S orin sat in his chambers, sipping at a glass of amber liquor, Cyrus and Rayner doing the same. Eliza had gone to her own chambers when they’d finally retired long into the night, saying she wanted to finish her book and didn’t need to sit around listening to ‘you three idiots relive memories.’ He knew her, though. He knew that despite her hard exterior, she was sorting through everything that had happened the last few weeks. She had been carrying the secret of his Mark since the mortal kingdoms. In the morning, he would find her, and they would sort it all out.
Scarlett had looked exhausted by the end of the night. He hadn’t intended on keeping her up that late, but after everything was settled about who she was, games of billiards had ensued. Scarlett had taken every one of them for all they had, other than Eliza, who rarely deigned to play.
“Friends from the Black Syndicate, of course,” Scarlett had replied when he’d asked where she had learned to play.
Cyrus had completely missed his shot at the words, cursing as the cue ball flew from the table. “You have friends in the Black Syndicate?” he had asked, his mouth gaping open.
“I am just full of surprises, aren’t I, Darling?” Scarlett had chirped with a wild grin, sauntering past him and proceeding to clear the remainder of the table.
“How did you befriend people in the Black Syndicate?” Cyrus asked, as she sank her final shot.
“My winning personality,” she said with a smirk, holding out her palm. “Pay up.”
Cyrus just stared at her, a new admiration on his face, as he slapped three silver coins into her waiting hand. Sorin had never been worried about Scarlett and Cyrus getting along. No, he had not been entirely lying when he’d told Scarlett he dreaded them meeting.
They had all finally called it a night and walked back up to the private quarters with Briar portaling back to the Water Court. When they entered his chambers, Cyrus and Rayner headed straight to the liquor cart, but he had seen Scarlett wince slightly out of the corner of his eye.
“They do not have to stay,” he’d said quietly.
She had merely smiled up at him, a smile she never gave anyone else, not even Cassius, and said, “You’ve watched me sleep enough, Prince. Go be with your family.” She had bid them all good night and slipped into the bedroom.
“So you get sent on a fool’s errand and come home with a secret princess?” Cyrus asked, sipping at his drink.
“Cyrus,” Rayner said, his grey eyes swirling with the warning in his tone.
“Oh, relax,” Cyrus said dismissively. “I’m not trying to start anything. That’s just quite a difference, and the story of how it happened must be riveting.” He looked expectantly at Sorin.
So Sorin told them everything, or almost everything. He left out the part about her being pissed at him for over a month. Telling the bastards that would result in endless taunting at his own expense, and he didn’t reveal any of Scarlett’s personal history.
“She has not asked about the Mark?” Rayner asked when he was finished, nodding to Sorin’s left hand. Sorin looked down at the Mark that covered the back of his hand, thumb, and index finger.
“She has commented on it, but she does not know what it is or what it means,” Sorin answered. “I had to take it. It was the only way I could figure out where she was in the Lairwood House. Through the connection.”
“Does she even know what a twin flame is?” Cyrus asked.
“She knows about the idea of the twin flame,” Sorin answered, rubbing his temples. “Whether she believes it or not, I do not know. We only discussed it once.”
“You haven’t told her that she is yours?” Cyrus questioned in disbelief.
Sorin winced. “The timing hasn’t been right. She wasn’t allowed to make any of her own choices in the human lands. I didn’t want to take a choice like this away from her.”
“She deserves to know,” Rayner said, his voice low. He was always the sensible one of the group, likely because he kept his emotions locked down at all times. “By not telling her, you are taking away that very right to choose.”
“I know, but I cannot force it on her. She has had too much of that already,” Sorin sighed, draining the last of his liquor.
“Forget that,” Cyrus snapped, annoyance heavy in his tone. “Let’s talk about the risk of taking that Mark without a companion Mark.”
Before Sorin could reply, though, all three of them were on their feet. They had all felt it. She was here. She had crossed their wards. They all crossed the room, stalking to the door, flames licked up and down Sorin’s entire body, and when they were gone, he was dressed in dark charcoal clothing, the color of soot and ashes. Fighting leathers lay over the top of the clothes while twin blades appeared at his back. An assortment of knives and daggers were sheathed and secured in various places. Cyrus and Rayner wore nearly identical attire. Cyrus had a bow and quiver full of arrows. Rayner had vambraces at his wrists.
