Knife, Comment, Share: A masked man dark horror romance Rule 25 - Swayze 39%
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Rule 25 - Swayze

”There”s nowhere to run.” Koi cackled in the darkness.

”Nowhere to hide,” I added.

Domino shook in the corner of the camp shower, trying to suppress her sobs. She was doing a shit job. I”d watched her run in but opted for Koi to catch up before going in. He locked the door and sealed us inside, making sure she heard the telltale click.

”Why are you so scared?” Koi asked. The thump of his boots on the cold, ancient tile reverberated against the walls.

My cock throbbed in my jeans as my mind pictured her chest, her beautiful breasts rising and falling in fear. Her skin slick with sweat from running. I wanted to feel her fear. My body craved it. It was the only way I”d be able to save her. She needed to know just how real all of this was.

”You know how much your sister gave me to kill you? She offered me half a million dollars. Swayze, too. Do you think we took it?” Koi asked her.

We could hear her scuttling against the wall. Suddenly, I didn”t want to keep her trapped here. I wanted to unlock the door and let her run.

Oh, how much fun it would be when I caught her. I couldn”t take it anymore, and I rushed over, snatching her up off the floor. She screamed, and I crushed my lips down on hers. I needed her now. No more taking things slow, no more pining, or trying to win her attention. She had no choice now but to hear us out. We weren”t leaving until she was ours.

”Did I scare you?” I chuckled. ”I like it when you”re scared. I bet your pussy is soaked, isn”t it?”

”Please let me go. I won”t ever come back, I promise. Just…” she sputtered, and I shut her up with another kiss. My tongue probed her closed lips, urging her to open her mouth. Her lips were resisting, but her body betrayed her. Her hands found my chest and ran up and down my muscles. A low moan drifted from her throat, and I grinned. I knew it. She hadn”t meant that text message.

Koi dragged a chair across the room to the showers. I thought it was entirely unnecessary, but he wanted his presence to be known.

”I think she needs a shower, don”t you?” he called to us through the darkness.

”I don”t know. I bet you”re already wet, aren”t you, Little Doll?” I teased her.

”Swayze, what’s going on?”

”What”s going on is that you refused to talk to us in public, so we”re taking the time now.” I scooped her into my arms. She fought me. I pinched the back of her thighs, and she yelped and stopped wiggling. I followed the noise of the shower Koi had turned on and stopped when I felt the mist of the water splashing up from the tile. I pushed under the water and reached for her clothing, pulling her shirt up and over her head.

”What are you doing?” She sputtered when she was drenched in the warm water. Koi took her pants, shoving them down. There was a loud rip, and she gasped. I assumed that had been her panties.

”She is wet… so wet,” Koi murmured. I couldn”t see anything, but Domino backed away.

”I thought we were just talking.” Her voice shook.

I dropped down and found her shoes, unlacing them and pulling them off her feet. Now fully nude, I ran my hand up her body as I stood. She was so soft, so perfect.

”We are. But you”re filthy. You need to wash all that dirt off. Let us help you.” The rustling of clothes on the other side of me told me Koi was getting naked. I quickly did the same, and the sound from the shower filled the room as none of us spoke. We were all fully aware of our nakedness, and despite her protests, I knew she was excited. I could hear her rapid breathing. That wasn”t fear, that was lust.

Koi and I stepped into the water with her.

”Come, sit.” I found the chair and sat, patting my lap. Koi urged her onto my lap. My cock slid under her, and I bit down on my lip, drawing blood. Fuck, with just a little arch in her hips, I could fuck her with ease. I ran my hand along her wet body.

”What do you know?” he demanded.

”Ruth…” He voice trembled. “Ruth was murdered.”

“Do you know who did it?” As Koi interrogated her, I played with her breasts, kneading and rolling them in my palm. I pulled gently on her nipple, eliciting a soft moan. My cock throbbed, and she stiffened for only a second before settling back into me.

”Good girl, Little Doll.” I purred into her ear and ran my tongue down her neck.

