”We”re not really gonna kill her.” Swayze stared at his screen, scrolling through the app Marisol had just put on both our phones. ”We don”t even know her.”
I tossed myself on my bed and put my hands behind my head. I stared up at the cabin ceiling. Everywhere on the walls and ceiling were people”s names and random graffiti. I focused on the names directly above my head.
Dennis, Koi, and Swayze.
”Help me up. I”ll write all of our names in one go.” Dennis waved us in.
”No way. I want to write my own name.” Swayze brushed past me.
”We don”t have time for this bullshit, guys. Dennis, bend down and let him get on your shoulders.” I had to stay by the door and keep watch. We weren’t supposed to be in here. Camp Frisky was for eighteen plus, and we were barely thirteen.
Swayze climbed onto Dennis and stretched as far as he could and quickly scribbled his name. They traded places, Dennis following suit, and then I took my turn, getting onto Dennis’s shoulders. The moment we were all back on our own feet, we heard voices.
”Let”s go out the back,” I whispered, and quickly, we ran out of the cabin and through the woods, back to the park. We didn”t speak until we were on the cement, and then we burst into laughter.
”One day, that”s gonna be our cabin.” Dennis beamed. ”We”re gonna be the biggest, meanest, sex pests at Camp Frisky.” He pulled out the pack of cigarettes he stole from his dad and offered us each one.
”You really think we”ll be working here still?” Swayze laughed, lighting his smoke and taking a puff. He coughed and smacked his chest.
”Of course we will.” Dennis smirked. ”How else will all the ladies find us? We”re not gonna get laid working at the Devil”s Kettle.”
”He”s right.” I pointed at Swayze with my smoke. ”If I”m gonna be hot and sweaty, I”d rather be here at the park than flipping burgers.”
”I”m hungry. A Devil”s Kettle burger sounds good. Let’s head there after work.” Swayze shrugged. He knew it was pointless to argue. We”d planned this since we were ten when we first met. We”d be working at Risky Rush Park until we aged out at twenty-one. Then, we”d go out on the road and become famous rock stars.
We got the job. Now, we had to learn how to play instruments and grow out our hair.
”Sure. I could go for a burger.”
”Koi. Are you listening, dude?”
I turned my head. ”No. I wasn”t. What?”
”What are we supposed to do?”
I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed.
”Because of her, Dennis is dead. I say, a life for a life.” I didn”t exactly feel that way, but the temptation was too great. Five hundred thousand dollars? No, even I wasn”t that cruel. I”d planned on dedicating my life to saving people, not killing them. Maybe we could figure out something. A way to make Marisol think she was dead. We could take the money and run before anyone found out the truth. Until I figured out details, I”d keep the idea to myself for now.
”You can”t be serious.”
I stood and pulled out my knife, flicking it open. ”You and I both know how fast and how often accidents happen here at the park.” I spun the knife in my hands and pointed to my missing eye and then turned to point it at his torso where his scorpion tattoo covered his missing kidney. ”Who”s to say she won”t be one of them?”
Our discussion was interrupted by frantic pounding on our door.
”What the fuck do you want?” I called out to it.
Blane threw the door open. ”Bro, she”s here.”
”Who?” Swayze asked.
”Domino, the long-lost sister. They are giving her the last cabin. Come out!” He ran back out, and we followed.
”What do you mean? They can”t give her Dennis”s cabin.” We all stood in front of our cabins, waiting for her arrival.My anger seethed right below the surface, growing hotter with each second.
”It”s the only cabin open, and she needs a place to stay.” Beth shook her head. She chewed on her lip ring. ”This is bullshit. She gets a whole cabin all to herself while there”s four of us in my cabin.”
The soft motor of a golf cart filled the camp and we watched as one pulled into the golf cart parking and stopped. Two people stepped out. I recognized Mattias.
”Wow, her hair is bright,” Andrew muttered as they walked down the path and into the camp. I recognized the vibrant, orange-red hair with the blonde stripe from last night. “And fuck, she’s covered in ink. She looks nothing like any of her siblings.”
As they came closer, I looked her up and down. The clothes she was wearing were oversized and looked weird on her. She was short and had a smaller frame than her sister. Full lips, heart-shaped face, dimples, everything that I liked in a woman had been put together in one person and shoved in my face. Then, to top it off, she was covered in tattoos. Her arms, legs, and even her neck had various designs and words inked on them. The one girl I couldn”t have was fucking gorgeous.
”She”s got the camera,” Swayze said. My eyes drifted to the black strap hanging down over her breasts. I remembered that. She”d taken a photo of us right before climbing the fence. ”Still.”
And she had a dog with her.
I”d seen it briefly last night, but I hadn”t given it a second thought. The black lab bounced beside her dutifully, as if he had no idea his owner was someone important.
My desire turned into fury. I watched them walk by us all and head toward Dennis”s cabin. They went inside, and I grabbed Swayze, pulling him along. Together, we stormed over to it and waited for them to come out. While we waited, others came to stand behind us. Everyone knew what this cabin meant to us, and why it wasn”t used.
Mattias finally opened the cabin door, and as he came down, he froze.
Domino bumped into him, and her large, doe brown eyes widened with surprise. Her long eyelashes batted rapidly.
“What’s going on here?” Swayze demanded.
“What were you doing in Dennis’s cabin?” I asked.
Her dog came up behind her and pushed through them, bounding down the steps. Chitra caught him and bent down to pet him. Mattias cleared his throat.
“Domino is staying at the camp. This is the only empty cabin left.”
“Why can’t she bunk with some of the other staff?” Swayze demanded. “That cabin has always stayed empty.”
”What is this?” Mattias growled at the staff who were all still hovering. ”A fucking show? Go find work to do before I call Marisol in and she gives you something to do.”
Everyone but Swayze and I started wandering off, grumbling about missing out on the drama. Once everyone was gone, Mattias stepped down.
”Why doesn”t she just stay at the house like you do?” I asked.
”She doesn”t want to stay there. Look, I know it”s hard, but eventually, we knew we were gonna have to use this cabin. The nearest hotel is still a pain in the ass to get to and from every day, and I”m not driving to go get her. It”s not a big deal.”
“It’s not a big deal?” I stepped forward, and Domino flinched from behind Mattias. “Our best friend dying because everyone was too busy looking for a girl who didn’t want to be found is no big deal?” I spat on the ground directly in front of her feet. “And now you’re putting her up in the last place he stayed before they took him to the crematorium?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” she responded. “I can room with someone else.”
Her voice doused my anger. I blinked and stepped back. I looked her over. She was almost cowering. She was so small, she couldn”t hurt a fly.
“Domino.” Mattias sighed and stepped between her and me. “Guys, look. Let’s talk. What if we do something nice for Dennis? Memorialize him somehow in the park. What about a sign over at the Gallows?”
I was hearing him, but the words weren”t translating. My mind was elsewhere, directly behind him in fact. Domino, the pretty girl with the bright hair, camera around her neck, and dog at her side, was staring at me and blushing. And in return, my heart was pounding faster than usual.
I should hate her, right off the bat, but... I didn”t. This wasn”t good. As she offered a crooked smile, I could hear the half a million being flushed down the drain. The deviant in me was already imagining her bent over, stripped bare, with my cock in her pussy and Swayze”s in her mouth. Fuck Marisol and her plan to see her sister dead. I couldn”t kill her, but I could break her.