Love Wild and Fair Chapter 50 83%
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Chapter 50

Chapter 50

C AT awoke, surprised to find herself back in her own bed. Sitting up, she asked Susan, “How did I get back here?”

“He brought you. Lord Cicalazade himself! He said you looked so peaceful he did not want to disturb you. I was so frightened when he walked through the door carrying you, but he was very kind, not at all the monster I thought he would be. I like him.”

“He is not a cruel man,” Cat said dully. Then her voice began to quiver. “But I cannot reconcile myself to this life, Susan. I want my Francis! I want to go home! I want to be free!” And she began to cry.

When she had wept for some minutes without stopping, Susan sent a slave for the eunuch Osman, who hurried in, demanding, “What is it, Mara?”

“It is my lady, sir. She will not stop crying! I have done everything!”

Osman bent over Cat. “Why do you weep, Incili? Does something pain you?”

Cat ignored him. In frustration, Osman sent for Hammid. The grand eunuch arrived and quietly dismissed Susan and Osman from the room. Then he sat down by Cat’s bed and waited. The hysterical weeping continued for some minutes, then began to abate slowly until finally it stopped entirely. She sat up, her face wet and swollen. Wordlessly he handed her a large red silk handkerchief. After mopping her face, she noisily blew her nose.

“Very well, Incili, tell me what troubles you,” he said.

“Everything!” she burst out. “I want to be free! I cannot bear being cooped up like this! In my country women are free to roam their own lands. Here I am confined to the harem and a daily walk in a walled garden. I hate it! I hate it!”

Hammid nodded understandingly. This was not an uncommon problem with new captives, and he was willing to make great concessions to see that this woman was content For years he had sought for a woman who could balance Lateefa Sultan’s influence over his master. The Ottoman princess was beautiful and clever. She had dutifully borne her husband three sons and twin daughters, but her sex drive was low. Consequently she did not mind that her husband kept a large harem to satisfy his great appetite. But Hammid worried that his master might fall under the influence of the wrong woman. The wrong woman could turn Hammid’s carefully tended household into a battleground of warring factions. The wrong woman could even affect national policy as long as Cicalazade Pasha was a vizier to Sultan Mohammed.

In Incili he had found exactly what he sought to counterbalance his royal mistress. He had quickly ascertained that she was not only intelligent, but ethical. She was a beauty with a wisdom seldom found in women. Most important of all, he had seen that her sexual appetite could be as great as his master’s. Hammid even believed that Lateefa Sultan and Incili could be friends, and with these two women he hoped to aid Cicalazade in becoming a great vizier. For Hammid was an ambitious man, and to be master of a great man’s household was a goal worth his reaching for.

“I will gain permission for you to walk in Lateefa Sultan’s garden. It is not walled, but open to sea and sky. I will also suggest to our master that he take you cruising in his caique. Would you like that?” She nodded. “And later,” he continued, “when you are more settled, I will allow you trips to the bazaars of the city.”

“Oh, yes, please, Hammid!”

“Good! Now, are the hysterics gone?”


He smiled in a kindly fashion. “I am pleased, Incili. Lord Cica spoke to me this morning of his delight with you. You have pleasured him as no woman ever has. You are to go to him again tonight.”

Cat’s mind raced. She thought to herself, If I must endure this for the present, I will make it as pleasant for myself and for Susan as possible.

She looked at the grand eunuch. “I have no clothing. The lowliest maiden in this harem has more to wear than I! Am I to be parceled out little gauze garments each night? If I am to please my lord Cica then I must be allowed to choose my own wardrobe. It has been my experience, Hammid, that it takes more than skill in a man’s bed to hold him. Or perhaps you really do not care if Cica Pasha grows quickly bored with me.”

Hammid was delighted. She might not be completely ready to yield herself, but this typically feminine interest in clothing was extremely encouraging. “I will send for the women bazaar vendors so you may choose whatever you like. If you see materials you also fancy, buy them! I will have our seamstresses fashion garments for you. You may also purchase jewelry, cosmetics, and perfumes.” He was feeling very generous. “When you have made your choices, Osman will see that the women are paid.”

The bazaar vendors brought an enormous variety of things for Cat to look at. Cat treated herself generously, buying several dozen gauze blouses in whites and colors, pantaloons with matching jackets and long caftans in lime green, mauve, lilac, turquoise, pale blue, and blossom pink. She found several bolts of fabric that pleased her, a deep-blue silk embroidered with tiny silver stars, a heavy red satin, a pale-green brocade shot with gold threads, and two gauzes—one of gold, the other of silver.

From the cosmetic vendor she bought only a little kohl, refusing the white mercury paste, the henna, and the red paste used to color lips.

The perfume vendor fared better, leaving three crystal flasks with Cat. One held musk, one a fragrance of wild spring flowers, and the third a foresty thing of green fern and moss with just a hint of ambergris.

Now came women with trays of jewelry, and Cat bought carefully—a dozen little gold bangles and a dozen of silver. Delicate gold chains, some plain, some studded with amethyst, garnet, topaz, aquamarine, or peridot caught her fancy. She bought several ropes of beads, both pink and white coral, turquoise and jade. She bought ropes of pearls strung on thin gold wires, and earrings to go with everything else she had already bought.

