Love Wild and Fair Chapter 56 93%
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Chapter 56

Chapter 56

N O!” said the vizier firmly. “I will not allow it, Incili.”

She burst into tears. “You do not love me,” she sobbed. “You have stolen me from my husband and used me like an animal! You care nothing for me! Would that the child and I were dead!”

“Child?” His mouth fell open. “What child?”

She raised a teary face to him. “I am not completely sure, my lord, for it is a trifle too early to be entirely sure, but there is a strong possibility that I am with child.”

A look of incredulous delight passed over his face, and she nearly allowed herself a twinge of guilt. “A child,” he breathed. “Then, my dove, there can be no question of your remaining here. I will not endanger my son.”

She forced a fresh torrent of tears from her eyes. “I cannot bear to be penned within the harem right now, my lord husband! It is so pleasant and peaceful here.” She lowered her voice so that he was forced to bend down in order to hear her. It also allowed him a wonderful view of her swelling breasts. The seductive scent that issued from the valley between those glorious hills was deliciously overpowering to the vizier.

“We have spent so many joyous hours here, my husband. It is the one place I do not have to share with anyone, even my dear Lateefa.” She caught at his arm and pressed it meaningfully. “We have yet another wonderful day ahead of us and—” her lashes fanned down over her pink cheeks—"another wonderful night. Let me remain here dreaming but a few days after you leave me. I need a few more days to be completely sure. It would make me so happy. Don’t you want me to be happy, my husband?” And her green eyes filled with tears that threatened to overflow while her soft mouth pouted.

He was tolerantly amused by the obviousness of her approach. She was so typically, predictably feminine, and it delighted him. The look she cast up at him bespoke a night of incredible pleasures should he consent to her wishes, and he could honestly see no harm in allowing her to have her way in this. She was no girl swelling with her first child. She was a successful and a proven breeder. He knew that pregnant women had strange whims which should be indulged whenever possible. She would be perfectly safe on his island with her female servant for companionship. But he intended sending back Osman and half a dozen others so there would be protection—not that anyone would dare to intrude on his island.

He tried to look stern and thoughtful, and she knew she had won. “Very well,” he said. “I will allow you to remain for a week, but Osman will come to guard you.”

“Of course, my lord,” she answered him demurely. He pulled her across his lap into his arms. “Do I not get a reward, my dove?” She pulled his head down and kissed him deeply and convincingly, beginning another session of sensuality.

In the morning he left the island in his caique and was rowed back down the Bosporus to his palace in the city, where he made arrangements for Cat’s stay on the island.

She stood on the stone quay waving him goodbye, but no sooner was he out of hearing than she whirled about with joy, shouting in her own language, “Goodbye, my lord vizier! Farewell forever!”

Susan was astounded at Cat’s behavior. “My lady, are you all right?”

“Better than I have been in almost a year, my girl,” laughed Cat. “Now that he is gone I dare tell ye. My beloved Francis is near, and yer Uncle Conall too! I dinna know when, but we’ll be rescued in a few days at the most!”

“Thank God,” breathed Susan fervently.

“ ‘Twill nae be easy,” Cat warned her. “We hae a long and dangerous journey ahead of us. But I should rather die wi Bothwell than spend my days a pampered wife of Cicalazade Pasha!”

“Then yer nae wi bairn? He said ye were, and that I should take extra care of ye.”

“God’s bones, no! I’d nae bear that lustful devil’s bairn! ‘Twas but an excuse so we might remain here. ’Tis easier to escape from here than from the vizier’s palace. Now, keep yer wits about ye, girl. Osman and a few others will be arriving later today to aid Feisel in ‘protecting’ me. Ye must nae gie them any reason to be suspicious of us.” “Will my lord kill the eunuchs here?” “Of course. We’ll need all the time we can get for a head start before they discover us gone.”

“Good! I hate Osman, and I want him dead!”

Cat looked at Susan with amazement “Why? What has he done to you?”

They had climbed back up to the top of the island. They sat down on a marble bench by the edge of a small goldfish pond.

“Ye know that eunuchs dinna function as normal men,” said Susan, “but there are several ways of gelding a male. Some have the rod and sac cut away. These are usually small children. Boys who are older are gelded by simply cutting the sac away so they may not reproduce. Though they are not supposed to, they can function with the aid of special drugs. They cannot have children, of course. Osman is one of these. If a girl takes a eunuch’s fancy …” She stopped. “Well, they have several ways of satisfying themselves.”

