Alexei really did what he said he was going to do.
Honestly, at the time, when he told me he was going to stop locking me up in the house, I didn’t believe him. I thought he was just feeling good in the moment and the next day, he would probably change his mind again, but he didn’t.
I have the security codes for the main doors and the outside gate. I can come and go as I please.
I’ve been out walking every morning since. Sometimes he comes with me, sometimes he has work to see to.
And I love it.
I could see at first that he was nervous about letting me off on my own—I think he is still worried about me trying to escape.
He doesn’t realize that I actually never want to go home.
But how do I tell him that without sounding like a lunatic?
Thanks for kidnapping me, can I stay forever?
I push the back gate open and step out of it onto the path that leads towards the forest.
I don’t go far into the forest because I don’t quite feel safe yet on my own. He knows his way around much better than I do, and I don’t want to get lost or slip and fall and hurt myself. Which is apparently something that is more likely than not.
I laugh to myself when I remember how I wiped out at the start of our last long hike.
It’s a little overcast today, and there is a cold breeze creeping through the trees, but it always just as beautiful as before. It doesn’t matter what the weather is, it just feels like the different moods of nature—all with their own beauty.
I zip my jacket collar all the way up my neck to keep the chill away and shove my hands into my pockets. A risky move—if I do fall, I won’t be quick enough to pull them out, and I’ll probably face plant into a bush or something.
I bet Alex would have a field day ripping into me about that.
I laugh again and shake my head.
I really don’t want to go home—back to my uncle, I mean. It’s odd, but I hardly even think of it as home anymore. I’ve seen what a home can really feel like, and the more time I spend here, the more I realize that living with my uncle never felt like home.
Is it something I can sit down and talk to Alexei about? How I feel?
Would I dare to tell him I have feelings for him and I kind of want to date him properly?
I think if I told him that, it would freak him out and he’d push me away.
I bite my lower lip as I make my way around the edge of the tree line, just on the inside where I can enjoy the forest but still see how to get out of it, a nice clear path back towards the house so I don’t get disoriented.
If I lived here, I would be out here every day, and I’d learn my way around pretty quickly.
I walk until I am warm enough to unzip my jacket again, then I walk a little more.
I love it out here—the smell of the pine needles and the sound they make when I step on the old ones that coat the ground, the rich earthy colors and the bright greens of everything around me with sudden splashes of yellow or orange or pink where a random flower peeks out from between the leaves of other plants. Birds flap away when they hear my footsteps, and little furry creatures scuttle along the ground.
I haven’t come across any snakes yet. For some reason, that scared me a lot even though there don’t seem to be any around here.
I did see a pretty big lizard two days ago. He was beautiful, though.
I told Alex all about him while he just stared at me with a grin on his face.
I wish I knew what that man was thinking. I wish I could read his expressions and understand how he really viewed me—what I am to him.
There is a light glow of perspiration on my face when I turn to start walking back to the house.
It’s been about an hour heading out, and an hour back, then a nice hot shower.
I wonder what Alex is making for dinner tonight.
He has been going out of his way to make fun and interesting food—I guess he has actually been going out of his way in pretty much everything. He’s been spoiling me with presents. Last night, he gave me a pair of hiking boots.
I glance down at my feet. They are so comfortable.
Caramel, tanned leather boots with nice thick laces. He also gave me thick hiking socks which are bundled up over the top of the boots. I think it looks super cute.
He told me I’d need to do a few easy walks before they wear in nicely and shape to my foot, but they are already so much more comfortable than my sneakers.
And, actually, I haven’t even slipped once on this walk. Not even a near fall.
Maybe it was those damn sneakers the entire time.
I arrive back at the house with a smile on my face. Every time I go into the forest I come back with a smile.
It’s nearing sunset and when I reach the gate. Alex is standing there waiting for me with a smile on his face.
“Hey beautiful. How were the boots?”
“They are so comfortable. I really love them.”
I walk right up to him and wrap my arms around his neck as I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him.
“Mm. I wouldn’t mind getting a greeting like that every day.” He grins, kissing my back.
