I started off my morning with a croissant and espresso at the little café across from my rental. I planned on leaving the bustling sights and life of Paris at the end of the week to head by train northeast to Amsterdam, and then south, until I ended my one-month trip in Romania where I had a little cottage booked in an isolated village close to the mountains.
I picked that region because, when I’d been researching areas to enjoy my solitude, it stood out for its dense forests that were often remote and difficult to access. I had no idea why I needed to just be alone, but the longer I kept to myself, the more I craved additional time spent that way.
It might have been my plan to make Romania the last country I visited before leaving to go back home, but now, as I finished the last sip of my coffee, the truth hit me like a freight train.
How the hell I'd figure out how to make this work was beyond me, but… it was decided.
I would no longer be going back to the States.
After spending some time at the Louvre, I wandered through the cobblestone streets of Paris, my decision making me feel lighter. The crisp air carried the scent of freshly baked bread from nearby boulangeries. I smiled, as I felt proud for learning a bit of French during my short stay.
Window shopping had become a favorite of mine, and when I finally reached the Seine, I stood in the center of one of its many bridges and just looked out at its vastness.
The sunlight danced on the water’s surface, and it looked like a million crystals decorated the top of it. I pulled out the disposable phone I purchased at the airport and snapped a few photos. Getting rid of my cell before leaving had been the best idea I’d had.
No one being able to contact me had done so much for my mental health, more than I realized until this very second.
A genuine smile formed on my lips as I took a few more pictures, wanting to capture this moment in time. When I tucked my phone back into my bag, I glanced at the Seine once more, then turned and made my way back toward the rental. I took a different way to see new things before heading back to my rental.
As I slowly strolled the uneven path, I felt this strange sensation, one that was familiar but unusual at the same time. I noticed a man standing a few feet away as I passed him, his gaze directed at the river, but then he glanced at me, even if only for a second. There was something about him that made me pause because… I knew him.
Well, I didn't know him, but I recognized him from earlier today, near the Louvre, and I was pretty sure I saw him yesterday when I checked out the Eiffel Tower.
I shook my head, my past trying to rush upon me, even when I was so far away. I would not let paranoia claim my peace here. I brushed off the uneasiness that tried to creep along my spine. I reminded myself I was traveling and so were a lot of other people. Of course, I might see the same tourists at popular attractions in the city. It was bound to happen.
The only reason I noticed him these few times was because he was quite large in height and bulky in stature. He stood out, being so big and towering over everyone else.
Feeling content with my thought process, I continued walking, determined to enjoy the rest of my day. But I still held on to a minuscule amount of paranoia thanks to my trauma. The bitch had a lasting hold on me.
I took note the man wasn’t following me, which put me a little more at ease. A sigh of relief wanted to escape me, but there was still the feeling of something being off. It was a shadow that refused to leave.
With enough time away from home, I’d learn how to rid myself of the lingering doubts my past had molded me into. Europe was my escape, and finding peace and adventure was exactly what I intended to do.