Lake’s Legacy (Demon Dawgs MC: New Orleans #3) Chapter Twenty-Two Olivia 69%
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Chapter Twenty-Two Olivia


“What does that mean?” Annette asks. “What are they looking for?”

“Oil, most likely,” Zip says. “Louisiana is a major producer of oil in this country. They have rigs on and off-shore. BOEM has a map of all the rigs. Pull it up.”

Pirate hits a few keys before turning the laptop so we can all see. Icons representing what I assume are oil rigs fill the screen. There are a few empty areas, the largest being the area surrounding Lake’s tribe.

“Coyote’s trying to keep them from drilling on our land,” Toff says.

“Or making sure the tribe keeps the rights to the oil,” Hex adds.

Toff reels back in anger. “Dad wouldn’t do that.”

“Why not?” Lake asks. “It would mean more money for the tribe.”

“But it would destroy our way of life. Coyote would never allow that to happen, no matter how much money it brought in. It would be a betrayal to the tribe and our ancestors.”

Lake nods before clasping Toff on the back. “You’re right. But that doesn’t mean others won’t think differently.”

“You think this is why someone attacked Coyote?” I ask. “Because he’s trying to protect the land?”

Lake nods. “It makes the most sense. The skinheads said someone was paying them to drive the tribe off the land. Whoever it is either has the money to pay them or expects to come into money. Driving the tribe off the land would allow an oil company to come in and take what they want. These assholes have been threatening the tribe, but no one shows signs of leaving. Whoever is paying them might be getting desperate.”

“You think a stranger came into town and attacked Coyote?” Toff asks, shaking his head. “No fucking way. Someone would have seen a stranger or an unknown vehicle. Remember, the tribe was out looking for Annette and Olivia. Someone would have seen something and called us.”

“You think a member of the tribe attacked Coyote?” Dr. Solon asks.

Toff nods slowly. “Whoever attacked Coyote stabbed him in the back. Coyote wouldn’t turn his back on a stranger. But a friend? A member of the tribe?”

I look at Lake and see the resignation. He’d already considered the possibility. Why hadn’t he said anything? In addition to resignation, I see sadness. Following his gaze, I look at Toff. He’s the reason. Lake was trying to protect Toff from realizing a member of the tribe attacked their father. Taking Lake’s hand, I squeeze it. I’m trying to offer him some comfort.

Lake is mentally and physically strong. His confidence and competence run deep. His shoulders are broad, and I know he thinks he can carry the world's weight on them. But not even Atlas himself could support the pressure Lake is under. He glances at me and smiles, but the smile remains sad. Feeling guilty about my meltdown in the parking lot, I sit on his lap, wrapping my arms around those broad shoulders and nuzzling his neck.

“We’re going to get through this,” I whisper. “You aren’t alone. Toff needs to face the facts. You can’t protect him from the truth. Let us help you. All of us. We’re all on your side.”

Lake kisses the top of my head.

Hearing a noise, I glance over Lake’s shoulder to see a doctor approaching us. I pat Lake’s chest before climbing off his lap.

“Dr. Martinez,” Dr. Solon calls out in greeting.

“Peridot family?” Dr. Martinez asks—his attention on Lake, who nods.

“I’m his son, Lake, my brother, Two-Feathers. How is he?”

“He’s stable. We were able to repair the damage done by the knife and replace the blood he lost. He’s recovering, and we’ll move him into a room in a few hours. You can see him if you’d like. He hasn’t gained consciousness and probably won’t tonight.”

Lake and Toff follow Dr. Martinez.

“I should probably get back to work,” Dr. Solon says, squeezing Annette’s arm. “You’re headed to New Orleans tomorrow, right?”

Annette jolts. “I forgot. Yes. I start work at Tulane the day after tomorrow. I need to move into my apartment tomorrow.”

“Tulane Hospital?” Hex asks, glancing at me.

“Annette is doing her residency there. We’ll be working together,” I tell him.

“You know about what almost happened to Olivia, right?” Hex asks.

