Kissing the Shark (Maritime Monsters #1) Chapter 16- Razorjaw 62%
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Chapter 16- Razorjaw


I AM OFFICIALLY in a burgeoning relationship with my beloved, and I could not be more thrilled. Well, that is not true —I would prefer us to be in an eternal mate relationship. But, as Aunt Sarah told me, forging a loving bond will take time. I promised my mate —no, boyfriend —that we could take it slow, and I do not intend to betray my promises.

We have been on two dates already. Even though he has not declared his undying love for me yet, I find myself enjoying the process of getting to know him. Karlo Castillo is interesting, fun, and sweet. He makes me smile more than I have in my entire twenty-one years of life.

Naturally, I am delighted to learn all about sexual relations with such an attractive man. My mind transcends into euphoria every time we share orgasms. I am particularly fond of the maneuver Karlo calls “slow edging” with massages and “nipple play.” It is a frustrating game with a delicious conclusion. I do not wish to live in a world where Karlo and I do not explore intimacy with each other .

I realize I am na?ve, and that perhaps Karlo will want someone with more knowledge, someone who grew up in the surface world. But every moment I spend with him is one I catalog in my heart. This is surely what love is, and I have no doubts that he is my soul mate.

Today, I am at the Institute working with Skyler. I have been instructed to use animal-speak to interview as many of the mollusks we can get to. My co-worker and I are pleasantly surprised to discover just how many thoughts certain shellfish have.

“That is extraordinary, Mr. Shaughnessy.” Skyler writes on a clipboard while I pull myself out of the tank. “Great work.”

“Your thanks are not necessary, for it is my job.” I shake out my fins and tail then promptly shift into my human guise. I smile when I look down to notice my gray polo shirt and khakis are dry and intact. “But it is appreciated.”

“We appreciate you,” Skyler says, beaming. He pushes up on his glasses and looks behind me to the hallway. “Speaking of appreciating you…”

A chill runs up my spine, and I know who is behind me. I turn and smile at Karlo who approaches us with a large white bucket.

“Hey you two,” he says with a grin.

“Karlo Castillo,” I say, breathlessly.

“Got some good interviews with oysters?”

“Actually, yes,” Skyler replies, bouncing on his toes. “Your boy over here is, as always, a huge help.”

“I simply translated what I could understand,” I reply. I cannot keep my eyes off of Karlo. Even in a blue work shirt with sweat running down his temple, he is the picture of perfection.

“Ah, glad to hear it.” He smiles at me, then turns to see Skyler standing between us, smirking. Karlo clears his throat and continues, “I gotta go feed the cephalopods.” He shakes his massive bucket that appears to be filled with dead shrimp.

“Do you require assistance?” I ask.

“No, no,” he says with a chuckle. “This is a one-man task. You’re scheduled to help Skyler today.”

“And we have a lot of notes to synthesize,” Skyler says, looking between us. “Unless you two wanna go roll around with the octopuses together.”

“I would —”

“No!” Karlo exclaims, interrupting me. “Go on.”

I nod. “Very well.”

Skyler meanwhile, seems to be holding back a laugh. I know he is best friends with my beloved, so his contentious looks at us all week have been slightly embarrassing, but mostly amusing. Still, we agreed on strict professionalism; that is for the best because if I merely shake Karlo’s hand during work hours, I will not be able to refrain from kissing him. Or more.

I reluctantly leave my beloved with a wave of my hand. Then, Skyler and I walk toward the elevators. Before we can ascend all the way upstairs to the offices, Skyler gazes at his phone. Whatever text he read renders his cheeks a shade pinker. “We gotta go to the lobby first.”


“There is a potential maritime monster liaison client, like yourself, that I’m going to…” He clears his throat. “I mean, we are going to…show him what the Institute is all about. ”

The door opens and he quickly strides forward. I chase after him, unsure of what is occurring. I am the only shifter from the sea that I know of. Perhaps this new client hails from far away.

The two of us make it to the front doors, and Skyler’s eyes light up when the next person walks in. A man stands before us in a gray blazer and tight, form-fitting trousers. He has trimmed dark hair and Asian features, but he looks nothing like my mate. I have no interest in him, but I can, however, admit he is a traditionally handsome man.

“You came!” Skyler says, before clearing his throat.

“I did. Skyler, right?” His voice is deep and he nods at us.

“Um, yeah…” Skyler pushes back a nonexistent hair from his face and looks away momentarily. “I can’t believe you remembered my name.” My friend is no longer cocky, but awkward and submissive. I do not understand his change in demeanor.

