Lake’s Legacy (Demon Dawgs MC: New Orleans #3) Chapter Fourteen Olivia 44%
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Chapter Fourteen Olivia


Once we're in the exam room, Marie tells us, “I get to spend time with my friends. We also get to read and learn math. I can read a little and count to one hundred.”

I help her onto the exam table while Annette preps. She swipes alcohol over the girl's arm while I distract her.

“That’s amazing. I bet you’ll be the smartest one there. Can you show me how well you count?” I ask her.

With Marie’s focus on remembering her numbers, Annette makes quick work of the shot. Marie flinches when the needle enters, but she doesn’t let the pain distract her.

Annette and I clap and praise the little girl while her mother beams proudly at her daughter.

“You were courageous, and you’re brilliant,” Annette says. “How about a lollipop?”

While Marie sucks on her candy, Annette and I set up the sonogram. Annette fiddles with the controls as I rub the lubricant on Muriel’s bump.

“You’re getting my mommy dirty,” Marie complains.

“Don’t worry, it comes off. We use this machine to see the baby. Are you excited about being an older sister?”

Marie shakes her head. “Babies cry too much.”

“They do,” Annette says as I rub the wand over Muriel’s stomach. “But that’s why big sisters are so important. They get to help entertain the baby. I bet you’ll be great at helping your mom care for the baby. Do you want a little sister or a little brother?”

“Sister,” Marie firmly states. “Boys are loud and messy.”

Marie’s mouth drops open when the sound of the baby’s heartbeat sounds throughout the room.

“What’s that?” Marie whispers while her mother’s eyes well up with tears.

“That's the sound of the baby’s heartbeat,” Annette says.

Marie’s face breaks into a grin as she closes her eyes and listens.

“Everything looks good. You’re 20 weeks?” Annette asks as Muriel nods. Muriel’s eyes stay glued to the image on the screen.

“Want to know the sex, or are you waiting?”

“I want to know.” She glances at her daughter, who is playing with her doll and not paying us any attention. “Is it a boy?”

Annette grins and nods. Muriel rolls her eyes. “Someone isn’t going to be happy. However, my husband will be thrilled. He wanted a son.”

“I’m getting a brother?” Marie screeches in disbelief.

Annette chuckles as I share a commiserating look with Muriel.

“Having a baby brother won’t be so bad,” I assure Marie. “I have a little brother. His name is Levi, and we’re very close.”

“Did you want a brother?”

“No, I didn’t. So I can understand your disappointment. But one thing about having a brother: he never wanted to play with my dolls, but I loved to play with his trucks and other toys. So, I got to keep my toys and play with his toys. It was a win-win.”

Marie snuggles her doll close as she considers my words. “I guess that would be okay.”

Muriel climbs off the exam table and takes her daughter’s hand. She thanks Annette and me. Marie turns to wave at us before turning back to her mother. “If I don’t like him, we can send him back, right?”

“You have a brother?” Annette asks as we clean up. I nod. “What does he think of you dating a motorcycle club member?”

I chuckle. “Levi’s the reason I met Lake. He was working for someone he thought was a businessman. It turned out he was part of the Russian mob. The asshole had kidnapped a woman and her two daughters. Levi helped them escape. The woman’s son was the President of the Demon Dawgs. So, he took them to the Demon Dawgs clubhouse. Their President, Hex, offered Levi sanctuary for helping his mother and sisters escape. When the mobster came after me, Hex and the rest of the club rode in to rescue me.”

“Brought lunch!” Toff calls out.

We join him and Lake in the breakroom, where two bags sit in the center of the table. Toff pulls several sandwiches out of one while Lake pulls chips, cans of soda, and water bottles out of the other.

I bite into my sandwich and moan in appreciation. I didn’t realize how hungry I was. Looking up, I find Lake’s heated gaze on me. That heat ignites a spark of desire and causes my breasts to become heavy with need. I can see he’s just as tempted as I am to forego lunch and duck into the nearest exam room to feast on each other. To distract myself, I turn my attention to Annette.

“Where are you doing your residency?”

