Two weeks later …
I am curious about this trip to Japan. Kenji is my great-grandfather many times over. Although if we stood side by side, you would think we were brothers.
My grandfather doesn’t call for me often. His dojo is his life. He has taken his skills and gifts to the next level and built wealth and a reputation to match.
They call him the puppet master. Kenji is more than a merman and greater than a siren. He outranks all of my kind.
“Ah, you are here,” Kenji says as I’m led to the room he’s waiting in.
I remove my shoes and step into the room before I bow and take the seat I’m offered. I cross my legs and place my hands palms up on my knees.
“Thank you for having me, Master Kenji,” I reply once seated.
“Call me Sofu or grandfather. Do you know why I’ve called you here, Amadeus?”
“No, I’m afraid I have no idea, grandfather.”
Out of my four cousins and my brother, I’m the only one here. I’m not surprised not to see my cousins. With their human mother, they have not been raised much around magic or the supernatural. To this day, I don’t believe they know I’m their cousin or that I’m other than human.
“I have felt your gifts growing. It is time you master them. It is time you become my apprentice. You have become powerful enough to protect yourself from those who would want to take that power from you or use you for it.
“I have watched you closely over the years. I have guarded you and your life well. Now I believe it’s time you know how to harness what’s inside of you.”
“Why now?” I ask with my brows drawn.
“Because now is when Ardan and the others will need you.”
“Ardan? What does he have to do with anything?”
“We are all woven together. Our family has been chosen to serve and honor Ardan since before these lands existed. Have you learned of the siren brothers? Have you been told the stories?”
“Forgive me. I don’t believe I have.”
“Sirens were not all female, as we have led humans to believe. The original sirens were two males. Brothers.
“The goddess Su-Vaha was their creator. From the beginning of time Su-Vaha has made a mirror image when she creates. Some say it is because she needs balance.
“Others believe she made one for Tanr? and one for the goddess Gü? as a gift. I have also heard that Su-Vaha and Gü? were once one and split into the two gods. So Su-Vaha shared everything with her sister.
“The brothers took after Su-Vaha’s playful spirit and mischief. As well as her ability to shift forms. Both Tanr? and Gü? favored their gifts from Su-Vaha.
“The brothers became their friends. Gü? fell in love with Tanr?’s companion Yak???kl?. As Gü? and Su-Vaha did everything together, Su-Vaha fell for Sevimli, Yak???kl?’s brother.
“This is where our lineage started. We are born of sirens. The original tricksters. Su-Vaha would take the form of a mermaid to roam the ocean with Sevimli.
“This is the form they mated in. However, when Yak???kl? was murdered, setting off the war. Sevimli transformed into an angry and bitter sea beast. So angry they changed his name and now don’t speak it aloud.”
“Okay, but what does that have to do with me or Ardan?”
“?ntikam will return. This is why your power is awakening. I have sealed away all my decedents who have displayed my powers to protect them, but not you. I was told to leave you unbound. You will be needed for ?ntikam’s return. He awakens as I speak.”
“Within me?”
My grandfather shakes his head. “No. ?ntikam cannot take on another male being. This time, the gods will place him within a female. They will match this time. He will not overpower her.”
“How do you know this?”
“Because this time, I will right the wrongs.” He claps his hands together. “Let’s begin.”