I stared at JP from behind the safety of my mirrored sunglasses. While he may have thought I was soaking up the sun and watching the waves, I was studying his every move.
Best twelve-dollar sunglasses I’ve ever purchased .
I was still reeling after we’d crossed several lines in his kitchen. I’d nearly clawed his clothes off and begged for his cock. Oh, yes ... I’d looked at that line and tap-danced right over it.
What the hell is wrong with me? That’s my sister’s ex ... whatever they were.
Shame coursed through me, but I couldn’t stop the tiny, incessant thoughts that kept poking at my brain. His dick felt big—like big , big. In the candlelit room, he was still as powerful and commanding as he was in everyday life, but there was an attentiveness to him that surprised me. A softness. It was tempting to peel back the layers and see the man he worked so hard to keep hidden.
I looked around at the people who were laughing and playing at the beach. I wondered whether anyone really knew him. All around us, nosy people still whispered and pointed, but I came to realize JP was right—they were staring and whispering at him .
Summer was dwindling. You could feel it in the way it took longer for the air to warm in the mornings and how the breeze was just a tiny bit cooler than it had been the day before. I stretched my legs across the beach blanket and burrowed my toes into the warm sand. In front of me, Teddy and JP were in a debate about the merits of a castle with turrets versus isolated towers as a defense strategy.
“What about a moat?” I offered.
They turned and the twin stares of annoyed confusion were enough to make me giggle.
“It was just a suggestion.” I shrugged.
Teddy drew an invisible line around their half-built castle. “That’s a stage three build. We’re still developing stage two.”
“Oh ... my bad.” I chuckled and leaned back on my elbows to continue watching them.
JP was bare chested. His pecs stood out against his flat stomach. I could make out the individual muscles of his abs as he reached for another sand shovel.
He was fit in a way that said he cared about his physique but didn’t spend every waking hour at the gym. He wasn’t bulky, but lean and cut with corded muscles that bunched and flexed with every casual movement. He carried himself with the calm confidence that made it clear he knew how good he looked.
My life would be infinitely easier if he’d been unattractive and schlubby instead of ... that .
He leaned in toward Teddy. “The moat’s not a half-bad idea, though.”
Teddy smiled a devilish grin. “Filled with lava and sharks.”
JP’s eyebrows bounced playfully. “Definitely.”
They got back to construction, and their dark hair ruffled in the breeze. I guessed they decided to compromise because it looked like turrets and towers were taking shape.
“Teddy!” A young voice called out, and we all looked up to see Penny running toward us, barreling past blankets and coolers. A very pregnant Lark was slowly waddling behind her.
Teddy shot to his feet and ran toward his friend, kicking up sand in JP’s direction.
He brushed off his thighs and sat back on his hands. “Well, I guess I’ve been replaced by someone cooler.”
My lips twisted to hide a smile. “Sorry, champ. Penny is pretty cool.”
Next to us, Lark started to set up a blanket, and JP popped to his feet to help her. She paused as though she was surprised by his helpfulness but didn’t comment about it. He took her small cooler and set it aside before unrolling the beach blanket and helping her get settled.
“Thanks,” she groaned as she lowered herself to the blanket.
“How’s he doing in there?” I asked over the rim of my sunglasses with a smile.
“Still cooking.” Lark laughed and tipped her face to the late-morning sun. She peeked open one eye to look at JP. “Playing hooky? That’s gotta be a first.”
JP smiled and looked out onto the vast waters of Lake Michigan, his hands on his trim hips. “Veda is a workaholic. She can hold down the fort for a few hours.”
While he looked away, Lark shot me a surprised yet pleased look, and my skin tingled. “Is Teddy excited about second grade?”
I grinned. “He can’t wait. I don’t know if it’s the routine or the learning itself, but he really likes school. Summer is fun and all, but I have the feeling he was bored and needed someone more mentally stimulating than me.”
It wasn’t a big deal to admit that I didn’t know anything about raising a kid. To me, I was doing my best, and that was good enough.
Lark smiled. “Teddy should try the library camps for kids. Emily puts them on and they are fabulous . Penny is always raving about how much fun they have.”
Library camps?
For whatever reason, the thought of things like enrichment camps felt a lot like putting down roots. I didn’t know where I was going to be next month, let alone next year . A pressed smile and stilted nod were all I could manage.
JP walked over to the waterline where Penny and Teddy were kicking at the waves. I tracked him with my eyes, soaking in the long lines of his back as the muscles bunched. His swim trunks were snug, and I smirked at how he’d been hiding such a great ass beneath those tailored suits.
“He’s changed,” Lark said.
My eyes didn’t leave JP’s back. “You think so?”
Lark scoffed. “I know so. Sure, he’s still bristly and kind of a snob, but he’s softer somehow.” She nodded toward them. “Being a dad looks good on him.”
