W e start selling Sabrina’s drug in Eban Franko’s strip clubs. It’s an immediate success. Sabrina recruits the most popular strippers to sell for us in the private rooms. Their clients pop a pill, and an hour later they’re having the best night of their lives. The girls love it because Molniya makes their clients cheerful and generous, shoving so much money down their G-strings they can hardly keep hold of it all.
Before we’ve even made a deal for the nightclubs, Vlad and Jasper are inundated with orders from street dealers who have heard of the new product. I have to be careful not to step on the wrong toes, but I let a couple of independents sell in open territories.
The big fish is Avenir Veniamin and his collection of high-end nightclubs. He already has an agreement with Yuri Koslov, but they’re on bad terms because Koslov has been late handing over his cut, and possibly shorting Veniamin his agreed-upon percentage. Veniamin has offered us access to half the clubs, with the unders tanding that we can sell in all of them if the drug performs as well as I promise.
While I’m negotiating with Veniamin, Sabrina is hard at work on additional formulations.
“ Molniya is for dancing and partying,” she says. “I want to make another version for concerts, and another for sex.”
“It already makes us want to fuck like rabbits.”
She grins. “Wait till you try this.”
She holds up a tiny pink pill in the shape of a heart.
I give her a suspicious look. “What’s in it?”
“LSD on the front end, MDMA after. And tadalafil. But that gave me a stuffy nose, so I had to add a decongestant.”
“What’s tadalafil?”
“It increases blood flow. It was a heart medication, but then the men who took it noticed a useful little side effect—you can stay hard for hours, and fuck again right after you just finished.”
“Does it work on women, too?”
She laughs. “We’re about to find out.”
We pop the pills and lay around watching porn for a while, waiting for it to kick in.
Sabrina picks the porn, because when I get to pick, I always choose the videos of her and me. She’s made several for me now. I don’t even watch normal porn anymore, because nobody’s as hot as her. And nothing’s as hot as watching me fuck her. I’ve probably watched the one of her riding my face four hundred times. I know it all by heart, every flick of her hair, every flex of her back. She looks like a jungle cat, sleek and ferocious.
At the moment, she’s put on some shit with a girl possessed by a demon. This demon is apparently horny as fuck, because as soon as the girl’s roommate comes home, they start fucking in exorcist positions.
“Why do you always pick such weird porn? Why does she need to be possessed?”
Sabrina shrugs. “Everybody watches porn one step past what they’re experiencing.”
“That’s the line for you these days? Literal possession?”
She laughs. “I dunno. It doesn’t seem that crazy to me—I’d fuck a demon if he looked like you.”
“Aww. Thanks, babe.”
I’m starting to feel the first effects of the drug. I’m hot and definitely aroused, though that might simply be the effect of Sabrina laying naked on the bed with no blanket on top of her. Her body is sleek and brown, soft in all the right places, and tight in others.
At the same time, I’m noticing how white her smile is, with lovely straight teeth. Just what I’d expect from an American.
Everything about her is healthy and strong. Her skin glows, her curls spring up with wild energy. Even her fingernails are pink like the inside of a seashell, neat and unpolished.
I swear there’s a halo of light around her. Is it the sunshine on her body? The drugs? Or is it just how I feel about her?
“You’re not human,” I say. “You’re something better. ”
She laughs. “You’re high.”
“How dare you.”
She’s giggling, rubbing the arches of her feet against my legs. It feels phenomenal.
The girls on the laptop screen are making horrible demonic noises.
“This is awful,” I say, clicking to the next porn in the queue.
I scroll ahead to the good part—which turns out to be a beautiful blonde girl giving herself a bubble bath in her backyard. Her tits are covered in soap suds. Her skin looks soft and clean and pink from the heat.
“There, see?” I say to Sabrina. “Isn’t this nicer? Look at those bubbles. Look at her tits.”
“She’s gorgeous,” Sabrina agrees.
“Yeah, not like those other girls. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that Demon Tits aren’t exactly pick of the litter. They asked this girl first, and she said, ‘Possession porn? No, I’m busy that day. If you want you can come and take a video of me in my backyard. I was gonna be doing this anyway …’ ”
Sabrina convulses with giggles. I love making her laugh. It’s the most beautiful sound, rich and full and totally uninhibited. She’ll laugh at anything when she’s in a good mood, which is almost always.
“You really see the human in everyone don’t you?” Sabrina says. “You see her as a real person, trying to make money, trying to get by like everyone else.”
“Of course.” I shrug. “I’m not the only person who feels things. ”
Sabrina closes the laptop and pushes it aside, rolling on top of me, looking into my face.
“No one would guess what a heart you have. When you’re supposed to be a big bad gangster.”
“I’m bad. When I have to be.”
“Is there anything you wouldn’t do?”
I think about that for a minute.
“It depends on the circumstances.”
“What if I did something terrible? Would you hate me?”
“Like what?”
“What if I was a cannibal. And I killed Jasper and ate him.”
