”We”re back, bitches!”
Koi followed behind me, phone in hand, filming our first day back at work.
I lifted the Jason mask I’d put on a moment ago and let it rest on my forehead. Koi slid the same over his face and addressed his live audience, ”Camp Frisky—I mean, Risky—is open for the summer!” We walked through the camp, pointing and nodding at GOs and ROs from last year. We”d started as game operators our first year, and then moved to ride operators, and eventually, after a series of unfortunate events, we were moved up to middle management. We didn”t have to listen to anyone this summer. This was our town.
”Every year since we were fourteen, Swayze and I have worked at Risky Rush amusement park. Right now, we”re taking you on a tour of Camp Frisky, the camp for overnight staff. You have to be eighteen to enter. This place started as a summer camp, but a couple of kids died and Mr. Risky didn”t want the hike in insurance so he shut down the camp, built the amusement park, and kept the cabins for his employees who stayed for the summer. Basically, the dude gave us a party palace!”
Some new chicks looked our way nervously. I put the mask back over my face and lunged at them. They screamed and ran away.
“I told you this was a good purchase.” I laughed alongside Koi. He’d thought it was stupid when I added them to his cart online the other night. I’d assured him chicks liked getting scared. It made their pussies so much wetter.
”We”ve been the kings of this fucking place since we leveled up and this is our last year. We’re going out in style. I got my new eye, and Swayze covered his scar up with a badass tattoo.” He flipped the camera and motioned for me to lift my shirt. I snickered and obliged while he got a close-up of the scorpion tattoo that covered my kidney scar. I put my shirt back down and he stood up, addressing his viewers.
“This summer is about to be the craziest fucking party from May til October. Make sure you”re following us, so you can see it all when it happens. Oh, and come see us at Risky Rush Park in Lochary Lake, New Jersey. I”m your boy Koi, and I”ll be running the rides.” Koi raised his lanyard, flashing his badge. ”And Swayze is the manager of the water park. So come, have some fun, and if you see us, take some selfies or something. See everyone soon.”
He ended the live, and we exhaled. Koi and I had gone semi-viral with some thirst traps, and now and again, he liked to get on and talk to our followers. I hated it.
“Hey, I want one of those.” One of the game operators, Andrew, a tall redhead, came up and gave Koi a fist bump. “That’s clever. Let me see.”
I offered him my mask, and he examined it. “These are one of the cooler versions. With the aged coloring and dirt and stuff. You’re gonna get so much pussy. Or cock, whichever.” Andrew smirked.
I pulled a cigarette from my pocket and placed it between my lips. I looked up at the sky. It was mid-May and already the sun was beating down on us. This summer was going to be brutal. “The only cock we take is each other’s. Sorry to get your hopes up.”
“I thought you two were done coming back. Didn’t you get jobs over at the fire station?” Andrew scratched his head.
“Yeah, but we don’t start until after the park season is over,” Koi answered.
“You both firemen then?”
“No, just Koi. I’m an EMT.” I answered.
“Oh, someone said you went through the police academy.” He pointed to the handcuffs I had folded and looped through my belt. “Those real or just for show?”
“Wait til the end of the summer to ask. I’m sure some girls will have stories to tell.” I smirked, then zoned out, surveying the camp. This year was gonna be fucking lit. Just one quick scan, and I”d already seen about a dozen hot girls giggling and looking our way. I waved at Ruth, Chitra, and Beth. They waved excitedly back, and I made a mental list of all the things I could do with them.
”Anyways, I came over to see if you had anything.” Andrew rubbed his finger under his nose. He handed me my mask, and I slid it on, letting it rest on top of my head.
”Day one?” I cocked an eyebrow as my hand went into my pocket, fondling the 8-ball I had in there.
”I thought we were partying tonight.”
”We are. Come to my cabin in a bit.” I looked around. There was no reason to sneak around. No one cared what we did, so long as we did our jobs.
”Sure, yeah.” Andrew nodded. ”You might wanna watch out for Marisol. I caught her earlier. She”s on one today. I heard they finally read their dad’s will.”
I blinked in mild interest.
”Hi, boys!” Ruth, the pretty blonde with bouncy tits, sans bra, came over to us. Koi and I both had fucked her last year but were left unimpressed. Despite my disinterest, my attention was on her crop top with the Risky Rush logo on it. If she lifted her arms, I was pretty sure we”d see nipple. ”Have you guys signed up for orientation? Everyone is required to attend.”
Koi and I exchanged a look and then burst into laughter. Andrew slunk off before he could get sucked in.
”Orientation?” Koi snickered. ”We”ve been working at this shithole since we were fourteen. We know this place probably better than the owner”s kids. See this?” He lifted his badge and shook it. ”This says I”m your fucking boss. Swayze and I are the CCs for camp. Now get the fuck away from me.”
She stalked away. ”Whatever.”
”Great. She was my pussy for tonight,” I punched his shoulder. ”It”s day one and you”re already pulling the CC card?”
”Why wouldn”t I? It got me so much pussy last year. Camp Counselor Koi at your service.” He slid his mask down and pulled a condom out of his pocket with both our names printed on one side and the Risky Rush logo on the other.”You”re really going to fuck her again?”
I shrugged. Pussy was pussy.
He moved on. “You know how many of these I went through last year? A fucking 300-pack, by myself. I had 1,000 made this time. Hopefully, it”ll last us.”
I was just about to call Andrew back to go to our cabin when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out, finding a name that always made my balls recede into my body, on the screen.
Marisol: Get your ass to orientation.
Marisol: Koi too.
”Who is it?” Koi”s expression darkened. He”d seen the look on my face.
”Marisol needs us to go to orientation,” I grumbled and followed the others down to the park and into the amphitheater to listen to Marisol and her brothers, Mattias and Fabian, go over everything. We sat in the back, and I put my feet up on the bench in front of us, closing my eyes.
This was the same shit I”d heard before. Fabian, the oldest, went through the rules. Watch for little kids. Make sure we”re following the height and weight guidelines. Lifeguards couldn”t have their phones on duty, and anyone operating a food cart or working in the restaurants needed to be wearing gloves and washing their hands.
Mattias took Fabian”s place to talk. He was Marisol”s twin brother, both of them two years younger than us. He gave us a lecture about what to say if someone got hurt at the park, and how to act so we didn”t get sued. Again, nothing new. Everyone knew that this park was dangerous. Koi and I were living proof, having lost an eye to flying debris last summer, and me getting punctured in the kidney by a broken piece of coaster two summers ago. We should have been closed down years ago after Mr. Risky died. Instead, his brother took over, and somehow, they kept turning the power back on each and every summer.
I began to daydream about later tonight when I”d snort a few lines, crack open a bottle of whiskey, and find a pussy to sink my cock in when Marisol”s shrill voice boomed into the microphone so loud I dropped my feet and sat up. I looked down at the stage, where she was pacing and waving her arms wildly while yelling about how she was the operations manager, and she ran the show.
”I”m your boss. Not them, not my uncle. Me. So you fuck up in front of me, and you”re out.”
”Why is she being so cunty this year?” I asked Koi.
Beth, a pretty black girl with yellow locks and a face full of metal, turned around. ”Didn”t you hear? The rest of their dad”s will was read. It was sealed for so many years. Turns out, they don”t get anything until that other sister is found. You know, the one that went missing like, seven years ago right after he died?”
My blood ran cold. The memory of that night flashed in my mind. Koi and I had been the last ones to see her, right before she ran off into the night. We”d promised never to tell what we saw.
And we hadn”t.
”What”s her name again?”
I glanced at Koi, whose face was just as grim, and I answered.