They entered the hall where Eliza met them. Her fighting leathers held more daggers than Sorin’s own. “Always in the fucking middle of the night,” she muttered, finishing the braid she was quickly working into her hair. Her elegant sword, Flamethrower, was sheathed down her back.
Sorin raised a hand before him and a fire portal opened. As one, they entered and stepped onto the grounds in front of the palace gates. The portal snapped shut behind them.
“She is alone,” Rayner said, his eyes entirely swirling with smoke now.
“Luan will not be far behind,” Sorin replied grimly, sliding his hands into his pockets.
They all went silent as they waited. Cyrus flanked his left while Eliza was on his right with Rayner beside her. A few moments later, Talwyn stepped from the trees. Her hair was flowing on her winds, moonlight reflecting off it. Three shields of flame and a shield of smoke instantly snapped into place.
Talwyn stopped several feet away from them, a vindictive smile on her lips. She wore her usual brown pants with a white tunic. A moment later, Azrael Luan stepped out of the air to her side. He took them all in and gave a snort of disgust.
“Prince Aditya, you return home,” Talwyn said, her voice soft yet severe.
“You gave me permission to do so,” Sorin replied nonchalantly, with a shrug.
“I told you to come home weeks ago,” Talwyn snapped, displeasure ringing in her tone. “But you begged to stay because you had discovered something.” Her eyes narrowed as she continued. “Where is my ring?”
“I do believe your ring adorns your finger.”
“Do not be a smart ass,” Talwyn growled, taking a step towards them. “Tell me, who bears that ring now?” When Sorin didn’t answer, she took another step towards them. “I have seen her, Sorin. She came to the Forest. I have seen it upon her finger. Does she even know what it is?”
“You told me to return with the ring and I have. I have fulfilled my oath to you,” Sorin answered with an icy calm.
“Then give it to me,” Talwyn replied, matching his tone.
“Who bears it?” she snarled. “Who is she?”
Sorin could have sworn that, for a split second, her eyes darted to his hands resting in his pockets. “She is none of your concern,” Sorin answered. The ground shook, and the winds whipped, but behind their shields and wards they hardly felt a breeze. Sorin merely smirked at the queen. “Still have that temper I see.”
“Watch your mouth, Aditya,” Azrael snarled, stepping to Talwyn’s side once again.
“Let the Queen handle her own affairs, Luan,” Eliza crooned from Sorin’s right.
“Enough.” Talwyn’s voice rang clear and commanding through the night. Her eyes came back to Sorin and as she spoke, Sorin could hear the anger being restrained in her tone. So much like Scarlett, this queen that stood before him was. “I am your queen, Prince. Tell me who she is.”
“You will openly defy me?” He could feel her power scraping along their shields, like it was dragging claws down walls of stone. Not one of his Inner Court moved.
“According to the Charters of the Courts, I am permitted to defy you if I believe there is a credible threat to my Court by complying,” Sorin replied, stepping right up to the edge of their shields. Talwyn was just on the other side. There were only a few feet separating them. Her jade eyes glowed brightly with rage. “The only work around is the Blood Vow, which you have already invoked. She is a member of my Court, and you, my Queen , are the credible threat.”
“I may have used my Blood Vow with you,” she spat, “but what of the Water Prince?”
“Would you really waste another Blood Vow on this? You have hundreds of years left to reign and only three vows remaining,” Sorin replied, calling her bluff.
“This is not over,” Talwyn seethed. She closed the distance between them, and he saw her flinch slightly as she brushed the edges of their shields. “You are allowing your bitterness and animosity to cloud your judgment, Prince.”
“It must be like looking in a mirror, then,” Sorin replied coolly.
“You have no idea what your actions will cost us.”
“Enlighten me.”
Talwyn’s eyes narrowed. He felt a shield of wind surround them, locking out the others. “I know who she is, Sorin.”
