I KNOCK LIGHTLY on the door of my boss’s office. “You wanted to see me?”
“Yes, yes, come in.” Emma beckons me in and says, “Please, close the door.”
I do as she says and then sit next to Skyler. Both of our chairs face her desk. While Emma’s a cool boss, I can’t help but feel like we’re both in the hot seat. “What’s up?”
“I heard of an incident last week.” She pushes her blonde bangs behind her ear. “About the new monster who’s joined us. The one who lives in the ocean.”
I send a curious glance at Skyler who looks as dumbfounded as me. “Um…”
“Did he…make you uncomfortable?” Emma gives me a look of concern and support. “Because we’re here to support the maritime monster community, but not at the expense of our staff.”
I bite my lip and look at Skyler again. “No, he…it was just a misunderstanding.” That’s an understatement. “Th e new shark shifter didn’t know how human relationships work, but we set him straight. Right, Skyler?”
“Right.” My best friend nods at me, then our boss. “It was a lost-in-translation sorta moment. We’re here to help them transition to surface life.”
“Perfect.” Emma smiles and begins to type on her laptop. “Then, I want you two to continue to take point on this project. It’s a big deal.”
I gulp. I have to spend more time with the razor-toothed predator boy? “A big deal?” I ask.
“You’re mentoring a shark shifter, one that was raised in the ocean!” She beams as she types. “I’m going to have him on payroll. Now that his family has his identity signed up, he’s getting a ton of financial support from the OME. Which means we’re getting more funding!” She swivels in her chair and looks at us. “Win-win! Don’t you agree?”
“I totally agree.” Skyler grins. “Mr. Shaughnessy is a great asset. Right, Karlo?”
I nod, unsure of what my best friend has up his sleeve. “Well, he will be once he gets acclimated to life here.”
“Skyler was able to drum up a list of rehabilitation needs that the OME will fund. It looks great, of course,” Emma says, typing away.
“Naturally,” Skyler says as he shrugs.
“I want one of you to help him complete this list. Easy stuff, like getting an apartment and getting clothes.”
One of us has to buddy up with this dude? I’m about to argue when Skyler cuts me off. “As much as I love a good fashion montage, I’m pretty swamped. I spent all week interviewing Mr. Shaughnessy. This data won’t list itself.” He chuckles and taps on his knees .
“Perfect. Karlo, you can do it.” Emma waves her hands as if she didn’t sign my death warrant.
“I…I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?” Emma asks, still not looking up.
“Does he make you uncomfortable?” Skyler asks with a grin.
I struggle to not scowl. My bestie has a lot of explaining to do after this meeting. “No, he doesn’t. I suppose since Skyler is so behind on his work…” I try not to grumble at him, and Emma nods.
“Perfect. So, starting this afternoon, orient the shark shifter to his new life. It’ll be great for your resumé and will help us solidify relations with the OME. Thanks, Karlo, you’re the best! That’ll be all, boys!”
“He really is,” Skyler says with a smirk. Now I’m fuming.
The moment we close the door to Emma’s office, I swipe at my best friend’s head.
“Ow!” he whines.
“I know what you’re doing,” I mutter.
“Whatever do you mean?” he asks with a faux-innocence.
“You actually want me to spend time with this ridiculous shark creature.”
“It’s for the MM Institute!” he argues.
We walk down the hall, and I contemplate strangling him. “Uh-huh. And the fact that that shark man wants to eat me alive has nothing to do with it?”
“He does not!” Skyler lowers his voice and asks, “Wait, did he ask to eat you out, or eat you?” His eyebrows bounce in interest, and my cheeks burn up.
“I’m just saying!” He lifts up his hands, and we reach the elevator.
“Saying what? That spending time with the shark who wants to mate with me will actually be a good time?”
“No.” The doors shut and he stares at me. “Just that Mr. Shaughnessy is half-human. And what better way to get him to learn how to be human than to hang out with one?”
“Then why can’t you or anyone else do it?” I ask with derision.
“Well, he’s not interested in staring at us,” he mutters with a smirk.
I groan, and when the elevator doors open, I power-walk away from Skyler.
“Wait, Karlo, let me ask you one question.” He grabs my hand, and I turn and frown.