“And Osman singled ye out?” said Cat furiously. “He dared? Why did ye nae tell me, girl? I would hae put an instant stop to it!”

“I thought ye had enough to contend wi, my lady,” said Susan simply.

Cat put an arm about her servant and hugged her. “Ah, Susan! When we are safely out of this I swear ye’ll nae lack for anything ever again. As yer great-grand-mam and yer grandmother were loyal to my ancestress, so hae ye been faithful to me. I will nae forget it.”

“We are family, my lady, though ye be the mistress and I the tiring woman. A Leslie dinna forget his own.”

“Aye, Susan, a Leslie dinna forget,” replied Cat.

And as the two women sat quietly watching the fan-tail goldfish cavorting in the small blue-tiled pool, Bothwell impatiently paced a room in the Kiras’ Instanbul house. His wife had been kidnapped amost a year ago, in the early summer of 1598. In mid-September of the same year, Lord Bothwell and Conall More-Leslie had begun a dangerous journey sailing a small fishing boat from Brindisi across the Adriatic Sea to Elyria, and the mouth of the Aous River.

They had entered the river by night and sailed up it for many days until they could go no farther. They had then left the boat, after dragging it ashore and well back into a hidden cave. As they hiked across the mountain forest the weather remained mild, and they encountered no snow. Reaching the headwaters of the Peneus River in Thessaly, they found, following Pietro Kira’s directions, another well-stocked boat. Waiting with the boat was a young man who introduced himself as Asher Kira, the son of Eli.

Asher Kira was to escort them safely to the Kira house in Istanbul, and he would teach them the rudiments of Jewish domestic life. Bothwell and Conall were to be introduced into the household as a distant cousin and his servant, come to study the business methods of the main branch of the Kira bank. This would deflect curiosity and allow the two men freedom to move about the city.

Bothwell had grown a fine bushy auburn red beard for disguise, and dressed in the baggy pants, wide-sleeved blouse, turban, and embroidered sash and vest of the country, he was the very essence of the Turkish citizen. Conall with his black beard was even more impressive.

Asher Kira had piloted them successfully and they had arrived in Istanbul in mid-December of 1598. The trip had taken them exactly three months.

It was now April of 1599, and Bothwell had been waiting several months now for a chance to rescue his wife. Late one afternoon a servant entered the room where he was working on accounts and told him that Esther Kira would speak with him in her garden. When he entered the old woman’s presence she motioned him to the bench next to her. Though she looked as if a puff of wind could blow her away, her voice was strong and her gaze unwavering.

“How do you get on, my friend?” she asked him.

“Well, madame, but I grow more anxious daily to complete my mission.”

“I spent this morning at the palace. The vizier will be leaving the city for the Hungarian province in a few days. I would say that you will be able to retrieve your property several days after he’s gone.”

“Is she all right?”

“Yes. But it has not been easy for her, and the next few days will be the hardest. She knows the time is near, and she must use all her wiles to convince him to leave her on his island. That is the safest place for the rescue. I have thought and thought, and there is simply no way to take her from the vizier’s palace without raising an immediate hue and cry which would bring almost certain recapture, with all its ensuing difficulties. The island is the only place we may take her from and still have time for getting away.” She stopped for a moment. “My lord,” she spoke gently to him, “my lord, there’s something you must know. You were told that the vizier prizes Incili above all women. You were not told that after he obtained his royal wife’s permission, he made Incili his second wife.”

Bothwell swore a ripe oath under his breath, and Esther smiled briefly before continuing. “So, my lord, you will not simply be retrieving your wife, you will also be stealing his!”

Francis began to laugh. “What is it about the wench that all men who love her want to make her their wife?” he chuckled. “My poor cousin no sooner took his royal Danish bride for dynastic purposes than he was trying to force Cat to accept the position of maitress en titre. Her first husband, Patrick Leslie, had to chase her over half of Scotland for almost a year before he could get her to the altar. And I, may God help me, ended up an exile without lands or country for—among other alleged sins—trying to make her my wife. Now you tell me that Cicalazade Pasha asked permission of his royal Ottomon wife to take my wife for his own?”

The old woman’s cackling laughter joined Bothwell’s deep chuckle. Stopping, she wiped her damp eyes and said, “We will go over our plans in a few days.”

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