“I do not believe you,” he replied, low and vicious. “But if you do know who she is, then you know where my true allegiance lies.”
A smile appeared on Talwyn’s lips then, slow and malicious. “And you will discover that in the end, the Fates will plant us on the same side.”
Then she was gone. The wind instantly died. The shields came down save for Eliza’s as Azrael still stood before them.
“Run along, Luan,” Cyrus taunted. “Without the queen here, you have crossed Court borders without permission.”
Azrael gave them all a vulgar gesture before vanishing into nothing.
There was silence for only a moment before Eliza sighed. “Can we please go to bed now?”
They walked back up to the palace and through the halls in silence, each departing for their own chambers without so much as a good night. He opened the door to the bedroom as quietly as he could. He didn’t know how Scarlett was adjusting to sleeping without a tonic, and he didn’t want to disturb her, but when he stepped into the room, he found it wouldn’t have mattered. She was standing on the balcony that overlooked the front grounds. Her back was to him, her shadows blending in with the night. She would have had a perfect view of everything that had just happened. She had a blanket wrapped around herself, and she didn’t even look over her shoulder when she said, “I felt something. It woke me. I went out to the main room, but you weren’t there.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, quickly crossing the room. “I had to take care of something. I did not intend to leave you alone.”
“Talwyn was here. She is looking for me,” Scarlett supplied. Her voice was that same monotone voice from when she’d first awoken, as if she were in some sort of trance.
“Yes.” He didn’t know if he should reach out to her, if he should touch her. So he stood a few feet away, shoving down every desire to pull her to him. She turned to look at him, her icy blue eyes glowing in the night. He hadn’t realized how similar she was to her cousin. They were so similar, yet so incredibly different.
“Thank you for tonight,” she said. Her face was stoic and unreadable. “It was a sense of normalcy. It felt like a family. It felt like home. Thank you.”
Sorin gave her a soft smile. “Thank you . For putting up with a little family drama.”
Scarlett huffed a laugh, returning to look out over the balcony. “You’ve seen how my family fights end up. Nuri and I are usually both bleeding by the end.” He noticed she no longer gripped the railing at being so high up. If she only knew she could Travel like her cousin, she’d never fear confined spaces again. “Why does she seek me out? What exactly does she want from me?”
“I do not know. I haven’t pieced it all together yet.”
She turned her head, meeting his gaze again. “But you’d tell me if you knew? You wouldn’t keep it from me?”
“No, Love,” he replied. He stepped closer to her, unable to help himself. “I would not keep it from you.”
“And you’ve told me everything?” she asked, her eyes searching his own.
“I have told you everything.” Before the words had even finished leaving his lips, he felt a searing jolt of pain shoot through his left hand. Gritting his teeth, he pushed it from his mind. “Come, let’s have some tea.”
Scarlett nodded and led the way back into the bedroom. Tea was already waiting on the low table near the armchairs. She plopped into one, still clutching the blanket around her shoulders. Sorin took up the armchair across from her once more and handed her one of the cups.
“I know you think Fae customs and stories are incredibly profound and all,” he started.
“I swear to Saylah, Sorin, if you’re about to drop another piece of world shattering information, this tea cup is going down your throat,” she muttered.
Sorin blinked at the…at the normalcy of that comment from her mouth. At the peek of who she was breaking through that place she was trapped in. “No, it is nothing like that. This is something I think you already know and just need it explained.” Her nose scrunched slightly as she sipped at her tea. “Legend among the Fae is that our magic and power comes from a place called Shira Forest.”
Scarlett paused her sipping, her eyes on the fire before them. She had pulled her knees to her chest and draped the blanket over them. Resting her teacup on her knees, she said, “I thought you said the Avonleyans blessed the Fae with magic.”
“They did, but it is believed that their magic came from this Forest. It is said Shira Forest is where the gods reside along with the Fates.”
Scarlett snorted. “The gods live in a dream world?”
“Shira Forest is a real place. It is just that no one knows where it is.”
“Convenient,” she grumbled.