When Osman protested her extravagance, she rounded on him. “Go to the grand eunuch, insect! If he says no, then I will obey.” Osman sighed and paid the happy vendors.

She ate lightly and then spent two luxurious hours in the harem baths being pampered, for word had already reached the bath mistress of Cat’s favor with the master. Back in her room, she slept to be awakened in early evening, when she again ate lightly of fresh yogurt and fruit.

Studying the garments she had purchased, she decided upon the lime green. The ankles of the silk pantaloons had bands of a slightly deeper green, embroidered in gold-thread flowers. With it she wore a sheer, long-sleeved gauze silk blouse striped in the two greens, and topped it with a short, sleeveless lime-green silk jacket with its sides and bottom banded in heavy gold embroidery and seed pearls. The bolero was fringed in tiny pearls. Below her hips was tied a gold-and-green striped silk sash. Her kid slippers were studded with pearl flowers. Over her long, dark-gold hair she wore a long diaphanous green silk veil. About her neck she had fastened a rope of jade and a rope of pearls. Gold bangles jingled on her arms, and gold-and-jade earrings bobbed from her ears.

Hammid’s fat face split into a wide grin when he saw her. “Magnificent, Incili!” he exclaimed. “You have taste, and a flair for style.” He escorted her as far as the door to the vizier’s bedchamber. There he left her, saying, “I wish you joy this night.”

She walked into the room calmly to find him waiting. She saw the approval in his gray-blue eyes, and he teasingly said, “I hear you have been spending my money.” Reaching out, he pulled the veils from her face and head.

“You imply you find favor with me, my lord,” she said coolly, “yet until today the lowliest female in your harem had more than I. I am neither a greedy nor an acquisitive woman, but I must have clothes.”

“With or without them you are the loveliest of women, Incili,” and she saw the quick desire flickering in his eyes.

Seeing a chess set on the low table, she quickly asked, “Will you play with me my lord Cica?”

He was amused. “Do you play?” he asked.

“Very well, or so both my husbands told me,” she answered with a poise she was far from feeling.

His hand indicated the pillows opposite the ivory chess pieces, while he himself sat opposite the black onyx ones. Then suddenly a wicked light came into his eyes, and he said, “Wait!” She looked questioningly at him. “Remove your jacket, and your blouse, Incili. If you would forestall the inevitable, I shall at least have the delightful pleasure of your breasts.” She flushed, and he was pleased. She was angry but she was forced to obey him. She was a wonderful, wild thing, and he was very much enjoying their battle. Eventually, of course, he would tame her completely. The thought of her begging his favors excited him greatly and, like a great beast, his manhood awoke and stretched itself.

She played with a serious concentration that he admired, and because he could not take his eyes from her beautiful breasts, he found himself in danger of losing to her. She deliberately thrust her breasts forward and moved in such a way that they bobbed provocatively. In order to even the odds again, he moved around the table to sit next to her. Casually putting an arm about her, he fondled a soft breast, enjoying her disconcerted gasp and the sudden hardening of a rosy nipple. His head dropped, and he kissed her silken shoulder while moving his king piece into an apparently vulnerable position. Flustered and unthinking Cat quickly moved her queen piece, and was horrified to hear the vizier chuckle. “Check, my distracting beauty, and—” he pushed her back into the pillows—"mate!”

Before she had realized what was happening he was atop her, laughing down at her. His hands stroked the tight, quivering globes beneath his touch. “Do not be angry with me, my sweet Incili. You are too delicious to resist, and I do not want to play games with you, I want to make love to you.”

“I am not one of your soft harem beauties, quick to spread her legs for the master,” she spat at him. “I will not yield. It will be rape!”

He laughed again, and his eyes twinkled. “All right,” he said, “then it will be rape, which could be very titillating.” And she felt his hands on her hips untying the striped sash and inching her silk pantaloons off.

“No,” she shrieked. “No!” Struggling angrily against him, she tried to claw at him, and he laughed. He was stronger by far, and Cat began to tire. Successfully stripping her, the vizier slid his own pantaloons off while still straddling her. Now he lay his warm naked body the length of her naked body, enjoying the satiny feel of her. He made to kiss her, but she furiously turned away from him. Chuckling, he caught her head between his hands and his mouth swooped down on hers.

Gently he ran his tongue along her little white teeth, and though she tried to deny him, the fires of her own desire were fast rising. Her lips parted with a despairing little moan, and as his tongue darted into the fragrant cavity of her mouth, she shivered beneath him. His lips moved to tenderly kiss her eyelids and then her cheeks, wet with silent tears. He stopped, and raising himself on one elbow he asked quietly, “Why can you not give yourself to me completely? Your body longs for mine, yet you deny me a full victory.”

“I—I—I do not love you, my lord Cicalazade. I love my husband. In my land a woman who yields her body to a man she does not love is considered the lowest of creatures.”

