Love Wild and Fair Chapter 1 2%
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Love Wild and Fair

Love Wild and Fair

By Bertrice Small
© lokepub

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“I WISH,” said Ellen More-Leslie severely, “that ye would not wear breeches when ye ride, Mistress Catriona. It is ever so unladylike.”

“But ever so practical,” said the beautiful young girl. “Dinna scold me, Ellie, or I’ll send ye home to marry that nice farmer yer mother’s had such hopes of!”

“God’s toenail, ye wouldn’t!”

“Nay. Not really,” giggled Ellen’s mistress. “Unless, of course, ye want to, Ellie. He is a fine, upstanding man. Why won’t ye?”

“There’s only one thing ‘upstanding’ I want from a man, and the farmer’s nae got it! Come now, off wi yer riding clothes. Whew! Ye smell like the stables! Ye know the earl is coming to dinner this night to help celebrate yer birthday. I canna believe ye are fifteen. I can remember that stormy December night ye were born.”

Catriona stripped off her clothes. She had heard this story many, many times before.

“The snow swirled about Greyhaven, and oh, how the winds howled and roared,” continued Ellen. “The old countess, yer great-grandmam, insisted on being wi yer mother. I had just had my seventeenth birthday. I was the youngest of my family, and been spoilt something fierce, but as I showed no signs of wedding and settling down, my old granny spoke to her mistress, yer great-grandmam, and they decided I should look after the new baby. Old Lady Leslie took one look at ye, and said, “This one’s for my laddie Glenkirk.’ Sure enough ye were barely out of nappies when she was arranging yer betrothal. If only she could have lived to see ye grown and wed, but she died the following spring, and me old granny followed her but a few weeks later.”

While Ellen talked she worked, setting up a bath for her young mistress in a great oak tub placed before the fire. Pouring scented oil into the steaming water, she called out, “Come now, my lady. “Tis ready.”

The girl sat dreaming while her shoulders and back were scrubbed. Then she took the soap from Ellen and finished up the job while Ellen fetched a small jar of shampoo from the cupboard. She poured a thin stream of golden liquid into Catriona’s hair, added water, and, building up a sweet-smelling lather, washed and rinsed the girl’s hair twice.

Seated by the fire, swaddled in a large towel, Catriona let Ellen dry her hair. The excess water removed, the tiring woman brushed and brushed the thick, heavy hair until it gleamed. Pinning up the dark-golden mass, she motioned her young mistress to stretch out and then massaged her with the pale-green cream her mother, Ruth, made up. The girl stood up, and Ellen handed her her silken undergarments. She was standing in her petticoat and blouse when her mother entered.

At thirty-six, Heather Leslie Hay was at the height of her beauty. She was radiant in a dark-blue velvet gown trimmed in gold lace, and a marvelous rope of pearls that Catriona knew had belonged to her great-grandmother. Her lovely dark hair was mostly hidden beneath a blue-and-gold cap.

“Your father and I wish to speak wi ye before our guests arrive. Please come directly to our apartments when you are dressed.”

“Yes, mama,” said Catriona demurely as the door closed behind her mother.

Automatically she let Ellen dress her, all the while wondering what her parents wanted. She was their only daughter, having an older brother, Jemmie, eighteen, and three younger brothers. Colin was twelve, and the twins, Charlie and Hughy, were ten. Her parents had always been so involved with each other that the raising of their children had been left mostly to nursemaids and tutors. She had had to plan her own life from practically the very beginning.

It would have been different had her great-grandmother lived. She knew that. Tutors had been hired for Jemmie, but no one thought to teach Catriona how to read and write until she forced herself into Jemmie’s lessons. When the startled tutor told her parents that their daughter learned faster than their heir, she was allowed to stay. Consequently she had been educated as a boy was, but only until Jemmie went away to school. After that it had been up to her.

She had insisted that her parents hire a tutor who was fluent in French so she might command that language. And she saw to it that the young man employed by her family also spoke Italian, Spanish, and German. Considering how thoroughly educated both her parents had been, there was no excuse for their neglect.

Twenty years after their marriage, Heather and James Hay were more in love than ever. The neglect of their offspring was innocent, a matter of thoughtlessness. The children were well fed, well clothed, and well housed. It did not occur to the young Master of Greyhaven or his wife that their children needed more than these essentials. The boys had felt secure in the warm love of their nurses, but their daughter had needed more. Ellen More-Leslie knew it, and did her best. But Cat Hay grew up spoiled and willful, with nobody to check her.

