I push Mara behind me as the dark elves circle like wolves scenting blood. Their leader, a tall, elegant figure with obsidian hair, steps closer, his fingers caressing the hilt of his slender sword.
"Give us the human," he demands, his voice smooth as silk. "And we might let you live."
My hand tightens on my axe. The weight of the weapon is comforting, a deadly extension of my will. "Over my dead body," I growl, my gaze locked onto the leader.
"So be it," the elf replies, his eyes glinting with cruel amusement. He lunges first, a test of my reflexes, but I'm ready for him.
Our blades clash, the impact jarring up my arm. The sound of steel against steel rings out through the street. The dark elf is fast, but I'm stronger, and I force him back with a powerful swing of my axe.
Mara is a liability—a weakness that could get us all killed—but I refuse to let them take her. My instincts scream at me to protect her, to keep her safe. I can't shake the feeling that there's more to her than deceit and cunning.
As I parry a series of quick jabs from another elf, I glance back at Mara. She's huddled against the wall of a nearby building, her eyes wide with fear but also a spark of defiance. "Stay behind me," I tell her, my voice low but firm. "Try not to get in the way."
She glares at me, but there's a grudging respect in her eyes. "I'm not helpless," she snaps, though her voice trembles slightly.
"Didn't say you were," I reply, driving my axe into an elf who gets too close. His scream is cut short as he falls to the ground, blood pooling around him. "But you're not a fighter either."
I can sense more dark elves approaching, their footsteps a whisper on the cobblestones. The odds are not in our favor, but I've faced worse.
The leader lunges again, his blade aimed for my throat. I sidestep just in time, bringing my axe down in a diagonal slash that cuts across his chest. He stumbles back with a grunt of pain, but his comrades surge forward to take his place.
I swing my axe in wide, arcing strikes, forcing them back. For every step they take toward Mara, I take two toward them. I'm a wall of muscle and fury, and I will not be moved.
But where the hell are Lazir and Calo? We need their strength, their numbers. We're stronger together. I can only hope they're safe, that they hear the commotion and are on their way.
"You can't keep this up forever," the dark elf leader sneers. "Surrender now, and we'll make your death quick."
"Not interested," I retort, feinting left before driving my shoulder into another elf, sending him sprawling.
The fight rages on, each moment stretching into an eternity. I can feel my muscles burning with exertion, my breath coming in harsh, ragged gasps. But I don't let up, not even for a second. Every time one of them falls, another takes his place. It's like trying to fight back the tide with a single sword.
I need to end this quickly, before more of them arrive. Before Mara or I end up dead.
With a roar that reverberates off the stone walls around us, I charge the dark elf leader, my axe raised high. His eyes widen in surprise.
I bring my axe down with all my strength, a savage, unstoppable force. The dark elf leader raises his sword to block, but my blow shatters his guard, and the blade of my axe bites deep into his flesh.
He crumples to the ground, his lifeblood seeping into the dirt. The remaining dark elves hesitate, their resolve wavering as they gaze upon their fallen leader.
Suddenly, an arrow whistles through the air, narrowly missing my head. I curse, my eyes scanning the shadows for the cowardly archer. Another arrow flies, this one burying itself in my knee. Pain explodes up my leg, and I drop to one knee, my teeth grinding together to suppress a roar. I wrench the arrow free, blood pouring from the wound, soaking my trousers. A third arrow strikes my shoulder, the shaft burying itself deep. My arm goes numb, the paralyzing agent working quickly.
"Damn it," I growl, my vision swimming with the effects of the toxin. I glance over my shoulder, expecting to see Mara cowering against the wall. But she's gone. Figures. She'd only slow me down.
The sound of another arrow snapping through the air pulls my attention back. My pupils dilate as I see it coming, the tip aimed directly at my heart. Time seems to slow as my body refuses to react, the paralyzing agent locking my muscles in place. I brace for the impact?—
But it never comes. A blur of movement catches my eye. Mara throws herself in front of me, her arms outstretched like some kind of shield. The arrow sinks into her side with a sickening thud.
"No!" My roar of fury echoes off the stone walls around us, raw and primal. I struggle against the paralysis, willing my body to move, to go to her. But I'm rooted to the spot, helpless as I watch her crumple to the ground.
Rage boils my blood, and I channel every ounce of it into fighting off the effects of the toxin. My vision clears, and I feel the sensation returning to my limbs. I rip the arrow from my shoulder with a snarl, tossing it aside. The pain is a distant annoyance, overshadowed by the feral need to protect what's mine.
I lunge toward Mara, scooping her up into my arms. Her breathing is shallow, her face deathly pale. The arrow protrudes from her side, blood seeping around the wound.
"Stay with me," I command, my voice gruff with concern. She blinks up at me, her lips parting as if to speak, but no words come out.
The dark elves are smart; they keep their distance, watching as I cradle Mara against my chest. I glare at them over the top of her head, my message clear: come any closer, and I'll tear you limb from limb.
I can't believe she did this—threw herself into harm's way to save me. It doesn't make sense. She's a human, a slave, a manipulator. She should be looking out for herself, not risking her life for a minotaur who's been nothing but harsh to her.
"Why?" The word slips out before I can stop it.
Mara's hand flutters against my arm, her grip weak. "You're not… as bad as you pretend to be," she rasps, her breaths coming in short, pained gasps.
Her words slice through me, cutting deeper than any arrow ever could. I've been a fool, blinded by my past, by my distrust of humans. But Mara... she's different. She's proven herself, not just with this selfless act, but with her courage and determination every step of the way.
"Hold on," I tell her, my voice firm. "I'm getting us out of here."
I rise to my feet, still cradling her in my arms. The dark elves tense, their fingers twitching on the strings of their bows. But they don't shoot. They must see the resolve in my eyes, the promise of death should they dare to attack.
I step over the bodies of the fallen, my gaze fixed on the mouth of the alley. I can hear the sounds of a commotion in the distance—shouts and the clash of steel. Lazir and Calo. They're here.