“Well, you were so helpful and knowledgeable the last time I visited.” He smiles and nods. “And I’m going to be coming here very often. It’ll be nice to make professional colleagues.” He turns to me. “We haven’t met yet.”

“Um, Mr. Shaughnessy,” Skyler says, perking up and looking at me. “Meet Mr. Reed Sung. He’s interested in our maritime shifter liaison program. We all could learn more about ocean creatures.”

I shake the tall man’s hand, as is customary. “I am Razorjaw. You grew up…in the sea?” Did I almost eat him at some point?

He laughs lightly. “The program isn’t for me. Though, I am willing to participate in whatever you need.”

I turn to see Skyler biting back a smile. Then, Reed continues, “It’s for my nephew. I’m his guardian, his parent, but he was initially raised in the sea.”

I nod and watch as this new man smiles at Skyler. “So you, Reed Sung, you were raised on land?”

Skyler snickers. “Well, us full humans don’t get to live in the ocean. We kinda need to…you know…breathe.”

Reed looks between us and seems to be pondering something. The next moment I catch the scent of something…familiar.

Oh .

I lift up my chin. “For the sake of professionalism, I need to inform you that I am not interested.”

“What?” Skyler asks. The pair of them look at me with confusion.

“Your pheromones. You are a shifter and wish to mate with me,” I state. It is very obvious —Reed is oozing attraction scent. He is “turned on” as the slang goes.

“I…I don’t…want to mate with you,” Reed stutters.

“Reed is not a shifter,” Skyler adds. The two of them look away, discomfort radiating from their bodies.

Meanwhile, I gaze in confusion at this new man. He is undoubtedly a shifter, his monster aura is quite obvious. “If you do not want to mate with me, then why are you oozing pheromones?”

Skyler frowns at me. “Dude, us land-dwellers don’t shoot off pheromones.”

I point to Reed. “But he is a maritime monster. And his pheromones continue to spike as this conversation goes on. He must be attracted to me, and I am politely telling him that I am not interested.”

Reed’s eyes go wide and Skyler’s face falls. “You mean…” Skyler says.

This new monster clears his throat and puts his hands in his coat pockets. “I…forgot to mention…that I’m also a…shifter.”

“Oh!” Skyler looks down, as if he is trying to comprehend it all.

“I hope you are a valuable asset to us here in the Institute. But I am still not interested.”

“Dude, I’m not —”

“Interested? Then why are you…?” I turn to Skyler, and the realization dawns on his face. He looks up at Reed, and the three of us silently come to the same conclusion.

Those pheromones were not for me. And now I have committed a social crime by saying out loud that Reed is extremely…turned on…by one of us.

“Um…” Skyler’s face turns even redder as he blinks at Reed.

This monster, however, fidgets in place, smoothing out his blazer. “I don’t…usually tell people, that I’m a monster, and um…”

“It is alright,” I say. I shift into my hybrid form, rising one inch in height. Reed steps back, flabbergasted, then calms down. “I too am a shifter. This is my hybrid form, but I have spent most of my years in my shark form.”

“That…that’s incredible.”

“I am looking forward to helping you with research and adjustment to life on the surface.”

“I don’t need to adjust to life on land, remember? My nephew does.” Reed adjusts his collar, as if he is trying to breathe more. Meanwhile, this is the quietest Skyler has ever been.

“Well, we are more than happy to assist you and your entire family,” I say.

“An impossible task,” he mutters, looking out the door. Turning back to me, he says, “About those pheromones, they’re…”

“It does not matter,” I say. “Skyler.” This gets my friend’s attention. “Shall we bring him to Emma or take him on a tour?”

“We can take you to Emma. Don’t want to take up too much of your time, since you’re this healthcare hotshot, after all.” Skyler beams at him and they walk in stride together.

“I took the day off of work,” Reed says nodding at him. I am beginning to feel insignificant in this conversation. “I’m surprised you remember that.”

Skyler laughs. “How could I forget? You have this huge high-paying job, and we’re lowly researchers funded by the OME.”

“But your work is important.” Reed shrugs and readjusts the shiny black band on his wrist as we walk. Reed appears to be the most affluent human I have met so far. “And money doesn’t mean everything.”

Skyler laughs again for no apparent reason. Their discussion makes me recall that I too only have money because of the OME. The idea of capitalism has been difficult for me to come to terms with; most of my life I ate what I chased after and wanted nothing more.

But I have always wanted a mate, and now I am courting Karlo. I love him, but these dates we go on require money. This Reed Sung seems to be attractive and has a high-paying job. Perhaps in order to secure Karlo’s heart, I need more funding.

