“She won’t talk to me,” Simone said.
“Who won’t talk to you?” I asked.
Simone breathed a long sigh into the phone. “Samantha. From what I understand, she’s not talking to anyone. She spoke to the police, but only because she had no choice. She hasn’t left the house since the night of the murder.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t have much in the way of answers. Her husband, Mack, met me at the door. He said his wife wasn’t up to seeing me and that she’s been freaked out ever since Cordelia was murdered. He’s been trying to talk her into seeing a therapist, but she’s not interested.”
The night of the murder when Whitlock and I had a discussion with Samantha, she’d been overwhelmed by the news, which was normal at the time. I didn’t get the impression, however, that she would be affected in the way that Simone was suggesting.
“I’ll try and talk to her,” I said.
“Since she spoke to you before, maybe she’ll be a lot more receptive to you.”
“What about the other employee who works at the library—Johnny? Did you speak to him?”
“I did.”
“He’s weird, Georgiana. I couldn’t get a good read on him. On the one hand, you have Samantha, who’s been acting paranoid since the murder. On the other, you have Johnny, whose attitude about it all is blasé.”
“In what way?”
“In every way.”
“Tell me about him,” I said.
“He’s skinny, but in an unhealthy-looking way. He talked so fast, it was hard for me to understand what he was saying, not that he was saying anything important. He was rambling, going from one topic to another. Eyes and hands and shoulders going all different directions. I got the impression he was on drugs of some kind when we talked.”
“Hmm. What were some of the questions and answers?”
“Not much to tell you there. I asked him about his relationship with Cordelia. He said they didn’t have one. When I tried following up with more questions, he kept changing the subject.”
“Where does he live?”
“Wildwood Condominiums. And get this—the guy is a feline fanatic. I counted at least six cats during my visit, and I’m sure there were more.”
“Sounds like I better follow up with him as well.”
“Sorry I don’t have anything better to report.”
“Don’t be. You tried, and that’s all you can do.”
“How’s your day been going?”
I told her about my visits with Cordelia’s neighbors and about the notes I’d found.
When I finished, she said, “Wow, I can’t believe it. You have amazing luck. You always have.”
“Not luck, skill.” I winked, and she laughed.
“Noted,” she said. “So, what are you thinking now, about the case in general?”
“I want to believe there’s a connection between one of Cordelia’s neighbors and her murder. Now, I just need to prove it.”