”Answer me, Domino,” Koi asked.

”It was you. Wasn”t it?” she asked.

”What makes you think that?” he asked.

”You were on the other side, and you”re mad at me. You thought it was me coming down.”

”You think I”m mad enough to murder you?” Koi laughed. ”If you mean mad as in crazy, obsessed, in fucking need of you, then yes, I”m mad about you. But I”m not angry, Blessing.”

Domino’s shoulders tensed, and I reached for her waist.

”What did you call me?”

”Your sister told me your dad thought you were a blessing, but you were far from it. After meeting you, I”m inclined to side with him. I think you are a blessing, Domino. That’s my new name for you.”

She sucked in a breath, and I pulled her back to me.

”Breathe,” I warned.

”I”m no blessing. If anything, I”m a curse. Ruth is dead because of me. You killed her because of me!” she exclaimed. ”I don”t know what”s going on.” She gasped as my hand dipped between her legs. I expected a protest, but instead, her legs relaxed and parted for me. I swirled my finger around inside her wet pussy and groaned.

”Why did you send that text?” Koi asked.

”What?” Her reply came breathy as I played with her pussy.

”You lied. I don”t appreciate that, blessing. You don”t just want to be our friend, do you? You like when we touch you, don”t you?” he demanded, dropping to his knees. He found my hand buried inside her, and he took it, pulling it from her and taking my finger into his mouth. His tongue swirled, sucking her juices off my skin.

”You have a tasty pussy, Blessing. Can I eat it?”


”Relax, Little Doll.” I pushed her legs apart and hooked mine over hers, locking her in place. Koi crept closer to her, kissing her thighs as he traveled up her legs.

”You”re smooth. I like bare pussy. Good girl.” A moan escaped her lips as her head fell back. ”You”re so wet, Blessing,” he said before he began feasting on her sex. She gasped and squirmed as he licked and sucked her. I kissed her shoulder and massaged her breasts, playing with her nipples.

”You and I had fun, so now it”s time for you to see what Koi can do. You like his mouth on your pussy, Little Doll?”I asked her.

”Yes,” she gasped. ”But Ruth,” she protested.

”Don”t think about that. Keep your mind here with us. You”re safe here,” I said.

”How can I trust you? You trapped me, you?—”

”Made you come?” Koi pulled his head back for a moment to chuckle. ”Not yet, but I bet you”re close, aren”t you? You”re so tight. I want to take you.”

Jealousy tightened my core. None of this had been discussed beforehand, and I wasn”t ready for her to be fucked yet. This was just a little snack before the main course.

”Do it.” The words slipped from her lips, and we all paused. Koi reacted first, shaking his head while still buried deep in her cunt.

”Not yet, Blessing. I want to see your face when you take cock for the first time.” Koi said.

”Come all over his face, Little Doll. Please, do it for me.” I bit the lobe of her ear and it tipped her over the edge.

She let out a sharp cry as a rush of liquid gushed from her onto my cock below. She slumped against me and Koi continued to lap, cleaning her up. When he was finished with her, I shifted lower and he took my cock into his mouth. My release came quick and powerful. I”d been dripping pre-cum for far too long. I”d be embarrassed normally, but the darkness enhanced my orgasm, and I really didn”t give a fuck that I came within a minute of having my cock sucked. Koi took to himself then. The sound of him stroking his cock furiously rang out over the water still running down our bodies. He let out a loud groan as he came and then crawled back to us, resting his head on Domino”s thigh.

”We don”t know who killed Ruth,” I said.

”But they were trying to kill you,” Koi added.

”Why?” she asked, her voice tiny and meek.

I reached back, shutting the water off. I pulled her wet hair behind her neck and kissed her there. ”Because it”s easier than facing the truth.”

”The truth?”

Koi raised his head. ”That you”re the only Risky kid who deserves this fucking empire. Don”t worry, Blessing. We”re gonna make sure everyone pays for what they”ve done to you.”

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