Standing in front of her pier glass, the girl studied herself. Tonight she would meet her betrothed for the first time in several years. He was twenty-four, and had been to the University in Aberdeen. He had also been to Paris, traveled extensively in Europe, and spent time at Queen Bess’ court in England. He was handsome, assured, and well-spoken, she knew. He was also about to sustain what she hoped was a severe shock to his ego. She smoothed the forest-green velvet of her gown, and, smiling, went off to see her parents. To her surprise her oldest brother was there too.

Her father cleared his throat. “It was,” he said gravely, “always planned that ye marry Glenkirk sometime after yer sixteenth birthday. However, wi the untimely death of the third earl last summer, and young Patrick’s investiture as fourth Earl of Glenkirk, it has been decided that yer marriage will be celebrated at Twelfth Night.”

Astounded, she looked at him. “Who decided, father?”

“The earl and I.”

“Wi’out asking me?” Her voice was angry.

“Asking you? Why daughter, ye were betrothed eleven years ago. The marriage has always been a fact.” James Hay sounded annoyed. His daughter irritated him. She always had. She was not the soft, gentle creature his wife was.

“Ye might hae told me the new circumstances, and then asked if I minded being wed a full year in advance!” she shouted at him. “I don’t want to be married now, and ye’ve wasted yer time entirely, for I hae no intention of wedding Patrick Leslie at all!”

“Why ever not, dearest?” asked Heather. “He’s such a fine young man. And ye’ll be a countess!”

“He’s a rutting bull, dearest mama! Since Uncle Patrick was thrown from his horse and broke his neck and the new earl came home, a day doesn’t go by I dinna hear of his conquests! The countryside rings wi tales of his prowess in the bed, in the hay, under a hedge! I will nae wed wi the dirty lecher!”

The Master of Greyhaven was stunned by his daughter’s furious outburst. Jemmie began to laugh, only to be silenced by a look from his mother. Heather realized, too late, that she had neglected a very important part of her daughter’s education.

“Leave us,” Heather commanded her husband and son. “Sit down, Catriona,” she said to her daughter when the men had gone. “Do ye know anything of what goes on between a man and a woman in the marriage bed?”

“Aye,” said the girl harshly. “He pushes his cock up the hole between her legs, and a couple of months later the baby comes out the same hole.”

Heather closed her eyes a moment. Oh my child, she thought! In my great and consuming love for yer father I forgot ye were a woman too. Ye know nothing of the delights shared between lovers, and I dinna know if I hae the words to tell ye.

Opening her violet eyes, she took a deep breath.

“Ye are partly correct,” Heather said calmly. “But the act of love between a man and a woman need not result each time in a baby. There are ways of preventing conception while still enjoying the delights of love. I shall be pleased to teach these things to ye before yer marriage.”

The girl looked interested.

“Lovemaking is quite nice, Catriona.”

“Is it? How, mama?” She sounded scornful.

Dear God, thought Heather, how do I explain? “Hae ye ever been kissed, my child? Perhaps some of yer boy cousins hae tried stealing kisses at parties?”

“Aye, they’ve tried, and I hae hit them hard! They dinna try any more.”

Heather wanted to shriek her frustration. “Kissing is very pleasurable, Catriona. So is fondling. Deliciously so, I might say.”

Cat looked at her mother as if she had lost her mind. “I canna imagine, mama, anything pleasurable at all about a man and a woman squeezing each other’s bodies.”

She was so damned superior that Heather lost her temper.

“Well, it is, daughter! I should know! Jesu, Cat, ye are woefully ignorant! Ye hae no idea what it means to be a woman, and that’s my fault. In the next four and a half weeks ye shall learn. Ye will marry yer cousin of Glenkirk on Twelfth Night as we hae planned. It is a wonderful match, and ye are fortunate to hae gotten so good a one!”

“I will not marry him, mama!”

Heather took another tack. “Then what will ye do if ye dinna marry wi Glenkirk?”

“There are other men, mama. My dowry is quite large.”

“Only to Glenkirk, my dear.”