“What’s for dinner?” I ask excitedly, a question I have been pondering more intensely for most of the walk back while my stomach growls hungrily.
“We’re going out. We can leave as soon as you’re ready.”
“Really? Out where?”
I almost don’t want to go out, especially in town somewhere. What if I see someone I know, or my uncle? My stomach tightens at the thought, a thick knot building inside me.
“There is a little bistro at the truck stop on the road nearby. Not too far. When I got groceries there the other day, I saw the menu. It’s all home-cooked by the owner; it looked really good—I thought we could try it out.”
Relief washes through me.
The thought of being in town, surrounded by a ton of people—I don’t like it. A quiet little bistro near the forest with home-cooked meals sounds perfect.
“I’ll hop in the shower right now and be ready in about thirty minutes.”
“No rush, take your time.”
“I’m almost hangry, so trust me, you want me to rush.”
He laughs loudly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you hangry. Maybe I want to see it—get to know all of you.”
“It’s your risk to take," I shout as I rush inside, leaving him standing in the garden.
The bistro is exactly as you would expect it to be, being right at the truck stop.
It’s old, worn at the edges, in desperate need of a fresh coat of paint. The seats are covered in pleather, bright red, and the wallpaper that was once (I think) turquoise now looks gray.
But the place is really clean; you can see that it means something to the couple who run it. While they might not be able to afford to revamp it, they do their best to make it as nice as it can be.
And the couple is absolutely lovely.
The wife, Beatrice, does all the cooking. Her husband, William, handles the drinks and manages the till. They look like they are still in love, even after being married for forty-seven years—yes, they told us all about it when we sat down and asked how long they’ve owned the place.
“What will you two lovely youngsters be having?” William asks as we browse over the menu. There are only three dishes to choose from today—the Wednesday menu.
“The pot stew for me, please,” I point to the menu where it’s listed.
“And for you, sir?” William asks Alexei.
“I’ll try the pork schnitzel with cheese sauce.”
“Excellent. It won’t take long. I’ll bring your drinks out in a second.”
He wanders off with our menus and I turn to look around the place.
It’s quiet, as I was hoping for, but there are a few other customers scattered around. At a table close to us is a couple who look like they are still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship.
I grin as I watch them, looking very in love.
When I turn back to Alexei he is looking right at me, his bright blue eyes penetrating into mine.
“You have a beautiful smile, Clara.”
I feel my cheeks flushing with warmth that spreads down my neck.
“Alexei…" I want to tell him how I feel. I so badly want to be bold enough and honest enough to tell him that I am falling for him.
“Yes?” He tilts his head slightly and beneath the table his legs touch mine.
My mind goes blank with panic.
Then it surges with a million what-ifs and all the things that might go wrong if I do this. My face goes from heated pink to pale. I can feel the blood drain from cheeks.
“I just wanted to say thank you for taking me out tonight. I like this place.”
His eyes narrow at me, he knows it’s not what I was going to say.
William arrives back with our drinks. Cream soda for me and a beer for Alexei.
“Food will be two minutes. It’s already all made in a massive slow cooker pot. Been brewing since this morning. She just had to throw those schnitzels in the pan for you.”
“Thanks, William.” Alexei smiles warmly at him.
Alexei reaches out and takes my hand when we are alone again. “What did you really want to say?”
I swallow hard. I can’t do it. I can’t take the risk. It’s too much.
“I really wanted to say thank you—for everything. All the little gifts, and the amazing food, and the hikes, and the bonfire and the adventures…it’s been really amazing.”
His eyes light up as the smile spreads across his face, the late afternoon shadow of stubble adding to his sex appeal.
William arrives back with our food, steaming hot and smelling incredible.
For the rest of dinner we chat about normal things. The way the weather is changing, the incredible view from the forest, how different it is here compared to living in the city—just normal things.
“Do you want dessert?” Alexei asks as William walks away with our empty plates.
“I would love to try her homemade brownies, but I can’t fit it in. That stew was so amazing I ate far more than I normally would.”
“Me too, her cooking is incredible. We should come back here.”