I exhaled and pushed away the sharp pinch under my ribs. “We’re still waiting for the paternity results.”
Lark hummed. “Maybe so ... but, I mean ... look at them. The dark hair, the eyes, the grumpy scowls? And don’t even get me started on the neckties.”
I chuckled. “I see it too.” I squinted against the sun and sipped my water to quell the tiny wave of nausea that rolled through me. “Plus, I believe my sister.”
Lark pushed her sunglasses onto her head. “He really didn’t know?”
I crossed my legs and picked at the blanket. “It’s something that still doesn’t make sense. Olive wrote me a letter. In it, she was very clear that JP was Teddy’s dad. She did say that their romance was brief, but she was certain. She listed him on the birth certificate application. She even came to Outtatowner once.”
“No!” Lark’s eyes were saucers as she hung on my every word.
I shrugged. “It did not go well, apparently. She didn’t reach out again. Olive always said it was his loss and that he knew where to find her if he ever changed his mind. I guess toward the end she had second thoughts, and that’s why she finally asked me to find him.”
Lark’s hand covered mine as my voice went thick. “I’m sorry you lost her.”
“It’s okay,” I lied. I looked at Teddy’s sweet, smiling face. “To be honest, it’s Teddy I’m worried about. He doesn’t really talk about Olive, and now he’s got stars in his eyes for JP. I just don’t want him to get hurt.”
A tear slipped from my eye and I brushed it away.
“Maybe he should talk with someone—process what’s happened and have a support system once everything gets worked out.”
Lark was right. Teddy should talk to someone about losing his mother and all the changes he’s experienced.
She was a good mother.
Unlike me, who didn’t even remember things like school registration or who thought it was a good idea to just show up and confront the man who was supposed to be his father.
The kind of woman who was okay with fooling around with her sister’s ex was not prime mother material, but maybe I could learn to be better.
Beside me, Lark groaned and pressed a hand into her round belly.
Thankful for the distraction, I asked, “How are you feeling?”
She laughed and gestured toward the water. “Like if you rolled me out there, people would think I was an actual whale.”
I smiled at her. “Aww, I think you’re glowing.”
“I think that’s sweat, mostly.” Lark wiggled her toes. “I have forgotten what my ankles look like. Wyatt joked that he thought cankles were sexy.” Together we laughed. “At first I laughed, then I cried and I made him sleep on the couch, until I got mad at him in the middle of the night for not being in bed. All he did was hold me, and I cried all over again. These hormones are wild .”
I wondered what it would be like to be pregnant—to have a life growing inside you and a partner that could laugh and cry with you through it all.
My sister had endured it alone, and I didn’t know if it was something I would ever experience for myself—or if I even wanted to, for that matter.
Lark exhaled as we watched the other people on the beach. “You know ... Wyatt’s not here today because they’re dredging the lake.”
“Oh ...” My gut churned. “I didn’t realize that was today.”
Her lips pressed together in a sad twist. “The DNR showed up yesterday and closed public access to all of the trails. I just didn’t want Penny around there today ... just in case they find anything.”
Like JP’s mother.
Wyatt and Lark lived at Highfield House, and I had learned that Wabash Lake was set in the forest between Sullivan Farms and their property, connected by hiking trails and walking paths.
She motioned toward JP. “How’s he been handling it?”
“Fine, I guess.” My brow furrowed. “He doesn’t talk about it. Ever.” I shrugged. “At least not to me.”
Come to think of it, he doesn’t really talk about anything . I had no idea when they’d scheduled the lake to be dragged, let alone for today. I had no right to feel the tiny pang of hurt, so I shoved it down.
Lark shook her head. “I hope he’s okay. Russell King sure did a number on all those kids. It’s so heartbreaking. I could never imagine treating your own children like commodities the way he did.”
I swallowed hard as I watched JP laugh at something Penny said. “Yeah,” I squeaked. “Me too.”
JP sauntered toward us, water glistening off his pecs as it sparkled in the sunshine.
“Hey,” he said, breathless. “They’re begging for an ice-cream cone.” He looked at Lark. “Are you okay if I get Penny something at the Snack Shack?”
“Of course. Just as long as you get me something too.” Lark smiled as she reached for her bag, but JP stopped her.
“I got it.” He bent down to fish out his wallet, but before he stood back up, he winked at me.
My body immediately responded, and an electric shiver worked its way down my back.
“You need anything?” he asked me with a sexy grin.
Oh, I need something all right.
JP knew exactly what he was doing with his devastating smirk and the sensual knowing glittering in his blue eyes.
“Surprise me.” I blushed and called out to Teddy, who was running up to us: “Please stay close to JP and Penny.”
Teddy nodded and slipped his hand into JP’s as my heart rolled. I watched Penny flounce in front of them while JP and Teddy walked hand in hand toward the Snack Shack.
Two little lost boys without a mother.