“What? I have to go clothes shopping with a shifter who doesn’t know what boundaries are. The things I do for this institute, I swear…”
“Yeah, that’s great, I want you to, I just need to know…” He leans in and lowers his voice. “Is no part of you turned on by a big studly sea monster like him, with his huge arms and tight abs?”
My mouth goes dry at the memory. The shark, Razorjaw, is…not unattractive. He’s physically fit, for sure. But that’s a carnal reaction, an opinion that I need to bury deep.
“N-n…no,” I stutter and wipe my palms on my khakis.
Skyler gives me a shit-eating grin, and I turn on my heels and stride away. I flip the middle finger at my so-called best friend as I leave to plan my shopping date with a shark .
When I approach the Mareflow Mall, the shark certainly stands out. He’s not the only monster walking about at this time of day, with a family of spider shifters entering through the glass doors. But he’s of course the only maritime monster.
And he’s tall, strong, and shapely in all the right ways. He’s beaming, waving at me like I’m the greatest human in the universe. When has anyone ever been that happy to see me?
I cross the parking lot and reach him as he puts his hand down. I notice his tail wagging behind him, and I try not to smile. He is not endearing . “Hello, Mr. Shaughnessy,” I say in my most professional tone.
“Karlo Castillo. I am, once again, honored and humbled to be near you.” He smiles, and I bite back a swoon. I’m actually being charmed by this tall, studly monster. It would be so easy to go along with his whole mating theory, but I’m a professional. Plus, history has taught me I’m not fit to be anyone’s mate.
“Um, thanks, I think.” He holds the door open for me, and I walk through.
“I was elated when Emma informed me that you would be in charge of my clothes shopping today.”
“Yes, well, she’s my boss.” I try not to frown as we walk toward the generic department store.
“Soon she will be my boss as well.”
“I heard you’re joining our workforce.”
We walk into the large store and we both nod at two zombie security guards. I’m glad to live in a world that’s monster-friendly. The glow of fluorescent lights and soft humming of generic music don’t seem to faze Razorjaw. If I was new to this world, the perfume section alone would overwhelm me. I wonder how good his olfactory senses are. I should ask him.
“But I asked Skyler Dillinger,” he says. “There are no rules in place at MM Institute that prohibit mating between coworkers.”
I frown as we walk past the shoe section. Skyler needs to stay out of my love life. I try to fixate on a werewolf family in the distance trying on sneakers. “Yes, well that’s not happening any time soon. We’re just…co-workers.”
“Yes. Co-workers. Because consent is key.” I quirk an eyebrow at the shark and he merely grins. His pretty teeth aren’t as sharp as his namesake, but that may be because he’s in his hybrid form.
“Right.” After a few more seconds of silent walking, we make it to the men’s section. “So, what do you have, Mr. Shaughnessy?”
“Nothing.” He holds out his hand. “Just this plastic, known as…a debit card?”
“Right, courtesy of the OME.” I nod and we stop near the underwear and socks section. The fitting room is a few feet away and is unmanned, and I’m grateful we’re alone now. I never thought I’d be stuck shopping with the predator who wants to mate with me, but teaching him about clothes is already awkward and embarrassing.
“So, over there is the fitting room. You can try on what you’d like.”
He picks up a green button-down shirt that’s too big for him and eyes it curiously. “Whatever I…like?”
“Exactly. Not the underwear, though.” I pick up a package of white boxer briefs. The image of the man with tights abs on it is sexy, no doubt, and the thought of Razorjaw wearing these is…titillating.
I gulp and try to avoid looking at the shark’s perfectly toned chest. “You can…try everything else. For this, we’ll just have to… estimate.”
He picks up a pair of khaki pants too small for him and walks toward the fitting area. “Very well. Can you find me more clothes?”
“I can…” I clear my throat and glance at his waist, then back to the packages of boxers. “I can try,” I say in a wavering voice. Do not get flustered with the hot shark .
“Excellent.” He walks forward into a booth, and I close the fitting room door. I’m grateful no one else is here to witness this weird shopping spree we’re on.
I spend a swift five minutes grabbing clothes that look like they might fit him. I’m way shorter and slightly thicker, but I think I can guess what will be okay on his body. A sinister voice in my mind says, “ Get him blue briefs and other clothes he’ll look mighty fine in .” Shut up, voice.