I nod, my eyes tracing the shape of his face to try and etch it in to memory. I never know when this will all come to an end.
Alexei asks for the bill, and while he is chatting to William, I look around the bistro again. The couple has caught my attention. She is giggling and he’s leaning close to her, running his hand over her thigh.
I watch, completely engrossed. The man’s voice is low, but deep enough that it carries to me. “I want to rip your panties off and play with that pussy of yours,” he growls into her ear.
The girl giggles again and my heart starts beating faster.
Fuck. That’s hot.
“What else?” she whispers back, not aware that I can hear everything.
“I want to spread your legs and lick you until you are begging me to stop—"
My breath becomes heavier as I picture Alexei saying those things to me.
I turn away from them, heat pooling between my legs, my cheeks glowing pink.
William and Alexei are still talking.
“Sorry, where is the bathroom?” I interrupt.
“Just through there, sweetheart—are you okay, you look—"
“I’m fine, thanks so much.” I stand up quickly and rush off, turning my bright pink face away from Alexei and William to hide how much I am blushing.
In the bathroom, I splash cold water on my cheeks and look around, hoping that this kitch decor will distract me from the wild thoughts running rampant through my head.
The lace curtains and floral artwork are so contrasting to the decor outside.
Clearly Beatrice decorated this bathroom.
The door pushes open and I jump with fright.
It’s Alexei.
“What is going on? You looked like you were about to pass out,” he says, sounding angry, or worried—it’s hard to tell the difference with him.
“Nothing. Nothing is wrong. I’m totally fine.” I’m talking too fast.
“Clara,” he says sternly, pressing his hand against my forehead.
“It’s nothing, Alexei. I swear.”
“It’s not nothing, and I won’t tolerate you lying to me.” Shit, he really sounds angry now.
“I overheard something—and—"
“What? What did you overhear that could make you run away from the table in a panic?”
“The guy, he was…um…he was saying really intimate things to his girlfriend.” I feel my cheeks blushing again.
“Sexual,” I blurt out.
Alexei’s eyes pierce into me. “You got turned on, didn’t you?” He smirks.
He steps right up against me, pushing my back against the basin and the tall mirror behind me.
“You got turned on and you came in here to calm down.” His voice is low and deep.
He grabs the top of my jeans and yanks them open.
“I can show you what it feels like, to be spoken to like that?”
I gasp as he grabs a handful of my hair and tilts my hair back. He whispers against my ear, “If your pussy is wet right now, I am going to pull down your pants and fuck you from behind right here in this bathroom.”
A shudder runs down my spine, making me whimper.
He presses his hand against my stomach, about to dip it inside my jeans.
“I want to feel how tight this beautiful little pink pussy of yours is, and if it’s dripping for me, I’ll shove my cock so deep inside you you’ll want to scream.”
He slides his hand down, his fingers slipping beneath my underwear. I am frozen in place, my pussy tingling, throbbing, excited to feel his fingers brushing over me.
A low, hungry growl rumbles from his chest when he pushes his fingers inside my pussy.
“Fuck. That feels perfect, baby girl.”
He pulls his hand out of my pants and I whimper again, this time with desperation. I didn’t want him to stop.
But as soon as his hand is out he grabs my jeans and yanks them down along with my underwear. Then he spins me around and bends me over the basin, facing the mirror.
I watch him pull his pants open, his eyes locked with mine in the reflection.
“I didn’t know you were such a dirty little girl.”
Then his cock slams into me.
I almost scream, completely forgetting where I am, but his hand locks over my mouth, smothering the sound.
He slams into me again, my hips bashing up against the basin, and I don’t even care.
I press my hands into the mirror to steady myself and he fucks me so hard I can barely stand. It doesn’t take long at all before my legs are shaking as his cock drives into me over and over again.
My legs buckle beneath me when the orgasm crashes into me, but he has his hand locked around my waist and continues to fuck me hard.
“Fuck, yes, baby girl. Your pussy is throbbing over my cock," he snarls as he slams into me one last time and explodes his own pleasure inside me.