Knife, Comment, Share: A masked man dark horror romance Rule 52 - Koi 81%
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Rule 52 - Koi

The water hitting my body was a shock to my entire nervous system. It was cold and felt like I”d just slapped against a glass wall. Even though I”d held my breath before diving in, the shock was a lot and my body went into a panic. I kicked wildly, fighting against the current. My head broke the surface and I gasped.


Her head bobbed up and sank right back down. She”d landed smack dab in the middle of the pool. It was twenty feet to the bottom. If I didn”t catch her now, she”d drown. I pulled my strength and started over to her, calling for her. She saw me and her eyes grew wide.


I grabbed hold of her and thrust her upward so her head would be fully above water.

”Remember what I told you, Blessing. Breathe, don”t panic. We”ve got this.” I held her tight, taking great care to steady my own screaming lungs. My mind went back to the first time I touched her. The polar bear bath was nothing compared to this. Oh, how hopeful I”d been back then. Hopeful, angry, confused. I wasn”t supposed to like her, but it was that moment I knew I was falling for her.

”It”s c-c-cold.” Her teeth chattered. ”Koi, I can”t d-d-do this.”

”Yes, you can. Think about before. You did so good then, and you can handle this now. I”m going to get us out of here. It”s okay, you”re okay. Sshh, remember to breathe, Blessing.” I used my empty hand to paddle us to the edge and shove her up and over. I sat in the water a full minute longer trying to get her up. By the time I hauled myself over the edge, my muscles were screaming and I collapsed. I closed my eyes and rested for long enough to gather myself and stand.

When I looked over, Domino was scurrying backward.

”Please don”t hurt me,” she whimpered and scrambled to her feet.

I stretched my neck. ”Why would I do that?”

”You”re angry.”

”I am.” Suddenly, a thought came to me. My eyes ran over her body, wet, scared, and so fucking sexy. Her clothes clung to her, and I could see the outline of her nipples, pointed and daring me to kiss them. I reached her eyes, and not taking my gaze off her, I took the mask from my hoodie pocket, and pulled the hoodie off, tossing it in a wet heap on the concrete. I slid the mask on and reached for my pants. I unbuckled them and pushed them down my thighs. Soaking wet, it wasn”t easy. I had to take off my boots, and in removing my pants, I revealed the knife in my boots. I removed it from its sleeve and stood back up, dressed in only my boxers and the Jason mask she seemed to fear more than anything else.

”You might want to run.”

She turned and fled toward the tunnels that led to more water rides. I looked to the platform, but Swayze was nowhere to be seen. I counted to eight slowly, counting all the letters in her name, blessing. She was my blessing, after all. I hadn”t realized how off the rails my life had been since she ran away all those years ago. How I”d been waiting for her to come back, how I would have never have confessed to Swayze my feelings for him had she not run away. There weren”t many good things in my life, but they all came back to her. She”d blessed so many others simply by existing, and now, she was blessing me by giving me a reason to live.

Tightening my grip on my knife, I stormed off in the direction she”d run off.

”Blessing! Oh, Blessing!” I called. I heard rustling and heavy breathing, but not her. She was close, but hiding. My cock hardened as my plans started to take shape for when I caught her.

”It”s a little scary, isn”t it?” I walked slowly, now that I was close. ”Knowing I can pop out of nowhere and slash your throat?” I scratched the tip of the blade against a brick wall, the loud scraping echoing in the silence.

”Or, maybe you”ll accidentally turn around just as I”m coming up behind you gut like a cute little pig.”

A small scream escaped her lips, and I turned abruptly. The noise had come from a game booth. I stalked over and swung the top half of my body over and scanned the darkness. Her scream sold her out. I rolled over the counter and crouched. I put my hand over her mouth and rested the blade on her throat.

”Ssshh, Blessing. Someone might hear you. You don”t want people to catch you acting indecent.” I ran the knife down her front between her breasts as she shook with fear. Her hot tears hit my hand that covered her face, making my cock ache with need. If I wasn”t careful, it”d slip right out of my boxers.

I continued my journey with the knife down her belly and her shorts. Desire pooled inside me.

”Do you love me still, Blessing? Do you want me?” She shook her head furiously, but I had trouble believing her. ”I”m going to remove my hand from your mouth because I need two hands. If you scream, I”ll make sure it”s the last time you use your voice. Understand?”

She nodded, and I released her mouth. She gasped but otherwise maintained silence. My free hand moved between her legs, finding her heat. I rubbed her, knowing exactly where to touch to elicit a reaction. She arched her back and let out a small moan.

”I knew you were lying. Why don”t we take these off so you can show me just how much you don”t want me?”

”Koi, no.” My words pulled her back to the situation and she tried to move away but I held her firmly. ”This is wrong.”

”Why, because of what I did? It wasn”t like I hurt you. Unless that”s what you wanted all along.” I ran my tongue along her neck, nibbling on her ear. She groaned.

”You killed people.”

”They were going to kill you.” I forced her up on her knees and tugged her shorts and panties down. ”What did you want us to do, let them?” I whispered in her ear.

”No, but?—”

”No buts. Tell me, Blessing, are you happy to be alive, or would you rather they be instead?” My hand reached between her legs again and pushed her lips apart. I ran a finger down and found her pussy dripping wet. She gasped as I made slow, lazy circles around her clit.

”You don”t get to make that decision.” She closed her eyes and leaned back, her head knocking into my mask. ”Did they even know it was you, or did you wear the mask each time?”

”Just with Ruth. But let”s not talk about her right now. I”m more focused on making you come than making her go.” An idea popped into my mind, and I grinned underneath the warm plastic. Taking the knife in my other hand, I flipped it around and brought it between her legs. ”How much can you take before it”s too much?” I asked.

”Wh-what are you doing?” She tried to close her legs, but I pinched her clit and she stopped.

”Relax, breathe, and we”ll get through this together. Just like the bath and the pool only an hour ago.” Slowly, I pushed the hilt of the short machete against her opening and slid it inside. She gasped and writhed under me, but I continued to soothe her with my words.

”You”re such a good girl, taking this for me. Show me you can handle this, and I won”t kill you right here and now. I need to be able to trust that you won”t scream and tell on me. Are you going to tell on me, Blessing?” Her pussy took the knife to the hilt, and I slowly began to pull it back, thrusting it back in. She cried out, but I knew the sound. She made the same noise when it was my dick fucking her. She liked this.

I fondled her breast under her shirt with my empty hand, rolling a nipple between my fingers. Slowly, she began to unravel. Her sobbing turned into pants, and her pleas to be let go turned into pleas for me to go faster.

”Harder, faster,” she requested through her heavy breaths. I pushed her forward, getting her on her hands and knees. I took her with the knife from behind, pulling my cock out to stroke myself as I worked her needy pussy. I wanted to fuck it too, but this was hot and I loved her crying out with how much she liked it.

”You”re gonna be my good girl from now on,” I told her. ”No more running away, no more breaking up bullshit. You”re mine, Blessing. You”re Swayze”s, and we”ll kill every motherfucker in this place to show you. Got it?”

She gasped and stopped thrusting against the knife, coming so beautifully on it. I replaced it with my cock. I pulled her onto my lap and fucked her as hard and fast as I could until I came with a roar, spilling my seed inside her.

”Got it?” I demanded again, thrusting one last time.


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