Sorin sat back in his chair with a smirk. “I am going to assume you saw an animal there, and I am going to go a step further and venture to guess it was a panther as dark as night.” Her head slowly turned towards him. “The Spirit Animals live in the Forest when they are not needed by their bonded ones. The most powerful of the Fae, those chosen by a particular god or goddess, are bonded with their Spirit Animal. In essence, you become bonded to that god or goddess through that bond.”
He fell silent and let her process what he’d told her, waiting for the questions he was sure were coming.
“How did you know I saw a panther?”
“Because Shirina made her presence known while you slept. She was often seen at the foot of your bed, watching over you and growling at anyone who dared to approach you. The Goddess Saylah’s panther has not been seen in ages, Scarlett.”
“But why was I taken there tonight? I saw her in my dreams while I slept. What was the purpose of tonight?”
“I do not know. I have only been there once and that was the night I was bonded with Amaré. How or why you were there again, and how Talwyn was there with you, I do not know.”
“Was anyone else there with you? When you became bonded or whatever?” she asked.
“No. It was only me.” Scarlett only nodded once and turned back to the fire. “Was someone there with you? When you met Shirina?”
“When I was there tonight with Talwyn, there were other animals there. Not just Shirina,” Scarlett said.
It was Sorin’s turn to slowly turn to her. “You saw several Spirit Animals there? How many?”
“This time? Many.”
“This time? How many times have you been there, Scarlett?”
“That I can remember? Two. The first time I saw two and… The first time there were two animals.”
“Which animals did you see?”
“Well, the wolf from the day I saw you and Talwyn speaking in Baylorin was there,” she said, fiddling with her teacup.
“Maliq? He is Talwyn’s bonded, the wolf of Celeste, goddess of the moon and sky. I suppose it would make sense that he was there if Talwyn was also there with you. Who else?”
There was a quiet cooing, and Scarlett jumped, nearly spilling her tea as Amaré flew in the open balcony door. “That bird. It was there.”
Sorin turned to look at the phoenix. “Is that so, my Friend? Care to share?”
Amaré merely clicked his beak and ruffled his feathers slightly.
“You can speak to it?”
“There is a bond that will form and strengthen,” Sorin explained, Amaré swooping to his shoulder and nipping his ear affectionately. “You will learn how to communicate with each other. This is Amaré. He is a phoenix and the animal of Anala.”
“Goddess of sun and fire,” Scarlett whispered softly as she studied the phoenix. Then, a little louder, she said, “There was a horse. It looked like Eirwen, but its mane and tail were like a cascading waterfall.”
Sorin smiled. “Abrax. He is Anahita’s and is bonded to Briar.”
“The silver hawk?’
“She is the wind goddess’ and is bonded to Princess Ashtine. Her name is Nasima. They are rarely seen apart. Was Ashtine there as well?”
“No. Only Talwyn,” Scarlett answered, setting her teacup on the low table and pulling the blanket up over her arms.
“Were there any others?”
“There was a red stag.”
“That was Rinji. Silas’s animal and is bonded with Prince Azrael of the Earth Court.”
All the Court Spirit Animals had been there? At one time? Along with her and Talwyn? That was indeed interesting. But not as interesting as the next words that came from her mouth.
“And the black eagle?”
“What?” Sorin’s head snapped to her.
“The black eagle,” she said cautiously. “There… There was a black eagle.”
“Altaria… Altaria is Temural’s Spirit Animal,” Sorin said quietly. “Like Shirina, he has not been seen in ages. Long before the Great War even occurred.”
“No one knows. They… Do you remember how Eliza reacted when you spoke of Saylah on our journey here?”
“She was surprised,” Scarlett answered. “I know that Saylah is not often spoken of, but my mother gave me my amulet, and I—”
“You owe no one any explanations, Scarlett,” he replied softly. “I’ve told you that.”
“But there are… I don’t think coincidences are as much of a thing as I once thought they were.” She sighed. “I mean, it can’t be a coincidence that I’ve worn Saylah’s amulet my entire life and am now apparently bonded with her Spirit Animal.”
