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Epilogue- Domino

Eighteen months later

”Ithink there”s time.”

”There”s always time, Blessing.” Koi lifted me onto my desk and spread my thighs. He stepped between them and unbuttoned his suit pants. ”Let”s not tell Swayze that we had a quickie in your office. He”ll get jealous.” He pulled my panties aside and slid inside me.

”Oh, I love when you guys get jealous of each other,” I gasped, holding on to his shoulders as he fucked me.

The door opened, and we froze as Swayze stepped inside. He didn”t see us at first, but then he looked up and irritation slid over his expression but quickly disappeared when I smiled and motioned with one finger to join us.

”You”re a little high for me to participate, Little Doll.”

Koi turned his head and the two shared a kiss. His hand went to Swayze”s belt. Koi undid his best friend”s pants and pulled his cock out, stroking it.

”This could work, for now. Maybe after your speech, we can switch places.” Swayze chuckled, kissing Koi and then me. Our mouths locked, our tongues swirling with each other’s as Koi fucked us both. I came first, which prompted Koi to get on his knees and finish Swayze with his tongue. Swayze exploded in Koi”s mouth, and Koi stood, spitting it into mine. I swallowed every drop and then leaped off my desk and straightened my dress.

”Okay, that was fun, but we need to motor. Fabian just texted me saying that people are already arriving.” I hurried to my private bathroom to brush my teeth and freshen up. My heart hadn”t stopped racing since I woke up this morning. Swayze and Koi tried to help me relax by making me breakfast and taking the day off from their jobs to be with me today, but it didn”t help much.

Finally, I left my office, holding on to Swayze”s hand. Koi walked behind us, talking to Fabian. All three of them looked so much older, more respectable, than the men they were just last summer. We walked all the way through the park, and I admired the new machinery. Everything sparkled and shined bright.

The stage had been set up right in the center of the park, where we planned on having live performers eventually. I”d already booked a few and was working on auditioning more.

The air was buzzing with excitement that I could feel with every step closer I got to the stage. I rounded the corner and saw all the chairs set up, and my heart did a flip at the sight of them full, with a large amount of people standing.

News cameras came rushing toward us, but Swayze and Koi stepped in front of me and put their hands up.”Step back, fellas.” The reporters frowned but took one look at my giant men and did as told. Swayze and Koi escorted me to the stage and took their seats to the side. Fabian took the podium first, which allowed me to take in the sight.

Everyone I”d invited had made the trip, it seemed.All…

I lost count as I saw my old friends. Anita, the baker, who”d fed me. Frank, the puzzle collector, Robert, the dream analyst, Delia, the artist. All the people who”d been on my list to help had been given invites with the money and gifts I”d sent, and each and everyone had traveled to be here for my special day. I saw everyone except...

A frantic wave caught my attention in the crowd. My eyes darted and a bright camera flashed as I grinned.

Johnny Blue.

Koi squeezed my left hand, and Swayze took my right. I was aware that we weren”t a conventional relationship, but none of us cared. Thankfully, they”d been able to remove the video Grace had filmed of Swayze and me, where she”d tried to force him to do something unspeakable, but other than that, we enjoyed being public with our relationship. We”d been in love, albeit not really knowing so, since we were kids. It was fate that brought us back to each other, and no one was going to shame us into not being proud of who we were.

Fabian cleared his throat, and I realized his welcome speech was almost over.

”And now, my sister, Domino Risky.”

I stood and Koi thrust a folder into my hand. I had no idea what it was, but I was too focused on my breathing and walking in heels to ask. This was my moment, and I didn”t want to mess it up. I went to the podium, adjusted the mic, and smiled at the crowd.

”Hello everyone. Thank you for coming to the grand re-opening of Risky Rush Amusement Park.” My legs quivered behind the podium, but I kept going with my rehearsed speech. “After the deaths of my brother, sister, and numerous staff, Fabian and I knew that we had to make some changes. The massacre wasn”t the first incident to happen at the park, and we were lucky to be alive. We had two options, close it down forever and walk away, or do some good.We decided to level the entire park, including the staff campgrounds, and start from scratch. Everything has been taken away and replaced with all new equipment. It’s tested and approved. Safety is the most important thing for us, besides fun, of course.” I paused to let the crowd laugh. They did, and suddenly, I lost my thought.

I looked down at the blue folder and tried to focus. I was having a panic attack. I could feel it coming. My heart raced and I couldn’t breathe. I counted to ten, and snapped open the folder. What was in here that had been so important?

My heart leapt as I saw a printed copy of my speech and a photo. I took it out and flipped it over. It was Koi and Swayze from the night I left. I turned around to see them. They were grinning. Koi winked and Swayze gave me a thumbs-up. Grinning, I inhaled and with a large grin took the speech out and continued speaking to the crowd.

”As the world knows, I left home when I was twelve. I was running from a world I wanted no part of. Along the way, I met so many beautiful souls, and when I was found by my brother last summer, I knew I could take my wealth and spread it. I wanted to make the world a better place for the people who made it a better place for me. After my return, I realized I could do just that by staying and helping run my family’s legacy. So please, enjoy the park, and tell all your friends that Risky Rush Amusement Park is open for the summer!” I threw my hands up.

The crowd roared with applause.

Fabian traded places with me to answer questions so I could go down and visit all of my found family. Koi and Swayze joined me, and I was able to introduce them to everyone. By the time we got to my oldest, dearest friend, my face was puffy from joyful tears.

”How are you?” Johnny asked, hugging me tightly.

”I”m... amazing. And you, you look amazing!” He wore a pastel pink suit and had dyed his hair a jeweled blue. It was delightfully charming.

”Thanks, but seriously, I”ve barely been able to catch you with all of this renovating.” He waved to the brand-new park. ”Did you keep anything?”

”Just one thing. The first ride to be built was the Cyclone, just like when Dad had built his park. We tore down his original, but we kept the sign.”

”Oh, I love that for you.” He hugged me again, nodding to my men beside me. ”She”s going to do great things in this world. Hold her tight, treat her good, and love her more than I do.”

Koi and Swayze exchanged looks and chuckled.

”I think we can manage that,” Koi said.

Johnny clicked his tongue as he ran his eyes over them. ”I can”t believe you landed a fireman and a paramedic. You”ve got the workings of a sexy calendar in your bed every night. I”ve never been more jealous of a person in my life.” He laughed.

I was called away, and then I spent the rest of the long day hosting my friends. At the end of the day, Swayze, Koi, and I drove back to the house I had built off the property, showered, and went to bed.

I lay between them, resting on Koi”s chest.

Swayze leaned over, kissing my shoulder.

”Seeing you today, with all those people you”ve helped, you”ve never looked more radiant.” His hands drifted down my body, and Koi rolled me away to join him in whatever they”d had planned for me tonight. They parted my thighs and peppered kisses all over me.

Koi lifted my leg, running his hand along the scars from the nails and the stab wound. He paused at one of my tattoos, tracing the words that were burned into my soul.

Get up, coward.

”What?” I asked.

”Nothing. I was just realizing, you”re the bravest person I”ve ever met.”

”How so?” I closed my eyes and reveled in their touch.

”You fell in love with two murderers, and still get up every day with a kind heart.”

”You”re too good for us,” Swayze added.

We stared at each other, and then I pulled Koi down to me, kissing him quickly. I did the same to Swayze and kept them close as I spoke.

”The dust has finally settled. There’s not a worry in my mind, for once. We finally have calm and happiness. I love this for us, but right now, I don’t want happy and calm and peace. I need you to fuck me like it’s the end of the world.”

The End

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