When I return with two pairs of jeans and three shirts, I knock on his door. “Mr. Shaughnessy? You okay in there?”
“I’m not sure how to work the trousers,” he says.
Duh, his tail. “You’ll need to um…get rid of your tail,” I say through the door. “You have a human form, right?” It dawns on me I haven’t seen him sans blue shark fins.
“Of course,” he replies. When he opens the door, a new figure appears before me.
“Also…it’s Razorjaw,” he purrs. This new tall man grins at me, and I stop breathing.
Holy. Fucking. Monster God.
Razorjaw is in his pure human form, and oh sweet heaven have mercy, he’s a sight to behold. I thought he was hot in his hybrid shark-with-legs guise, but that’s nothing compared to this adonis before me.
Razorjaw is tall, muscular, handsome, and overall, a feast for the eyes. His abs are monuments, his shoulders are round, and his pretty Caucasian face with blue eyes and trimmed blond hair has me weak in the knees. His happy trail down his eight-pack is also a luxurious sight, but that’s nothing compared to what those soft hairs lead down to.
He’s naked. And his cock is huge. And, as I’ve been ogling at him for six long seconds, it’s growing. And twitching at me. Not to sound crass, but Razorjaw is a seven-incher, even half-soft.
“I…I…I…” My brain has lost the ability to formulate sentences. One look at that gorgeous penis and huge balls dangling between his hard thighs has short-circuited my mind. I can only stammer at this sexy monster in front of me.
When I finally look up, I know Razorjaw can read my mind. His smirk screams, “ I’ve got you now ,” and he’s so damn cocky and sexy.
“Is there a problem, Karlo Castillo?” he asks with a grin.
“Nuh…nuh…” I shake my head and recall that we’re in public. “Dude, you’re naked!”
“My name is not dude,” he says as I rush him forward, closing the door. Oh wonderful, now I’m in an enclosed space with this sexy man. And did his cock get harder and longer?
“You…you can’t be naked in public.” I try to avert my gaze, only to see him in the fitting room mirror. Monster god damn, his ass is two huge, luscious planets that I’d like to colonize. I guess all that swimming and no junk food his whole life has rendered him the fittest body I’ve ever seen. The man’s an Olympic athlete, I swear.
“I have been…wi thout clothes this entire time.”
“But…it’s different in your human form. A form I haven’t seen yet!” I clamp my eyes and thrust the clothes into his arms.
“Does this form please you?” His tone is so smug and turned-on.
“It…it…” I shake my head with my eyes still closed. But all I can see is those trimmed pubes leading to huge nuts and a swinging cock. “Being naked isn’t acceptable!”
“Then why do you seem flustered? I once read that was a sign of human arousal.”
“Why were you reading that?!” I yelp, clamping my eyes down harder.
“I am to learn about the surface world, yes? Marine life shifters have such obvious attraction pheromones, I wanted to know about humans.”
“Wait, really?” I open my eyes, my internal science nerd bursting out. I gaze at his handsome face, and he nods. “You can sense marine life pheromones?”
“Yes. I can smell it.”
“Even on land?”
“It depends on the person, but yes.” His tone is very matter-of-fact. “I have not had many shifter interactions out here, other than Mother and your friend, Ardsley Allan.” “Wow. I didn’t know animal shifters had that.”
“Yes. Which is why I need to know how humans convey their attraction.” He steps forward and his neutral face morphs into that devilish grin again. “How do…you convey your attraction, Karlo Castillo?” he purrs.
My eyes dart down, and yup, his cock is hard again. I quickly turn around and stare at the door. “Just…just try on the outfits!” I yelp. In a blur, I open up and leave the tiny, sw eltering box. “And for all that is holy, please shift back into hybrid form when you’re done!”
“As you wish. Anything for you,” he says through the door. I can hear the smile on his face, but I don’t care. I need to walk off these hormones and try to scrub my mind of the image of that beautiful shark’s perfect human body.
I gently place the bags on the countertop while Razorjaw unceremoniously drops his belongings on the floor. We’re in his new apartment, not far from MM Institute. How he managed to keep keys and his new wallet on his shark form despite not owning garments is beyond me. Now, we’re done shopping and back in his new home.