That weekend is our next date night, and I am walking with Karlo out of a building known as a movie theater. We sat in large chairs for over an hour watching one animated program from Karlo’s youth. This establishment is in the business district of Mareflow, a very urban section with several restaurants but little natural foliage. Between the sitting still for entertainment and all of these bright lights, I itch with discomfort. I fear I may never get used to this life on the surface. I should have explored more gathering spots in the months I have been working at the Institute.

“What did you think of the movie?” Karlo asks. His smile reminds me of a beautiful sunrise shimmering through the surface of the sea. In his maroon plaid button-down and blue jeans, he is perfection.

“It was…enjoyable.”

“Really?” His excitement only grows and he walks backward. “I loved it as a kid and jumped at the chance to see the rerelease in theaters.”

I chuckle as I follow him down the sidewalk. “I am happy that chance made you jump.”

“But did you follow along?” His face falls and he stops. “Wait, have you seen a movie before?” I cringe. “Shit, I didn’t get to teach you what a movie was.”

“They are simply entertainment arts, like the videos I have watched on the internet, but longer.”

“Basically.” Karlo and I continue to walk. “But I thought it would be cute because this kid’s movie is about a talking fish looking for his family.” He gasps. “Wait, is that offensive?”

“No,” I say through a laugh. “It was an animated movie. It is not as if it was some sort of dramatic program wherein a single shark devours humans and terrorizes a beach! Now that would be offensive.”

Karlo laughs uncomfortably, but I’m not sure why. “I enjoyed myself,” I say. “As long as my date is with you, I will always be overjoyed.”

My mate eyes me with a serious expression. “I…feel the same way.” He slips his hand in mine, and I never want to let him go.

We pass by a large window at an establishment and Karlo stops to peer through it. “Wow. That is one nice rolling chair. A high back seat with the blue and black streaks.” He whistles. “That would take my video gaming to the next level.”

I scrutinize the chair through the window; the large leather seat has multiple wheels at the bottom. Peering at the other windows, it is evident this store exclusively sells furniture. “Is this…what you want?”

“Yeah,” Karlo replies. “In a magical world where I have expendable income.” He cackles and begins to walk away, but I stand still. I gaze through the window at several patrons studying various high-quality chairs. They are all dressed in dark suits and leather footwear, like Reed Sung. Then, my vision adjusts, and I notice my own reflection in the evening light. My outfit, a simple long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans, seems so simplistic compared to theirs.

“RJ?” Karlo asks a few feet away.

“I…can purchase this chair for you.”

“What?!” he yelps, walking back to me. “No, I didn’t—”

“This is what you want, yes?” I try to enter the store, but my beloved blocks me. “Therefore, I will—”

“No, RJ, I didn’t mean to imply—”

“So then, you do not want it?”

“No,” he argues, trying to pull me away by the arm.

I do not move. “But you said that—”

“That’s a thing I say sometimes when I see fancy stuff that looks nice.” He continues to pull on my arm in vain. “It’s an observation. It doesn’t mean I want it.”

“But an important part of courting is gifts.”

“This as a gift would be way too expensive! I don’t expect that from you.”

I bite my lip and look up at the furniture store. Purchasing anything here would undoubtedly cut into my stipend from the OME. Still, I must prove my worthiness to Karlo.

Looking down at my mate, he is clearly distressed at the idea of me walking into the store. “Karlo, I want to continue to date you.”

“I want the same thing!”

“I want to earn you, though.”

“Buying me really expensive things isn’t what I want from you!” He sighs in frustration and I allow him to gently guide me away from the storefront.

“But then, how can I prove myself worthy of your love one day?”

He snickers. “I forgot you haven’t learned this lesson from any movies,” he murmurs to himself. Looking up at me, he places his arms around my neck, and calmness washes over me. “Love isn’t monetary. You prove yourself worthy just by being you. And hanging out with me. And getting to know me.”

I frown and put my hands on his hips. “But do you not require an affluent boyfriend?”

“Not at all.”

“What if you meet a handsome monster with a high-paying career who can take you to see movies whenever you want?”

Karlo puts his hands on my cheeks. “He won’t be as sweet as you.” Karlo kisses me, and he tastes just as delicious as our first date weeks ago. My mate is the best kind of addiction.

“You know there’s one way to prove your worthiness that’s free,” he says with a grin.

“What’s that?”

He leans close to my ear and whispers, “Let me take you home, Razorjaw. And we can get naked and have some real fun.”

Oh my monster god, that was sexy.

I pull away from him and grab his hand. Then, I drag him through the sidewalk to his vehicle. There is no time to waste, he and I need some privacy immediately.

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