“Tulane Hospital. I’m starting in obstetrics.”

“Really? That’s where I work. What a coincidence,” I say, glancing at Lake.

“What’s it like?”

“That’s a loaded question,” I reply slowly. “It’s a good hospital, but I’ve only worked there for a week. However, I have to warn you. Someone tampered with my car in the parking lot and then tried to kidnap me, and this isn’t the first time it has happened.”

“Excuse me?” Annette’s eyes bug as Toff chokes on his sandwich. Lake slaps his brother on the back.

I tell her about the disappearance of the doctor and the nurse before giving her the details of my experience.

“If it wasn’t for Lake and the other guys, they would have grabbed me.”

“You don’t know who they are? Are they doctors?”

“We don’t know, but we’re looking into it,” Lake says. “Pirate is our tech guy. He’s searching the camera feed to see if he can find images of the asshole without the disguise. Abra has feelers out for a white van with bullet holes in the doors and hood.”

“Aren’t you scared to go back there?” Annette asks.

“Yes, and no. Lake’s making sure I don’t drive to or from work alone. Now that I know someone can enter the women’s locker room and get into my stuff, I’ll bring another lock. I’ll be extra careful not to find myself alone or vulnerable.”

“I don’t like the idea of you being there without protection,” Toff tells Annette.

“Are you staying in an apartment?” Lake asks.

Annette nods. “Signed the lease yesterday. It’s only two blocks from the hospital. I’d planned on walking…”

“No,” Toff and Lake say together.

“Maybe you should consider completing your residency at a different hospital,” Toff suggests.

Annette shakes her head. “I can’t. I already committed to Tulane. I’ll be careful. At least I know about the danger.”

“Shit, you have your hands full,” Toff says. “I shouldn’t have dragged you into the problems here.”

“No, I’m glad you did. We can handle it. Pieter mentioned seeing a bald eagle on the back of the biker’s denim kuttes,” Lake says.

“Like the men who attacked Francois?” I ask. “I don’t understand. Do you think the same men who are extorting money from Francois and the other business owners are also coming out here to harass your tribe members? Why?”

“I don’t know. Pieter mentioned seeing three men. The number of men we saw at Francois’ and the same number of bikers the kid at the convenience store between here and New Orleans mentioned were causing trouble at the gas station. The club could be small, which would explain why Abra hasn’t heard a thing about them from his contacts.”

“If there are only three of them, they’re busy,” Toff says. Lake nods.

We finish eating just in time for our next patient. Toff shoos us out of the breakroom when we hear someone calling out from the waiting room. Lake, Annette, and I go out to find a man standing with his arm around a woman who looks like she’s ready to go into labor at any second. From the grimace on her face, I think she might be.

“Celeste, you look uncomfortable,” Annette asks, going immediately to Celeste’s side after greeting Celeste and her husband Joseph. Joseph steps aside to speak with Lake while I introduce myself to Celeste.

I move to Celeste’s other side when she doubles over. “Are you having labor pains?” I ask her.

“I wish. He’s just very active. I’m so ready to be done. But I know Dr. Sinclair was worried because the baby hasn’t turned yet.”

“Let’s get you comfortable and take a look,” Annette says, wrapping her arm around Celeste’s waist and leading her toward the exam room. I rush ahead and get ready for the second sonogram of the day.

“Let me help you,” I offer as Annette and I help Celeste onto the exam table. Grabbing the lubricant, I lift her shirt before applying the gel to her swollen stomach.

Celeste grunts as I watch the baby’s foot push up and out. “That’s a good sign,” I tell her. “Looks like the baby has turned.”

“I hope so,” Celeste hisses. “Oh shit!”

I glance down and see fluid flow over and off the table.

“Well, momma, it looks like your son wants out.”

Annette and I help Celeste get comfortable.

“Can you let Joseph and Lake know what’s happening?” Annette tells me.

Nodding, I rush to the door, but three men enter before I reach it. The first one waves his gun between the three of us while the other two take out zip ties. “Now, you’re going to cooperate, or I’ll gladly shove the gun up her cunt and kill them both.”

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