“No, it likely is not a coincidence,” Sorin agreed. He took a deep breath, not entirely sure how she would take the next piece of information he was about to give her. “Shirina and Altaria, along with Ejder, who is Arius’s dragon, and Kilo, Serafina’s snake, are called the Dark Spirit Animals. To my knowledge, none of them have been seen in centuries.”
“Well, that is just…great,” Scarlett grumbled, leaning her head back into the armchair and closing her eyes.
“You know that Arius and Serafina and their children are…” Sorin clenched his jaw, not wanting to say the words.
“I know their family are the most feared among the gods, yes,” she finished for him. “Again, I don’t think there is any sort of coincidence happening here considering I am called Death’s Maiden and am feared among most of the continent.” After a long moment, she said quietly, “Who was my mother’s Spirit Animal? Which goddess was she supposedly bonded to?”
“Supposedly?” Sorin asked with a raise of his brow. “You’ve seen more Spirit Animals than anyone and you question the bonds?”
Scarlett’s eyes met his, and they were blazing gold as she hissed, “As far as I am concerned, the gods and the Fates are just another master coming to stake a claim on my life.”
Sorin stilled at the rawness and bitterness in her tone. “You do not have a master, Scarlett. Not any more.”
“Keep telling yourself that, Sorin,” she bit back. “Just because a prince speaks it, doesn’t mean it’s the truth. Obviously.”
Sorin pursed his lips, but instead of rising to the bait she had so clearly laid before him, he said, “Eliné’s Spirit Animal was Paja, the golden owl of Falein, goddess of—”
“Goddess of wisdom and cleverness,” Scarlett cut in. “I do know of the gods, even if I don’t necessarily believe in them.”
“You need to rest. You are cranky,” he said, rising and placing his own empty teacup on the low table.
“Could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that you just told me I’m apparently bonded with a panther who serves a goddess everyone fears?” she snapped as she stood as well.
The blanket was loose around her shoulders now, and he could see she wore a black sleeveless nightgown that went to her knees.
“Possibly,” he replied with a shrug, “but I’m going to go with exhaustion for this particular mood.” The corner of his mouth kicked up despite his effort to keep the half-grin from his face.
“Whatever,” she grumbled, crossing her arms. “You still do not sleep in this land?”
He chuckled. “Yes, I need sleep, especially after my encounter with Talwyn.”
“And where will you sleep?”
“In the other bedroom,” Sorin answered. Scarlett’s lips had formed a thin line, and she hugged the blanket tightly around herself again. “What is wrong?” he asked softly.
“Nothing,” she replied, her face setting into grim resolve. “Tomorrow you can start teaching me to control my powers?”
“You still desire to do so?”
“Do I have a choice in the matter?”
“You always have a choice, Scarlett.”
“You were right,” she said after a moment. “I need to learn to control it. It will be one less thing that has control over me.”
“I do love those words coming from your lips, you know,” Sorin said wryly. She raised her brows in question. “That I was right.”
Scarlett rolled her eyes. “I’m glad I could bolster your ego, Prince.”
Sorin chuckled again. “I can teach you the control and fire half, but Briar would be better for mastering the water and ice.”
“And we can continue our other training?”
“I wasn’t joking at dinner, Scarlett. You should ask Eliza.”
“Eliza is scary.”
“Eliza is just like you,” Sorin laughed. “She prefers to be reading or in the training ring, and she takes shit from no one.”
“I suppose,” Scarlett replied, biting her lip not sounding sure at all. She walked to the bed, pausing as she reached for the blankets to climb in. She opened her mouth to say something, then shut it again. She snuggled in, pulling the blankets up to her chin. “Good night, Sorin.”
“Good night, Princess,” he said as he strode to the door. He could practically hear her eyes roll as he left the room. His head had barely hit the pillow in the extra bedroom when sleep took him.
“Did you think you could hide from me, my pet?”
Mikale’s cool voice raked down her skin while she stood in that cold room in the Lairwood house. She couldn’t control her trembling as he took slow, casual steps to her. She backed up until her back hit the wall.
“It is time to come home and fulfill your bargain with me,” he said, his eyes turning hard. He was before her now, and he ran his hands down her arms. She couldn’t shrink back any farther. “My sister is most upset you have taken Callan from her yet again, by the way.”
She opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out. She couldn’t speak. “Oh yes, I have picked up a few tricks of my own,” he purred with a cruel smile. “I cannot wait to show them all to you when you return.” His touching turned proprietary. “It is strange, isn’t it, how I can control you in your own dream?”
His fingers trailed down her chest, down her abdomen, lower. She tried to cry out, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t even move. She could feel him everywhere, all around her. Tears were slipping down her face.
Finally, he stepped back, surveying her. Then he leaned in close once more and kissed her. He pulled back a fraction of an inch and whispered, “Hurry home, Scarlett. We almost have these wards figured out, then we are coming for them all.”
There were hands on her shoulders and a gentle voice saying her name. She lashed out at him, screaming. “Let me go!”
“Scarlett. Scarlett, it’s me.” She knew that voice. That voice was safe. That voice was home. “Open your eyes, Love. Look at me.”
Her eyes flew open, and she found golden ones staring steadily back at her. Her shadows were swarming him, and from the red lines raked down his bare arms and chest, they had not been the caressing shadows. He did not seem to care. Ice and fire swirled around them. He took her hand and brought it to his bare chest. “Breathe, Scarlett. Breathe.”
In and out. In and out. She could feel his chest rise and fall beneath her fingers, his heart racing. In and out. In and out. Her eyes stayed fixed on his.
When her breathing had evened out, she wiped the tears from her face. “He was in my dreams, Sorin. He knew how to enter and control my dreams,” she rasped.
Sorin’s face tightened, and he interlaced his fingers with hers.
“I am sorry I woke you,” she said quietly. “And for…” She jerked her chin towards his chest and arms. “That.” She went to pull her hand from his, but his fingers tightened. She looked back into his golden eyes and found them searching hers.
“I will always come for you, Scarlett,” he said softly.
Fresh tears sprang to her eyes. She took a shaking breath. “I need you to do something for me.”
“Of course.”
“I need you to stay with me.”
“I am not going anywhere.”
“No, Sorin, I—” She pursed her lips. “When I would have nightmares, Cassius would stay with me or take me to his room. He’s not here, but I need someone to stay with me.” Her heart ached. She missed Cassius. It was as if a part of her was missing having him so far away.
“Do you want me to get Callan?” Sorin asked quietly. Her eyes widened as she realized he would. He would let Callan into these very rooms if that is what she asked of him.
“No, Sorin, I do not want Callan,” she answered. “I just need… I need someone next to me.”
His breathing hitched as her words settled over him. “Scarlett, are you sure?”
“Yes, I am sure, Sorin.” Still, he hesitated. She looped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her, pressing her lips to his. She felt him tense under her fingers, and she ran her tongue across his lips, but he wouldn’t let her in. “Please, Sorin,” she whispered onto his lips.
He groaned as he pulled back to look into her eyes. “Scarlett, this… I will not have the self-control not to touch you if I sleep beside you.”
“You don’t want to?” she rasped out.
“Gods, Love, that is all I want to do, but not… I would be a bastard to take advantage of this, when you are so vulnerable.” She could hear the longing in his voice as he held her stare.
Scarlett pushed herself up into a sitting position. “I want you to touch me, Sorin.”
“You don’t, Scarlett. You hate me. I kept so much from you. Fuck, I can’t do this to you. Don’t you understand?”
“Don’t you understand?” She practically screamed the words at him, and he stilled. “Sorin, he… Mikale touched me in that dream. He touched me, and I could do nothing! And I can feel him. I can feel his hands on me. I can feel his breath on my skin, taking what he wants. I can feel him in my very being.” Tears were coursing down her cheeks. “I want to feel anything but him. I want to feel something. Because I am numb, Sorin. And it is exhausting to not care about anything. It is exhausting to not feel anything. But the only way I can not feel him is to not feel anything at all, and I want to feel something that isn’t him and isn’t threatening to drown me in—”
“Shh,” Sorin murmured, pulling her into his arms. “I hear what you are saying, Scarlett. I hear you.”
