Knife, Comment, Share: A masked man dark horror romance Rule 54 - Domino 84%
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Rule 54 - Domino

In the morning, when I finally woke up, I found Swayze naked in my bed, with his arms wrapped around me. Georgie had been let in sometime during the night and was sleeping below us. I was flooded with emotions as I stood and looked down at him. I struggled to look at him in the daylight.

He rolled over and smiled. ”Morning, Little Doll. Changed your mind about us?”

I shook my head. ”No. I can”t... knowing what I know. What you did. I don”t care if they were going to hurt me, you can”t keep doing this. Swayze, please leave.”

He sat up like I”d slapped him. His mouth parted in surprise, and then the surprise turned to anger.

”Fine, but we”re not stopping until you realize you can”t live without us.” He climbed out of bed and grabbed his clothes, the mask, and the knife off the floor.

”What does that mean? Are you going to keep killing people?”

He didn”t respond. Instead, he slid on his boots and stormed out. I followed behind quickly and was blasted with the sounds of me moaning again.

”Can you turn those off?” I screamed after him. He ignored me, walking in the direction of camp.

I felt like a prisoner. No matter where I went, the sounds and images followed me. They never shut off, and soon, the other remaining people on the property saw and heard and the laughter began. Not only was I being called horrible things online by strangers, but now the nasty comments were being made right to my face.

Grace and Marisol were the worst, making fun of me every chance they got. I found myself hiding in my room with the TV unplugged. I was able to stop viewing the website, but the music remained.

When evening came, I tried to sleep, but without the sleeping pills, it was useless. I took more and was greeted this time by Koi, taking his turn with my body. I hated how much I craved it. He barely had to touch me before my body was responding. His lovemaking was gentler, but the result was the same come morning. He was asked to leave, and the cycle began again, and again, for days, until the morning came when I realized I couldn”t handle this emotional torture anymore.

I kicked Swayze out and then walked to the family house, determined to end this all now.

I found Fabian in Dad”s old office, pouring over a stack of papers.

”What”s up?” He looked up. His eyes had large bags under them, and his normally curly mustache was flat and tangled.

”I want to give up my share of the money. All of it. Cross my name out and consider me uninherited. Disowned, whatever it is. All of this started because Marisol didn”t want me to have my share, and I can”t have any more blood on my hands.”

”What? No.” He stood and came across the desk. ”Domino, this is crazy. That”s an insane amount of money to just walk away from. You know how much your share is, right?”

I gulped. ”I do. I wanted to do a lot of good with it, but not like this. Take it, split it between the three of you, and I”ll go.”

”What are you going to do without the money?” He shook his head in disbelief.

I laughed. ”I spent the last seven years without a penny to my name. I”ll be fine. I”m going to take my camera and my dog and head back out onto the road. I never want to see this place again.”

Fabian sighed, rubbing his face.

”Domino, I know you”re scared and upset about the videos and what people are saying, but you gotta believe me when I say you deserve to be here. I want you to stay. Please, don”t go.”

I looked deep into my oldest brother”s eyes. It made no sense. While he was the nicest of my siblings when we were younger, he still wasn”t nice to me.

”This place is a death trap. You have staff walking around missing limbs and organs and?—”

”Eyes?” He snickered. ”That”s exactly why I need you to stay. Every decision made about this property goes up to a vote, and since the twins turned eighteen, it”s been two to one. Three to one, with Uncle Carlos. I”ve been trying to get this place in better shape. I want to tear it all down and build it from the ground up. With you, I”ll have a fighting chance of getting things pushed through. Think of all the good we can do for Dad”s legacy.”

Guilt washed over me. He made a good argument. Dad had such hopes for both Camp Risky and Risky Rush Amusement Park. While his execution might have been poor, his intentions weren”t, and perhaps we could fix that. We could turn this place into something to be proud of.

”That still leaves us two against two,” I pointed out.

”Yes, but that”s better than what I had before. I think it”s start, and I have zero shot without your vote.”

”People are still dying.”

”We”ll let everyone go.” He was frantic. ”I”ll draft up an NDA or something to keep their mouths shut about the bodies. I don”t know, we”ll figure it out, just stay. Help me.”

I backed away. He was playing with people”s lives. Every second longer that they stayed, the higher the chances of getting killed were.

”Do it now,” I demanded. ”No NDAs, just let them go.”

He held up a finger.

”Let me figure out how to do it safely without them fucking us, and in return, I”ll give you Dad”s diary. It has stuff about your mom in it.”

I blinked. My mom?

I knew nothing about her besides her name and how they”d been entangled in each other.

”Prove that you have it,” I ordered.

He pulled out his keys and went around the desk. He unlocked a drawer and removed a blue, leather journal. He tossed it on the desk, and I stared at it, overwhelmed. This was the piece of Dad I”d been searching for all these years. I looked back up at my brother, who raised his eyebrows.

”What do you say? You want it? Then they stay until I figure this shit out.”

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