“But I love you. No, Incili, don’t look incredulous. I speak the truth. Were I only interested in your lovely body I should not care about your feelings. But I do care. Unless I have all of you, my love, I have none of you, and that is intolerable to me.” The intensity of his voice was frightening. “You will never see your husband again. You belong to me now, but I will be patient, for I want you to love me.” And the sensuous mouth was again closing hungrily over hers, demanding, searing.

Unable to stop herself, Cat clung to this passionate man and felt his hands stroking her trembling body. His lips were on her breasts, his tongue tracing tantalizing patterns, torturing the nipples into hard, hurting little peaks. The teasing tongue moved across her shrinking belly, sinking lower and lower, seeking access to her sweetness.

His tongue was like soft fire burning into her writhing body, thrusting deeper and deeper until she was mindless with the waves of pleasure sweeping over her. Then he was in her, hard and hurting, making her cry out in rapture, begging him—to her shame—not to stop.

Never in all of his life had he wanted so desperately to prolong his own passion. She consumed him with a flame of lust unequal to anything he had ever experienced as he strove to bring her to complete fulfillment. He didn’t want to stop, but then his foaming seed was pouring fiercely into her, and she cried out her joy.

But afterwards she wept again in his arms, sobbing against the dark mat of his broad chest. He held her tightly while one hand caressed her tawny head, soothing her. For a brief moment he understood her anguish, for he knew that if he ever lost her his own world would be meaningless. He, Cicalazade Pasha, grand vizier to Sultan Mohammed III, caught in the silken web of his beautiful, unwilling slavewoman. What irony!

The weeping had stopped and he slept, cradling her against him. Awaking in the dark of night, he sensed that she was not sleeping. “Hammid tells me,” he said softly, “that you are feeling confined. Would you like to go with me tomorrow night? It is the night of the full moon, and I own a small island down the Bosporus. On it is a little kiosk with a roof that opens to the sky. Tomorrow night I will take you there, and make love to you beneath the moonlit heavens.”

He felt her tremble next to him and, turning, pulled her into his arms. His lips were tender, and so was his body now as he gently took her again, delighting in her little moan of surrender. This time she did not weep afterwards, but for a few moments cuddled sweetly against him.

It was fortunate that on the following day he had no state business to attend to, for he could not keep his mind on anything but Incili. He spent part of the morning conferring with his household master about the arrangements for the evening. Late in the morning he went to see his wife.

Lateefa Sultan was a great-granddaughter of Selim I. Her grandmother had been a half-sister to Suleiman the Magnificent She was a beautiful woman who had inherited the magnificent coloring of her great-grandmother, Firousi Kadin, and the gentle disposition of her grandmother, Guzel Sultan. Her long hair was silvery blond, and her eyes a turquoise blue. She had been married to Cicalazade Pasha as a girl, and their children were now grown and gone. She lived a quiet life surrounded by every comfort, secure in the friendship of her husband. One night weekly, each Friday, he visited her bed—but it was usually to sleep, for she did not particularly care for lovemaking. Since his vast harem satisfied that part of his nature and since she had dutifully borne his children, he respected her sensibilities. They were old and good friends, the vizier and his wife.

On this bright morning he sat with her in a small kiosk overlooking the water. He looked slightly haggard and was, she thought, beginning to show his age.

“In all the years we have been together I have never asked for a favor,” he said.

She smiled. “It must be a large favor you ask, since you remind me that you have never before requested one.”

“As an Ottoman princess you have never had to fear the advent of another wife, for I can have no wife but you—unless, of course, you give me your permission to take another. Until now I have never wanted to take another wife.”

“It is the new slave, Incili,” said Lateefa calmly. “Is it not enough that you possess her body?”

“No,” he replied quietly. “I want more, and I do not believe she will yield it to me until she is my wife.”

“Has she said so?”

“She is ignorant of our ways. I do not think it has occurred to her that I would want her as a wife. You would like her though, Lateefa.”

“So Hammid assures me,” she answered him dryly. Then, looking closely at him, she said, “I am not sure that I believe my own eyes, but they tell me you are in love. Can it be that after all these years the great Cicalazade Pasha is actually in love with a mere woman? Have you finally succumbed to that tender passion?”

“Do not mock me, Lateefa.” His voice was hard.

“Oh, my dearest Cica, I do not! Believe me I do not! It’s just that you have always prided yourself on the careful noninvolvement of your emotions. Now, however, I see a different man. Very well, my lord. Hammid tells me I will not have to play the forgotten Gulbehar to your beloved’s Kurhem, so I will give you my permission to take Incili as your second wife. When will the happy event take place?”

“Later today, before I take her to the Island of a Thousand Flowers.”

“So soon, my lord?”

“I would erase the past to which she clings so tenaciously. Once she is my wife she will begin to settle down.” He knelt and, taking Lateefa’s hands in his, kissed them tenderly. “Thank you, my gentle dove. You have always been the most understanding of women.”

Lateefa, watching him stride back across the garden, felt a wave of pity sweep over her. She had not met the woman they called Incili and yet she felt that her husband, in seeking to possess this woman, sought the moon. It was a desire he could never fulfill.

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