T he cool air of the forest hits my face as we step out of the cave, the scent of damp earth and pine needles filling my senses. I can't shake off the unease starting to gnaw at me. Mara's wound is still healing, and the journey ahead is anything but forgiving.
Calo leads the way, his steps sure and steady on the uneven terrain. He's confident about this shortcut of his to the Murdok dark elf estate, but the path looks more like a goat trail than something meant for travelers.
The forest around us is alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and distant bird calls, but my focus remains on the woman walking just a few steps ahead.
Mara's determination is clear in the set of her jaw, the way she squares her shoulders despite the pain I know she must be feeling. Her steps are careful, but even from here, I can see her wince with each uneven step. It's too soon for her to be pushing herself like this, but arguing with her will only lead to a battle of wills—one I'm not sure I want to win.
Lazir's at the rear, his eyes scanning our surroundings with the precision of a predator. He's always been the most vigilant among us, a trait that's kept us alive more times than I care to count.
The forest path is treacherous, and the steep incline is making the journey slower than I'd like. We can't afford to linger, not with the dark elves likely on our trail, but the thought of Mara's wound reopening sits like a stone in my gut.
As if on cue, Mara's foot catches on a protruding root, and she stumbles forward. My body reacts before my mind can catch up, my arms catching her before she can fall. Her eyes, wide and startled, meet mine, and for a moment, the world around us fades into nothingness.
Her breath hitches, the sound amplified by the silence of the forest. My grip tightens around her and a possessive instinct flares up within me. "You need to be more careful," I say, my voice softer than I intend. The concern in my tone is unmistakable, and I curse myself for showing this weakness.
She pulls back abruptly, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and defiance. "I'm fine. I can walk on my own," she insists, her voice steady despite the tremor I hear beneath the surface.
I release her, my hands itching to reach out and steady her once more. "I know you can," I tell her, stepping back to give her space. "But you don't have to do it alone."
Mara nods, her eyes softening for a brief moment before she turns away, resuming her careful pace. I fall into step beside her, my gaze never straying far from her form. The path ahead is fraught with danger, and every protective instinct I have is screaming at me to keep her safe.
Every step she takes is a testament to her stubborn resolve, but it's clear she's pushing herself too hard. I grit my teeth, watching the strain on her face as she attempts to navigate the treacherous path. Her determination is admirable, but it's also a liability we can't afford.
I've had enough. With a swift stride, I close the distance between us and scoop her up into my arms. She stiffens, her breath catching in surprise. "What are you—put me down!" she protests, her fists weakly pushing against my chest.
"No," I reply firmly, my voice echoing through the stillness of the forest. "You're slowing us down, and I'm not wasting time watching you trip over yourself." Her glare could cut steel, but I don't falter. "You can even sleep against me if you need to," I add with a smirk, my minotaur hearing picking up the racing of her heartbeat.
The trail soon grows narrower, the incline steepening as we ascend the hillside. The air here is cooler, carrying the distant sound of rushing water that grows louder with each step. Mara's body tenses in my arms as the roar of the river reaches us, her face paling at the sight of the fast, unforgiving current.
"It's fine," I assure her, my voice a steady rumble as I adjust my grip on her. "I've got you. I won't let you go." She swallows hard, her eyes searching mine for a moment before she nods, a silent acceptance of my protection.
Lazir and Calo chop down a sturdy log, the sound of their axes ringing out in the otherwise quiet forest. They work efficiently, trimming the branches to create a makeshift bridge. Mara watches them, her grip on my shoulder tightening as Lazir tests the log's stability.
With a nod, Lazir steps onto the log, his movements measured and precise as he traverses the river. The log shifts under his weight, but he remains steady, crossing to the other side without incident.
Now it's our turn. I step onto the log tentatively. Mara clings to me, her nails digging into my shoulder as the log creaks beneath us. The river's powerful current roars under my feet.
I focus on the opposite bank, the rhythm of my steps matching the steady beat of my heart. The log sways slightly, but I maintain my balance, my body instinctively adjusting to the uneven surface. Mara's breath is hot against my neck, her body rigid with fear.
"Look at me, Mara," I command, my voice cutting through the sound of the rushing water. Her eyes snap to mine, wide and trusting. "I've got you. You're safe with me."
Calo's eyes dart to the treeline. "Something's wrong," he shouts, his voice laced with urgency.
The sharp whistle of an arrow suddenly cuts through the air, grazing past my shoulder. I tense, my grip on Mara tightening instinctively. Calo deflects another arrow with his blade, the metal ringing with the impact.
"Dark elves! They've found us!" he bellows, his eyes wide with alarm.
A guttural curse tears from my lips. Mara's safety is my priority now. I quicken my pace despite the unstable log swaying beneath my feet and the weight of her in my arms.
More arrows rain down with their wicked points seeking flesh. I angle my body, shielding Mara with my own as the log bucks and sways. Lazir's eyes widen as a javelin pierces the log with a sickening thunk, the wood splintering with a deafening crack.
Mara screams, her nails digging deeper into my shoulders as the log collapses beneath us. Time seems to slow as we plunge into the icy depths below, the rush of the current swallowing us whole.
The frigid water steals my breath, the shock of it like a thousand knives piercing my skin. I hold Mara close, her body thrashing against mine as we're dragged under by the relentless flow. My lungs burn, screaming for air, but I can't tell which way is up.
A surge of adrenaline courses through me, that primal instinct to survive kicking in. I kick hard, fighting against the current's pull. My head breaks the surface for a brief moment, and I gulp down a desperate breath before the rapids drag me under again.
Mara's weight shifts in my arms, her struggles growing weaker. Suddenly, the strong current rips her away from my grasp. Panic grips me like a vise around my chest. I can't lose her, not after everything. Not like this.