Kissing the Shark (Maritime Monsters #1) Chapter 12- The Shark 46%
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Chapter 12- The Shark


AUNT SARAH SIPS her cup of tea and places it on a coaster. I am seated at her kitchen table between her and Mother while we enjoy a pleasant family afternoon. Aunt Sarah is thrilled that I am embracing my human side. I am currently wearing a pink polo and khakis, and Mother is in her human form wearing a blue blouse and jeans. She is joyfully sipping on her second milkshake of the day, and I am content with this new family tradition we have forged.

“And how did the birthday party go?” Aunt Sarah asks. She smooths out some lipstick around her mouth and smiles.

“I enjoyed it,” I reply. “Thank you for the gift suggestions.” I sip my cup of hot liquid and nod politely. I miss swallowing saltwater all day, every day. But being with my family is always a good time.

“Was your mate impressed?” Mother asks with a smirk.

“He is not my mate,” I whine, looking down at my cup.

“Don’t embarrass the boy, Mary,” Aunt Sarah says in a chastising tone.

“Thank you,” I say.

“The man is not his mate yet . Let’s be specific,” Aunt Sarah says with a grin. The two of them laugh, and warmth floods my cheeks. I was never embarrassed before I started working at MM Institute, but I suppose this is my life now.

“But how are you liking work?” Mother asks.

“I feel valued. I tell them simple facts about marine life migration patterns, and they claim it will help with the legislation they are writing for the state of California. Meanwhile, I am receiving so much knowledge from them, and yet, I am also getting paid by the OME.”

“Just take it for what it is,” Aunt Sarah says, pointing at me. “The OME exists to support and uplift monsters. Besides, no one wants to date a broke guy.”

“I am not broken, my body parts work just fine!”

“She means broke like, no money.” Mother says. “It’s an English slang term.” She sips her milkshake and stares at me pointedly.

I huff. Over two months on the land, and I have so much left to master. Still, how can I regret all those one-on-one literacy and speech lessons? Getting to stare at Karlo’s perfect mouth as he talked…

I clear my throat. “Yes, I like work.”

“I just hope you’re giving it your all,” Mother adds. “And not just spending all day drooling over some boy who might not like you back.”

I shrug and stare at my cup. “I am…devoted to MM Institute.”

“Have some faith, Mary.” Aunt Sarah points at Mother. “It’s been, what, less than three months? And you say you talk to this Karlo character regularly?” I nod. “Talk about slow burn!”

I smile at her even though I do not want anyone to burn. This must be another slang term.

“He’ll come around. You said he spoke to you alone at the birthday party?” Aunt Sarah asks.

“Yes.” I idly tap the cup and get lost in the warm memories of talking to him a few days ago. “He told me about his past. He opened up to me, and it was thrilling.”

“Well, at the risk of supporting my son’s sex life…” Mother grimaces, and then looks at me. “Have you tried amping up your courting?”

“How so?”

“You’re a big shark. He’s a marine biologist.” Mother shrugs and smiles at Aunt Sarah. “There has to be something you can offer him. A favor of sorts.”

“Ooh! Take him to visit sea creatures that aren’t very common for us landlubbers.” Aunt Sarah nearly titters in delight.

“There is no…” My eyebrows jump. He is always reading about creatures from vastly different depths under the water. Maybe that would impress my mate. “That…might…”

“Ooh, I smell a plan hatching,” Aunt Sarah says, tapping my arm. “Get your man, Nephew.”

“Of course, my son.” I turn to Mother and she smiles softly at me. “I just hope you don’t get your heart broken. Promise me you won’t let this ruin all other humans for you. ”

I gulp and nod. “I promise.” Mother means well, and she does not want me to be hurt forever. But I’m afraid Karlo has already ruined all other hearts for me. I cannot imagine feeling this way about anyone else.

Karlo guides the group of fifth graders toward the next tank in the wall. The glass glows as a single manta ray floats around, flitting in and out of view.

