I find that fleeing for my life gives me an appetite. Who knew hiding from kidnappers could do that? It didn’t hurt that Nora made one of my favorite comfort foods, baked mac and cheese. It’s almost like she knew I’d need the scrumptious, cheesy goodness to wipe out the fear.
As we eat, I glance around the table. Having the men back makes the meal noisier than when only Cleo, Delphine, and I sat down together. The noisiness calms me. I’m safe here. Lake and his brothers are better than any locked door, security system, or guard dog. No one could get me here. If I had gone through today and spent the night in my apartment, I know I’d never have gotten any sleep. As I finish my food, I know I’ll crash soon. I hope I can stay asleep.
“Tired?” Lake asks, jolting me. I hadn’t realized I’d been dozing.
“I am.”
“Let’s go to bed.”
“Remember Church in the morning, and then we’ll go to the hospital,” Hex reminds Lake.
“I’ll be there,” Lake assures him as he pulls me out of my chair and wraps his arm around my waist. I lean on him as we take the stairs to the second floor. Lake’s room is nearest the stairs. Something I’m most grateful for tonight.
Once in his room, he locks the door before helping me undress. When I’m naked, he lifts the covers so I can slide in. A few seconds later, I feel Lake slide in behind me. He pulls me toward him so my leg is over his, and my head rests on his chest. One hand rests on my ass while he clasps my hand with the other. Feeling safe and cared for, I drift off.
Hands grab me, yanking me out of my car. I see a surgeon standing nearby, a scalpel in his hand, as his accomplice drags me into the back of a van. Inside, I see blood everywhere. Pools of blood on the floor, splattered on the walls, but the ceiling, fuck, the ceiling. Blood drips onto the floor. I struggle to get away, but the man pushes me into the van and onto the floor. I’m rolling around in blood, feeling it drip on my body, my arms, and my face. I want to scream, but I’m scared of the blood going into my mouth. Then, the level of blood rises.
“Olivia, wake up! Baby, wake up! You’re having a nightmare. Come back to me.”
Lake’s frantic words bring me back to consciousness. I reach out to him, trying to comfort him, only to find him holding me so tightly I can’t move. “Lake,” I mumble.
“I’m here, baby. You’re here. We’re in my room. You’re safe.”
I focus on Lake’s voice and pry my eyes open. I’m staring into his dark orbs. We’re so close I can see myself reflected there.
“I’m okay. I’m awake. It was just a bad dream. Blood. So much blood. A surgeon with a scalpel.” I shake the image away. “Just a dream.”
“I couldn’t reach you,” Lake says, his voice still holding a hint of panic. “You went rigid, and then you started fighting me. I couldn’t get you to calm down.”
“I’m sorry,” I say, which makes him chuckle.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, silly girl. You can’t control your nightmares. Do you want to go back to sleep? It’s only two in the morning.”
I did want to go back to sleep, but there was something I wanted more. Sliding out of Lake’s hold, I slide until I’m at eye-level with his glorious cock. After licking off the pre-cum, I lick along the vein, which pulses under my administration. Lake groans as I massage his balls with my left hand while stroking his cock with my right. He goes from hard to steel rod when I slide the tip inside my mouth. I feel powerful and in control, which clears away the remnants of the nightmare.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so good at that,” Lake mutters as he slides his fingers through my hair.
I lower my mouth until his dick pokes the back of my throat. Using my hand to pump and my mouth to slide over his generous length, I feel my core weep at the grunts and moans he makes. There is something about giving pleasure to your man that gets the juices flowing.
Taking a deep breath, I suck him hard and deep. His grip tightens painfully in my hair as he holds me in place. His dick slides down my throat as his hips surge forward. The lack of oxygen makes me lightheaded, but I swallow around him, which makes him groan loudly. He pulls me away so his cock slides out with a pop. I’m ready to retake him, but he shifts me until I’m hovering over his waiting cock.
“I need to come inside you. I need to feel you,” Lake says as he lowers me until he pierces my core.
Fuck, yeah! This is what I need, too. “Oh, baby, fuck me. Fuck me hard. Make me forget,” I moan as he jerks his hips and slams me down, impaling me on his cock. My core wraps tightly around him, drawing him in.
The ride is rough but with enough tenderness to touch my soul. He slides in and out of me, building my orgasm until it washes over me in waves of pleasure. Collapsing on his chest, I kiss his sternum as he strokes my back.
“Can we stay here, just like this?” I ask him.
He palms my ass with one hand while still stroking my back with the other. “I think that’s one of your best ideas.”
We can’t stay joined forever, but that doesn’t stop us from drifting back to sleep with our bodies intimately connected.
I wake to an empty bed, but he’s left a note.
‘Gone to Church. I’ll meet you for breakfast.’
Smiling, I climb out of bed and into the shower. There is nothing hotter than a man who communicates. After getting dressed, I head downstairs to find Cleo and Delphine drinking coffee while waiting for their men. I duck into the kitchen to grab a mug and breathe in the glorious scent of French Toast and bacon.
“That smells amazing,” I tell Nora, who places her spatula down before hugging me.
“I heard about yesterday. I’m so glad they found you.”
Even though Nora is one of the Kutte Bunnies, she feels more like part of the family. All the Kutte Bunnies do. Abra, Pirate, and Zip sometimes hook up with the girls, but I’ve never felt like they’re competition. Lake may have hooked up with one or two of them before me, but neither the women nor Lake allude to it. Like Nora, the other Kutte Bunnies stay here for free with the understanding they help out around the clubhouse. I never get the feeling that sex is a condition for their staying.
Wrapping my hands around the mug of coffee, I sit next to Cleo and across from Delphine. The sparkling green emerald on Delphine’s finger catches my eye when she picks up her coffee. Almost dropping my mug, I grab her hand.
“What’s this?”
Delphine chuckles. “Dixie proposed to me the minute they arrived home. The ring belonged to his mother. He had it in a safe deposit box in Ireland and brought it home for me.”
“You’re engaged? Congratulations. God, I’m so sorry he had to leave you and come help me.”
“Nonsense,” Delphine chides me. “Of course, he had to go rescue you. You’re family. I’m just glad they got to you in time. Besides, we celebrated most of the night.” Her self-satisfied smirk is enough to reassure me that I didn’t stop them from consummating their engagement.
“When is the wedding?”
“We haven’t set a date yet. I’m hoping soon. I’m not getting any younger. Although I want both sons there, I’ll have to wait for Vladimir to return from Russia.”
“Have you heard from him?” Cleo asks.
Vladimir is Hex’s twin brother. Their father stole Vladimir from the hospital while Hex and Delphine were recovering from a difficult birth. The bastard let her see Vladimir once a year until he turned eighteen, then stopped all visits. She thought she had lost him forever, but Vladimir is now back in her life. He, along with the Demon Dawgs, came to our rescue when Delphine’s ex-husband kidnapped us along with Delphine’s daughters. He intended to give Delphine and the girls as a gift to some Bratva big wig for his birthday. At the same time, Cleo and I would provide entertainment for his men on the voyage. I shudder at the memory.
“He called me when the ship landed. I haven’t heard from him since. But he said he would contact me when he could. He’s playing a dangerous game but seems confident he’ll win.”
Nora opens the kitchen door to bring out the food as the men come through from Church.