Chapter twenty-five
I n some sick, twisted show of mercy, the Winston brothers drove me home without another word. Their murderous desires were satiated for now, and I’d been spared yet again.
They dropped me off at my house with a kiss on my forehead and a smile. Like we'd just gone to see a movie or get ice cream. I walked stiffly into the cabin, holding my breath until they were gone.
Thankfully, Dad was at work, and as soon as I knew I was alone, I collapsed in tears. I was now the witness to a horrifically cruel murder, and only the brothers knew. I couldn't say a word, or they'd think up an even worse way to kill me. That, I was sure.
I dragged myself to the bathroom, turned on the hot water, and lay at the bottom of the shower stall as the water pounded me. I barely felt a thing. I knew there was a vague warmth, but it didn't go further than skin deep. My heart and soul were frozen.
I kept replaying the scene in my head. The terrible muffled screaming. The way the truck disappeared into the black water. How the bubbles eventually stopped. How the brothers watched with gleaming demonic expressions.
I remembered it as if I was removed from myself, watching from above and helpless. I could do nothing but watch. That was the worst of all. Maybe if I'd fought a little harder, I could have stopped them.
You know that's not true , my mind sneered.
I slapped the sides of my head, letting out a hoarse scream. I didn't want to hear my own thoughts anymore. I wanted peace. I wanted to have my old life back. I wanted Mom. I wanted sunny West Coast days by the beach.
I opened my eyes, staring up at the shower head as it sprayed down over my naked body. I was bruised and marked by the brothers' hands.
Why had they spared me?
Who cares, you're alive.
My thoughts argued back and forth.
I needed to do something. I had to say something. These brothers couldn't keep getting away with murder. How long would it take before they got bored of playing with me and decided to kill me, too? Who else would fall before they finally got caught by someone who had the balls to say something?
It had to be me. Even if it cost me my life, it had to be me.
It's not like I had anything else to live for. Not anymore.
The next day, I went into town with a strange sense of urgency. I moved with purpose, straight to the general store. I had to find Rose. She was as old as the mine was, so maybe she knew what the hell was going on in this God-forsaken town.
Plus, I felt like I could trust her. She was my best bet.
"Good morning, Rose," I said.
Rose looked up from her magazine. "Oh, Willow," she seemed surprised to see me. "How are you feeling? I hope you didn't catch a cold."
"No," I replied with a shake of my head. "Thankfully, I guess you found me at just the right time." I shifted nervously, looking around to make sure we were alone before continuing. "I wanted to thank you. You honestly saved my life."
Rose shrugged as if she saved passed-out girls in the snow all the time. "In my youth, I volunteered with the Coast Guard. I guess I have a sixth sense for knowing when people are in trouble."
If you only knew.
"Well, thanks," I said with a nod. "I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about Grayling Pass."
"Like what?" Rose set down the magazine by her giant cup of tea.
"Just the history. There's no library closer than Fairbanks, and I want to know more about the local stuff. Like the mining company and the..." I sucked in a breath as I tried to find the courage to keep going.
"The what?"
"The... wolves," I said, hoping she'd catch my drift.
Her expression sobered. "I can't talk about that here," she said, lowering her voice. "Why don't you come over for tea tomorrow, and we can catch up?" She plastered a fake smile on her face as someone walked into the store.
"But," I tried.
The old woman shooed me away. "Sorry, no mail came in today. The plane had trouble," she forced out with surprising volume. "But don't worry, they'll make another trip before the storms come."
"Have a great day, see you later," she cut me off with a pointed look and hurried off to help the customer look for cereal.
I wouldn't be defeated yet. Rose wanted to help me. I just had to meet her tomorrow. Then, maybe I would get some answers.