I take a look around. The plain white countertops match the plain walls. There are a few black chairs, and small black leather couch, and a brown coffee table in the living area. Allegedly, he’s been here for two days, but it all seems so sterile.
“So this is your place, huh?”
“Yes.” He gazes around with a neutral stare. “I am told this is what humans do, so I must learn to adapt.”
I open the fridge to find nothing. “Have you gone grocery shopping yet?”
“Groceries,” he says slowly. He looks down, pondering my words, and his shark tail wobbles back and forth. “That is food for land dwellers, correct?”
“I do not eat here.”
“You don’t?”
“I go into the ocean for everything. I am still the razor-jawed—”
“Predator of the sea, yeah I know,” I say, finishing his sentence. “So then why do you have an apartment?”
“It is paid for by the Organization of Monster Enhancement.”
“Wow.” I would be jealous, but this place isn’t very spacious. And the neighborhood isn’t the nicest.
“Additionally, I need to learn to adapt to human life.”
He seems almost doleful, and I take a chance and step closer to him. His body language screams tired, and it dawns on me that these past eight days have been non-stop adjustments for him. “How…do you feel?”
He leans on the counter and looks away. “Like I missed out on so much. There is a tremendous amount of knowledge I need to catch up on.”
I nod and lean near him, just out of arm’s reach. We might actually be having a moment, and I don’t want to ruin it by touching his scaly skin. Wouldn’t he like that though?
I tap my sneaker on the hardwood floor and stare at my shoelaces. “You’ll…get there. I promise, Mr. Shaughnessy.”
When I look up, he’s smiling again, but softer this time. His cocky grin is gone, and his aroused look of elation is missing too. It’s as if my simple words have made him hopeful, and I don’t recall the last time I was a lighthouse for someone. “It is Razorjaw,” he says. “My new identification card says that.”
“Razorjaw.” I snicker. “It’s kind of a mouthful. How about I call you RJ? ”
“You can call me whatever you wish, Karlo Castillo.”
There goes that misplaced adoration again. He needs to realize I’m no one’s Prince Charming.
“Right.” I push off the counter and clap my hands. “Well, I’ll let you rest for the night, RJ.”
“Very well. Thank you. For today.” He pushes off and steps forward while I step back.
“It’s my job.” I shrug.
“Yes. And I shall spend my evening trying on these…” He picks up a package of the underwear I bought him. “Brrr…briefs,” he says slowly. He’s not so good with reading, I need to note that.
“You should try on all the clothes,” I point out.
“Yes, but these undergarments go on first, do they not?” He bares his teeth, and, I swear, they lengthen before me. In another second, he’s torn the plastic covering off the underwear package with his mouth.
I snicker and reach the door. “That is correct.”
“Then I better get started. Goodnight, Karlo Castillo.” He whips out a pair of blue briefs and holds them out before him. Did I get him a fancy designer pair on purpose? I don’t know, maybe, doesn’t matter, shut up.
He shifts into his human form and faces away from me. I’m fascinated by seeing his tail almost immediately slip back into his body, but my scientific curiosity is replaced by another, more carnal emotion. My breath hitches again, and instead of gazing at the architecture of his front, all I see is his shapely ass. While I’m dizzy with arousal and my own cock gets hard, RJ slips on the briefs.
When he turns around, I grip the doorknob and stare at his crotch. He has…quite the package. I thought he looked good butt-naked, but his dick is perfectly shaped in the high-en d fabric. There’s nothing hotter than a fit man in tight underwear.
And RJ is all my fantasies wrapped in a pair of blue briefs. After my throat goes dry, my gaze slowly tracks up his perfect abs. I gaze past his pert pecs and see his cocky grin is back. He’s caught me staring. Shit, he knows I want him on a physical level.
“How do I look?” he purrs.
“Good!” I yelp in a higher tone. “So uh…uh…goodnight!”
I run out the door, slamming it behind me, not caring about the neighbors. Next, I’m sprinting down the stairs to my car.
So the shark is super sexy in both his hybrid form and his man form, so what? And he clearly likes me — again, so what? He doesn’t even know me, and we work together now. Therefore, getting involved is a bad idea.
Yeah, right . Tell that to my aching boner and the vivid jack-off fantasies I intend to have tonight and for the rest of eternity.