“Please, Sorin,” she said through her tears. She didn’t care that she was begging. She didn’t care how desperate she sounded. She just wanted to feel someone touch her who understood her, all of her.
“This will not fix things, Scarlett.” Sorin’s voice was low, strained.
“I do not care,” she whispered onto his neck. “Tonight, I do not care. Tonight, I just want to not feel him touching me.”
Sorin’s hand came up to cup the back of her head. “Lie back,” he whispered, gently nudging her with his body.
She did as he asked, and he climbed under the covers beside her, nestling in close. His fingers brushed her skin as he tucked her hair back over her shoulder. Then she felt his lips barely touch right below her ear. They moved slowly down her neck, feather light. His hand slid over her silk nightgown, slowly exploring her hip, her stomach.
Her eyes closed as every thought zeroed in on his fingers, his mouth. His hand drifted lower over her hip and down her thigh. She felt his fingers grip the hem of her nightgown, and he paused. “Where, Love?”
“Everywhere,” she breathed.
Then his hand was moving back up, dragging her nightgown with it, exposing bare skin to him. She lifted her head and arms and let him slide the black silk garment off, and she felt his hardness pressing into her. She didn’t care what he did. Not as long as his touch erased any trace of Mikale.
His hand gently cupped her chin and turned her head. She opened her eyes to find Sorin’s golden eyes glazed with desire and a glimmer of worry. Holding his stare, she reached up and wrapped her fingers around his hand and guided it down to her breast. She felt him shudder against her as his thumb scraped over her nipple.
His lips were back on her neck, and his teeth nipping and scraping had her closing her eyes once more. He worked his other arm under shoulders and shifted her back pressed against his chest. That hand took over working her breasts as he slid the first hand down her torso, his fingers dancing over her skin as he went. And when those fingers brushed against her the first time, she moaned, pressing her ass into him more.
He swore at the movement, but his fingers kept moving. “I don’t know how you can even want this, how you can be this wet for me or anyone after what you have been through, Love,” he rasped. “You are simply stunning.”
His thumb began to circle that bundle of nerves, and she was lost. She was lost in the sensation of him, of him touching her. She was lost in want and need and desire. She bucked her hips in a silent demand, and he obliged her, finally pressing down on that bundle of nerves at the same time that he pinched her nipple between this thumb and forefinger.
Scarlett cried out, and Sorin’s mouth was on hers, as if he wanted to capture the sound. When his tongue slipped inside her mouth, his finger slipped inside her, and she forgot everything else. She forgot about Mikale and his touches. She forgot about Talwyn and her mother. She forgot about Callan and the Inner Court. At this very moment, it was just her and Sorin. She wasn’t a secret princess, and he wasn’t the Fire Prince.
She moved in time with his thrusts into her, and when he slid a second finger in, a moan escaped from her. She let herself feel the pleasure and the ache that was building and ratcheting up. Those fingers thrust in and out of her slow and hard and almost reverently. “That’s it,” he murmured into her ear as she rode his fingers. “Take what you need, Love. It’s all yours.”
Scarlett turned so that she faced him, his hand still between them, between her legs, and plunged her hands into his hair, hauling his lips back to hers. His thrusts became faster, and she broke the kiss to bury her face into his neck, pressing her lips to his skin. The taste of him, the smell of his ashes and cedar and lush smokiness had her whimpering as his hand came up to hold her head there. Then with his fingers still moving, he pressed on that bundle of nerves once more with his thumb and release barreled down her spine. She cried out, the sound muffled as she pressed herself into his neck. His fingers didn’t stop moving until she had stopped shuddering and clenching around him. The hand on her head began stroking her hair, and she went utterly lax against him, still trembling from her release. He gently slid his fingers from her as she worked to slow her breathing and fought the darkness that was already reaching for her once more.
“Stay,” she whispered against his neck. “Please stay with me, Sorin.”
“Sleep, Scarlett,” he soothed. His other hand making long strokes down her bare back. Even now, with each brush of his hand, he was erasing the touches of Mikale, and she breathed him in once more as he kept the dark at bay.