“Jasper’s too skinny.”
“Vlad, then.”
“Then I’d be like, ‘Woah, babe. Ask next time, I’ll get you a burger.’ ”
She snorts. That turns into a full-fledged laugh, helpless giggles that come in waves as she rolls against my chest.
“I think this one’s too much,” I tease her. “It’s supposed to be a sex drug—all you got is the gigs.”
“Oh fuck off,” she says, grabbing my cock. “It works perfectly.”
She’s right—I’m rock hard, even with that awful porn and all this talk of cannibalism.
It might have happened anyway. Sabrina smells like heaven and her skin is silk as it slides against me .
She slithers down my body, taking my cock in her mouth. It feels like I’m chocolate melting in the sun. I’m a puddle of warm goo, and all I know is pleasure. Every stroke of her mouth, every flick of her tongue is the most exquisite thing I’ve ever felt.
Sabrina is kindest in bed. She’s a generous lover, sensitive to what I like. She loves giving me pleasure as much as she loves receiving it herself.
At the same time, she’s filthy and naughty. There’s nothing she won’t try, nothing that’s over the line. I can whisper anything I want when we’re fucking. The more dark and depraved, the more she ravenous it makes her.
I’ve never felt so free with someone. There’s no judgment, no rejection. She knows it’s all playful, all for fun. In bed we can be whatever we want, whoever we want. We live a thousand lives in sex.
Sometimes we pretend she’s a sex robot, obeying my every command. I make her to ride me faster, slower, in different positions … I order her to moan, and even tell her when to cum.
Sometimes we pretend I’m a doctor examining her. I act as if I’m giving her a breast exam, as if I don’t know I’m touching her in a way designed to arouse. Once I wore latex gloves and forced her to spread her legs like they were in stirrups. I could feel her pussy shivering against my fingers, even through the gloves. By the time I slid one finger in her, she was already mid-climax, shaking, trying to stifle her groans, red-faced with embarrassment.
I act out her fantasies, she acts out mine. What she likes becomes instantly kinky to me, surpassing my own favorite games.
This is our recreation. Hours spent in this dark room, this low bed, linked in our bodies and our minds, giving each other experiences beyond our wildest dreams, beyond what we ever imagined possible …
I’ve never known what it means to fuck someone you love. Sex with a stranger is a handshake by comparison. Not even on the same planet.
After twenty minutes of Sabrina’s slow, sensual blowjob, we swap positions.
I massage her body with my free hand while I eat her pussy. She’s incredibly susceptible to massage. It puts her in a trance state. This is doubly true today, under the influence of the Eliksir.
The drug makes her chatty. While I’m licking her pussy and massaging her breasts, she stares up at the ceiling, talking to me in a soft, dreamy voice.
“Do you know what I love about you, Adrik …”
I lift my head for only a moment. “What?”
I chuckle, going back to work on her.
“I’m serious … I love how soft and thick your hair is when I run my hands through it. I love how heavy you feel on top of me. I love how your body is a furnace, radiating heat in me. When I’m tired, when I’m stressed, I lay on top of you and your warmth recharges me like a battery. I can’t feel upset when you’re touching me. And you’re smart, you’re so fucking smart … I’ve never met anyone whose brain works as fast as yours. You see everything.”
“You’re smarter than me,” I tell her. “I never thought that about anyone until I met you. It’s intimidating. ”
“You’re not intimidated. You’re not afraid of anyone.”
“I’m not afraid. But I want to impress you.”
“So do I,” she says, softly. “I want to perform for you … I want you to be proud of me …”
“I am proud of you, baby girl. So fucking proud.”
She starts to cum, so gradually that I don’t even know it’s happening at first. Until I feel her thighs shaking and I hear her teeth chattering together like castanets.
“I’ve never heard you make that sound before.”
“Keep going,” she begs.
I keep licking her pussy, soft and slow, like I’m lapping cream out of a saucer.
“I love your hands …” she whispers. “I love the way you touch me … I love how you’re the light in the room. Everyone wants your attention. Everyone wants to be close to you. But you want to be close to me …”
“That’s right. You’re my favorite person in the world.”
“I am?” her voice cracks slightly.
“Yes, baby. Always you.”
She starts to cum again, her teeth chattering with every exhale, her breath coming out low and throaty.
I make her cum again and again, for over an hour. All the while she’s complimenting me, adoring me, stroking her fingers through my hair …
We’ve never had sex this gentle, this tender. It’s not a sex drug, it’s a love drug.
At last I climb on top of Sabrina and slide my cock inside her, looking down into her beautiful face, those luminous gray eyes looking up at me, thick black lashes all around, the only eyes like them in all the world …
I slide in and out of her, slow and sensual, experiencing every inch of her, the scent of her hair, her soft breath on my face …
When I start to cum, it draws out forever, easy, warm, and blissful. I don’t have to try for it at all.
It’s an orgasm like none I’ve ever known.
Because I’ve never cum from how goddamn much I love someone.