Cat’s eyebrows rose in surprise. At last I have her attention, thought Heather, relieved. “Catriona. Your very large dowry is for Glenkirk only. Mam arranged it that way. Should ye marry anyone else, your dowry becomes quite modest.”

“Did Grandmam not consider that Glenkirk might die, or even cry off?” demanded Catriona, outraged.

“If Patrick had died ye would hae married James. Mam meant for ye to be Countess of Glenkirk, and there was certainly no question of yer bridegroom’s crying off. Come, child. Patrick Leslie is an educated, charming man. He will love ye, and be good to ye.”

“I will not marry him!”

“The choice is not yers to make, my dear. Now, take that frown off yer face. By this time our guests will be arriving. Your cousins will all be here to wish you happy.”

Her cousins! Oh, God! Fortunately, her uncles Colin and Ewan lived in Edinburgh, so she’d not have to contend with their broods. But the rest! The boys weren’t so bad, but those six simpering girls!

Fiona Leslie was a widow at nineteen. Poor Owen Stewart had not withstood the rigors of the marriage bed. Lush, auburn-haired Fiona with her storm-gray eyes, her red pouting mouth, and her low-cut gowns. Next came sixteen-year-old Janet Leslie, who was to marry Fiona’s brother, Cousin Charles, in the spring. Jan could scarcely contain her delight at being the future Countess of Sithean—the silly cow! Ailis Hay was already fifteen, and slated to marry James Leslie, Glenkirk’s next brother. That marriage was at least two years off. Beth Leslie was sixteen, but adoring of her Uncle Charles, was to enter a convent in France soon. So she might have close family nearby, her fourteen-year-old sister, Emily, was betrothed to Uncle Donald’s son, Jacques de Valois-Leslie. Last was little Mary Leslie, who, at thirteen, would wait three or four years before marrying Cat’s brother, Jemmie. Cat hoped that by that time Mary would stop giggling at everything Jemmie said, though Jemmie didn’t seem to mind.

Catriona entered the hall with her mother. At once she was surrounded by the cousins, and their good wishes. This was her birthday celebration, and she found it impossible to remain angry.

Suddenly Fiona was saying in her husky, feline voice, “Cat, darling, here is your betrothed. Hasn’t she grown, Patrick? She’s almost a woman.”

Catriona shot her older cousin a black look and, raising angry eyes, met the amused stare of Patrick, Earl of Glenkirk. His large, warm hand raised her little one to his lips. “Cousin.” His voice was deeper than she remembered. “Ye were always lovely, Catriona, but tonight ye surpass every woman in this hall.” Drawing her hand through his arm, he led her to the dais. Left alone, Fiona was surprised, and laughed. The earl seated his affianced at the main table. “Why are ye angry wi me?” he asked her.

“I’m nae angry wi you.”

“Then gie me a smile, sweetheart.”

She pointedly ignored him, and the Earl became irritated. When the meal had been cleared away and the dancing began, he found his aunt and, seeking the quiet of Greyhaven’s library, demanded to know what ailed the girl.

“It’s all my fault, Patrick,” wailed Heather. “I am so sorry. I hae, wi’out meaning to, ignored a most important part of Catriona’s education. The result is that she is void of emotion, and cold as ice.”

“In other words, my beautiful, thoughtless aunt, ye hae been so wrapped up in yer Jamie that ye forgot to love Cat.”

“But of course I love Cat!”

“Did ye ever say so? Did ye cuddle and cosset her as a baby? A child? A young girl? Nay, aunt. Ye had no time for it. Ye were too busy putting into practice wi the Master of Greyhaven all the delicious things Mam taught you!”

Heather blushed to the roots of her hair. “Patrick! What could ye possibly know of that?”

“What my mother told me,” he grinned wickedly at her. “My mother assured me that my bride would be warm, and educated. Instead, aunt, I must thaw this ice maiden ye plan for me to wed.”

“She says she will nae wed ye,” said Heather in a little voice.

“God’s bones!” swore Glenkirk. “Perhaps ye would enlighten me as to why not.”

“I dinna know, Patrick,” lied his aunt. “When her father told her this evening that the wedding had been moved up from next year to Twelfth Night, she became furious. She said no one had asked her opinion, but it didn’t matter as she’d nae have ye.”

“Have ye spoken to anyone of an earlier wedding?”

“We planned to announce it tonight.”

“Aunt. Go discreetly, and bring my uncle to me.”