“His name is Manny the manta ray. Does anyone know his secret superpower?” He smiles and the kids half pay attention to him, and half stare at the glass.

Karlo glances at me and his smile does not drop. I smile back, cross my arms, and lean on the wall as my blue button-down shirt stretches against my human arms. When Emma told me I needed to learn how to give tours, I was reluctant at first. But when she said I was to shadow Karlo, I was immediately convinced.

Giving a tour to young humans and vying for their attention is not easy, but Karlo remains resilient. My beloved is so talented.

Karlo turns to the kids and says, “He’s bioluminescent. Raise your hand if you know what that means.”

No one raises their hand; children can be frustrating. “It means when he eats a certain amount of deep-sea krill, he can glow in the dark. He’s like his own flashlight, but only for a limited amount of time. This superpower only happens at deep, dark depths, but once a year, they migrate across the Pacific Ocean. If they eat enough krill and then hit the surface, they appear to be a blinking parade of light.”

He walks over to the next wall and points to a massive photograph. Little light dots twinkle on the water, and I can vaguely make out shapes of manta rays on the ocean surface. “It’s one of the wonders of the marine biology world to witness this great migration. Isn’t that fascinating?”

The kids murmur with feigned interest, and I frown. Do they not realize they are in the presence of the most beautiful man on the planet?

“Hey, so who wants to head to the touch tank? Wanna go pet some horseshoe crabs and sea cucumbers?” The kids perk up, and Karlo ushers them into the next hall. I suppose this ends the lecture portion of the tour.

An hour later, I approach Karlo at the top of the manta ray tank. I clear my throat, and when he sees me, he does not startle at all. Success ! “Hey, RJ.”

I adore his nickname for me. “You did…a great tour today.”

He snickers. “Thanks. But I know kids aren’t exactly interested in manta ray migration patterns.” He pours out a scoop of small shrimp into the water, and I observe this Manny float around near the cloud of food.

“You mean Mobula birostris?”

He quirks a surprised smile, and I quietly cheer to myself. “You know species names now?”

“Sometimes.” I shrug and sit next to him.

“That part of your shark powers? ”

“No. Just from…learning to read from a very talented man.”

I swear I can see him blush. The blue glow of the water tank makes Karlo look even more magnificent than usual. I want to reach out my hand and make him mine, but we are at work. More importantly, he needs to realize how he feels about me. I feel close to making him desire me, but he needs to be sure.

He clears his throat and touches the water. “Well, poor Manny here won’t be able to be at the great migration.”

“Why not?”

“He’s also injured. Which sucks because I wanted to track him. If we could release him, I could finally witness that event this year. According to all my research, it’s happening crazy soon. It’s still my dream to see all those bioluminescent manta rays breach the surface.”

“It is quite beautiful,” I reply.

Karlo’s eyebrows raise. “What?” he whispers.

My smile drops. “Um…I think it is beautiful? All of those lights.”

He shakes his head. “You’ve seen it in person?”

“Yes,” I reply promptly. I shrug and add, “I track all creatures because they are my prey. The great migration is one of the only times I stop and stare, and it is happening in a matter of days.”

“Wha…what?” Karlo seems overwhelmed. “You uh…how do you…?”

I shrug again. “Like shark mating patterns, it is instinctual. The forces underwater…Skyler said they were electromagnetic patterns of the ocean floor? Well, manta rays also follow certain patterns. And it is oc curring this weekend.”

Karlo continues to stare at me in shock, and it is adorable. “You said it is your dream.” I gulp and my heart beats faster. I recall Mother and Aunt Sarah telling me to do more for my mate—this is my chance! “Would…you like me to take you?”

He sputters. “Wha…wha…you can take me? To the great Mobula birostris migration of lights?!”

I shrug and smile, knowing this is exactly what I needed. “For you, anything Karlo Castillo.” This weekend is going to be a turning point for us, I can feel it.

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