Within a few hours my ass is sore. Like not just sitting in my chair doing work sore but sitting on the concrete for three hours sore. There’s no cushion on this damn thing. The road is bumpy. I tried shifting my weight and nearly fell off. I haven’t tried since.
I think I’d rather walk. But then again, they did say days . How can I do this for days??? I silently groan. Because groaning aloud would get the men’s attention and I really, really don’t want that.
We stop for a bathroom break and the men share something to drink in some weird sack with a spout. I’m pretty sure it’s not water as I hear the medic say he wants his ‘wits’ about him.
They jeer at me. Offering to watch my back while I do my business. Or say they’ll let me have a drink if I give them a hand. I roll my eyes, while squatting, thinking of their fucked up nonsense. I wiggle my butt a little, wishing I had toilet paper. “God this is embarrassing. I’m not shoving whatever leaves down there. I would rather not have a rash.” And considering I’ve not eaten, I don’t have to go that one , yet anyways. I’m muttering to myself to keep myself sane, in some way.
I hear a huff. Like someone laughed.
“Hello?” I call into the bushes, hurriedly pulling up my not quite panties over my thighs and bottom. But nothing calls back. Even though, now I feel like someone is watching me. “Is someone there?” Still no response. I take a step towards the foliage.
“GIRL!” Shouts the medic. “We’re leaving. ”
I grunt. “Of course, they wouldn’t wait for me. Jackasses. All they know how to be is crude little boys.” Snort. I pause mid-step, looking over my shoulder. But all I see is green vegetation.
“ GIRL !” He shouts again.
“Shit.” I turn away. “I’m fucking coming!” I nearly trip on a stick. “Damn it.” I hear some shuffling but it’s coming from behind me. I look again and meet the brightest yellow eyes. I yelp before dashing away. I nearly barrel into the medic but skid to a stop.
“What the devil—?” He looks over my shoulder. “Seem like you saw the living dead.”
I shudder. “No. I was just afraid you guys would leave me.” He nods as if that makes sense. Honestly, whether they leave me or not at this point doesn’t matter. Whether they take me along or leave me I’m going to starve. Or as the man earlier stated, I’ll end up whoring myself out for food. I shiver in disgust. If the people are as bad as these men, What am I going to do in this town? Fuck .