Poor little Cat, he thought, when his aunt had gone. Left alone from babyhood to run yer own life. Then, suddenly, the largest moment in yer life is abruptly decided for ye. No wonder yer angry.

As to the other thing, he gave but the briefest thought. Leslie women were by nature hot-blooded, and once awakened to the world of sensual pleasures he knew Cat would bloom. It would take time and patience. But he was bored with easy conquests, and he had the luxury of time.

James Hay entered the library with his wife. “Well, nephew! What is so important that I must sneak away from my guests?”

“I think we should hold off an announcement of my wedding date, uncle. Catriona is obviously angry and frightened, and I would nae distress her.”

“Girlish nonsense!”

“Was my Aunt Heather like that before ye were wed?”

“Nay.” James Hay’s voice became soft with remembrance. “She was all sweet eagerness.”

“I congratulate ye on yer good fortune. Would ye deny me the same luck?”

“Heather and I were fairly well acquainted,” mused James Hay.

“Precisely!” said the earl. “I hae been away for six years, studying and traveling. Cat wasn’t even nine when I left. She doesna know me. I am foreign to her, and yet within four weeks’ time she faces the terrifying prospect of being wedded and bedded wi a total stranger. Come, uncle! Ye’ve led a life of conjugal bliss. Gie me the time to win yer prickly daughter so I may hae the same pleasure.”

“Well,” reasoned the Master of Greyhaven, “the wedding was not scheduled until this time next year … but if she’s not won over by then, willing or not, she goes to the altar!”

“Agreed,” said Patrick. “But, uncle. You and my aunt must agree to something else. There will be times when my methods of wooing may seem strange, and perhaps even cruel. But no matter what happens in the courting, I plan to make Catriona my wife. Remember that.”

“Aye, aye,” assented the Master of Greyhaven, but his wife felt a little shudder at her nephew’s words. Why, he loves her already, she thought, surprised. He has probably felt this way towards her since childhood. First he will woo her gently, but if that does not work, he will woo her harshly, for he means to have her. Oh, my innocent daughter! I hae best teach ye what I know before your impatient lover loses his patience and fills your belly wi his bairn.

She heard her nephew speak again.

“I will tell her myself of this change. She must not know that we ever discussed it.”

When Patrick reentered the hall, Catriona was dancing with his brother, Adam. Taking his younger sibling’s place, Patrick finished the dance with her. She was flushed, and laughing. It was all he could do not to tumble her there and then, so strong was his desire. He caught her hand and, drawing her away from their families into the privacy of a little alcove, told her, “I hae been thinking that perhaps we should nae wed until sometime next year. When I left Glenkirk ye were a little girl. I return to find ye a lovely woman. I am anxious to make ye my wife, sweetheart. But I realize ye don’t really know me. Would ye mind if we took the time to know each other?”

For the first time that evening she smiled at him. “Nay, my lord. I would like that. But what if we find we don’t like each other?”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Do ye snore, Catriona? Or perhaps chew the betel nut of the East?”

Laughingly she shook her head in the negative.

“Do ye like music, and poetry, and the melodious sounds of foreign tongues? Do ye like riding out in the misty quiet of a spring morning, or beneath a border moon on an autumn’s evening? Does the first snow of winter delight ye? Do ye like bathing naked in a hidden stream on a hot summer’s day?”

“Aye,” she whispered softly, and for some reason her heart beat quickly. “I love all those things, my lord.”

“Then, my dear, ye should love me, for I love those things also.”

Catriona’s thick dark-golden lashes brushed against her flushed cheeks and the little pulse in her throat quickened. My first breach in the ice, Patrick thought, and pressed his luck further. “Will ye seal our bargain wi a kiss?” he asked.

She raised her head, and her leaf-green eyes gazed at him a moment. Closing her eyes, she pursed her rosebud mouth at him. Gravely he touched her lips with his.

“Thank ye, Catriona,” he said gently. “Thank ye for yer first kiss.”

“How did ye know?”

“Innocence has a beauty all of its own, my love.” He stood. “Let me escort you back to your guests.”

When they appeared in the hall, Heather noted with relief that her daughter no longer looked sulky and her nephew looked content. He’ll win her over, she thought. And looking on Glenkirk with a woman’s eye, she said softly to herself, “Oh, my Cat! What a lovely adventure awaits ye!”

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