His question has Dr. Solon stopping and turning back to our little group. “What happened?”

Hex explains about my missing friends and how someone tampered with my car before trying to kidnap me. “The cops are finally making some headway. An anonymous caller had them questioning Olivia’s patient. The cops got her statement along with the statement of the man who intervened. They also have a report from the car repair shop about the sabotage. They’re linking several disappearances together and think they’re after a gang of men who are targeting young women, mostly pregnant women.”

“Maybe you should postpone your residency,” Solon says. “Or find a different hospital.”

“I can’t, Dad. You know I can’t do that. Look, I’ll be careful. Olivia already warned me. My apartment is only a few blocks from the hospital.”

“I don’t like it. Maybe Toff can…”

“No, don’t say anything to Toff. He has enough to deal with right now.”

“We can carpool,” I offer. “I don’t know if we can get on the same shifts, but we can try.”

“What if they figure out where you live?”

“You can stay at the clubhouse,” Hex cuts in. “Olivia is staying there. We have a room available. A prospect will be driving Olvia to and from work. They can drive you, too. You don’t have to worry about being on the same shift. We have enough people to drive both of you.”

“I admit I’d feel better,” Solon says, looking at Annette. “Please.”

Annette glances at me. “How bad is it?”

“Not quite as bad as a frat house, but close,” I admit, causing Hex to smirk. “However, the food is fantastic. Nora, who does all the cooking, is about to open a restaurant. Hex’s mom and girlfriend live there, so it’s fairly tame.”

“Well, I don’t think I’ll be spending much time there, in any case. Residents don’t sleep, right, Dad?”

“True. But I’d feel better knowing you had these guys looking out for you.” He hugs his daughter and leaves us.

“Thanks,” Annette says to Hex. “You don’t have to open your home to me, but I appreciate it.”

“No problem. You’re friends with Lake and we take care of our own. Do you need any help moving?”

“No, I wasn’t going to take anything more than clothes. I’ll pack tonight and drive to New Orleans in the morning.”

“I’ll go with you,” I tell her. “Lake wants me to return to the clubhouse.”

“Lake will probably come to the clubhouse tomorrow or the next day,” Hex says.

“Why?” I ask.

“Let’s just say he has some business to attend to. Club business,” he adds when I open my mouth to ask.

I close my mouth, knowing that there is no sense in asking. When the guys say club business, the walls go up, and they’re impenetrable.

When Lake and Toff return to the waiting room, Annette and I rush over to them. They both look exhausted.

“How is he?” Annette asks.

“He’s still unconscious. He looks so frail in that hospital bed with all the wires coming out of him,” Lake says with a shudder. “I’ve never seen him look weak.”

“He’ll get better,” Annette assures him. “Just give him some time to recover.”

“I’m staying here. His attacker may show up to finish the job,” Lake says.

“I already called Conor and Danny to come here and stand guard. You have other responsibilities to take care of with your father laid up. I’m returning to New Orleans, but Zip is staying with you.”

“Thanks, Prez,” Lake says, shaking Hex’s hand.

“Annette and Olivia are coming to the clubhouse tomorrow. Annette’s staying with us while she’s doing her residency. Figured that should keep you both from worrying.”

Lake smacks Dante on the back while Toff shakes Hex’s hand. “Thanks, man.”

“How about I drive,” Annette offers. “You two look ready to drop. Zip, you can stay in my guest room.”

Zip follows us back to Annette’s house. While Annette shows him to his room, I take Lake to the one we share.

“I’m exhausted, but I need you,” Lake says, pulling me in for a hug. His hands wander over my back before shifting down to my butt. He squeezes my cheeks as he grinds his lengthening cock into my belly. My core tightens with the feel of him. He isn’t the only one with needs.

Leaning back, I slide my hands under his shirt and lift. “How about I do all the work,” I suggest as he pulls the shirt off. His eyes brighten with my suggestion.

“Oh, yeah? You gonna ride me, my beautiful girl?”

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