Knife, Comment, Share: A masked man dark horror romance Rule 57 - Domino 89%
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Rule 57 - Domino

It was pitch black, but I was prepared to navigate the house of mirrors blind if that kept me safe. Swayze”s words rang in my ears.

”Get up, coward.”

I clutched the mirrored walls and followed them, bumping into one with every step. I pivoted and kept going, deeper into the large building. Suddenly, a loud cracking sound made me flinch. The lights hummed as they turned on. Carnival music blared in my ears, and I cupped my mouth, trying to contain my scream. Someone had seen me come in.

I looked around frantically. Who was it?

”Hello, Domino,” a raspy voice called to me. I spun around and saw a hulking figure in the mirrors. Or maybe they weren”t hulking. The mirrors were warped to make people tall, short, large, tiny, and scary. I looked all around but couldn”t find the actual person. ”Or should I say... Blessing?”


”Or maybe Little Doll?” A second voice cackled loudly.

Swayze? They didn”t sound like Koi and Swayze.

”Oh, don”t run. We just got here.”

”Fuck you!” I spat. ”Why are you doing this?”

”According to some people, you”re a murderer,” the laughing man said. ”Who knew?”

”What? I didn”t kill anyone.” I stumbled back, hitting a mirror hard enough for it to quiver in protest.

”Be careful, Little Doll, you don”t want to hurt yourself.”

With every backward step I took, the masked men took a step forward. They were closing in on me, and there were only so many places I could hide here.No matter where I went, a dozen mirrors kept me revealed.

A sharp jangling, like keys, made me turn to one of the men. My blood drained from my face as Swayze unhooked the handcuffs from his belt.

”Swayze...” I licked my lips and put my hands out. ”Please, don”t do this.”

”Do what?” He cocked his head to the side. ”All I”m doing is catching a supposed murderer. I mean, that”s what you”ve been doing, right? You”ve accused both of us of being killers, and you”ve been punishing us ever since. Maybe it”s time we punish you.”

”Swayze, please…” I began to sweat. ”You can”t.”

”Can”t what?” Koi interjected from directly behind me. ”I don”t think you”re in a position to tell us what we can and can”t do, Blessing.”

He snatched me off the floor. I screamed. I was so focused on Swayze, I hadn”t seen Koi disappear.

”Sssh... Little Doll.” Swayze stepped out, revealing himself. He gripped my chin. ”Don”t want anyone else to come in here. They won”t be as nice.”

I glared at him and spit at him, hitting his mask.

”Why don”t you wait until I take the mask off?” He laughed. His eyes sparkled with an evil mischief. He loved this. I kicked my feet out, but he caught one and twisted my foot until I screamed.

”Stop fucking kicking me,” he snarled. He dropped my foot and grabbed a wrist, ripping it upward. Koi lifted me. I fought against him, but he hooked my wrist to a low-hanging metal pole. Swiftly, he pulled out a second set of cuffs and took my other hand, doing the same.

”Let me go!” I kicked out again. Koi dropped his hold and I screamed in pain as my body fell down, but was forced to hang. ”No! I take it back!” I scrambled for him to grab hold of me. There was a scraping sound and I turned my head in a panic to see Koi pulling a chair up to me. I hung just over it. I tried to get my footing, but he pushed me away and sat down. His body was the perfect fit, and I could just barely sit. My arms screamed in pain, but they weren”t going to dislocate. He put his hands on my waist.

Swayze clicked his tongue. He pulled a knife from his back pocket and crouched in front of me.

”Once again, my Little Doll can”t make up her mind. Do you want us or not?” He lifted my skirt and pulled on my panties, running the knife along them. They tore, and he discarded them with a laugh. He forced my legs apart, and Koi quickly hooked his legs over mine, forcing them to stay spread. I wiggled, attempting to free myself.

Koi reached up and lifted my shirt. He tugged my bra down, exposing my breasts to the cold air. Swayze moved between my legs and lifted his mask. He looked up at me, and my body reacted dangerously.

”I want you to look in the mirrors. Watch me eat your pussy. Don”t look away, Little Doll.” He ran his hand along my thigh, sending terrifying shivers straight to my core. Arousal pooled between my legs, and it was on full display for both men. Swayze trailed his tongue across my skin. I gasped, and hot tears slid down my face as I hung my head in shame.

Koi reached out and forced my head up. ”He told you to look.”

I stared ahead as Swayze”s head dipped between my legs. My breasts spilled out, and Koi massaged one, teasing the nipple. My breath caught and Swayze took that as his cue. He ran his tongue down my slit, lapping at my arousal. I let out a groan and tried to throw my head back, but Koi held my face tight. He kissed my neck, sucking at my earlobe.

They touched me, kissed me, and brought me to orgasm. I was panting and sweating wildly, trying to focus. This wasn”t real. It couldn”t be.

”You liked to pretend you had no control over us coming to see you every night, but we know better,” Koi whispered in my ear. His hand traveled down my backside. He urged me to shift and I did. His fingers trailed down my ass, sliding between them. They found a spot I”d considered off-limits.

”Koi, no,” I protested.

”If I want to fuck your ass, Blessing, I will.” He dropped the hand holding my face and pulled something from under his shirt. I watched in the mirror. It was my ring on a chain. He grinned wickedly. ”You see this? I took your pussy, and I think it”s time I took your ass as well. That”s a different ring though.”

His attention returned to my ass, and he pressed on my hole. I bit down on my lips, tasting blood. I bucked my hips upward, but Swayze”s hands came up and shoved me back down.

”Don”t we need lube?” I whimpered.

”Good girls get lube. I don”t think accusing us of murder and then breaking up with us constitutes being good. What do you think, Swayze, has Blessing been a good girl?” Koi asked.

Swayze sat up, wiping his face.

”No, but we don”t want to hurt her.” He stood, walking away. He returned a second later with a backpack. He dug through it, producing a small bottle. He handed it to Koi. I watched from the mirrors as Koi poured some onto his fingers. Swayze returned to his place between my legs, and Koi brought his finger back to my ass.

”If you just relax, you”ll enjoy this too, Blessing.” He bit my neck as he began to push inside me. I gasped, screamed, and bucked against him, but Swayze began to suck my clit. He slid a finger inside me and my brain was forced to focus on him. Swayze began to finger-fuck me with two fingers, as Koi continued pushing until he had his entire finger inside my ass.

”See, now, let”s try this. If you can take both of our fingers, imagine what it will feel like to take our cocks, Blessing. You”re gonna be so pretty with all your holes filled. You”re close, aren”t you? It”s okay, come. We want to see you unravel and come all over Swayze”s face. Do it for me, Blessing.”

I panted, wishing I could pull Swayze”s mouth tighter against me. Koi seemed to read my mind and reached around, shoving Swayze down into me. The friction of his five-o-clock shadow against my bare pussy was enough to send me over the edge. I cried out as I came, my body pulsing against his face.

Koi removed his finger, and Swayze pulled away. He unhooked the cuffs and I fell onto Koi”s lap. His cock was hard, and my body pleaded for me to take advantage of the erection. But before I could do anything, I was shoved off him and pushed to the floor. I turned to look up at them.

”You had your fun. Now, it”s our turn. We”re going to give you one minute to run, Little Doll,” Swayze said.

They slid their Jason masks back on.

”And then what? Are you going to kill me now?” I stumbled to my feet and bumped into a mirror. They looked at each other and shook their heads.

”No, Blessing. Whoever catches you is going to take your ass. The other, your mouth. Right in the spot we find you, so you better get going.”

Swayze cackled. ”Good luck.”

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