in the sink. “You’re apologizing for throwing up?”
I shrugged. The tears started to flow. “Because I only have you for a few weeks, and I’m spending it not feeling well.”
“You’re not doing it on purpose. We both know that.” He sat down next to me and leaned his head back, hitting it on the wall. “I wish we could find a solution that fit the both of us. I miss you. Hell, I miss you right now, knowing that I’ll have to leave eventually, and you’re right here next to me.”
I leaned over, resting my throbbing head on his shoulder. “We’ll figure it out.”
“First things first, we need to get you to a healer.”
I groaned. “I don’t like doctors, Van.”
He chuckled. “It’s still strange hearing you call me Van. As your mate, can I say I don’t care? I’m really worried about you, and I want you to suck up your dislike of the medical system and go to a shifter healer.”
“I don’t even know if there’s one in the city,” I said, feeling like I’d won a little.
“I do.” He held up his phone. “I searched it last night. I’ve really been worried about you.”
“There’s a lot going on. Maybe it’s simply stress.”
“Please, Jamie? For me?”
How could I ever say no to my mate? I couldn’t. “Let me shower and get dressed. Do they have an appointment?”
Van got up with me. He held me close, his forehead resting on mine. “It’s walk-in. In the shower right now. I’m ready to see what’s going on with you.”
He really had been worried. He’d even made me soup the night before, thinking it would help me if I’d picked up some virus.
I had an inkling there was more to this than a virus or a cold. I’d been pukey for about a month. My energy levels had fizzled out over the last weeks.
Generally, I felt sickly all the way around, but the addition of butterflies in my stomach told me something else was the cause.
We got dressed and stopped along the way for Van to get a coffee. I opted for tea, planning ahead in case my presumption was correct.
As Van said, we walked in and were taken to the back almost immediately. The healer, some kind of rodent shifter, sat across from us and patted my knee. “What brings you in today?”
“I’ve been feeling sick over the last few weeks. Nauseated in the mornings. Certain foods I used to love smell awful. That’s about it.”
Van let out a long sigh. “That’s not about it, mate. He’s been tired. Taking naps almost every day now. And his smell has changed since the last time I saw him.”
Both the healer and I turned our heads to look at him. “What? It has?” I asked.
“Yes. You smell sweeter now, which I didn’t think was possible.”
“Considering your symptoms, I think the first thing we need to rule out is pregnancy.”
The one thing I didn’t want to hear. Not that I didn’t want a baby with Van. I absolutely did. But we couldn’t even decide where we would make a home for ourselves, and now we were bringing a little one into the picture?
Another layer to the stress.
“You have a test here, I’m guessing?” Van asked when I didn’t respond.
Soon, the healer brought in the pregnancy test and, a few minutes after that, predicted our future. A future with a baby on the way.
“Well, there you have it. I’ve left some prenatal vitamins at the front with the receptionist, and you can come here in a few months to see the baby on ultrasound. Any questions?”
I shook my head.
I had questions, all right, but they had nothing to do with this baby.
This visiting each other and taking trips had to stop. I wouldn’t raise my child on the road either, and Van was already under pressure to set up another tour.
Our ride back to my apartment was a quiet one. Neither of us said anything until the door closed behind me. My brother was at work, and even Sylvia didn’t make a peep as we walked by.
“Jamie, look at me. You haven’t looked at me since we got the test results. Are you not happy? I don’t understand.”
His tone broke my heart.
“I’m happy about the baby. I am. I’ve always wanted a family, and having it with the man I love makes that infinitely better but I’m scared.”
“What are you scared of?” He rushed over and enveloped me in his warm embrace.
“You’re not with me. I’m here in the city and you’re on the road or at your cabin. I want you around when this baby comes, Van.”
“I’ll be around. I swear it. We’ll find a way. No more moving around and flying to see each other. We’ll find a place to call home. I promise. I’m so damned happy about the baby. You’ve made me the happiest alpha in the world.”